
Recession pricing coming to a club near you

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
I don't know about anyone else, but I am convinced that we are either in a recession or heading into one. While I never wish for recession as it makes my life tougher in certain ways, I will admit that I had some great times during the last downturn with some uber hotties who I never would have lured OTC otherwise. Now obviously the last downturn was pretty severe, but I even found the relatively modest recession before that to provide some opportunities that had previously been harder to score.

Anyone else looking forward to a recession from a club perspective?

While on the topic, that dogshit stock RICK is already back to trading under $8 (what a surprise - not) and same store sales are taking a beating, so now may not be such a bad time to solicit your favorite hottie at a RICK location if you have one.


  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    It's posts like this that make me miss Dougster. What would Dougster say to this post? I'll start.

    How much less do you grease bouncers during a recession Ricky boy? Is it best to use discount lube with bouncers during a recession?
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    JS, why in the world would you have a problem with a post like this? As entertaining as it is reading endless stories from old guys romanticizing their experiences with young sugarbabies; the myriad of different ways that guys can cream in their own pants; and seemingly endless troll on troll circle jerks, every so often it is nice to participate in something a little meatier. ;)
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Nah I prefer johns penthouse letters.
  • Rabbit21
    9 years ago
    Because it's not a post about him or his fantasy life.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I think it's important to separate the bull stock market from recession. The bull market is probably over. In the short-run wages are going to go up I'm not sure how that will affect Club pricing.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I don't have any problem with the post. Although I do disagree with the proposition that trying to save a few bucks is a meatier discussion than stories of how to fuck gorgeous young teenage dancers. I just have a grudging kind of respect for the role that Dougster played here now that he's gone.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    What recession? The economy is booming overall. Maybe you live in a more depressed area?
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    Not OTC, but I have noticed that dance prices dropped again at my local club. They are now below the levels I was paying 15-20 years ago. Crazy. It also doesn't take much tip money anymore for them to sit at my table for an hour. I figured SOMETHING was up.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I think John has been settling accounts with some of the guys who were belittling him or discouraging him from posting in his unarguably-on-topic posts. Like them or not, at one point they were one of the few on-topic discussions in a sea of troll threads.

    Anyway, as someone for whom hustle-level is a prime motivator, and whose income is pretty steady, I too take advantage of recession times. In fact, I do that at a micro-level every single year -- in this area, I know exactly when the club slowdowns will be, and I specifically save up funds to club relatively more during those itmes. I won't be happy about what it will do to my portfolio, but it will bounce back eventually, and in the meantime I'll take advantage in my clubbing
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Right JS, because countless threads filled with thousands of repetitive troll posts were much more entertaining. Seriously dude.

    And I have no problem with posts about fucking young teenage dancers. I've made similar posts myself, though I tend to like them just a hair older so that I can drink with them. The fun I had with a few of yours was more about the emotional side of it.

    But on the topic of recession pricing, it is about a lot more than saving a few bucks. Downturns change earning dynamics in clubs. Where I used to club in the northeast, the hottest girls in my favorite club were making so much money pre-downturn that going OTC with them was not in the cards, but that changed when the economy went south and fewer customers were walking in. These girls' income needs did not change just because the economy soured, especially since one of them had a kid to support, one still needed to send money back to her family in Russia, and one actually had her needs increase she had to start supporting after the mother lost her job.

    I have to imagine others around here have similar experiences and some on this board have weathered even more recessions than I have.
    The last downturn opened things about dramatically with a few girls who had turn change
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Completely agree on the downturn, things like OTC become available, or available at better prices, etc.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Sorry for the incoherent dropoff at the end of my last post. The carnage taking place in the markets is pulling my attention.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I think a better economy hurts the clubs in some areas actually, because the customers have full time jobs. White collar guys looking for work have a lot of free time, and money too. I know when I was between jobs I was clubbing every week. Now that I'm working full time, plus the band, I don't even club once a month. My regulars must miss me.
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    i don't really heading into another recession, but if we did I think value could be had in and out of the club. The one that we had a few back produced some good value I thought. the problem was I was also making less money during it as well as the strippers.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Ricky lives in the Ghetto
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    rockstar-->"My regulars must miss me."

    They told me they don't miss YOU very much, but they've composed several folk songs about your wallet
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why his system is only 35% effective
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    That is why he goes after drug infested disease ridden prostitutes. Nobody else would look at his ugly ass
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Go stroke some managers and grease some bouncers homo
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Go stroke some managers and grease some bouncers homo
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Go stroke some managers and grease some bouncers homo
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Go stroke some managers and grease some bouncers homo
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    It's these kind of posts that make me put crazyjoe back on ignore. Fucking troll.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    /end thread.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Thanks Joe.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Shadow, you mean you took him off of ignore? I've had the dipshit on ignore for months now and I cannot think of a compelling reason to take him off.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    It's a two edged sword. Yes, it's easier to get girls out of the club, or to provide a more expansive menu *in* the club, but as the recession continues, more of the girls find something else to do. Especially, those that have the sense to avoid smoking, snorting, drinking or injecting all of their earnings.

    A *short* recession is OK; a long one, not so much.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    @ Subraman: Same thing.

    @ Joe: SC has a point. I don't want to put you on ignore but if you do long lists of nothing, I'm going to have to.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago

    I may have to agree with you on the recession.

    I am in sales, and 2015 was the best year I had since the recession hit in 2008. At the end of this year I finally surpassed my 2008 numbers, gas was cheap (for business and customers) meaning more money in their pocket to blow.

    My business always slows down after the first of the year but it's still always been steady. Now, it's like there's been a screeching halt as soon as everyone turned their calendars over to 2016.

    It certainly hasn't hit all corners of America yet but I too think it's coming. The questions are how deep will it be and how long will it last this time around.

    I personally see people spending cautiously like they are waiting for something to happen. I think if the Feds didn't finally raise rates a lot of this wouldn't have happened. Those asshole better not dare raise them for the rest of the year.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Oh yeah. Everybody has him on ignore... Never mind. Continue.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Sorry Shadow

    You are a cool guy rockstar666

    Thanks for the compliment ricky
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Joe !!! Lol
  • impala
    9 years ago
    I have to agree, but to a point. I have noticed that in more rural and more urban areas stripper extras lately have been coming down in price, but I have noticed just the opposite in semi urban (suburban) areas. As been mentioned before, it's all about availability of other employment.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Recession? That's Impossible. We are in a 30 year long genuine boom. My financial advisor @Dougster told me so. He told me that I should ignore Steve229. Dougster also told me that the boom was going to be so great that there wouldn't be young women willing to whore in strip clubs anymore. He also said that all The System amounted to was "paying hookers for sex" and "greasing bouncers".

    By the way, has anyone heard from Dougster or Steve229 recently.

    I know most of you guys didn't get to be at the stadium yesterday. So here's some great video footage I took:


    Grand jury probe into Santa Clara Stadium Authority and Santa Clara City Manager Julio Fuentes with allegations of destruction of evidence:
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I think the main issue is the same as a slow club vs a dead club.

    Slow but steady the dancers (and especially the hot dancers) will stick around to try to meet their money, give a little more time, cut a few deals.

    When it's DEAD the hot girls bolt, leaving the truly desperate girls to fend for the scraps.

    This can happen on a day basis (girls going home early or not coming in if their friend says it sucks), a club basis (girls leaving a dead club) and presumably an overall basis.

    But you also can have girls who would otherwise work as promotional models or at Victoria Secret make the leap into stripping out of desperation. That happens more as unemployment peaks

    Strip clubs probably care about yesterday stock market more than other businesses because a lot of mongers are retired and have to watch their accounts. Cities more tied to finance and oil also probably care more about the market than unemployment.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Bring it on baby!


    Just don't walk under high rises.

  • WetWilly
    9 years ago
    Interest rates have taken another turn south. That's another indicator the economy is slowing.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    If only there were not to be anymore bubbles.

    It is the bubbles which cause the busts. Very hard to stop busts, except by refusing to support the bubbles.

    For myself, I'm involved in things which have little to do with booms and busts. But definitely it is easier to operate during the busts than the booms.


    Like a Rolling Stone - Bob Dylan
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “…While I never wish for recession as it makes my life tougher in certain ways …”

    Glad to see you are also concerned about the millions of other Americans that would be affected
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    The OP’s view perhaps can be described as simple supply-and-demand – bad-economy means less demand (custies spending) and thus more supply of mileage/extras.
  • flagooner
    9 years ago
    So long as the supply doesn't decrease, better prices can be had.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Rick Dugan's view of this pretty much matches with Dougster's view, like you say, supply and demand.

    It is not that simple because each one of these boom and bust cycles leaves more people with less of an economic future.

    The only way to stop the busts is to refuse to support the booms. So the sooner the remnants of this boom are gone, the better.

    And then the more we can avoid doing anything to promote another boom the better. But we know it won't go this way. So instead we need to pass laws to structurally change our economy.

    Obama was good about offsetting the worst of the bust. But he did nothing to change our system so that we don't continue to have booms and busts.


    Paul McCartney & Bruce Springsteen - I Saw Her Standing There & Twist And Shout
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    Hell no. I'm finally an adult AND the fact that I've been living dolo since I turned 21 is not something I wan to go away because a recession is coming before I can even get my career off the ground. Last time, I was a kid who it had no real effect on. What a drag.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "I don't have any problem with the post. Although I do disagree with the proposition that trying to save a few bucks is a meatier discussion than stories of how to fuck gorgeous young teenage dancers."


    One thing that has always amazed me about rickdugan is his obsession with saving what, to me, is trivial amounts of money.

    When I first started posting I remember rickdugan posting something about hoping some poor former addict stripper would backslide so he could fuck her less expensively. If I remember correctly it was bumped by Dougster, but I remember reading it and being appalled.

    I mean really, does rickdugan hope his elderly aunt dies a little earlier so he can get the inheritance she promised him in her will?

    Maybe rickdugan doesn't really understand what addiction does to people, but it seems pretty d-baggy no matter how you cut it.

    "I just have a grudging kind of respect for the role that Dougster played here now that he's gone."

    I never understood Dougster's rickdugan obsession, but rickdugan also fed it. I assumed that rickdugan did something that pissed Dougster off a long time ago. So Dougster would repetitively post trivial insults. But then rickdugan would respond like a dumbass! rickdugan could have stopped the whole Dougster thing at any time by just ignoring Dougster and actually ignoring him. None of this "I happend to read your thread despite the fact that I'm ignoring you" bs! Just complete silence.

    In fact, there were times that I thought rickdugan was Dougster, trolling himself! I figuring only an idiot would keep responding to Dougster. Now I'm pretty convinced that rickdugan is not Dougster, and I suspect Dougster was amazed that rickdugan was such an idiot to keep responding to him!

    If you ignored the "rickdugan is a faggot" posts Dougster was actually a pretty interesting poster. Sometimes he was even brilliant! ;)
  • minnow
    9 years ago
    Rick, one wild card that you left out of the deck is the explosion in the number of camgirls in the last 5-8 years. The increase in number of computer, or compatible device owners coupled with club economic dynamics has driven some girls to cam.

    Whether or not the camgirl population would, on the average, be a good OTC candidate or not is open to speculation. I've noticed a slight decrease in dancer attractiveness over the years. While not at a tipping point to drive customers away, IMHO, the camgirl migration has driven club owners to take almost any dancer willing to pay the fees to dance. My 2c. PS- My, the ignore button really enhances the readability of this thread.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    To 4Got- You just hit the nail on the head as to why RickDugan gets trolled so often. He is a tight ass who has an overrated sense of his own importance, notice in all of his replies he is a condescending fuck his answers usually start with Dude or he works in a euphemism like "delicate little flower" or some other BS to ridicule anyone who might have the temerity to disagree with his exalted opinions. His main thoughts seem to be how can I make someone else's misfortune my good fortune. The jackass also replies to people that he claims to have on ignore, I have also noticed what you so eloquently put into words.
  • jester214
    9 years ago
    You just described Dougster to a T. Rick has said some shit I don't agree with but so have many of the people on here.

    The main issue is that a Dougster and a few asshats trolled him so much that some of you actually bought into the bullshit.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    ^^^^ there is no way you could ever disagree with anything Juice posts
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    My club has seen an influx in prettier girls from other dive clubs and urban clubs in the area or upto 1hr away. most cited expected and/or rising contact levels (to keep the same $$ income), OTC requests, and ITC extras as the reasons they left their home clubs.

    So I think when some of you say the prettier, cleaner dancers can and do leave clubs when their earnings from clean dances drop (versus girls who will do more for less money), apparently it really does happen.

    This is just one anecdote.

    I'm sure the opposite also happens, and the platinum Barbie dancer with the fake tits says, aw fuck it, and starts slobbing and jacking dick, doing P4P, etc.

    It's interesting that someone brought up camming. On a related not a dancer said she was doing body rubs (FBSM) on the side (to supplement $$ from clean dancing) and that was the only OTC she would do. I guess when you're pretty you get to pick what you do, or something like that. ???
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Dominic-->" On a related not a dancer said she was doing body rubs (FBSM) on the side (to supplement $$ from clean dancing) and that was the only OTC she would do. I guess when you're pretty you get to pick what you do, or something like that. ???"

    I don't think it's as easy as all that... if it were, there are lots of strippers who do extras, who could be taking more control of their income doing body rubs, escorting, etc. Lack of the critical skills required to do FBSM -- marketing your own business, being able to take and keep appointments (ALWAYS on time), working sober, etc. -- are precisely the reasons strippers who are willing to do extras, choose stripping in the first place. I've watched lots of strippers try to make the transition and then run back again. 'course, the strippers who DO successfully make the transition and manage to build a business at FBSM, pretty much never go back; not having to deal with strip club customers, strip club managers, and other strippers, is apparently a reward of its own.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    I'm still surprised Cam girls make as much as they do. Its like live porn....without the sex. And what's the point of being live if you can't touch...even as a handshake.
    But I thought clubs like Onyx, King of Diamonds and Starlets and....what's that famous strip club in ATL? Magic City I think? Clubs like that; I thought the strippers and the bartenders were making hella dollars from all the rapper appearances and free advertisements from said rappers? Plus with the whole make it rain phenomenon still at large, I'd think strippers NEVER go broke. Look at Blacc Chyna if you ever heard of her.

    Perhaps I'm missing something here.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Dougster understood Rick before any of the rest of us did. But 25 has now got it figured out as well.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    You are missing a lot Esta I know a shit load of these girls very few have more than a pot to piss in so even if they are taking in big bucks most live day to day usually a crises away from having their phone turned off always late with rent and so on.
    For every one that makes it famous there are 200-300 that you never heard of
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    @Subraman: You add good points, as always. Thanks for posting that.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    @twentyfive which type of girl? I mentioned two types
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Most of them I like all types I'm more of a personality type guy. Cute, sweet and friendly go to the head of my line if they are pretty and I usually go for them over thirty - about forty as far as extras I like OTC much better than ITC.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I don't think there is any reason for anyone to be trolling Rick Dugan. Expressing differing views is fine. But there is no cause for going ad hominem.


    In Plato's dialogues with Socrates, the one who is clueless is the one who goes ad hominem. They say things like, "Do you need a wet nurse?", or they accuse Socrates of lacking common sense.

    And then Socrates completely demolishes their position and educates his young students in the process.


    Buddy Guy - Knock On Wood
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    "I know a shit load of these girls very few have more than a pot to piss in so even if they are taking in big bucks ...For every one that makes it famous there are 200-300 that you never heard of"

    I meant which type of girl were you referring to in this statement
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    dancers, I don't know any cam girls or backpage hookers other than that,what are you referring to AA ,Latina,EE , Asian, not sure, I thought I responded to your question
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    As long as Republicans keep control of congress and can stop massive new spending and taxes from either sanders or Hillary, I'm only expecting a 38% maybe as much as 50% but less likely, pullback in stocks and we are part way there already. That's from 2135 so maybe a drop to the 1600's or maybe lower this year or next and then maybe up to 3000 SP500 in another 10 to 15 years.

    Lust was packed this past weekend. What recession?
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    @twentyfive: "His main thoughts seem to be how can I make someone else's misfortune my good fortune."

    While true, to an extent, it's *also* true of many of the *other* mongers who post here. Unless you think most of these girls would be fucking and sucking ugly old men if they werent suffering some "misfortune," even if it's of their own making?

    Rick is far from unique in that respect. He's just more open about it.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    No shit! What recession? I never go out to eat or see a movie on Friday-Sunday because every establishment is completely packed. My two favorite strip clubs are full during the daytime, so what's the point of competing with other people's cash?

    The only reason why we are seeing this little downturn is due to China and the overseas markets, and coupled with oil tanking as a threat to credit for those that do business with energy. This whole recovery will continue to be very slow after bailing out on the overextended credit lines from the early to mid 2000's. You really are a sucker is you're trying to predict a major down cycle. Anything will be short and shallow, or a buying opportunity. Anything big won't happen for another 2 years or so, when expansion begins to accelerate. There is no acceleration of velocity of money. It's a good sign that there isn't as the fed will hold tight and go slow.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Dominic, thanks man, appreciate it!
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Let's say a guy offers a stripper $300 for OTC. She politely declines.

    A month later she's hit some financial hardship and could really use an extra $300. She decides to take the guy up on his offer.

    Did he take advantage of her misfortune? Maybe. But this is a case where the free market is beautiful. She's happier with that $300 than she would be without it. He's happy to pay that price for sex with her. Maybe she wishes she could get that money another way, but we all wish we were rich and famous and good looking and didn't have to work for our money.

    I've noticed a lot of Americans have a real problem negotiating, especially on a face-to-face, personal level, and a lot of salespeople take advantage. Maybe we're all too used to Walmart and McDonalds where the price is the price?

    Sex workers, like any other industry, can put their goods and services on discount or offer additional services at no additional cost in a down market.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    James. I don't have any problems negotiating ever and neither do many of us here I also don't have a problem with negotiating a better rate with sex workers what I dislike is pompous arrogant guys that try to set up other people to fail so that they can reap the benefit.
    I have been involved in many transactions in my lifetime and not knowing your experiences I hesitate to try and make assumptions but I will say this to you, the best transactions are win/win, not the I win you lose shit that the OP constantly spews forth as his mantra. You can disagree if you like but having sex with a beautiful, willing partner is a lot more satisfying than getting a blowjob from some desperate skank who just sees you as a means to an end.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    @James and GMD: Exactly. And I don't have a freakin' clue what twenty five is talking about with that "set up other people to fail" nonsense unless he believes that I am somehow responsible for recessions, creating the bills these girls have to pay, etc.

    The problem here is that some of the guys are too emotionally delicate. In fact, many of them need to be convinced that the girls in question are all too eager to fuck them, because (1) it feeds into their absurd fantasies about legitimately scoring with a young hottie; and/or (2) they would otherwise feel guilty about "taking advantage" of the girl.

    The reality is that there is a lot of emotional roadway in between "very eager" and "horrified at the very thought of fucking some deluded old dude." I like to think that my targets fall at least somewhere in the middle of the spectrum and hopefully closer to eager than horrified, but who really knows. But I'm not going to delude myself into thinking that I am choice #1 for some uber hot 20 year old girl when I am old enough to be her Dad. How absurd. Of course we are not their first choice and that includes the guys who post these ridiculous romantic novels on here.

    Contrary to the girly squeals of protest I always read when I post something like this, I don't mistreat my partners. I am kind to them and pay market rates (and often more). But yes I maneuver to get the best possible results from girls that I want to fuck, especially from those who have historically avoided OTC. Why not? At the end of the day, they get paid well and I get what I want. Win-win. Perhaps this is difficult to comprehend for those of you who need to feel like she is overjoyed to play with your wrinkly balls, but I guess that I just don't need those delusions to enjoy myself with them.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ No Doubt About It, Rick Dugan is #1


    about Human Trafficking

    Coffee Girl Gallery

    Miles Davis
    Nature Boy, playlist
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Okay, mea culpa that I could have made my points without derogatory comments about guys being "emotionally delicate" or protesting with "girly squeals." My bad.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    No girly squeals coming from me Dugan you made my point better than I ever could have.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Well Put

  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    ricky! ricky! ricky!
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    And bring it on baby!

    15,914.74 Down -99.64(-0.62%) Dow Jones - As of 4:32PM EST


    Just don't walk under any high rises. Walk out in the middle of the street if you have to go past any.


    about Human Trafficking

    and some of TUSCL's finest threads

    Coffee Girl Gallery

    The JohnSmith69 anthem:

    Miles Davis - Nature Boy, playlist

    Miles Davis - Bitches Brew
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    You know, with the way this bubble is collapsing now, you'd almost have to think that we are getting close to the time for the Republican National Convention.

    They have to have something to talk about.

  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    Could anyone appear any stupider than the ass clown cheering for an economic recession, and even predicting it? Almost a year later and has SJG been right about anything, especially when it relates to this topic?

    Looks like the only person we should have followed was Meat72. Spot on advice!
  • ime
    8 years ago
    No Jim he has not been right a single time. SJG is a special type of retard.
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    True!^^^ I wonder what his explanation could be?
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    damn loosing my ass on rick's stock. figures.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    RickyBoy: "Anyone else looking forward to a recession from a club perspective? "

    Gessh. And there's people on TUSCL wondering why I call RickyBoy a homo. Just look at his first post in this thread. Which has, obviously, turned out to be completely wrong.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    SJG and RickyBoy sees to have discovered a no risk System for calling for a recession. Here's the flowchart:

    a) Scream at the top of your lungs that a recession is imminent
    b) Wait and see what happens
    c) If a recession occurs, go to e)
    d) if a recession does not occur, say it hasn't happened yet (blame government manipulation of interest rates or whatever). Say that will just make it worse when it actually happens and go back to b).
    e) See you were right! Game over.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    That's some funny, yet true, shit Dougster! Wait until we get the slightest bit of bad economic news, you'll be hearing chicken little screaming "the sky is falling" like no tomorrow from those guys. Albeit briefly, they will have their 1 or 2 months of glory while the market recovers and goes higher, whining about missing out on new opportunities.

    Gassagain's getting under SJG's skin again. Pure comedic genius!
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    So when's this recession SJG and RickyBoy are talking about been rescheduled for now? Or is it off altogether now that Trump is in office?
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    JamesSTD: " The bull market is probably over. "


  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    RickyBoy: " The carnage taking place in the markets is pulling my attention."

    Lol! Keep that one in mind for this year: if you feel there is "carnage" in the markets just close your eyes and buy.
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    Looks like SJG doesn't have an explanation for his incorrect call of a recession early in 2016.

    He doesn't like my politics of capitalism and positive views on the American system of investing with hard earned funds saved from a person's paycheck. Too bad he hasn't earned a woman's heart to keep from marital infidelity.

    His calls if market woes are about as good as his predicting a good wife to be married to. My wife and I are going on 15 years of wedded bliss, and successful creation of an organization where we create actual success in business. That is capitalism, which is different than his counter culture socialistic anti-American, sleep raping women SJG.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    JimGassagain: "Looks like SJG doesn't have an explanation for his incorrect call of a recession early in 2016."

    Yeah him and RickyBoy were practically creaming their pants they would finally see the market crash they've been calling for for years. But WRONG again!

    How do you explain your continued wrong calls on the market, SJG?
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Really good all on the markets and economy, SJG and RickyBoy. Really good call!
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Lol! Yeah right! How about an answer SJG and Rickyboy?

    Oh that's right, those two have me on ignore, just like Larry Fishsticks. U know you're doing something right if you have the 3 biggest faggits from TUSCL placing you on ignore. It's because they can't handle their own shit let alone some intellect telling them how stupid their shit is. Such fucking faggitry loserism trying to find what's wrong in the markets when so much has gone right!

    Pussies have to hide behind the ignore button, which Rickybiy and SJG have openly published for self grandiose attention.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Still no word from the two idiots why they got this one wrong?

    Let me guess. We got lucky back then and it's going to make the recession all the worse when it actually does hit: which could be any day now.
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    I'm sure they would explain things are as they are moth the market due to luck, and soon your luck will run out, or eventually.

    Mentally the people who are always looking at the dark side or down side of things do so becaus it makes them appear smart, which is what SJG and Rickyboy want everyone to believe that they are smart. They have compensations to make up for, and going back to cave man days the pessimistic view was use for survival , hence be leery of leaving the cave cause you might get attacked by a bear or mountain lion. Those two characters haven't even evolved enough to go beyond caveman type thinking, yet if they were so inclined to see what's the true benefit in these things called capitalism and the markets, they wouldn't have to depend on bottom feeding people for their emotional short falls. I prefer to make people laugh and feel good about themselves, yet SJG is just a huge "Debbie Downer"!

    Cue up the music....... Wah wah wahhhhh...-after Debbie Downer says something depressing from SNL.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Locally the newspapers report the unemployment as getting below 4%, very rare. But all kinds of other indicator tell a different story.

    Retail stores and restaurants closing, reminiscent of 2008. One supermarket pulled out. But then nearby Safeway cutting staff and hours. Either slow business or don't want to deal with late night trouble makers. Either way, suggests things sinking.

    Increasing number of homeless people, and different faces.

    City government promoting construction boom like there was no tomorrow. Possibly setting the stage for a crash just like the S and L crash in Texas in the 80's, caused by over building of glass box office space.

    Lots of fear in the air.

  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Any market calls for this year, SJG and RickyBoy? Analyst consensus is around 2350 on the S&P, but I'm thinking more like 2580.

    What do you two nitwits have to say? (So we can position opposite of what you say. Lol!)
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I don't try to call any markets because I don't care what they do and mostly they don't effect me.

    But they do effect our entire society. The more people pay attention to these markets the more actual work is devalued and the more fatalistically we are living. So the sooner all of these bubbles burst, the better.


    When I get out to the South East, you can know that I will not be associating with anyone who has skin the same color as Alabama's Jeff Sessions.

    Veruca Salt - Shimmer Like A Girl
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    ^^^ It's racism towards white people like you've displayed above, which has gotten the voters appalled at the liberal policies of you Democratic coastal elites. It us also the reason why liberals have lost the power and will now regain our system if capitalism so people can actually plan for their future by investing and believing in the USA ways, which differentiate us from any other place on earth.

    You should move out of the country like all those celebrities said if you don't like our country's voting results. Leave now, because everyone on TUSCL hates SJG!
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Can you do it, tell me with a straight face that all the White people who voted for Trump and not morons?

    And Dougster knows it too, but he still supports the Republican Party.

  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Wrong again, SJG, I said many times that my preference was for Hilary and the Democrats to win the election. But I don't reality and what people actually said matter to you anymore. Just what you wish they had said, anything so you have a windmill to charge. Right, psycho?
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    SJG: " I don't try to call any markets because I don't care what they do and mostly they don't effect me."

    You mean you don't *anymore* because you sure as hell were in this thread. Or did you think we would not point out that one little fact.

    In any case, I guess it's sort of good that you won't try to call them anymore: you were wrong so often should save you some embarrassment. OTOH, if you or RickyBoy got excited about a collapse was always a good sign that that was the bottom. Nearly a perfect -1.0 between your calls and what actually happened.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I said that the current market levels are a bubble. They are not sustainable. But this is not making a "call" in any finite time frame. But my more important message is that we should ignore these markets, not put any money into them, and that sooner they crash the better.

    And also, that financial types like Dougster are parasites.

  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    ^^^^ You've just shown how stupid you are by being a broken clock and admitting your strategy is to always make a fearful call, the "chicken little" sky is falling song always placating to people's emotional fears, because we all know people feel loss twice as much as they feel the euphoria of gains! Much like losing your ex-wife to infidelity in your marriage, and never experiencing the happiness that comes with creating a beautiful family organization with a beautiful wife who helps you create a beautiful successful business in comedy.

    No you'd rather drag people down to the ground by belittling them and downplaying their efforts of hope and optimism, and with your predatory nature take advantage of their fears. This much the same way as waking up your girls in the middle of the night and raping them in their sleep. Somehow you think just because they're in the same bed as you that you can do whatever you want to them and it is called "consent"! You are a despicable human being and founder needs to ban your ass.

    Everybody hates SJG and wishes he would just leave, especially strippers
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Jim, stop engaging the biggest ritard to fall on tge face of the earth! Waste of typing ..... He's always wrong and no pointing to his errors changes his mind.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Dougster, when they finally label this the longest running bull market and then the strongest lasting bull market, so you think they'll believe us when we say "told you so"?

    Honestly there always are shocks in the system but consider me willing to ride the next shock as another nice buying opportunity. New administration will give traders an excuse to over react.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Of course. The market is rallying because of long term trends in technology. Particularity coming advances in AI which will accelerate the production. This is also why the last recession was as mild as it was. Nothing can really stop that and certainly not Trump.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    It's funny SJG thinks he knows so much about the markets and politics yet his calls on the market (i.e. a bubble about to collapse) and the election (a Democratic landslide) have been disastrously wrong. Pretty good evidence the huge dichotomy between what he thinks he knows and the fact that he is just a psycho completely out of tune with reality.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    I fucking hate SJG but not as bad as JGas does. People like SJG are permanently painting a dire picture, and eventually when something bad happens they'll be the opportunists jumping on people's misfortunes. They're predators, Rickyboy and SJG.
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    Meat72 and Dougster, the thing called velocity of money has barely begun to gain momentum, and when it's too fast that's when you'll know to get cautious.

    ^^^ And as far as hating SJG I definitely wouldn't say that I hate him the most, but I do believe everybody on TUSCL does hate him and wishes he'd develop an organization of some kind to occupy his time, instead of trolling and bumping his own threads with repetitive drivel. What an ass clown as he was calling a market melt down one year ago!
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    ^^^Life is to short to waste time hating anyone, just ignore what you dislike, and respond to what you want to. What is the point of pointing out the obvious unless its funny, than laugh hard and often.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Meat72: "They're predators, Rickyboy and SJG."

    Dipshit predatory.

    Yep, people have mentioned the similarities between Alucard and SJG's personality but SJG also has quite a bit in common with RickyBoy, e.g. the sense of entitlement and the grandiosity combined with the dipshitry when it comes to objective assessment of what the world is really like (e.g. in the political and economic arenas).
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    "Of course. The market is rallying because of long term trends in technology. Particularity coming advances in AI which will accelerate the production. This is also why the last recession was as mild as it was."

    That stuff doesn't soften recessions, the deepen them because less labor is needed. But Dougster and his friends don't care about that, they've got their high rises with strip clubs on the top floors. For them, each boom and bust cycle only brings them closer to the day they can bring out the livestock rail cars and begin the transportations.

    Right now, they are happy with Trump building them their high rises, each with a strip club on the top floor, and then cramming the rest of us into ghettos.

    What softened this last recession was the fact that Barack Obama was President, and not Herbert Hoover. But nevertheless, they have talked about Great Depression levels of unemployment.

    No, long boom is out of the question. Technology does not bring us that because labor is in gross surplus. What we need is to recognize this and enjoy it via Social Democracy.

  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Meanwhile.... He speaks of crashes which are inevitable, but he misses out on all the gains when the market goes up way more than it goes down, and only sees the downside. Ask anyone who consistently contributed into the markets over the past two decades and they will tell you from experience it is the down turns of the market where they made most of their money. Crashes aren't long term trends, Upward mobility is a long term trend.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    I'm not sure what this labor surplus he is talking about is. Especially since he lives in Silicon Valley. The real problem is finding enough skilled labor to fill headcounts. So much so that the companies I've worked for have all had to hire substantially from outside the country. And even then it's hard to find enough workers.

    Just another of his disconnects with reality.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Under utilized employment will become a
    bigger issue going forward with all of these liberal arts degrees kids are being accepted into.

    Considering JimG velocity of money there will be transfer of wealth and an increase of velocity due to this transfer and spending down of some assets. Health care will continue to rise in GDP expenditures and growth and dividends will be strong over the next two decades, of course it will be volatile to say the least. None for the faint of heart.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Labor Surplus?

    No Dougster your whole position about the finance sector and the development of our society is a total disconnect with reality. And I fear that it is intentional.

    Just like when Clinton was in office, creating jobs? The line was, "Don't tell me about that, I've got 3 of them."

    Our newspapers always present situations of people working 2 and three jobs, and often with a college degree, but still not being able to rent anything better than someone's couch.

    4% unemployed is still a huge number of people, like about 20,000 just for San Jose. But the official unemployment rate is a gross undercount. People are discouraged, forced to accept a disability or mental health interpretation, and if they are smart they don't talk to official inquirers.

    Andy Stern: There Is a Way to Stop Machines From Making Americans Poorer

    We have not had any net increase in the number of living wage stable jobs in decades!

    With each of your boom and bust cycles, more and more people, counting as "employed", are going to shit jobs, jobs you can't live on.

    Like Barbara Ehrenreich says, people working in those kinds of jobs are "anonymous donors".

    And this is not new. We used to have like 90% of the population working in agriculture. Now that number is less than 4%.

    You want Freedom Through Work, Dougster? Just outlaw farm machinery. No, you want people cleaning the sidewalk with their tooth brushes. That way it makes it easier for you and your friends to scapegoat and dehumanize them.

    Dougster, the ones draining the system while doing nothing, are not those on welfare or sleeping under bridges. No, you are the parasite!

    You could be replaced with a small microchip, A VERY SMALL MICROCHIP!

    Or even better, you could be just out and out removed by just a good kick in the rear end, in the direction of an open stair well door.


    Hermetic Hour
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    @SJG: I sort of agree with you. Many people sleeping under bridges or on welfare have schizophernia. I don't think they should be targets of anyone's rheoteric. Plus what we spend on them is no big drain on the system anyway.

    Again, SJG, you've admitted you have no idea what my job is so no clue if I could be replaced by a VERY SMALL MICROCHIP or not. Why do you keep pretending?
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Dougster, you have talked about getting an annual "bonus". Usually this goes to people who sell. But it also can go to executives, people of higher rank than those who sell, people with P and L responsibility. Usually it would not go to analysts. It has to be someone who at least has account responsibility.

    I any event, even what you are doing here on this board is promoting continuing financialization. And you have said that you work in finance. You are helping to bring on a world which provides for the employment and needs of less and less people. You say technology is doing this, but I do not agree. I say it is continuing financialization. So that you are continuing to make money by doing this, qualifies you as a Parasite!

    So we don't even need a small microchip to replace you, we should just focus on stopping you, eliminating you.


    Robert B. Reich: Technological Change and the Inevitability of Unconditional Basic Income
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    This is how stupid you are SJG denigrating the financial services industry. If it wasn't for this sector our economy would never have any growth as we will sit in the stone ages circulating silver and gold coins, therefore promoting theft as who could carry around all of their wealth in their pockets and subject their stash to being stolen out of their safe? You should bow down to the financial sector for allowing the flow of goods and services to occur with ease, enabling a much easier and better life for poor people to get free cell phones and government housing along with their EBT cards. The financial sector has saved the margininalized, and if not for them we would be living in the stone ages. That's how fucked up thinking you are as a liberal, because you think progress only applies to your agenda, but you have a disease called liberalism which doesn't allow for you to take your horse blinds off your fat, white people hating face! Fuck off and die SJG, everybody on TUSCL hates you!
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Both tech and financial (and fintech, of course) pay bonuses these days. Go have a look at glassdoor to confirm. Are you telling me the company you work for does not pay bonuses?

    (Maybe I'm the one working on the microchips or AI to replace people. :-) )

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Gaffigan, financialization is just another wedge between Capital and Labor, it has nothing to do with the well being of people. That kind of economic expansion is not a positive, it is a negative.

    And you should be required to identify your sponsors when you post.

    How to insert a butt plug so it stays in:

    Dougster, As I have said, I have learned to run my own affairs, so my contact with the mainstream culture of business and compensation is deliberately limited. What I do is first and foremost about values. And this is why I am now involved in building a much more involved counter culture organization.

    One of my inspirations is the English and American Arts and Crafts Movement, and things like Roycroft of Aurora New York.


    And also the Open Source Software Movement, and what has developed into an Open Standards Movement.

    I've never been a guy who just sells himself to the highest bidder. I don't operate that way, never have, never will. So don't try to compare me to that kind of world you operate in, and that most college grads get sucked into.


    Sherri's Ranch, Pahrump NV

    Yanis Varoufakis: Basic Income is a Necessity
    Financialization has created a huge wedge between Capital and Labor, created a new form of Capital, Financialized Capital.

    TJ Street



  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    And also Dougster, if you are working on AI microchips, then likely it is your friends in Bayreuth who assigned you to that task, making chips which will run the robots that load the bodies into the ovens. This time they intend to succeed.

  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    So wait? You're unemployed now? Or self employed? Hopefully you didn't burn any bridges and got some contacts who can get you back when you realize that your revolution just AIN'T GONNA happen. Also assuming you can get it together enough to keep your psycho ass out of prison and mental institutions.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    For decades now, self-employed. You could call it that. I run my own stuff. Just because I went to college, that does not mean that I was made on an assembly line and that all I amount to is a resume.

    I put lots of energy into political work, always finding ways to escalate conflicts.

    I'm not really trying to start a revolution, but I am working to build a counter culture organization. And for this I need some scalps. A broader revolution will come later.

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