
"Thank you for being a gentleman"

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

In a strip-club; I don't necessarily see the "thank you for being a gentleman" line as a good thing - I equate that to
"thank you for being a chump, giving me your $$$, while I get to do what I (dancer) like instead of what you (custy) like".

I def respect a dancer's limits; but I go to a strip-club for my entertainmeant and satisfaction; not the dancer's and "what makes her comfortable" while she's taking my $$$.

I don't believe in forcing anyone; stripper or not; to do what they don't wanna do; but I feel like a chump giving my $$$ to a dancer for her to only do "what she's comfortable with" rather than what I like - with the caveat that what I like falls within reasonable limits - i.e. I would not ask a dancer to do w/ me anything past what I would ask a GF to do w/ me (in a physical sense).

As I often post; strip-clubs are bizarro-world and IMO it's often pointless if not futile to try and apply "real-world" logic/behaviors/rules; i.e. go into them w/ a "real world" mindset.

Treating the strip-club using the same logic as the real-world is what IMO gets many PLs into trouble in the strip-clubs; i.e.:

+ being taken-advantage by the "buy the lady a drink?" hustle

+ giving dances tips on top of the dances just b/c they ask and the PL feeling awkard saying no

+ PL thiinking the dancer is into them and that they can date them like a civvy

+ etc

IMO just as PLs inside-the-strip-club get taken advantage off w/ the drink and tip hustles b/c they go in w/ a "real-world" mindset of you don't say no to a "lady", vs going- in a strip-club w/ a "bizarro-world" mindset; so do custies IMO often get short-changed by what I see as a similar "thanks for being a gentleman" hustle which IMO often means thanks for paying for my low-mileage and for allowing me to do what I (dancer) like to do vs what you (custy) like to do.

IMO dancers could give a f*** that the PL acted "like a gentleman"; they're just glad they got the PL's $$$ the easy-way - that's why dancers love clubs the opposite of what SCers like; i.e low-milege clubs where the PL doesn't get shit but pays-up the f'ing nose and dancers see this as the way it should be; i.e. the custy is a "gentleman" by not asking for anything and not getting anything, and spending all his $$$.

As I mentioned - I don't expect a dancer to wanna do what I like; but a dancer should not expect to get my $$$ to do what she likes and is "comfortable with" - to me that is a win/win lose/lose sitiuation - win/win for the dancer b/c shes gets all your $$$ and doesn't have to do anything you like; lose/lose for the custy b/c he gives all his $$$ and doesn't get any or very little of what he likes - and as w/ the various SC hustles to get a custy's $$$ for the least possible output; I tend to see the "thanks for being a gentleman" as yet another hustle of putting the PL kinda in an akward spot such as when a waitress asks a PL in front of a dancer "wanna buy the lady a drink".

Strip-clubs are about sexuality and $$$; niether party is entitled to anything but each party should get what they want in a fair manner w/o coercion on neither side - next time a dancer tells me "thank you for being a gentleman" I'm gonna her tell "I'd appreciate you being a lady and not charging me".


  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    I agree with you. I've never been called a gentleman. At some level I agree with the SJG school of thought to treat sex workers like civvys. I'll flirt, I'll touch, I'll joke about sex, but I'm not blunt and I'm not (super) objectifying. I mean, their job is to sell their bodies, but why treat a whore like a whore (except whIle in the act).

    I have had a few dancers be surprised how hands on it was once we went to the back. I've had that in the civvy world too, women who were surprised I was a freak in bed.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    I certainly agree, in theory. And you're right, with a PL who is confused about where he is, the positive feedback from a pretty girl, and subsequent warm fuzzies he feel, it's the girl just out-thinking the PL and training him to behave the way she wants.

    But there was a recent incident where a stripper thanked me for being a gentleman, and I remember not understanding the remark -- I'd gone far beyond what is normally tolerated in the no-extras club we were in. My best guess is that I'd checked with her along the way, "okay if I touch here?", "can I spank you harder?", and that seeking consent was what made me a gentleman. Beyond that, I push to get as much contact as I can, and I'd certainly put my fingers in places that are strictly not allowed in this particular club, so I'm lost.
  • rh48hr
    8 years ago
    Papi - I hear what ur saying but sometimes I think that comment could be about not being obnoxious and not just treating them with some common decency before getting down to the reason we both know why we're there.

    On my last trip, there were some really obnoxious guys sitting near me and my fave were sitting. Whistling, being loud (you know the once a year group that gets away from their wives). She made a comment about them not being men then proceeded to continue to give me VHM dances that had them jealously staring wishing they were me.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Eh. I let them do what they want intially, yes. If I don't like what I got for my money, that's the last of my money they will get. Often times particularly in full contact clubs, if you don't touch and grope them to start, they invite you to touch and grope them. Even the low mileage clubs they usually invite you to touch them in the other areas besides the t&a. Sometimes they don't. But most are business savvy enough to know higher mileage=more money, usually. And if they are ok with it, they will make that known.

    That said, groping and grabbing t&a and most beyond that(sucking tits, fiv, etc.) is not really my forte. Its nice for sure but I really want my dick stimulated via grinding first and foremost.
    Yes, we are paying for a service, and as such, you should get what you want vs what she wants. But I also think there should be a middle ground. Just because we pay them, doesn't mean we should be allowed free reign to do w/e we want imo. Getting to the middle ground can be accomplished in two ways(aside from just groping them w/o asking, which I don't think they should be subjected to, but they are anyway so whatever). Either asking before paying, or letting her set her boundaries during the dance and if I'm not satisfied, the cost of the dance is the only damage. I just happen to prefer the latter. I find asking them how much can I grope and grab kinda distasteful. But if that works for you great.

    On the topic of buying the lady a drink and tipping. I can and have said no before. In one of your threads about strippers drinks I explained I don't do it often. If i do, it's because I wanted to, for w/e reason. About tipping for dances, I do tip them, when I feel it's warranted. I am starting to tip less for dances more than $20 though.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    I think we know where they stand but i would like to get dancers input on this topic. Should be posed to sw. I'm sure they would have a field day.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I think some dancers will use the "gentleman card" sorta as a preemptive or indirect-way of telling custies not to touch them - seems many dancers; even in 2-way contact clubs; see groping or handsy custies as unacceptable even when the custy is paying for the dance; and these dancers feel, or make the custy feel, being handsy (in a 2-way contact club) is being ungentlemanly and many a PL, usually the green-ones; may take it to heart and feel they are in the wrong - that's what a 2-way contact club is for; to touch and feel the dancers and personally I don't feel a custy needs to ask for permission to touch and feel a dancer while getting a dance in a 2-way contact club (excluding any orifices) - and I feel like a ripped-off chump paying for a dance and then having the dander tell me "no touching".
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    @ chess:

    Rarely do dancers and custies; even here on TUSCL, see things the same way.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    ^^^ What Subraman and chessmaster said. You can get away with a *lot*, even in alleged low-contact clubs, if you're polite but confident, asking permission along the way: May I touch you here? How about like that? With the right approach you can be pretty darn grope-y and still be considered a gentleman, at least by strip club standards.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Along the lines of what Subra mentioned; I see strippers using the "gentleman card" as a way to maniupulate and control custies - i.e make that $$$ and make it on *their* terms w/ little to no regard as to the custy's wishes.

    Some of us have had the opportunity to overhear how dancers talk amongst themselves in relation to custies an how almost 180-degrees difference it can be w.r.t. what they actually tell custies - as I've mentioned in the past; I look Anglo and most Hispanic people think I don't speak Spanish which has lent to the situation where Latina dancers are talking amongst themselves in Spanish about their hustle while I'm a foot or 2 away but they think I can't understand what tney are saying; it's def eye and mouth opening sometimes.

    Many SC chumps will spend $300 on a dancer being "Mr Nice Guy" and being all nice and accomodating to the dancer while not getting shit but they think the dancer "likes them" b/c they are so nice - while at the same time many of these chicks will be a complete whore with a guy they like and wanna fuck and will throw themselves at them - so they want the chump PL to treat them as a lady and give them their $$$ so they can go and spend on their unemployed/underemployed BF and fuck and suck him instead; while the chump PL is just left with "she likes me and thinks I'm a nice-guy".

    Not that one needs to be an asshole; but one needs to stand their ground and not just do all a strippers says - when it comes to male/female relationships I do feel "nice-guys" that only say yes will def finish last and be used.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I give very little credence to what anyone says in a SC (custy or dancer) - and w.r.t. dancers I take anything they say as just it being part of their hustle and a means to their end ($$$) - so being told by a dancer that "I'm a gentleman" I put in the SS bin and if being a "gentleman" in a SC means going home w/ blue-balls then thanks but no thanks that ain't no compliment.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    personally I don't feel a custy needs to ask for permission to touch and feel a dancer while getting a dance in a 2-way contact club (excluding any orifices) - and I feel like a ripped-off chump paying for a dance and then having the dander tell me "no touching".

    Ok I sort of agree. In a 2 way contact club, it should be expected and usually is. But I still prefer them to initiate contact(which they do most of the time, as they are fully aware it's a 2 way contact club and know the possibility you are aware as well) as ime, when I initiate contact it seems most are more content to just sit in your lap and allow you to grope. When I wait for them to initiate contact, seems they are more willing to grind and she will initiate contact naturally. Its almost a one or the other, like most of them can't(or more likely don't want to) grind you and be groped simultaneously... At least not when you start off grabbing.
  • HungryGiraffe
    8 years ago
    Perhaps there's another way to interpret the line "thank you for being a gentleman." What if she actually meant, "I appreciate how you treated me today. Could be the beginning of lots of fun."
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Ultimately I think it's a difference of interests. If your main interest is grabbing and groping everything you can, then yes letting her dictate what you can and can't means your not getting what you want. For me, it's not what I can do to her but what I want her to do me. I want crotch to crotch or ass to crotch contact more than anything and the rest happens naturally in time.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    *can and can't do
    *her to do to me
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    If you hear that, it means you had less mileage than the other guys.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Perhaps there's another way to interpret the line "thank you for being a gentleman." What if she actually meant, "I appreciate how you treated me today. Could be the beginning of lots of fun."

    ^i doubt that's what she really means. Most likely it means something in between that and papi's translation to "thanks for paying for my low mileage and allowing me to do what I like."
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    "If you hear that, it means you had less mileage than the other guys."

    It could certainly mean that. But she may have just sat in his lap with minimal effort/dancing and just let him do what he wanted. Which is what some guys are after.

  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    "Its almost a one or the other, like most of them can't(or more likely don't want to) grind you and be groped simultaneously..."

    yeah, that does seem to be the case. i had never even thought about it until i read your post, but i agree this holds true. i'm not super grab-y and grope-y during dances.......but I do love sucking tits. and last week when I did a 15 min room with a hot latina she pretty much stopped grinding as i was sucking her titties to my hearts content
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    ^well shit I guess that's pretty close to papi's translation.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    "... Its almost a one or the other, like most of them can't(or more likely don't want to) grind you and be groped simultaneously ..."

    "... last week when I did a 15 min room with a hot latina she pretty much stopped grinding as i was sucking her titties to my hearts content ..."

    I'm not sure the 2nd-quote is in the realm of the first quote - it's hard to suck on a dancer's tits if she's moving around grinding on you - she has to stay in place so you have access to her tits.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    ^true. And maybe black strippers in Miami are different. But govikings is still on track. If you do most anything to break the rhythm they usually take the opportunity to be lazy and they let you do whatever it is your doing...at least for a while.

    But when you sit still and aren't trying to do too much with your hands(or mouth) they know that you want something besides just groping.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I think them stopping what they are doing if you are doing something else to them is more due to logistics as in not being able to do both things simultaneously or at least as well simultaneously
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    e.g. if a dancer starts DFKing you is likely she'll stop grinding to focus on the DFKing
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    exactly, chessmaster.....and that's the gist of what I was saying with my first post in this thread
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    I push the envelope.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Justme, that backfires sometimes. If you cross one of her boundaries(and she shouldnt have many in a 2 way contact club but they are entitled to some boundaries still) and she blocks or rejects your advances, it sorta kills the mood. For me at least. In addition, she will be more reserved from them on in terms of mileage and attitude.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    It doesn't just kill the mood -- it kills any trust she had in you, and gets her determined to police her boundaries more carefully. Versus obtaining consent and building trust every step of the way.

    On StripperWeb, I've seen girls say things like, "I'd let him touch my pussy over my thong, but once I do, he'll start trying to get under my thong; and if I let him get away with that, he'll try to stick his fingers inside my pussy." That's why it can pay dividends to establish trust ... she doesn't have to do any preventative boundary-enforcing
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    Either the bitch can hop on or off the dick. There is no return if she decides to be conservative. I'm a man of liberties.....No exceptions. Now ride me like a rocking horse
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    If these hoes want to be bought a drink, they need to take their asses to a night club and hire a simp. IF they want attention and money by just sitting there, take their asses to a lounge, if they just want to talk theory, bitch go to school, you need education before you discuss politics. Otherwise, let's talk about how that ass is gonna give me a woody.

    As you can see folks, I'm a very crass....BOY
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    you got that right.
    I try to be a gentleman but I do push the envelope. back when I was a kid I would draw beyond the lines.
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    that should say classy
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    It's called respecting her rules and her clubs rules. It also doesn't hurt to tip. Did I enjoy myself? Is her self esteem healthy? That sounds fair and gentlemanly.
  • wallanon
    8 years ago
    I think being worried about a dancer's self esteem is a bridge too far. But that's no reason to be a jerk to the talent. If I'm in a club that might become a regular spot, I'm fine with the long game. I want to know if a dancer is a ROB, so I give dancers chances to show their true colors by feeding them dollars in different ways to see their responses. Usually I'll spot problems from a distance and skip, but there're just gals I want to try because they've got something about them I like. Sometimes I'll take on a ROB as a project so I can shape the dynamic into a favorable situation.

    Basically, I'm ok with a dancer thinking I'm chasing a carrot when she's running me down a path I put in front of her.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    A stripper thanked me for being a gentleman when I didn't come in her mouth.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Thanks, wall. I've bee try to "just learn to enjoy the damn show." I do find myself thinking about too many things. (About what the dancer is thinking)
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    ^that's probably a half joking kinda thing but that's actually a good point. In detroit you're a gentlemen for not coming in her mouth. In a clean no extras club, you're a gentlemen for not touching.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    That's in response to Jack's comment.
  • goosman
    8 years ago
    Papi Chulo
    I look Anglo and most Hispanic people think I don't speak Spanish which has lent to the situation where Latina dancers are talking amongst themselves in Spanish about their hustle while I'm a foot or 2 away but they think I can't understand what tney are saying; it's def eye and mouth opening sometimes."

    Do tell. A great discussion thread alone could be had off of those stories.
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