I am a little lost on all this Gender stuff, rulings, bathrooms, etc. etc.
http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016…http://www.newser.com/story/22…When I read this statement by Target, I still don't really understand what statement they are trying to make, other than "Everyone deserves to feel like they belong."
So does this mean now, that I can go to whatever bathroom I feel like? If this is the case, I imagine 4Got is going to move in the womens restroom at Victoria's Secret. If I were to open up a business, do I need 3 restrooms instead of the traditional 2? Should all bathrooms be communal?
In some cases I am terrified by this (especially if I had a young daughter) but in other cases I am just plain confused.
The best example I can think of (which is totally mind boggling to me) is I have a big customer that has several employees. One of this customers' employees is a transgender male who dresses like a woman at work, going as far as to stuff a bra to make it look like he has breasts. He uses the womens restroom, but he has had a girlfriend (that is a female) for a few years who he is always groping when he is not "on duty" at work. The only thing I can think of is, "why is this guy using the womens restroom?"
To me, morality and acceptance are really blurring a lot of lines these days, and I know, things aren't black and white anymore but hot damn, when does it stop?
last commentMy university recently did this when the completely rebuilt their student center. There are women's bathrooms and men's bathrooms, and there is also now a gender inclusive bathroom as well. I used it when it first opened, just to check it out. Lol
1. 4Got standing in there, "would you like me to wipe your ass for you?"
2. Crazyjoe throwing cups of water on everyone using a bathroom stall.
It's a very murky subject. Despite what some may think, it is simply a case of a TG person wanting to use the restroom of the gender that they transitioned to, not the gender that they were born with. If they are post-op, then it's really a no-brainer. The issue gets muddy if a TG is pre-op and still sporting their original package. What Nina mentioned is the only real solution.....but it will mean a remodeling cost burden for many businesses to install a 3rd restroom that is genderless (can be used by anyone).
And you are right about one thing, chessmaster - the LGBT community will always fight for equality.
And ps, I honestly have nothing against gays and lesbians. My true gripe is with transgender or transexuals(i don't even know the difference, not that I care to).
A unisex restroom would make everyone happy, including TG's.
In my sloppy thinking state of mind, I don't even think the state of a trans woman's genitals matters at all, whether they have original equipment or refurbished, if they're truly a trans woman, they use the ladies room. Perhaps in an ideal world, having a higher bar than "I identify as XYZ" is what's needed... if there were a legal mechanism to get your gender legally changed, that required as much commitment as going to court to legally change your name, you can imagine that's something a committed transmale or transfemale would do, but perhaps not your everyday perv who sneaks into a Ladies room. I dunno.
Joe I have nuts, and I use them - so I'm not confused about myself - just others!
"Nice rainbow avitar"
Juice was trying to classify what color whale were you - corresponding to how much money you spent in the club. Since I'm all over the place, I chose a multi-colored whale.
What bathroom does a gay whale use?
But why was Curt Schilling fired by ESPN? What makes his opinion "wrong" and the PC opinion "right"? If expresses an opinion that he doesn't want a guy with a dick in his daughter's bathroom, that's his opinion. Why is he fired for it?
I'm going to be uncharacteristically serious.
There is a simple answer to this. The "right" answer for ESPN is the one that maximizes revenues for their channel and its owners (Disney).
ESPN doesn't care about Curt Schilling or being PC or whatever. If I recall correctly, Schilling posted some anti-LGBT message. At that point, some executive did the following calculus: will it hurt revenues? what are the costs associated with firing him? If they think he will cost more in lost revenues than it would cost to jettison him he's out.
It's a little more complicated because it may be Disney putting pressure on ESPN, but it still comes down to whether his bosses think Schilling going to be a net money-maker or money-loser for them. Nothing more.
If tweeting anti-LGBT stuff was revenue-neutral Schilling would still have his job. If it increased revenues ESPN would hire a team to help him write anti-LGBT tweets.
Now with that said, I would be wholeheartedly in favor of a third bathroom solution. Nobody should need to fear simply using a toilet. But if you make me choose between allowing any dude with balls and a penis into my girls' bathroom or taking a rigid stance that might not be transgender friendly, I will choose the latter every time.
If you have a 'true gripe' with trans people, then why are you saying you're all for LGBT rights? Perhaps you should say you're all for LGB rights without the T, as you then go on to dismiss their gender identity by saying you don't care to know the difference between the two. (Transgender is an umbrella term for people whose gender identities don't conform to the social constructs of gender based on what sex they were born as. Transsexuals are people who have at least partially medically changed their actual sex, through hormones, surgery, etc).
Please. Don't say you support a community and then ostracize group in that community that faces the most violence, sexual abuse, and social stigma.
(S)he will probably feel very discriminated against, as (s)he will then know what it feels like to be the victim of a hate crime. But since trans people are already subjected to the most violence and abuse out of any other group in the LGBT community, there's a good chance that SHE already has faced wackos who would rather pound her head into a wall because they have to resort to violence to prove their own "masculinity," even when she is posing no threat besides trying to use a bathroom and not have things like THAT happen to her.
Rick, what are you going to do when a post-op looking 100% like a man walks into the bathroom with your little girl? Because that's what the NC law requires.
This is a tough issue without a practical solution. 3rd bathroom options are a good solution but not a practical one. While I respect the rights of transgender people I also don't think they should get to walk over privacy rights of others. I'm also quite certain that unenforceable laws about who can use which bathroom are NOT the answer.
OK well if YOU are uncomfortable with trans women entering public restrooms reserved for your daughters, *I* am uncomfortable with you standing outside and listening carefully to the public restroom *I* use, nor do I want a bunch of Rickdugans all over the place OPENING the women's bathroom door. That, to me, is more creepy than a trans person minding their own business and using a fucking bathroom. Why don't we have someone at the door (perhaps you, Rickdgan, since you admit to guarding it) to check everyone's genitals before they enter the bathroom? Why don't we stop everyone and pat them down and check their bags for drugs, weapons, and anything else that could harm your daughter? Oh wait, trans people are the only threats. Hahaha
Now many bigger places already have third options, which are singe serve "family" restrooms which some places are now converting into inclusive restrooms. I am all in favor of this as it provides trans folks with a safe place to go while also addressing the safety concerns around, in particular, female restrooms.
The two restroom system - with folks choosing the restroom of the gender they identify with might work best for the transgender community - but (as the father of relatively young daughters) it doesn't work for me.
The three restroom system would make me feel more comfortable. But it seems to make the trabsgender folks uncomfortable for being the outsiders.
I don't care if a trans (genetic) woman decides to use the men's room while I'm there. I am quick when using the restroom and I don't look around at all - so I might not even notice. However, if a trans (genetic) male decides to use the ladies room while one of my daughters is there - I don't want her to see his junk hanging out. You can tell me that she will see junk during her life many times over the years - but I don't want her to be confronted with it in that manner.
I don't think there is an easy answer to this one yet. I'm not in favor of opening things up to everyone - and the use of traditional thinking doesn't work fully either.
I think there needs to be open and honest dialogue regarding this topic. Both sides need to avoid name calling. If I don't want to see non males in the men's room - I shouldn't be called phobic - and I will not cast stones in the direction of folks with differing views - as that's the only way we can work through this issue.
Too fucking bad. It addresses the safety issues for all concerned, which is far more important than their delicate feelings.
Do you NOT think a trans woman forced to use a men's bathroom would get more unwanted attention than your daughter would get from a trans person?
I am not swapping your daughter's safety for a trans person's. You are using your own personal xenophobia to think that trans people are after your daughter.
I'm not sure where the answer is - but there must be something that works for all. I think some of these corporate postings - like the one from Target - are more economically motivated - and not motivated by inclusion (as they want us to think). It's cheaper to tell folks to use the restroom of the gender you identify with - and it generates positive press too.
Cashman1234, ladies rooms have stalls, not urinals. :)
The fallacy in your argument is the rather silly belief that only truly trans guys will go into women's bathrooms once is becomes acceptable for men to use them. I'm not sure if I should call that naive or stupid - probably some of both.
We have jails full of rapists and pedophiles, as well as many currently sitting on sex registries and living at large, and you would like us to just give them unfettered access to the bathrooms where little girls and vulnerable grown women are doing their business.
And before you make a another goofy misguided argument, like the fact that women can commit these crimes too, the overwhelming majority of offenders are grown men. Keeping them out of women's restrooms is simple common sense.
That's a stretch on a number of fronts. Families and others use those all inclusive bathrooms, including people who just don't like public restrooms. I sure do when I have my girls alone and the option exists.
I think my main discomfort lies in the basic premise of the restroom choice is "the honor system" - and that's where my comfort breaks down.
If this system is not abused - then I'm ok. But - considering how things with a good intent seem to become abused - that's what troubles me.
I think for anyone who is NOT simply trans-phobic, that is the point that makes people uncomfortable. Men DO occasionally get arrested for entering the ladies room for nefarious purposes, and that's with them knowing that it's against the law; imagine how many of those types would enter the ladies room if they could simply say "I identify as a woman" and not get arrested. It is a valid and real concern. Now read Rick's concerns about his wife and daughter in the context of that.
As someone who is not at all trans-phobic, that's my only source of discomfort... and the reason I suggested that something as fundamental as gender identity, should require someone be at least as committed to change as someone who changes their name -- that is, jump through some inconvenient legal hoops that requires more public commitment than your everyday perv will tolerate. Then again, this could be a solution in search of a problem
I have just gone with your logic, and reduced your logic to what your argument leads to: there should be no public restrooms at all. But see, *I* think logically and I know that is just silly. Your argument, in a nutshell, is silly (among other fitting words).
And since I obviously have to walk you very slowly down the logic trail, the vast majority of sexual predators are men and the vast majority of their victims are female. So allowing random grown men to wonder into public bathrooms where girls and vulnerable grown women are is not not such a hot idea. Get it now? If not, we can try a diagram next. ;)
I already went down YOUR logic trail and remember where it got me? I reduced your argument to the silly nonsense that it is. I am done now. If you have more questions, please regard my previous post.
Say it isn't so JohnSmith69!
Even if rickdugan weren't going full-on d-bag in this thread what you have to take into account in most of the things rickdugan posts is the fact that rickdugan is making all of the shit up.
I really suspect (and hope!) rickdugan isn't some whacko that drives drunk every time he gets behind the wheel. I suspect he may have gone to a strip club once but I'm pretty sure he is making up most of these exploits. And I'm pretty confident that he doesn't have a wife and children.
Except in his fantasy world! ;)
On the other hand, rick has a point. You hairless apes do disgusting things. He needs to protect his family. He's the smartest hairless ape alive and he's a badass so he can solve any problem. So he's right. It's virtually axiomatic. Squawk!
And to dumbass dirtyass, shut it before the council of ricks takes you out. Frankly, I hope you keep it up because you'll be yummy yummy yummy in my tummy tummy tummy. I'll just avoid you're dirty ass. That's the ticket! Squawk!