
Pink Pony or Oasis in Atlanta for eye candy fluffing before Follies Fixins lol

Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Ok, so after a few good trips to Atlanta for Follies Im finding a natural grove lets say.

I can make the trip in one day but its not as fun driving so damn much. Thus I have started in very recent trips to just stay over night and leave very early in the morning like I do when I drive down to avoid as much traffic as possible.

on Google maps I found a club that is in my $50-$100 price range hell its actual $75 give or take some and its walking distance to Pink Pony. Pink Pony is like 3 miles from Follies and from recent reviews it sounds like most air dance clubs but the talent sounds to be very good. like 7,8,9 mixed and for me that's perfect. then down side sounds like its pure air and not even a vip or champaine chance in hell lol.

Oasis is a bit more of a distance than Follies but not like Cheatahs witch is why it didn't make my list. Oasis according to recent reviews sound like it has talent like Pink Ponies but might have just a lil better contact and a possible chance in hell in the vip champaine rooms for a lil something to go down. and it dosent seem to have a cheap hotel near by either.

that's kinda been some of my pros and cons and honestly im kinda leaning toward to Pink Pony because of the cheap rooms in walking distance, needing a club with hot girls just to get me horny so I can drive to follies quickly like that 3 miles lol and get laid with a average looking chick lol

thoughts, opinon, personal experiences on doing this would be much needed

thanks in advance

Juice EE Poo


  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    edit lol not club but hotel
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    plus since follies is my day time jam and I leave right at shift change

    pink pony would be great to return to if I wanted more club action late that nigh. hell I could get to the room and if I was bored that night shit walk over to PP and close the club down lol
  • doctorevil
    7 years ago
    Sounds like your analysis is very accurate. There is also Tattletale, which is a bit closer than Oasis. At TT you will get more than air dances on the floor but not a full on grind and most of the girls are very good looking. Some of the reviews report exceptional service in the VIP but it's very expensive with the room fee at $100 and the girls asking $200.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Doctorevil thanks for the heads up. from Google maps PP and that cheap hotel room in in the middle of follies and Tattletale. 3 miles either direction

    from some of the Recent Tattletale reviews it seems mixed with some saying average to high praise of 8,9,10's walking around with average mileage for that $10. seeing beutiy is in the eyes of the beholder I will add this to my list the next time I visit and see if it fits what I need. hell might just have to hit all 3 for their own purposes lol.

    thanks again for the help my friend
  • ime
    7 years ago
    I found Oasis as a good spot late afternoon but before night time. At night seems like most of the girls are hanging with their regulars. Fun can definitely be had there and its not real expensive either, if you find the right girl.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    The day could look on average as follows

    get room across from PP then go to PP. get sexualy worked up from looking and stage tipping 8,9,10 then move on to Tattletale wear I could start fluffing with $10 averge mileage dances with talent that is at least sounding to be in the 7,8,9 range. Once I can no longer take it move on to Follies to Satisfy my Thirst lol... that would make for a good lunch time through dinner routine and I could eat great local food on my drive between clubs.

    Once it was closing to night shift I could depart from Follies after Pop number 2 then head to my hotel room to freshen up. if I was tired then call it a night but if not I could return to either or both PP and TT for the night shift just for pure entertainment value.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    ime thanks for the tip on Oasis trust me I have been looking at it hard but im really digging hat hotel across from PP as my main base of operation. Follies, PP and TT are 3 miles either way from my base. sure Oasis is 8 miles but I really don't like driving around in Atlanta.

    Plus we all know im their for Follies im just trying to better plain my trips and increase my fun while in town while cutting back on the headaches Atlanta traffic can be

    Its why I have stopped going to Chettahs at all. sure they have really nice eye candy I mean 9, 10 but its just to close to down town and not even close enough to follies to make me happy.

    Follies Talent is great don't get me wrong but right now its also not nothing to brag about. Thus creating my need to want to spend time with hotter chicks to get worked up if I don't I will risk a few trips to follies and not spend lol...if I can get worked up damn near any girl in follies will do on days lol well with exception to that one old lady lol...my current fav at follies in a Cuban that has large breast and thick ass in my view she is a 7 but converstatio skills is a lack

    I desire a 8 or 9 White chick that will hold some table talk and flirt and maybe tease me with average mileage over a few dances then I will be ready to do 2 rounds with my little Latin Love down at old Follies
  • ime
    7 years ago
    I usually hit Follies, flashers, and Oasis. Hear tattletales is good talent wise but girls stick with regulars and a lot only want to do VIP for big money. I will eventually check it out.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    I saw that as well in the reviews....if its that bad the I will end up with PP and Follies but I need to give it a far shot....hell next time im in town I will just add in Oasis with PP and TT and see for myself then I can truly dicide lol until n then its reviews, board and specialtion lmfao

    thanks for your help man
  • doctorevil
    7 years ago
    TT is not a good daytime warm up option. Quantity and quality of talent is lacking until later in evening, around 9 or 10. Yes there will be some who will only want to do VIP, but there will be options for decent quality (for Atlanta) $10 dances. It will be pretty crowded in the evening, but not ghetto. I would consider it more of a finisher than a starter.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    dude your awesome. I will factor this in my Itinerary : )
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    so something like PP at open then Follies middle shift then TT for the Night
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    PP got any good food ? that would be to good to be true if it did. I don't know why I enjoy sharing a meal and conversation so much with attractive woman but if a club has this combo and its not half ass then dude count me in
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    I had a white chick from follies that used to meet me out to a nice food chain then roll over to the club for some fun but she has moved on since then
  • doctorevil
    7 years ago
    Yes PP has food. Pub food type stuff. Burgers are not bad. I think they have steak too but have not tried it.
  • doctorevil
    7 years ago
    They might even have chicken fingers.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    That's perfect then...hell any more upscale than pub food and it's out of my league LMFAO

    PP sounds like a great addition to my follies trip's
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    That does not sound good to me at all, one club for eye candy and another for FS.

  • joc13
    7 years ago
    There is a Microtel hotel across street from PP, which might be the one you're talking about. The rooms have full width to ceiling height mirrors above the headboard, so you get some very good views if you can get a girl in the bed. I know the next time I'm there my phone is going to be within arms reach!

    I've been to Oasis 6-7 times in past 3 weeks, several on day shift, several at night, and I'm happy to say it felt like the old Oasis i've known and loved for 20+ years is back. I'm not any one dancer's regular, but I'm a club regular. The bartenders, a couple waitresses, and a handful of dancers recognize me and know me by name. So, that does help with being able to pry some of the better dancers away from the whales. The club gets so many looky-loos that the girls just get tired of chatting them up and getting no business, which is why unknown custies that DO want to spend money often get ignored too.

    Anyway, every table dance I had during that time was definitely better than an air dance, yet still not the full on grope fests of Follies. This is about as high as I want the mileage to get at Oasis. Follies has its uses, but sometimes I want to talk, flirt, eat, drink, and ogle in a nice environment rather than grope and fuck in a dark, crowded, smoky cave.
    No SJG, the club does not allow make out sessions in the front room, so STFU. I'll buy dances if I want to.

    If you want to eat and ogle I can't recommend Oasis enough. There's a 12.95 Tbone special that's always available if you're worried about cost. Cheese sticks and onion rings are excellent. Find a hungry dancer and buy her something and you have company for an hour.

    VIP action is not as automatic as at Follies, but if you find the right girl you at least don't have to worry about the pervs peeking in through the beaded curtains, and they do clean the rooms between each use.

    Sounds like your plan is very similar to something I've done before, which is a dayshift visit to Follies after lunch (low parking fee, no cover) for a BJ in VIP (full grope dances are plenty to get me warmed up), then head to Oasis around 5 or 6 to get in before the cover starts and catch last couple hours of dayshift. You might even score another round of fun with a dayshift dancer that hasn't made her money yet and might make a very good offer. Also, look for midshift (4 to midnight) girls. They have to tip out twice, so might be willing to make some good offers. And then I often stay into night shift to eat dinner and watch whatever game is on.
  • Timbuck12
    7 years ago
    Don't waste your time with Pink Pony or Tattletales during the daytime. You'll be very disappointed. Both are good night spots for eye candy, with Tattletales offering more than that.

    Oasis gives you a better option of daytime action than those other 2. But it's not worth that kind of drive. Stick to Follies for daytime. Anything else is a waste of time.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    thanks guys for that intelligence
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