former atf

avatar for neon44
Dumped by ATF?
Interesting story imo. I was seeing this dancer otc )former atf) (not much as far as extras) almost twice a month last year, then cut it down to once a month at the most. She recently broke up with her boyfriend. (who had a job) I met a new atf in another club. I told the new girl the story and she thinks the former atf is dancing somewhere but wont tell me. My former atf has a 2 yr old baby and drives a new leased suv. I realize its none of my business but I dont get how she affords the rent let alone a new car. I try not to pry and ask her pointed questions. Shes somewhat pushy in texts and I'm thinking of moving on.


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avatar for ppwh
8 years ago
Odds are that she is fucking fewer than 50 guys per shift, so that would make her low volume. Why are you still worried about your former atf when you have a new one, though?
avatar for neon44
8 years ago
I want to keep the former as a backup cause the new atf seems to be getting tired of dancing (they're both the same age). The former sort of reminds of a wrestler and thats kind of my fetish.
avatar for ppwh
8 years ago
Sounds like CF would be a better title for both of them. IMO, the best plan would be to avoid telling the former CF to buzz off and just be unavailable. Maybe she's dancing at another club, maybe you're visiting another club, etc.
avatar for rh48hr
8 years ago
If you are keeping the other as a backup, cut back on the communication. Just a "hey" text every now and then (once a month or month and a half). Keeps you in her mind but you don't really care what's going on in her life. You just want otc. Who cares if she's working at another club. You have another fave you're dealing with.
avatar for neon44
8 years ago
^True, shes the one that contacts me first, I usually try to extend the meetings.
avatar for neon44
8 years ago
If she is working in another club I dont get why she doesnt say it. Its probably too far for me anyway and even if I visited, I'm not the possessive type.
avatar for warhawks
8 years ago
She probably affords the rent and the SUV payment because some other PL (who thinks she is his atf) is paying for it.

Happens a lot.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
It's useless, let alone none of our business, to know the personal details of strippers' lives - perhaps she's some rich guy's exclusive SB and is taking care of her well
avatar for JohnSmith69
8 years ago
If she was your girlfriend I would understand your curiosity.
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
You fucking either of these bitches? 'Cause all I'm hearing are lapdances?
avatar for neon44
8 years ago
More than ld but not that far. I have this wrestling fetish that the first girl fulfils. I havent even met her in a hotel (she suggested it) just car because her bf sounded like a bad dude and I wasnt taking any chances. I used to met her more last year and cut it down when I met the new girl. Like I said I dont ask her pointed questions and wont its just strange that last year saying she had $ troubles, now shes single and seems to be doing better. I'm probably going to end it or see her less/ pay less. Without giving details, she made quite a bit of $ with me the last year, too much. lol
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
back 5+ years ago before i got into fs i would have my (then) ATF and her girl friend meet for some otc dances at my room in vegas. it was fun... butt WHAT was i THINKING spending all that money on DANCES???
avatar for neon44
7 years ago
UPDATE..... Now the former atf is getting too agrresive/pushy. Setting up meetings, canceling and complaining when I cant make it. There is another girl who could take her place. Its getting too stressful and I think its time to move on, I'd like to do it in a nice way.
avatar for neon44
7 years ago
She gave me an ultimatum if I didnt meet her (i didnt reply) then texted again a few days later wanting to meet.
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
Sounds like she has sucked any possibility of fun out of the interaction. Last time I had one who started acting this way, I told her, "ummm, this is supposed to be entertainment", and she backed off with the pity hustle. Things naturally wound down from there.
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
This is the point where you find out whether your common sense is stronger or weaker than your inner white knight. Will you mount your mighty steed and rescue the fair maiden, perchance to live happily together in your castle?
avatar for neon44
7 years ago
I met her again. She showed up with no makeup and stressed out because her mother was in a car accident and in the hospital. I was about 15mins late, usually shes even later. She had to "end the meeting sooner" than usual. I hinted to her that I was low on funds. It wasnt much fun at all and now I realize I have to end it.
Thanks for the replies.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Don't be such a pussy.
Cut the cord and move on.
avatar for neon44
7 years ago
ps. She also sounded like she would lower the "price" but I still think its gone on too long.
avatar for Corvus
7 years ago
Guess you are not paying either of those girls any money at all? Because if I was paying for anyone's time or services, such as fulfilling a wrestling fetish, I certainly would not be putting up with the amount of shit you are describing. Although it may also be self inflicted shit, in which case you are probably fucked. At least until you grow a pair of balls and make a decision on what you want to do.
avatar for neon44
7 years ago
I finally ended it with the first one (car meetings) and it feels great. Now the second atf from the club changed her shift to night time and didnt answer my last email asking if she has a steady schedule. Theres another club 5 mins away (where the first girl was fired) from but the dancers arent really my type. I'm getting sick of dealing with these girls and think I need a long break from the sc game.
avatar for neon44
7 years ago
Also, the first club had a better vibe.
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