
Best and Worst States for Strip Clubs

Wednesday, March 22, 2017 12:18 PM
So this is based on strip clubs per capita. Best States 1. West Virginia 2. Oregon 3. Wyoming 4. South Dakota 5. Nevada 6. Hawaii 7. Wisconsin 8. New Jersey 9. Alaska 10. Ohio Worst States 1. New Hampshire 2. Vermont 3. Washington 4. Maine 5. Utah 6. Arkansas 7. Mississippi 8. Minnesota 9. Virginia 10. Colorado


  • WetWilly
    7 years ago
    Meaningless stats. Strip clubs full of piglets.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    What data was used to make that list? I thought IL would be on the worst, but Harvey and East St. Louis/Washington must save it from the bottom.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    OH...it's just clubs vs. population. WW is right; this is meaningless.
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    Lots of variables go into what constitutes "best" and "worst" depending on the customer expectations. Many of us would consider air dance clubs the "worst." And extra friendly clubs the "best."
  • mr_evans2u
    7 years ago
    Better throw Oklahoma in the worst catagory
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    This is the first time West Virginia showed up as best on any list.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    In a way, strip clubs per capita is a likely indicator, as it gauges the level of competition. I plan to always look for the Black Strip Clubs, as the best place to start out in a new area. [view link] was always great with info. And of the extreme places on the day shift the story was always the same, girls jump onto your lap without asking and then start nibbling at your ear and licking your neck. Basically defying you to do the same to them, and then to start making out. Then they can finish what they've started in the back room. Or in some places they don't even bother with back rooms. More plausible deniability that way for the owner. So they just take to darkened couches in the corners. And then TUSCL members have affirmed that in the mixed race dives all the girls do it exactly the same way as in the black dives. But then places pass local ordinances, designed to be easy to enforce. But in a black dive, not in a touristy area, is anyone going to bother trying to enforce it? And how hard would that be when no one wants it enforced? Cop there during all the open hours, and a cop who is above corruption? SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Some places are also set up a Vice Zones, usually intended for taking money off of people from out of state. Probably East St. Louis and the other smaller muni's there run like that. And probably this is why West Virginia is high strip clubs per capita of residents. SJG
  • whodey
    7 years ago
    As someone who frequents Ohio strip clubs I call B.S. on any list that includes the Buckeye state in the top 10 states for strip clubs.
  • jester214
    7 years ago
    The worst isn't ludicrous but the best is.
  • rogertex
    7 years ago
    +1 for jester214 only rating that matters is the one on TUSCL. By us.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Beyond meaningless. Its like reading an article in the NY Times on who won the popular vote, just not as meaningless.
  • 4got2wipe
    7 years ago
    No disrespect skibum609, but I wonder about your thought process sometimes. It seems like you just want to connect everything to your political views. I'm not sure why because you often seem to be upset by these connections. I'll just say that the stated criterion of number of strip clubs per capita is a non-aces criterion. I'd even go so far as to suggest that that there is a bipartisan consensus on the topic. ;)
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    I have no direct knowledge, but I've heard that Utah is pretty horrible. Mormons... go figure.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    4got, you made me smile because I no longer have to put with skibum's (et. al.) pointless posts. I should have used 'ignore' a long time ago. I only have 4 people on it, yet it's made me much more likely to participate in the TUSCL community than before since the quality of posts I now read is so much higher on average. I have no idea what he posted and I won't cheat, but since it's "political" I'm quite sure I don't need to read it anyway.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    I have seen a turd floating in a bowl with a better sense of humor and thicker skin than 95% of the little girls, pretending to be men on this site. Wah, wah, wah Rockstar, thanks for proving this truism. Ish - Utah is expensive and air dance. So terrible, that despite skiing there twice a year I no longer bother going.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    4Got - No worries. I was trolling. That's all. Did not mean to capture you in the drift net, as it was meant or tuna, not dolphins (sorry used to use it on OUIL trials in a Court in a fishing area here), but no one here really knows my political views, simply because of the nonsensical format. Nothing here makes me mad. I am in divorce Court every day, so assume I get a lot of hatred and personal invective face to face and nothing here begins to compare.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Need to make it so review also discuss front room GFE. Hard to think of anything more important than that. Try to see if it is just a few girls and a rare thing, or if it is standard. Its just part of learning how to make strip clubs work for you, instead of just getting separated from your money. SJG
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