

New York
Saturday, April 9, 2016 8:24 PM
ay guys lets's face it. most of us are normal in that we can feel like shit when some of these girls do things to us that sets us off in the wrong way. if it's not a fave we can more easily deal with it by just simply replacing her with another. but if is a fave you've been seeing, and she constantly says things like she want to see you outside, she'll call you when she's off from the club, etc. and all of what she is saying is bullshit, well then you really feel like shit. one day an old fave of mine from years past finally pissed me off to no end. she shouldn't make promises that she didn't intend to keep. granted the strip club isn't a church where you will be eternally damned if you break a promise, but ehh i don't like being bullshitted to, especially by someone i liked as a person as well as looks. so i goes to her like this: "let me tell you something. one time i was betting on this horse race. i got the winner. now i also needed another horse to get 2nd so i could make a real nice score. the guy who rode that horse i hated his guts but i figured he could not fuck it up and should be able to get 2nd. that fucking asshole wound up coming in 4th, fucking me over. i prayed that fucking guy should die or get into some accident. then a buddy of mine called about 2 weeks later. this was after a day of betting horses. during the day some jockey got into a nasty spill. so anyway my buddy called, yada yada, then he asked, "ay did you hear about smitty?" i'm like huh? what happened? friend replied that smitty got into a nasty spill." the cunt was silent for a few moments, said wow that's fucked up, got off my lap and went to the other side of the club. 5 minutes later i see her staring at me, like a cartoon steam gushing out the sides of both years, with her lips curdled. guess she got the message? a week or so later she came up to me, we sorta made up and then she said, "that night when you told me that horse racing story, when i was leaving the club i wondered am i going to get knifed or shot or something?" so if a dancer who kinda means something to you pisses you off, tell her a similar story. you'll feel better and she might think twice about messing with your head ever again.


  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    listen, don't listen to anything Hotstuff and Rech say.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    I'm almost always opposed to having a moderator for this board. Almost.
  • rattdog
    8 years ago
    what's the matter ducey, was i too harsh? a moderator? seriously?
  • deogol
    8 years ago
    Dude, some stripper is making a story about you right now...
  • Eagle1191
    8 years ago
    Someone is taking things way to personally.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Lol. Ducey.
  • Estafador
    8 years ago
    why is everyone so angry this week.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Umm, it's the Ides of April ??
  • chattguy123
    8 years ago
    That's not completely crazy, I promise lol
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    rattdog, does this mean that you think your prayers can control events? If so, why don't you do the experiment of praying for world peace If it works and we get world peace it'll be brilliant! When it doesn't work it may give you some impetus to seek out psychological help! You can't lose! ;)
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    I find the best way to get even with any person that pisses you off is to ignore them. That pisses them off more than anything you could say.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    No, rodent_canine, not seriously. I will always think that people should be free to post whatever drivel they want to. And your post was more boring than harsh.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Ratt are you 11 with adhd?
  • timothyjames55
    8 years ago
    Exactly what Shadowcat said. You lose the game if you try to get even; get all vindictive. If you ignore her, in such a way where she can't tell you're trying to piss her off by doing so, you win. It has to be a genuine lack of caring. More fish in the sea.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    SCing well is the best revenge
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I never threaten people especially dancers in strip clubs with even an implied story of physical harm. It will never work in your favor in my opinion. It will only create an impression that there's someone in the club that could go off the deep end and kill someone. Now you can accidentally say other things if you aren't thinking that make you sound dangerous but I wouldn't do it on purpose. She'll likely tell other dancers and bouncers in the club to keep an eye on you and not to trust you. just my opinion.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    Now in my dreams, I've killed everyone on the planet multiple times but I also brought almost everyone back to create the messed up world we live in. When you dream lucid dreams where you create the entire universe, you feel responsible for so much. Plus if you dreamed you created an almost infinite number of parallel universes, other dimensions with life and different planes of existence, it gets weird. What really seems freaky to me is when I think about an earthquake or something else and then it happens. I rarely talk about that stuff in a strip club or in person. That stuff does scare people especially if things happen. I wondered if me telling a stripper I would ask an entity to kick some poltergeist butt out of her house that she said worked made her think she better stay on my good side. Actually it concerns me if she wasn't lying, then what listened to me? Sometimes I wonder if I'm really in a coma and all these freaky things happening are just further evidence this whole universe is something I created in my head. See I could talk like this and creep dancers out without even trying.
  • jayhawk123
    8 years ago
    I was totally understanding and relating to the first part because I am dealing with same thing from a favorite but would never even hint at harming her or wishing her bad things to happen to her.
  • anthonyu
    8 years ago
    It's stupid to get emotional. The SC is just business with a little chat thrown in.
  • rattdog
    8 years ago
    well i guess i struck some sorta chord here among the folks here. relax gents (and some girlies here) i'm not a psycho violent person-i wouldn't even hurt a fly if it wasn't irritating me. this was a one time time thing that happened close to 20 years ago. she pissed me off so i had to come up with something that made an "impression," and it it worked. even got some real mind blowing dances from her afterwards. the cunt eventually quit the club 4 months after i told her off. found a sugardaddy or something. i even forgave smitty the scumbag jockey and actually made money in betting on him. but yeah since then when i encounter r.o.b.'s as well as stripper shit twatbags i just put 'em on my shit list, don't deal w/em anymore and move on.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    Ok, I'm an old fart, or oblivious, or something, but I don't get it. Was that meandering babble supposed to convey some meaning?
  • neon44
    8 years ago
  • mrrock
    8 years ago
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Ratdog, as a contributor to TUSCL who also does creative writing (see Articles), I think you need to write a LOT more. Your story was flat and if it was made up, it was creepy without a payoff. If it was real it was just creepy...the dancer is way better off staying away from you.
  • rickthevulture
    8 years ago
    Posts like this are why you'll never see a ricktherat. Only the most noble of creatures can become a rick. Being a rick is impossible for most hairless apes too. rickdugan is the exception because he is a genius among you damn dirty apes. That's the ticket! Squawk!
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    BOOM goes the rock star!
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Boom? You really think so????
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    Yes! BOOM as in "Score!", not as in "You blew up!"
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    I agree with the dancer. That was fucked up.
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