2 "What Would You Do?" Scenarios

avatar for s275ironman
Let's say you go to a club right as they open for dayshift. When you get there, there are only 2 dancers. One dancer you would rate a 9 and she tells you that if you buy a dance from her, it will be high-contact and she will allow your hands to roam anywhere but her pussy. You ask her about extras and she tells you she only does dances. The other dancer you would rate a 6, but in addition to everything the first dancer offers you, she will do extras for whatever the going rate is at this club, and maybe even lower if you negotiate. Would you rather get dances with the 9, or extras with the 6?

In this scenario, everything is the same as in Scenario A except the following; the non-extras dancer you would rate an 8, and the extras dancer you would rate a 7. Would you rather get dances with the 8, or extras with the 7?

Here are my answers. In scenario A, I would get dances with the 9. In Scenario B, I would get extras with the 7. My reasoning is, I am somewhat selective about who I will do business with. I personally rate myself very highly. I consider myself to be an 8 when it comes to looks. When it comes to selecting dancers, I choose the ones that are relatively close to how I rate myself with the low end being -1 and the upper end being +1, therefore I do all my business with dancers I'd rate in the 7-9 range. When I choose which dancer to do business with, I have the belief that if we were seen together outside of the club, people would believe that we really were a couple that was dating, and that we would both belong together because we are both good-looking individuals. In scenario A, it is easy for me to say no to the 6 even if she does do extras. I don't do business with dancers I rate a 6 and below, and I have turned down offers for extras with dancers I did not find attractive. In Scenario B, I go with the 7 because she is very close to the 8 when it comes to looks, but the 7 wins because she is offering something that the 8 is not.


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avatar for joc13
7 years ago
Based on your method, anything 5 or up would be good for me then, since I'm probably a 4 based on looks alone.

In A, I'd get some dances from the 9 and then when I'm good and primed I'd let the 6 bust my nut in VIP.
In B I'd do the same thing.

I'm just not as picky as most of you guys.
avatar for londonguy
7 years ago
My answers are the same as yours. In scenario B if there is only a small difference it's neither here nor there.
avatar for Doces300
7 years ago
Lol ironman if I used your self assessment method I might just as well not go to strip clubs. I go to spend time with hotties that are out of my league in the real world. That is why I spend money in strip clubs.
That being said, in answer to your question, it would depend on my mood in the first scenario. If I am really in the mood for extras, then the 6 it is. If I am not then the 9. Scenario 2 the same.
avatar for Dominic77
7 years ago
I wouldn't even be there on day shift. 2 dancers??

Scenario A: Two dances with a 9 and One dance with the 6, No extras.
Scenario B: Two dances with whomever is the MOST FUN and One dance with the other dancer, No extras.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
My standards are very low - and possibly non existent. In scenario A I'd get dances with the 6 and I'd go until I came (either covered or uncovered). In scenario B I'd get dances from the 7 and I'd do the same thing.

Clubs are dark - and when a dancer is grinding on you and possibly turned away - I'm going to be hard regardless. I've cum when fucking some complete train wreck civilian girls - so most all dancers are hotter than the bottom of my scale.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
^ @Doces "I go to spend time with hotties that are out of my league in the real world."

I'mguessing they all qualify under the "out of you league in the real world" crieria.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
^ criteria
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
No offense Vince - but they have to be women. Aside from that - it's all good!
avatar for mark94
7 years ago
Kobiyashi Maru. I’d wait until a 9 with extras arrived.
avatar for rh48hr
7 years ago
It depends on how the dances are. I've turned down extras with a 7 to just get dances with a 9 who's dances were very high mileage with GFE. And I was good with just the dances even though I didn't receive extra services.

If I didn't know what to expect from the nine (many times the hotter the girl, the lamer the dances). I might take the sure thing from the 6-7. But I would probably get a couple dances with the nine first to see what she was like before moving to finish off the trip with the 6-7.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
in both scenarios i'd have to interact with them to some degree and see if there is chemistry.
avatar for pensionking
7 years ago
A Start with the 9 and finish with the 6.
B Start with the 8 and finish with the 7. Or maybe go straight to the 7.

If I go home with blue balls, it is a wasted trip. If all I wanted to do is look, I have the internet.
avatar for bvino
7 years ago
Way too much analysis for me. If theyr'e hot I'll spring for the trip ,if not i don't. Drinking only leads to less introspection.
avatar for Dolfan
7 years ago
I'm on board with mark's answer, Kobiyashi Maru. My real answer is I'd leave and call up a fave for OTC or come back when a girl I find hot & fun is there. I'm not gonna settle for a girl I don't find attractive and/or fun; I need both, especially if I'm paying.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
For me, action speaks louder than looks.

I'm not a regular extras-getter thus I would answer the question under the umbrella of mileage - i.e. I will always take a '6' (that I still find desrirable) that offers good-mileage over a '9' which does not offer good-mileage - e.g. if the '6' offers great grinding and allows full-roaming, but the '9' is an air-dancer or minimal grinding/roaming, then the '6' it-is as I have no use for a low-mileage dancer.

I will always the choose the dancer that gives me the better-mileage over the better-looking one as long as I find the particular dancer desirable.
avatar for WillMunny
7 years ago
+1 Mark94. If you're not winning the game, change the rules.
avatar for Dominic77
7 years ago
RE: kobayashi maru

Haha. Just like James T. Kirk, your presumption is that you assume this will happen anyway (a 9 with extras) in the future. That's not cheating. It's just thinking with a temporal dependent variable. aka playing 4D chess.

I club so infrequently that doesn't apply to me otherwise, I'd pull it, too! :D
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