Pretty sure I got suckered

avatar for ShaquilleThunder
So I'm at the club and see this smoking hot blonde bitch at the bar. Buy her a drink and get couple lap dances, some contact but nothing special. About 5 minutes later this bitch comes up and ask me for 10 bucks for some smokes. Me being hammered gives her the 10. Question is how to tactfully avoid this in the future.


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avatar for K
New Jersey
9 years ago
Offer her the opportunity to earn it.
Tell her you got something else to put in her mouth

just say no.

"Let's do some lap dances and I'll pay you enough for many packs of cigarettes," or

"No, smoking is bad for your health," or

"I'm sorry babe, I'm tapped our right now."

avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
Many dancers just see custies as nothing more than walking ATMs - the custy is there for her to get everything out of him by any means possible and many try to use the gender-gap to manipulate custies (e.g. when waitresses swoop in as soon as they see a dancer sit w/ a custy & then put him on the spot w/ the "wanna buy the lady a drink").

Many dancers have no shame in straight-up telling you what they want whether it's a tip on top of already expensive dances, telling you to buy them a drink, food, cigs, etc (some may even be as bold as to ask some PLs to take care of their house fee).

A custy is not there to please the dancers, it's the other way around, it's just that too many of us are hardwired due to dealing w/ civilians most of our lives instead of business sharks.

You are the one w/ the $$$ so you should be the one that makes the rules - if you don't want to spend your $$$ on shit for dancers then just tell them you only spend your $$$ on dances - if more custies stood their ground many dancers would not even try a lot of the shit many of them do.

If a custy does not learn to stand his ground in a SC he will often be getting short-changed & getting the short end of the stick - I've personally found that if I say no when I feel I should say no that I end up enjoying my visits more & the dancers actually treating me better b/c they don't take you for granted & will often be nicer to try to keep your business.

Only reason dancers are in the club is to get $$$ from custies - i.e. just b/c you say no to them doesn't mean they won't take your $$$ when you want to spend it on them.

This is not to say that if you are hanging w/ a dancer you really like & she's treating you well that you shouldn't pamper her some, but it should be something *you* wanna do not something you somehow feel obligated to do & not w/ every dancer just b/c she gave you some dances.
Avoid getting hammered. I tend to get easily manipulated by a beautiful woman, when my inhibitions are impaired.
avatar for rentz2
9 years ago
It would appear that using the word "No" would have worked just fine.
Say "If you're smoking after sex, try using lube"
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
K and Papi +1
I agree with Papi.
Papi is right. You seem to be treating a stripper like a civie. Buying her a drink lets her know that your wallet is open for more than just dances.

I avoid buying drinks for dancers - and if a dancer gives me the ATM approach - I move on pretty quickly. It's only $10 - so it's not an expensive lesson.
lopaw for the zinger win, Papi for the rational one.

Papi is dead on. I don't mind throwing in a little extra for a girl, or buying a pack of cigarettes if it is my idea, but when she asks, I move on. And if she texts me asking for money, I block her on the spot, CF or not. I don't mind the occasional text but any out and out request for money that doesn't include a reasonably priced service is the end of our business relationship.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
9 years ago
Papi is spot on. Another option is to stuff a buck or two in her panties then pat her ass with a smile signaling the hustle is over. You did say she was hot.
I've probably done all the above. I even drove to a store down the street to get a stripper some cigarettes once. She did give me the $ to pay for them at least.
If you think you may have been suckered, there's a 99% chance you did.
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