Hate to say it flagooner, but you got E wrong. That's for txtittyfag. He rapes 2 year old boys at night. I vote for X. Having sex with txtittyfag's ass with telephone poles. You haven't lived until you experience that. LMAO
A. I'll take a one-night, one-time thing over a steady relationship in which I'm sure I'm get burned and fucked over in the end. That's why I'm determined never to have feelings again for any woman, except for what my dick feels. You guessed it, I'm bitter.
Excellent point, jaredlucas… Hitting a 9/10 at a club increases your “stock“ and gives you a rep towards the next nine or dime! Very insightful input...
B all day every day. Life is more than sex. NYE we go to bed at 9, get up at 3:45 and are at the ski area in Vermont by 7:15. Lifts open at 8. Its supposed to be 9 below Monday and wife and I will be having a blast.
last commentIn my single days B would have sounded better.
You guessed it, I'm bitter.
Very insightful input...