Wow. I see motor as the anti-matter version of myself. Why would mutual annihilation be a good thing? I think we're better off having us both post our rhetoric and letting the dust settle where it may.
Don't get SJG started again! That was some crazy shit - really crazy shit! I actually thought he was one of those misguided intellectuals. I was so fucking wrong!
I did not threaten, I pledged that in a revolution from the bottom that I would act, and in that situation I would not hesitate to use deadly force on someone trying to say that the poor deserve to be poor. That idea is simply a continuation of the kinds of abuse dispensed in the middle-class family.
And I am involved in non-lethal conflicts in this realm on a daily basis already.
As far as ATACdawg, in replying to his continuing posts I tried to get him to disclose whether he was someone abusing children by telling them that they have some sort of neurological disorder or anything else like that.
This was territory he first opened. I responded by showing that I oppose that, and that it is not just tilting at windmills. I taunted him to go further and disclose, telling him that I would act to stop him.
1. Fight in a revolution from the bottom and dispense lethal force as needed, YES!
2. Try to put out of business those white coats who convince children that they have some sort of a disorder and are not alright the way they are, YES!
And here is a disclosure of intent for the world to read, Lynn Kern Koegel at the University of California Santa Barbara, I am trying to investigate her, and likely will want to use non-violent civil disobedience means of putting her Autism Clinic and herself out of action! There is actually an even worse place in Massachusetts, and people have already used non-violent civil disobedience to try and put it out of action.
So call Lynn Kern Koegel up. Call up the FBI and the Dept of Homeland Security and tell them that this guy from San Jose wants to put her and her lab out of action.
And so then ATACdawg, I ask you again since you seemed to want to talk about learning disabilities and neurological disorders, are you someone who works in that field and convinces children that they have some sort of a defect. If you are, I want to know everything about you because I will use non-violent means and any other means which come to be indicated, and put you out of business.
And Cashman, I probably don't really deserve to be considered an intellectual. And I may or may not be misguided. I do have a respect here for CrazyJoe. So maybe in a way like that I am also crazy.
But I certainly am not only an intellectual, at least not anymore, because I am ACTING! I am engaging in F2F conflicts with flesh and blood people on a day to day basis.
And as far as my mother, how many people agree with me that if it had only been his mother, that Ed Kemper would be a very likeable guy, and that maybe he could even be seen as heroic.
We run around 300 parricides per year in the US, 2/3 of which are committed by juveniles.
Psycho? only in the sense that I am acting confrontationally and expect to be doing more of the same.
Troll? I've never said anything like the poor deserve to be poor, nor have I ever suggested that anyone has any sort of neurological condition and hence are not alright the way they are.
Wheelchair bound? No! I have actually spent much more time out side and have gotten much more phyciallly fit pot marriage.
Delusions of internet grandeur? Well most of what I am trying to do does not have anything to do with the Internet. But it is true that on the Internet because of the anonymity it provides I can talk about stuff I cannot talk about face to face yet. I have some very very big plans. Are these delusions of gradeur? We will have to see.
But I can say one thing, around me people don't say the poor deserve to be poor, or that people have some sort of neurological disorders and try to convince them that they are not alright the way they are.
I don't read SJG's posts but if I could dedicate a year of my life to that pursuit it seems I'd see a pretty bizarre person. The raping women thing, and now assault?
Hey SJG....this is just an internet site. You can always delete the bookmark and move on if things get out of hand for you.
I know of some lazy ass poor people who are poor because they are so lazy. They eat out more than me. I know of someone who once made over 90k to 100k ayear and hs wife racked up tens of thousands in debt. Now his 401k is gone and he struggles on just social security. However his lazy ass son, one who is 30 still lives with them and never works. He runs out of money for food between paychecks but his wife borrows from whatever place will loan it and goes out to eat, driving all around, going to movies, etc. Yepthey are poor and so lazy, that they throw dishes away because no one ever washed them, same with clothes.
Well, SJG. I guess I will take one last shot at trying to inform your Asperger's/high functioning autistic deluded mind.
I am not in any way involved in child psychiatry. I am a retired naval architect/marine engineer. I do have a brother who is a pediatrician.
Our church, like many others in the PCUS denomination, has a very strict child protection policy, which includes two adults present in every interaction with any child/children, a refresher course every three years and a background check.
I hope that this will ease the concerns of your apparently unstable mind. If it doesn't, then, frankly, you can kiss my a-s.
Ishmael, this started back when we were talking about the income levels of people and trying to see how they can afford strip clubs. And then seeing how people are pressed, I said that our economic system is unfair. And then Motorhead started putting out this survival of the fittest of the human ancestors on the African savanna doctrine, saying that the poor are poor because they are not able to compete. Well, I'm not passive in the face of such things. It is just like racism. Everytime I've gotten the chance to act, I have done so.
25, Yes, sex workers are a persecuted out group, like the poor, like racial minorities, and also as I will show like those being labeled with learning disabilities. Change has to come from those who are on the outs.
Thank you chessmaster. After getting some sense of what CrazyJoe is about, I really appreciate that.
Don't know anything about Kanye West, but I am 100% opposed to Scientology and consider its followers to be idiots.
Sharkhunter, that is an interesting story about an interesting family. It doesn't sound like they are really hurting. But it does sound like there is conflict with their son. Likely it is as it usually is, that son's only real short comings are the ways in which he is similar to his parents. The remedy then is to financially penalize the parents. Let everyone see that if you make your child the scapegoat, you get penalized.
Well, I'm not going to say anything about your church, or about your former career. My concern is that you want to talk about Autism / Aspergers, and then indirectly this raises my concern about your brother.
But as you do not seem to be someone who has power over anyone, like children, you are not a learning disabilities counselor or anything like that, then I don't really have see any facet by which I should engage. I'm not going to try and escalate an online dispute with someone, just on account of their views, as it would have no resolution. I'm only interested in escalating conflicts if I can finish them f2f.
But just for your edification and the edification of others who might read this, I offer what I find to be the best discussion of this:
Child development is a pronatalist cult, and it is oppressive, and it does feed on children, and your brother the pediatrician may well be a part of this.
People have temperaments and tendencies which exist on a continuum. But when children are placed into negative situations, then they, like anyone else, become more rigid and defensive in their ways. They have to in order to protect themselves.
So I have read the writings of those who have been convinced that they suffer from the neurological difference referred to as autism or asperger's. Their own writings are overwhelming proof that they do not show the symptoms which they claim to have. And I have also read writings of some of the parents.
What always comes through is the following:
1. A fierce hatred of the child and revulsion towards the child. It's like what Bruno Bettelheim said, its in the book Far From The Tree, and I will paraphrase here, its the "conviction that this child should not exist".
Also, this revulsion comes into play before there is any diagnosis. It is intense, and much of it has to do with public embarrassment over the child.
So from this I conclude that this revulsion to the child who shows autistic tendencies must be part of our tribal heritage. It is a revulsion against the one who is not becoming part of the tribal mind set. But it is also parental shame, as everyone knows that the parent has much to do with this. Most all autism advocacy today amounts to defensive formations of the parents.
The proto example I would point to of someone with these tendencies would be the fictional character of Simon in Lord of the Flies. Remember he was the first of the boys killed by Jack and his Pig Hunters. Simon was just in the wrong place in the wrong time. Or maybe someone else would have responded differently.
Simon is a nature mystic and he had gone into an enclosed thicket of bushes and was communing with nature. Jack and his band are chasing a pig when it breaks into Simon's space. The band followed the pig, and finding Simon it turned against him and killed him. It is fiction, and it was also written before the English speaking world had access to the works of Hans Asperger. It is most interesting.
If you also consider besides Jack and Simon, the characters of Ralph and Piggy, it would seem that the author wanted to show different temperaments and how they play out. In some of the film treatments Ralph is portrayed to be more or less like another version of Piggy.
Now as far as the diagnoses, all this does is legitimate the parents in their revulsion. Yes, the doctor is also telling the parents to back off. But they should not need to be told to back off. Or if they have to be dealt with, then it should be by someone who has authority to inflict consequence on them.
What it amounts to is teaching the child to live by seeking pity.
2. What also comes through in these writings is that the person who has been convinced that they have autism is strongly attached to this need to prove yourself, survival of the fittest, middle class standards, world view. So this makes them cling even more strongly to the autism label, as it gives them some leeway. Again, seeking pity instead of fighting back. The labeled autistic has subsumed the middle-class pedagogy and subsumed a view of themselves as being defective. And so the label alleviates some of this self hatred. But the label also excuses all manner of abuse.
3. So as there is no disorder, only a range of temperaments, we can see that the supposed disorder arises only as the result of negative environments. And these include:
a) negative parents b) negative school teachers and administrators c) negative peer culture d) negative work places e) negative media culture, and this completely defines the lives of young adults
And then out of this, you get the additional abuse of the doctor making the autism assessment.
So instead of placing the blame on the victim, what should be the remedy is to apply adequate corrective force on each of these environmental negatives. Those who are being persecuted need to organize and start fighting back, and fighting back at all levels and by all means.
So what the Sami Timimi book focuses on is simply why there is this huge emergent epidemic of autism now. For boys in the US I have heard the number 1 in 42.
And also Timimi explains that as the autism rate has grown, so also has the gender disparity become much more extreme. He points out that the labeling process often starts with female school teachers being frustrated by, or not being able to engage with, male students.
And then I would point out, though people who go along with autism take exception to this, that the documented symptoms of maternal deprivation, are very similar to the listed symptoms of autism.
And then the children they put on the cover of Autism Digest really do look like Harry Harlow's Monkeys.
So what Timimi points out is that all of this being furthered by neo-Liberalism, the reactionary doctrine which is aimed at putting all of human life into the service of Capitalism. And yes, this is mostly what it is, middle-class English speaking parents, school teachers, and white coats persecuting children, and for their own good of course.
They are trying to enforce tribal conformity norms and put them into the service of Capitalism.
So again, the response to this cannot be to seek more pity. The response has to be to organize and treat the oppression as a lethal threat.
Let me relate one story here which may help. When I was in high school there was this younger by named C. A group of boys was harassing C. without mercy. Someone even proclaimed a "hitting contest" against C. and was keeping score on the blackboard. The worst of this was in an Industrial Arts class where it was hard for the teacher to see everywhere at all times.
So I know that if the parents went to the school and complained, then C. would be given an assessment and probably end up labeled with something. Maybe ADHD, Asperger's, Autism, Bipolar, maybe even Schizophrenia. And from then on, that is what any conversations with the school would be about. This is after all the purpose these labels serve, to discredit the labeled. With children it is learning disabilities, and with adults it is psychiatric conditions.
( And ATAC, this what you are trying to do to me. Except that I won't play along. And if you tried it face to face you would have long ago had a Marine Corp Drill Sergeant screaming into your face. Either you would back down, or someone would get severely hurt or jailed. )
So if the parents opened up the yellow pages and found a psychotherapist, then C. would also have gotten labeled, and then the parents would go to the school and ask for pity.
So what did happen was this, the parents did pick up the yellow pages. But they didn't open to Psychotherapists, they started at the beginning, under Attorneys. Soon the school board received a zero pity seeking, zero accommodations letter admonishing them that this was hazing and it is illegal and that this is their last and final warning. Should there be any further communication on this matter, it will be delivered by a Process Server.
Well this went through the school admistration like Ex-Lax. Where as before it was boys will be boys, C. has to learn to defend himself, and a teacher cannot be expected to everywhere at all times. Now it was totally different. They knew they had to stop the hazing. So they were all out in the hallways during passing periods. This Industrial Arts teacher was now indeed everywhere at all times. Especially in the hot spots and where C. was, he was there.
The Industrial Arts teacher was the one who told some of us about the attorney letter. He should not have done this. It should have been confidential. But knowing about, I could see the extreme effect.
Now yes, the kids doing the hazing were given a serious talking to, and maybe a one day suspension. But these kids never were the real problem. The real problem was always the school teachers and administrators. And C.'s parents were brilliant to handle the problem with an attorney, instead of a therapist. I would say this applies to most situations where someone is seeing a therapist. They should instead be talking to an attorney.
I have never forgotten the importance of this lesson.
I was friends with C.'s older brother, and so I already had some idea what the parents were like. They really impressed me.
But unfortunately, most of the time the child is made into the scape goat, and there is never any redress.
Autism / Aspergers, though perhaps tied to some underlying temperament, when looked at as a disorder it is simply another variation on medical munchausens.
One good news is that sometimes the medical profession is starting to see this. One case known as Arizona 5 is where a family with 5 children was doing home schooling and had gotten diagnoses on all 5 as having autism, and they wanted to do chelation. The entire family revolved around talking the kids to doctors, and then telling the doctors what to do.
But doctors at the Phoenix Children's Hospital turned against the parents, and with help from CPS, and arguing against their own doctors who made the autism diagnoses, got the 5 children removed.
Warning, this is a crank book, written by someone totally discredited who was working against CPS and who always sides with the parents as a political and religious position:…
Lord of the Flies is fiction, and it is about a bunch of school age boys. What I can see is that in a real tribal society, the one who shows autistic tendencies is the one pulled aside to become the shaman. They are removed from peer culture socialization by bullying realms, and placed into the care of a non-parental adult.
So now you tell your brother the pediatrician, and the FBI, and Homeland Security, that if he is passing out Autism or Asperger's diagnoses, or otherwise telling children that there is something wrong with them or that their minds are deluded or that they lack social skills or that they somehow need to live by asking people to make allowances for them, or he is telling parents to use things like CBT or other manipulation strategies with them, that there is this guy in San Jose who wants to find him so that he can use ANY MEANS NECESSARY to SHUT HIM DOWN! And also tell him that if I should be present when he is telling a child that they have this deficiency or difference, then no matter where this is, I will intercede and place him under citizens arrest, and then use whatever level of force is required to control the situation.
I want to get involved in this matter, putting autism / asperger's doctors out of action. If your brother meets the criterion, then he could be a good place to start. But I especially want to get this Lynn Kern Koegel at UC Santa Barbara, because she is an outspoken autism promoter, and she is teaching parents how to abuse their children.
twentyfive, you don't have to worry about a revolution from low income hairless apes. The real revolution will be led by the cats. However, my lion buddy tells me that he will be magnanimous and behave as your benevolant overlords. Perhaps you would care to join the cat revolution as a viceroy in charge of some limited region.
My job in the administration is court jester. That's the ticket!
As for the San Jose weirdo, he's going to get the wildebeest treatment.
I'm going to wait for either the Cliff Notes - or the movie to come out - as that last installment of - The World According to SJG - was too long for me! I'm sure it was interesting - but I couldn't get past the first few paragraphs. Sorry.
Phil, I am active on the ground right now, in f2f conflict situations.
I don't know where some things will go, but no matter what I am ready.
These aren't mere threats, they are present reality. This is how it goes when people start standing up for themselves. When I helped put the Pentecostal Molester into San Quentin, instead of staying on the sidelines, I crossed through a door. I'm not going back.
don't presume familiarity you brainless punk. you don’t know me well enough to call me Phil.
and you can stop with your tired bullshit lie about putting someone in San Quentin. San Quentin and Folsom are California’s MAXIMUM SECURITY prisons. i’ve never been in SQ but i was briefly in Folsom before my re-classification hearing and transfer to Soledad. you see you uneducated lying asshole everyone who gets remanded into the custody of the California Department of Corrections is classified by the CDC which determines where they will serve their time. plain run of the mill child molesters are not sent to SQ which has limited space and is reserved for those deemed as the most serious threats. there is a waiting list to get in and it doesn’t include pentecostal child molesters
that is how i know you have been lying the entire time you dumbass loser. your yarn is so ridiculous when held up against real world reality that it makes you sound like the pretender you are. just like your pretend experiences with strip clubs. during your back and forth with @subraman it was crystal clear you have never been to a San Francisco strip club in your entire miserable life. how old are you anyway? late 50’s? early 60’s? and in all the time you’ve been on here you could never once –NOT EVEN ONE FUCKING TIME – taken a $99 round trip flight to San Diego for a weekend in TJ. what a fucking loser
and now your threats to kill motorhead and bring serious harm to not only ATACdawg but also to his brother who isn’t even on TUSCL, are a clear step across the line into criminal terroristic threats by a lunatic.
time for you to go you stupid toothless barking dog, so FUCK OFF LIAR
Pelican Bay is he new maximum security. San Quentin has a bad rep because of Death Row. But it also has all sorts of other convicts, including sex offenders. And it does seem to be used as an intake center. They also transfer people around frequently.
I'm 200 years old.
No, tied down with 24-7 highly visible stuff. No TJ.
And besides, I don't go for sex tourism. When I do go to TJ, it won't be sex tourism. It will be the start of a long term business relationship with frequent visits. :)
Well, in my own f2f space, people aren't saying that the poor are poor because just like pre-human ancestors they are not able to compete. And I say the poor need to rise up and strike. When they do, I will be with them. Letting people say that they are unfit to compete is extreme denigration. It's more than just fighting words.
And as far as doctors who tell kids that they suffer from a neurological condition, I want to get into the middle of that, engage in non-violent civil disobedience. And if I can get right into the interactions, it might go beyond that.
Of course the real question with you Phil is, who are you a sock puppet for?
Hey, here is something people might find interesting!
Satanic Temple is an offshoot of Anton LaVey's Church of Satan. But it is an activist group. One of the things they are doing is getting into the middle of child corporal punishment situations. Watch the video, but it is disturbing.
I want to learn more about this and get involved. For one thing it fits the profile I have described, direct physical intervention and confrontation. There is no telling where some of this might go, like say forcibly taking the paddle out of a school principle's hand, or maybe first striking him hard, to facilitate this, and then knocking him on his ass to subdue him. The possibilities are endless.
Read this FAQ and see what Satanic Temple is trying to do. They aren't asking for new laws, they are telling kids how to resist.
Evem though Satanic Temple does not seem to use naked woman altars like LaVey did, they are still clearly intended to infuriate religionists.
I'd like to see the day when no child will let someone tell them that they have autism and need to learn how to become passably socially acceptable, and when these autism doctors are force to back off because they know that no child will tolerate them.
If summoned to the school and they clearly did not heed the letter, I'd just shove a copy of it into their faces, in front of witnesses with a video camera, and then read the the riot act, so to speak.
I would use only a semi-Marine Corp Drill Sergeant approach.
Of course getting police out there will always be one of the prime objectives.
last commentAnd I am involved in non-lethal conflicts in this realm on a daily basis already.
As far as ATACdawg, in replying to his continuing posts I tried to get him to disclose whether he was someone abusing children by telling them that they have some sort of neurological disorder or anything else like that.
This was territory he first opened. I responded by showing that I oppose that, and that it is not just tilting at windmills. I taunted him to go further and disclose, telling him that I would act to stop him.
1. Fight in a revolution from the bottom and dispense lethal force as needed, YES!
2. Try to put out of business those white coats who convince children that they have some sort of a disorder and are not alright the way they are, YES!
And here is a disclosure of intent for the world to read, Lynn Kern Koegel at the University of California Santa Barbara, I am trying to investigate her, and likely will want to use non-violent civil disobedience means of putting her Autism Clinic and herself out of action! There is actually an even worse place in Massachusetts, and people have already used non-violent civil disobedience to try and put it out of action.
So call Lynn Kern Koegel up. Call up the FBI and the Dept of Homeland Security and tell them that this guy from San Jose wants to put her and her lab out of action.
And so then ATACdawg, I ask you again since you seemed to want to talk about learning disabilities and neurological disorders, are you someone who works in that field and convinces children that they have some sort of a defect. If you are, I want to know everything about you because I will use non-violent means and any other means which come to be indicated, and put you out of business.
And Cashman, I probably don't really deserve to be considered an intellectual. And I may or may not be misguided. I do have a respect here for CrazyJoe. So maybe in a way like that I am also crazy.
But I certainly am not only an intellectual, at least not anymore, because I am ACTING! I am engaging in F2F conflicts with flesh and blood people on a day to day basis.
And as far as my mother, how many people agree with me that if it had only been his mother, that Ed Kemper would be a very likeable guy, and that maybe he could even be seen as heroic.
We run around 300 parricides per year in the US, 2/3 of which are committed by juveniles.
Psycho? only in the sense that I am acting confrontationally and expect to be doing more of the same.
Troll? I've never said anything like the poor deserve to be poor, nor have I ever suggested that anyone has any sort of neurological condition and hence are not alright the way they are.
Wheelchair bound? No! I have actually spent much more time out side and have gotten much more phyciallly fit pot marriage.
Delusions of internet grandeur? Well most of what I am trying to do does not have anything to do with the Internet. But it is true that on the Internet because of the anonymity it provides I can talk about stuff I cannot talk about face to face yet. I have some very very big plans. Are these delusions of gradeur? We will have to see.
But I can say one thing, around me people don't say the poor deserve to be poor, or that people have some sort of neurological disorders and try to convince them that they are not alright the way they are.
Hey SJG....this is just an internet site. You can always delete the bookmark and move on if things get out of hand for you.
Those who join my group will get all the pussy anyone could deal with, and they won't be PL's anymore.
This is really good:…
I am not in any way involved in child psychiatry. I am a retired naval architect/marine engineer. I do have a brother who is a pediatrician.
Our church, like many others in the PCUS denomination, has a very strict child protection policy, which includes two adults present in every interaction with any child/children, a refresher course every three years and a background check.
I hope that this will ease the concerns of your apparently unstable mind. If it doesn't, then, frankly, you can kiss my a-s.
25, Yes, sex workers are a persecuted out group, like the poor, like racial minorities, and also as I will show like those being labeled with learning disabilities. Change has to come from those who are on the outs.
Thank you chessmaster. After getting some sense of what CrazyJoe is about, I really appreciate that.
Don't know anything about Kanye West, but I am 100% opposed to Scientology and consider its followers to be idiots.
Sharkhunter, that is an interesting story about an interesting family. It doesn't sound like they are really hurting. But it does sound like there is conflict with their son. Likely it is as it usually is, that son's only real short comings are the ways in which he is similar to his parents. The remedy then is to financially penalize the parents. Let everyone see that if you make your child the scapegoat, you get penalized.
Well, I'm not going to say anything about your church, or about your former career. My concern is that you want to talk about Autism / Aspergers, and then indirectly this raises my concern about your brother.
But as you do not seem to be someone who has power over anyone, like children, you are not a learning disabilities counselor or anything like that, then I don't really have see any facet by which I should engage. I'm not going to try and escalate an online dispute with someone, just on account of their views, as it would have no resolution. I'm only interested in escalating conflicts if I can finish them f2f.
But just for your edification and the edification of others who might read this, I offer what I find to be the best discussion of this:…
Child development is a pronatalist cult, and it is oppressive, and it does feed on children, and your brother the pediatrician may well be a part of this.
People have temperaments and tendencies which exist on a continuum. But when children are placed into negative situations, then they, like anyone else, become more rigid and defensive in their ways. They have to in order to protect themselves.
So I have read the writings of those who have been convinced that they suffer from the neurological difference referred to as autism or asperger's. Their own writings are overwhelming proof that they do not show the symptoms which they claim to have. And I have also read writings of some of the parents.
What always comes through is the following:
1. A fierce hatred of the child and revulsion towards the child. It's like what Bruno Bettelheim said, its in the book Far From The Tree, and I will paraphrase here, its the "conviction that this child should not exist".
Also, this revulsion comes into play before there is any diagnosis. It is intense, and much of it has to do with public embarrassment over the child.
So from this I conclude that this revulsion to the child who shows autistic tendencies must be part of our tribal heritage. It is a revulsion against the one who is not becoming part of the tribal mind set. But it is also parental shame, as everyone knows that the parent has much to do with this. Most all autism advocacy today amounts to defensive formations of the parents.
The proto example I would point to of someone with these tendencies would be the fictional character of Simon in Lord of the Flies. Remember he was the first of the boys killed by Jack and his Pig Hunters. Simon was just in the wrong place in the wrong time. Or maybe someone else would have responded differently.
Simon is a nature mystic and he had gone into an enclosed thicket of bushes and was communing with nature. Jack and his band are chasing a pig when it breaks into Simon's space. The band followed the pig, and finding Simon it turned against him and killed him. It is fiction, and it was also written before the English speaking world had access to the works of Hans Asperger. It is most interesting.
If you also consider besides Jack and Simon, the characters of Ralph and Piggy, it would seem that the author wanted to show different temperaments and how they play out. In some of the film treatments Ralph is portrayed to be more or less like another version of Piggy.
Now as far as the diagnoses, all this does is legitimate the parents in their revulsion. Yes, the doctor is also telling the parents to back off. But they should not need to be told to back off. Or if they have to be dealt with, then it should be by someone who has authority to inflict consequence on them.
What it amounts to is teaching the child to live by seeking pity.
2. What also comes through in these writings is that the person who has been convinced that they have autism is strongly attached to this need to prove yourself, survival of the fittest, middle class standards, world view. So this makes them cling even more strongly to the autism label, as it gives them some leeway. Again, seeking pity instead of fighting back. The labeled autistic has subsumed the middle-class pedagogy and subsumed a view of themselves as being defective. And so the label alleviates some of this self hatred. But the label also excuses all manner of abuse.
3. So as there is no disorder, only a range of temperaments, we can see that the supposed disorder arises only as the result of negative environments. And these include:
a) negative parents
b) negative school teachers and administrators
c) negative peer culture
d) negative work places
e) negative media culture, and this completely defines the lives of young adults
And then out of this, you get the additional abuse of the doctor making the autism assessment.
So instead of placing the blame on the victim, what should be the remedy is to apply adequate corrective force on each of these environmental negatives. Those who are being persecuted need to organize and start fighting back, and fighting back at all levels and by all means.
So what the Sami Timimi book focuses on is simply why there is this huge emergent epidemic of autism now. For boys in the US I have heard the number 1 in 42.
And also Timimi explains that as the autism rate has grown, so also has the gender disparity become much more extreme. He points out that the labeling process often starts with female school teachers being frustrated by, or not being able to engage with, male students.
And then I would point out, though people who go along with autism take exception to this, that the documented symptoms of maternal deprivation, are very similar to the listed symptoms of autism.
And then the children they put on the cover of Autism Digest really do look like Harry Harlow's Monkeys.………
So what Timimi points out is that all of this being furthered by neo-Liberalism, the reactionary doctrine which is aimed at putting all of human life into the service of Capitalism. And yes, this is mostly what it is, middle-class English speaking parents, school teachers, and white coats persecuting children, and for their own good of course.
They are trying to enforce tribal conformity norms and put them into the service of Capitalism.
So again, the response to this cannot be to seek more pity. The response has to be to organize and treat the oppression as a lethal threat.
Let me relate one story here which may help. When I was in high school there was this younger by named C. A group of boys was harassing C. without mercy. Someone even proclaimed a "hitting contest" against C. and was keeping score on the blackboard. The worst of this was in an Industrial Arts class where it was hard for the teacher to see everywhere at all times.
So I know that if the parents went to the school and complained, then C. would be given an assessment and probably end up labeled with something. Maybe ADHD, Asperger's, Autism, Bipolar, maybe even Schizophrenia. And from then on, that is what any conversations with the school would be about. This is after all the purpose these labels serve, to discredit the labeled. With children it is learning disabilities, and with adults it is psychiatric conditions.
( And ATAC, this what you are trying to do to me. Except that I won't play along. And if you tried it face to face you would have long ago had a Marine Corp Drill Sergeant screaming into your face. Either you would back down, or someone would get severely hurt or jailed. )
So if the parents opened up the yellow pages and found a psychotherapist, then C. would also have gotten labeled, and then the parents would go to the school and ask for pity.
So what did happen was this, the parents did pick up the yellow pages. But they didn't open to Psychotherapists, they started at the beginning, under Attorneys. Soon the school board received a zero pity seeking, zero accommodations letter admonishing them that this was hazing and it is illegal and that this is their last and final warning. Should there be any further communication on this matter, it will be delivered by a Process Server.
Well this went through the school admistration like Ex-Lax. Where as before it was boys will be boys, C. has to learn to defend himself, and a teacher cannot be expected to everywhere at all times. Now it was totally different. They knew they had to stop the hazing. So they were all out in the hallways during passing periods. This Industrial Arts teacher was now indeed everywhere at all times. Especially in the hot spots and where C. was, he was there.
The Industrial Arts teacher was the one who told some of us about the attorney letter. He should not have done this. It should have been confidential. But knowing about, I could see the extreme effect.
Now yes, the kids doing the hazing were given a serious talking to, and maybe a one day suspension. But these kids never were the real problem. The real problem was always the school teachers and administrators. And C.'s parents were brilliant to handle the problem with an attorney, instead of a therapist. I would say this applies to most situations where someone is seeing a therapist. They should instead be talking to an attorney.
I have never forgotten the importance of this lesson.
I was friends with C.'s older brother, and so I already had some idea what the parents were like. They really impressed me.
But unfortunately, most of the time the child is made into the scape goat, and there is never any redress.
Autism / Aspergers, though perhaps tied to some underlying temperament, when looked at as a disorder it is simply another variation on medical munchausens.
One good news is that sometimes the medical profession is starting to see this. One case known as Arizona 5 is where a family with 5 children was doing home schooling and had gotten diagnoses on all 5 as having autism, and they wanted to do chelation. The entire family revolved around talking the kids to doctors, and then telling the doctors what to do.
But doctors at the Phoenix Children's Hospital turned against the parents, and with help from CPS, and arguing against their own doctors who made the autism diagnoses, got the 5 children removed.
Warning, this is a crank book, written by someone totally discredited who was working against CPS and who always sides with the parents as a political and religious position:…
Lord of the Flies is fiction, and it is about a bunch of school age boys. What I can see is that in a real tribal society, the one who shows autistic tendencies is the one pulled aside to become the shaman. They are removed from peer culture socialization by bullying realms, and placed into the care of a non-parental adult.
So now you tell your brother the pediatrician, and the FBI, and Homeland Security, that if he is passing out Autism or Asperger's diagnoses, or otherwise telling children that there is something wrong with them or that their minds are deluded or that they lack social skills or that they somehow need to live by asking people to make allowances for them, or he is telling parents to use things like CBT or other manipulation strategies with them, that there is this guy in San Jose who wants to find him so that he can use ANY MEANS NECESSARY to SHUT HIM DOWN! And also tell him that if I should be present when he is telling a child that they have this deficiency or difference, then no matter where this is, I will intercede and place him under citizens arrest, and then use whatever level of force is required to control the situation.
I want to get involved in this matter, putting autism / asperger's doctors out of action. If your brother meets the criterion, then he could be a good place to start. But I especially want to get this Lynn Kern Koegel at UC Santa Barbara, because she is an outspoken autism promoter, and she is teaching parents how to abuse their children.
Reasonable Efforts: A Judicial Perspective…
twentyfive, you don't have to worry about a revolution from low income hairless apes. The real revolution will be led by the cats. However, my lion buddy tells me that he will be magnanimous and behave as your benevolant overlords. Perhaps you would care to join the cat revolution as a viceroy in charge of some limited region.
My job in the administration is court jester. That's the ticket!
As for the San Jose weirdo, he's going to get the wildebeest treatment.
That's the ticket! Squawk!
You were silent for too long. You weren't there at the stadium 2/8. You've lost your place. My Christian Eating Lions are the top cats now.
And then when my lions are done, some of the local crows clean up.
Now on the otherhand, if you and the vulture wanted to join us, that could be considered. But otherwise, you've got nothing.
I don't know where some things will go, but no matter what I am ready.
These aren't mere threats, they are present reality. This is how it goes when people start standing up for themselves. When I helped put the Pentecostal Molester into San Quentin, instead of staying on the sidelines, I crossed through a door. I'm not going back.
I'm at the lead in public and contentious issues.
and you can stop with your tired bullshit lie about putting someone in San Quentin. San Quentin and Folsom are California’s MAXIMUM SECURITY prisons. i’ve never been in SQ but i was briefly in Folsom before my re-classification hearing and transfer to Soledad. you see you uneducated lying asshole everyone who gets remanded into the custody of the California Department of Corrections is classified by the CDC which determines where they will serve their time. plain run of the mill child molesters are not sent to SQ which has limited space and is reserved for those deemed as the most serious threats. there is a waiting list to get in and it doesn’t include pentecostal child molesters
that is how i know you have been lying the entire time you dumbass loser. your yarn is so ridiculous when held up against real world reality that it makes you sound like the pretender you are. just like your pretend experiences with strip clubs. during your back and forth with @subraman it was crystal clear you have never been to a San Francisco strip club in your entire miserable life. how old are you anyway? late 50’s? early 60’s? and in all the time you’ve been on here you could never once –NOT EVEN ONE FUCKING TIME – taken a $99 round trip flight to San Diego for a weekend in TJ. what a fucking loser
and now your threats to kill motorhead and bring serious harm to not only ATACdawg but also to his brother who isn’t even on TUSCL, are a clear step across the line into criminal terroristic threats by a lunatic.
time for you to go you stupid toothless barking dog, so FUCK OFF LIAR
In Folsom and Soledad?
Pelican Bay is he new maximum security. San Quentin has a bad rep because of Death Row. But it also has all sorts of other convicts, including sex offenders. And it does seem to be used as an intake center. They also transfer people around frequently.
I'm 200 years old.
No, tied down with 24-7 highly visible stuff. No TJ.
And besides, I don't go for sex tourism. When I do go to TJ, it won't be sex tourism. It will be the start of a long term business relationship with frequent visits. :)
Well, in my own f2f space, people aren't saying that the poor are poor because just like pre-human ancestors they are not able to compete. And I say the poor need to rise up and strike. When they do, I will be with them. Letting people say that they are unfit to compete is extreme denigration. It's more than just fighting words.
And as far as doctors who tell kids that they suffer from a neurological condition, I want to get into the middle of that, engage in non-violent civil disobedience. And if I can get right into the interactions, it might go beyond that.
Of course the real question with you Phil is, who are you a sock puppet for?
Hey, here is something people might find interesting!
Satanic Temple is an offshoot of Anton LaVey's Church of Satan. But it is an activist group. One of the things they are doing is getting into the middle of child corporal punishment situations. Watch the video, but it is disturbing.
I want to learn more about this and get involved. For one thing it fits the profile I have described, direct physical intervention and confrontation. There is no telling where some of this might go, like say forcibly taking the paddle out of a school principle's hand, or maybe first striking him hard, to facilitate this, and then knocking him on his ass to subdue him. The possibilities are endless.
Read this FAQ and see what Satanic Temple is trying to do. They aren't asking for new laws, they are telling kids how to resist.
Evem though Satanic Temple does not seem to use naked woman altars like LaVey did, they are still clearly intended to infuriate religionists.
I'd like to see the day when no child will let someone tell them that they have autism and need to learn how to become passably socially acceptable, and when these autism doctors are force to back off because they know that no child will tolerate them.
Family Mediation Guide…
Best Practices…
If summoned to the school and they clearly did not heed the letter, I'd just shove a copy of it into their faces, in front of witnesses with a video camera, and then read the the riot act, so to speak.
I would use only a semi-Marine Corp Drill Sergeant approach.
Of course getting police out there will always be one of the prime objectives.