What do you prefer

avatar for flagooner
Which would you prefer to have sex with

A. A one night stand with a girl you just met who is your idea of a 9 out of 10.

B. A 7 out of 10 that you have genuine feelings for, for free.

C. An 8 you know fairly well from the club, but it'll cost $500 for the evening.

D. An AA with 50 inch hips.

E. A 12 yr. old (I include this option for VM)

F. Any Asian

G. Any latina


last comment
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Damn, how could I have omitted that from the list.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
The obvious answer is D
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
B is the most fun.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
avatar for JamesSD
7 years ago
Since I'm married I'll take A.

In my single days B would have sounded better.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
7 years ago
Okay I will be the asshole...A
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
B is an obvious choice. However - F would be a very close second choice.
avatar for krilisfel
7 years ago
Hey upright.....I agree....A But B would be a close second
avatar for orangepicture
7 years ago
Choice A
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
C. Nothing is free, so I might as well get an 8. :P
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
"B". I'm single.
avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
Hate to say it flagooner, but you got E wrong. That's for txtittyfag. He rapes 2 year old boys at night. I vote for X. Having sex with txtittyfag's ass with telephone poles. You haven't lived until you experience that. LMAO
avatar for s275ironman
7 years ago
Easy choice. Option B.
avatar for GoVikings
7 years ago
as much as i love latinas.........i gotta go with B

avatar for JAprufrock
7 years ago
A. I'll take a one-night, one-time thing over a steady relationship in which I'm sure I'm get burned and fucked over in the end. That's why I'm determined never to have feelings again for any woman, except for what my dick feels.
You guessed it, I'm bitter.
avatar for rh48hr
7 years ago
B for sure. Not even a question for me.
avatar for Eve
7 years ago
B for boobies.
avatar for jaredlucas
7 years ago
A. And then on to the next 9 or dime
avatar for rossl
7 years ago
Excellent point, jaredlucas… Hitting a 9/10 at a club increases your “stock“ and gives you a rep towards the next nine or dime!
Very insightful input...
avatar for CouldBe
7 years ago
Tough question. Are A and B club girls, civies, or could they be either? I'm leaning towards B with A a close second.
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
A or c
avatar for DandyDan
7 years ago
I would probably lean towards B, but I wouldn't pass up A or G
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
B all day every day. Life is more than sex. NYE we go to bed at 9, get up at 3:45 and are at the ski area in Vermont by 7:15. Lifts open at 8. Its supposed to be 9 below Monday and wife and I will be having a blast.
avatar for bang69
7 years ago
Since I'm single. I'll take A,B,F,G
avatar for Clubber
7 years ago
I'll have to spend FFF!!! some time thinking about this!
avatar for TheeOSU
7 years ago
Toss up between A and B.
avatar for LecherousMonk
7 years ago
A. Looks are everything.
avatar for gammanu95
7 years ago
I'll take the one-night stand with a 9/10 or 10/10. I'm all about trophies and notches on the headboard.
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