
Pre or post VIP, payment ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

This would not apply to a dancer you know; e.g. a fave you've been w/ b/f.

But, when you meet a dancer new to you and you negotiate for extras; do you usually pay upfront or do you emphasize paying at the end.

Most PLs have probably gotten burned at least once pre-paying for VIP w/ an unknown commodity and since I do not cultivate faves thus in the occasions I do extras it's usually (but not always) w/ a dancer that is new to me - thus I pretty-much usually adhere to the "I'll pay you at the end" model - every now and then I may give in b/c a dancer will not budge and I sorta get the feeling that her issue is fear of being ripped-off/not-paid; but I'll usually stick w/ the "I'll pay you at the end" M.O.

Do you have a M.O. you stick w/ when getting extras w/ unknown dancers or do you just you go w/ the "feel it method"? After all extras are usually a couple of hundred bucks and it's not like being ripped off of one-dance.


  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    Most of the VIPs here in Louisville are prepaid. That said, I always make it clear that any tip when ok be paid only after services are rendered.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    @Papi I rarely do much in the way of extras ITC and most of my OTC activity is the same 3 girls at different times of course ) but why don't you offer a smaller amount up front with the promise of the rest in the form of a tip after the deed is done that way she knows that you are acting in good faith and she has incentive to satisfy you and you get the peace of mind of knowing she can't rip you off because you still need to pay at least the minimum for dances or the room. This way it is win-win.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    "... why don't you offer a smaller amount up front with the promise of the rest in the form of a tip after the deed is done that way she knows that you are acting in good faith ..."

    That's an excellent point - and my response is a hearty "fuck you jackie"

    LOL - I understand your approach - but I don't like that approach personally b/c I assume the upfront partial-payment needs to be big-enough to put her at ease and thus is also big-enough for her to just decide to ROB what she can if she indeed is out to ROB me.

    I do 2 things at times to try and ease their mind:

    1) show them I have the $$$ so they know it's not as if I'm broke trying to get extras for free (but I'm also cognizant that she knows I have the $$$ and saw where I put it after I showed it to her - cognizant b/c it's not rare for a PL to get pick-pocketed by a ROB when he's distracted in VIP and/or w/ his pants around his ankles to where she has easy access to it and the PL's $$$ is not in his view since he may have it in the pant's pocket which may be around his ankles)

    2) some girls have asked me to place it on the side (table or floor) until we are done - I have not done this too often but some have asked to go this way and I have obliged and it's worked out well

    And actually there's been a 3rd less common method where 1/3 to 1/2 thru the extras she'll ask me to put some $$$ down and I have and also worked out ok.

    But still I mainly stick to the post-VIP remuneration. .
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    desertscrub.....the vast majority of clubs i've been to........you HAVE to pre-pay. honestly, i can't recall one club i've been to that doesn't require you to pre-pay when big bucks (100 bucks or more) are involved
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    About a year+ ago I was at a Miami mixed-club that is almost all Cuban dancers and many are very aggressive.

    The PL next to struck-up a convo w/ me - he was Anglo (late-40s) but loved Latin women and thus liked to hit this club.

    Anyway he was hot for a nice-looking Cuban dancer in particular but like many of the Cuban dancers she was not keen on BBBJ which is what he wanted.

    He was eyeing her and she came-over and he told her what he wanted (BBBJ) and she said no - the club was slow and about tan hour later she came by again and told him "ok (BBBJ) for $200" - he agreed - they go back to VIP - she tells him to sit-down and pull his pants down - then asks him for the $200 - he gives it to her and she bolts out of the room while he sits there w/ his pants around his ankles - f'ing sad.

    (this had happened to him on a prior visit and he was just recounting the story to me)
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    I understand the way you feel but sometimes you got to take a leap of faith if you want , what you want. I hear you @ Desertscrub but I am always in control it's a very rare girl that isn't going to need money again unless you are paying her enough for her to retire and I most often go to the same clubs and make it my business to know the owner or the manager and as one busnissperson to another they treat me pretty well. Not that I would want to be in that situation, but I might not back down from any girl trying to rip me off and well let's say it might not always be true, but I am fairly well able to be very convincing, if I have to be, my bet is a minor dispute over a few dollars would probably decided in my favor.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    I think that I have enough experience that I know when to prepay and I did today at Follies. I think that I have run into that 3 or 4 times at Follies in the last 5 years and have never gotten burned. There are just some dancers that have gotten burned and it only takes once for them to insist on prepay. If I am unsure that I am going to get what is promised, I usually just pass. Unfortunately I have gotten burned a couple of times and they weren't even prepay. So my policy is never say never.
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS after! Too many instances of ROB's that insist on payment upfront then never deliver, especially at known clip joints that we all love to explore. If she balks at payment afterwards (even after showing her that you got the money) then I just walk away.
  • warhawks
    8 years ago
    I've never prepaid. It's always after.

    If a dancer asked for it before hand, I'd walk away.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    The best advice I got on TUSCL was: NEVER PAY IN ADVANCE. I follow this advice.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    I'm a gambling man and also don't give a shit. I always pay upfront for dances, extras or whatever...I do it to show my trust in her but if she burns me I just never come back to her

    You would actually be surprised how little I have been ROB in my career in paying up front
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Would honestly say 95% I always get what was expected and about 5% I get fooled

  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    The club policy is to prepay. My regulars let me pay when I'm back at my seat though, unless they're starting their shift and need to pay the house.
  • K
    8 years ago
    I may show I have the money but that is rare. I always tip after. Immediately after. It avoids any issues
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    I never let them blow me unless I get paid first.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 years ago
    90% of the time I pay after. I've been known to break this rule, though. I've found that showing them that I have the money usually convinces them to give me a shot.

    I've also found that a high percentage of dancers who walk away from me over up-front payment will come back after a while and agree to post-dance payment.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    i greatly prefer after. but sometimes the little guy surrenders to the girl and forces me to prepay. usually no problem... (especially in tijuana) but i have have experienced bad service sometimes. really bad one time in south beach miami (otc) three years ago...and one time at a club in rialto i prepaid in the club for otc and she skipped out. that was five years ago when i was a monger newbie.
  • Dolfan
    8 years ago
    I go with the "feel it" method. It's pretty rare that I pre-pay though.

    I also rarely negotiate up front either though, neither the activities nor the payment time. I've never had a significant issue with the activities, and only once had an issue with time. One girl wanted payment up front and I didn't trust her, so I backed out. After a brief discussion with the mgr, I was refunded the room fee. Usually if I'm going to do a room with a girl, we've done a few dances or at least had enough of a conversation where we're both fairly comfortable with what we're getting into.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I have always pre-paid for everything in strip clubs and AMPs. To me it is safer because it makes it harder for the girl to hit you with an unexpected bill.

    Now for TJ, don't know. And for Toda La Noche?

    I still think it better to establish trust and rapport with the girl by pre-paying. But not decided yet what I will do in places like TJ.

  • a21985
    8 years ago
    Prepay? God no. I make it clear in my own ways before we head down I have plenty of my money I'm willing to part with if their end of the bargain is met. Once that is established, if they can't trust me to pay up after, I likewise refuse to trust them to perform as promised.
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