Update: 1st place for dumbest move

avatar for anongirl98
Last night I told TUSCL that I was participating in a wet t shirt contest and I won!! There were only 6 other girls so not major comp but it was pretty exciting:-)

However, following my triumph I had to be rushed to the hospital, not so exciting :-(

I had been hanging with a guy at the bar, didn't know him but he seemed fairly friendly, he bought me a drink and then with some pouting, bought my friends a round too. Definately my type, mid fifties, silver fox kinda guy.
After the stage show I dried off and sat back beside him, he offered me a drink that was sitting on the table that he supposedly just ordered and I stupidly accepted (I know, big big mistake). I was still a bit buzzed from winning so I sipped at it and within 3 minutes felt super drunk. I'm not a heavy drinker and I don't do any type of drugs so I assumed it was just me being light weight like usual. My friends had gone to a club (my ID wouldn't have worked) and promised to come back in an hour -- I didn't protest because there was 0 guys their type there (20 y/o gym rat, type if you know what I mean) and I was really hitting it off with this guy.

Anyways, the guys plan did not work because my body rejected the drug and instead of just being "easy" I passed out and then started vomiting and afterwards dry heaving on the bar floor until the ambulance came. Luckily for me, my friend had been outside of the club smoking and came back when she saw the ambulances heading to the bar, so I wasn't alone during the hospital stuff--I really hate them.

Sorry the details are kind of choppy, I only Know what the bartender told my friends.

Anyways thanks for the good luck wishes on the original post, id like to think they saved me from a night that could've been much worse. :-)


last comment
No wonder girls are so unfriendly to well intentioned guys. This one here ruins it for many, and I don't blame the girls for being stand off-ish.
Well, if you ever see the asshole again, talk to your manager to let him know what happened. It may not do a lot of good, but at least the club will know to keep an eye on him. I'm glad you are OK, despite being drugged, anongirl98.
avatar for GoVikings
9 years ago
"Definately my type, mid fifties"


aren't you 18, anongirl?
In your previous thread you stated that you weren't naive just inexperienced. Let this be a lesson to you never take a drink that wasn't ordered in front of you additionally don't ever allow a drink you are drinking out of your view. There quite a few threads here about guys getting drugged and robbed or attempts made. Until you know someone reasonably well don't be so trusting I would say you got lucky with a trip to the hospital. You need to be careful
avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
^^^^trying too hard to be "provocative' on this site if you ask me
avatar for anongirl98
9 years ago
Vince - I wasn't working, I was just at a bar! But thank you :-)

Vikings - yes, I'm 18..can't blame a girl for daddy issues ;-)

25- I know not to! I'm usually better with this kinda stuff, I'm a good girl! Like I said, I just got wrapped up in the buzz of winning and I wasn't thinking. Thanks for the advice :-) I am lucky!
avatar for anongirl98
9 years ago
Mike - not sure who you're talking about or what you're talking about. Please explain :-)
Glad you're ok. Congrats on winning!
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
Glad you are ok and it didnt end worse.

What a dumbass that guy was. Sounds lime he was doing pretty good at connecting with you and he had to do something like that. Did the guy get arrested? He probably would have been in my area.

Congrats on your win! Now you won't be so nervous next time. You got more experience and confidence now!
avatar for GoVikings
9 years ago
anon--- so you prefer guys who are a lot older than you? well, nothing wrong with that. it just made my eye-brows raise because its not one of those thing you hear everyday

Unfortunately, strip clubs can be easy pickings for guys like that. And if you end up working at one, this probably won't be the only time it happens to you or is attempted. I've heard all kinds of horror stories from girls at the clubs very similar to this.

Best bet is to always be on your guard while at the club.
^^^Trust no one in a SC. Never drink a drink if you didn't see it poured with your own eyes. Never drink a drink that was left unattended even for just a quick trip to the bathroom.
Did he mention being from Santa Clara County?
I'm sorry you were drugged. Most older guys are gentlemen, and they will treat you well--I would be glad to show you how well.

It was great that you won the wet t-shirt contest. Can you post some photos?
the haha was to ime Santa Clara County is where a certain poster claims to be from
yet these young girls keep fucking with these salt and pepper mother fuckers. Old men only want sex, while us young bucks actually want relationships. But hey, keep dating them. Maybe one day you'll date one long enough for him to die way before you.
@GoViking you must not get out enough because this is so common place, you see it all the time in the street. Makes you really question why young men are all up in strip clubs these days.
To Estafador Seems you are a little jealous don't worry just live long enough you will get your turn!
avatar for GoVikings
9 years ago
estafador-- it's common place for 18 year olds to prefer men in their 50's? lol oooooooooooooK
@twentyfive yes slight jealousy there, but the thing is, I don't WANT younger women and I have very high doubts it will change when I'm 40. At lowest I'll accept 5 years younger by that age, though I'll probably be married by then anyway
Yea i don't think it is common for 18 y.o. to date men in there 50's, at least not where I'm from. Maybe it is common for 18 year olds to have 50 y.o. customer in the strip club. But I'm not complaining. I'm almost 45 so Yay!!!! And glad you are ok anongirl
^i was thinking the same thing. Perhaps she meant "my type" of customer.
What an 18 y.o. sees in a 50 y.o. I have no idea but I guess anytbings possible.
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
Anongirl - glad you're ok. I hate hearing those stories. Those guys should be in jail.

I knew a girl who always dated guys 20-25 years older than her. Got married twice to a couple of them. Both ended in divorce.
avatar for anongirl98
9 years ago
Thanks everyone, it could've Definately gone worse but right now I feel so sick and very stupid. I'm also kind of regretting sharing this because it makes me just look like a bimbo.

Esta- I've dated guys my age and in their 20s, in fact I currently have a restraining order against one. Yes some older guys only want sex but so do some younger guys. Older men (some) are just more attractive to me then (most) young guys. I like the maturity, nurturing, intelligence and overall persona. Plus, I find I fight a loooot more with younger guys because a.) jealousy - the older you are the more you realize you are who you are and your self esteem isn't so low so you're not so worried about cheating and stuff. B.) there isn't competition, with guys that are my age I feel like there's a constant competition with jobs, money, promotions etc. AND I think sleeping with guys 30 years my elder is kinda hot :-)

avatar for anongirl98
9 years ago
I can understand the confusion about why id be 18 and attracted to so much older but it's just how my brain works. I also find lazy guys/bum/druggies veerrry unattractive, so the opposite would be a successful business man (in my books)

No I didn't mean type for SC customers I meant my sexual/romantic type, which is why like I've said stripping is a great way to make some cash while flirting with guys (for the most part) that I'd normally flirt with
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
Anon - we all have made mistakes, if you survive the mistake then you can learn from it. You are still so young and will make more mistakes, it's part of life. We all feel stupid when it happens, but it doesn't mean we are stupid. Don't be too hard on yourself.
@anongirl98 I feel like your calling the kettle black here. You like older men for their maturity (nuturing is kinda creepy and I won't address that) and you hate us young men because we're immature? But you fight with them because of jealousy? Isn't jealousy an immature thing? If I'm reading this right, essentially, you want an older man not only because of maturity and whatever else (intelligence is a poor factor since there are so many intelligent young men out there these days) and can help you keep your own immaturity at bay? I feel like that's what I read there. Because after all, young men are busy trying to better themselves competing for jobs and promotions, the type of thing women love in ANY man (back to that jealousy thing). Feel free to correct me if I am wrong at any and all points. Just want to better understand the dynamics of young woman/older man scenario.

@GoVikings I guess its more common in NYC than anywhere else. Because I see it quite a lot and I don't just stay in Queens all day.
Well I'm not complaining anongirl. I just usually don't see it a lot but I certainly don't have a problem with it:)
avatar for anongirl98
9 years ago
Esta - sorry maybe I wasn't being clear. 1.) I don't hate younger guys, never said I do either :-) 2.) when I said "I fight" I meant, when I'm in a relationship with a younger guy I am constantly battling to go out with my friends, text male coworkers, etc etc. I'm not a jealous person, if someone wants to cheat on me then so be it--their loss not mine (who needs cheaters!) That's not to say that all younger guys are jealous by nature but those I've dated have been and my male friends my age act the same way (not towards me though really). Intelligence to me isn't just book smart, it's experience smart. Hell yeahh there's a bunch of smart younger guys, to say they aren't is to say that me, being young am automatucally not intelligent. But there are some things you learn only by experience, the older you are the more experienced for the most part. I never said I needed a guy, or anybody actually to keep my maturity at bay. I'd hate to bring up the ole girls grow up faster than boys debate buuuut...

Me being attracted and liking older men is in know way me trying to discredit younger guys, it's just a preference. Just like if I was a lesbian, I could still date women without hating men. :-)
avatar for anongirl98
9 years ago
No way*
My current favorite is 21. She was sitting on my lap this afternoon and her drink was sitting on the table behind her. She had the street smart sense to move it in front of her.
Rough way to learn a lesson but I hope you did. I'd hate to hear something worse happening to you.
Glad you're ok. What did you learn from the experience?

avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago

IUD SIS, stay in school ‘cause it's the best
avatar for anongirl98
9 years ago
I did learn a lesson :-) although I always knew not to leave my drink unattended I guess I picked a lousy time not to practice that rule, blah.

Mikeya - I am in school and I plan to stay in it for another 6 years! I don't discuss that on here though because I kinda get the idea that girls stripping to pay for their tuition is translated to = bullshit. I'm sorry if I annoy you or you don't like my discussions--I feel that vibe, but I'll try my best to stay outta your virtual way :-)
avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
Anon, what did I say. If I was your real friend, I would tell you to stop fucking around with strip clubs. older guys, false I.D.'s, loser young guys, and enjoy your youth without thinking you're little miss sexpot.
avatar for anongirl98
9 years ago
Why can't "enjoying my youth" coincide with a few of those things. I never claimed to be "little miss sexpot", I actually haven't even mentioned my actual sex life on here. I haven't had sex since early fall, (september-ish) I don't sleep around at all and I maintain good grades, work out regularly, yoga twice a week, Im on the cheerleading squad, I ride horses and go to concerts occasionally etc--sounds like the kinda stuff you think enjoying my youth consist of so hopefully that makes up for my occasional naughtiness.

I'm not permanently working at a SC (yeah I know, roll your eyes ;-)) I'm doing it for a year until I can go to school. And I'm less then a year away from being the legal drinking age, meaning fake IDs are basically essentially for hanging out with most of my friends. I also don't intentionally pick "loser" young guys, I don't think anyone does.

If I wrote discussions saying "Today I studied for 3 hours, and then practiced my basket toss in cheer" I don't think anyone would be happy. This site was made for strip clubs, sorry I don't post my GPA.

I'm also sorry if that was rude (a little sarcastic I know). I rarely stick up for myself but your backhanded comments on some threads and stuff in regards to me are kind of unnessacary. :-)
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
Holy shit
avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
I'm sorry, but your first avatar was cheesy even by "seeking attention" standards. If that's your agenda, knock yourself out
avatar for jestrite50
9 years ago
I am glad you are ok and sorry this happened. I hope this guy gets put in jail where he belongs.
I am an older guy and have been dating 18-25 year olds for several years. I like younger girls and they seem to like the security an older guy can offer them.
avatar for GoVikings
9 years ago
"I am an older guy and have been dating 18-25 year olds for several years."

jestrite50...are you paying them or do you mean dating in the traditional sense?
Shit I didn't know Bill Cosby was in Toronto last night
avatar for anongirl98
9 years ago
My avatar was cute, in *my* opinion. And that's why it was *my* avatar and not yours ;-p I've had it saved in my comp for almost 2 years because iit reminds me of someone I miss :-)

I feel sick and my head already kills, I don't feel like arguing anymore. Sorry for offending you in anyway:-)
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
Why you acting like that mikeya. What did anongirl do to you?
@anongirl --
1. fuck that rapey fucking asshole. If there are cameras in the club, you should push the club to review the tapes and get his fucking ass arrested.
2. +++ for craving us older guys (I get it (and like it) -- BTW, where in the USA are you at?)
3. don't let the haters chase you away. Not everyone has a pickle up their ass
4. You survived what wlll likely prove to be a valuable lesson. Count your blessings.
anongirl98 - I know it's not the greatest advice but your headache will go away, it could have been a lot worse, so you're lucky in that aspect.

Just please be more careful next time and don't take drinks from anyone, even co-workers you think are your 'friends.'

I'm sure you're pretty and now you know that older dudes will do just about anything to get a piece of you.

Just be careful!!!!!!!
avatar for anongirl98
9 years ago
Pensionking- I have the guys business card..I just found it in my jacket pocket, totally forgot he gave it to me. I was thinking about pressing charges but I was illegally in a bar using fakes so I don't know how that would work :-( I'm in Canada atm, this summer I'll be in FL

Shailynn -- yeah this experience has got me so shook I don't even know how willing I'll be to ever accept a drink! Thanks for your advice, didn't mean to complain about my headache. I know I should be grateful!
avatar for jestrite50
9 years ago
Go Vikings
I don't pay anyone to date. When I date a girl there is no expectation of how much she will benefit. She does benefit however and I treat her very well.
"I was thinking about pressing charges but I was illegally in a bar using fakes so I don't know how that would work."

Anon, I am unfamiliar with Canadian law, but I would venture to say it is similar to the US. If you want to press charges go to the local leos and get a urinalysis, witness statements from the people at the club, hospital records and etc. You might get a little push for using a fake but they will most likely go after the bastard with enough evidence. Because you were lucky, they will want him off the streets before he tries to strike again.
Sorry to hear this anongirl98. Seriously non-brilliant! :(

You have records of the ambulance so you should try pressing charges. It may be hard to prove since he could just say he received the drink that way. But it might embarrass the guy even if they don't lock him up!

I think drugging a drink trumps drinking with a fake ID, especially when you're only one year shy of drinking age!
Govikings what jestrite is saying is yes he pays them.
avatar for anongirl98
9 years ago
Upon further reflection I'm definately considering trying to press charges, but there's other issues such as:

A.) my family cannot find out, I don't live with them but it wouldn't be hard for news to travel here.

B.) lawyers are fairly expensive when you're 18, my family lawyer is clearly not an option and I can't exactly charge daddies credit card

I don't know exactly what this guy does but his title is "Dr". I'm 99% sure he is responsible for Friday--esp. because if he was innocent why did he disappear when I was convulsing?? But if he's not posting him on that sex offender site (my friends idea) would ruin his career. I'm not sure what to do at this point.
@anongirl98 I personally cannot agree with your response on experience, but that may just be because I wasn't born and raised in a middle class society where every child is safely sheltered from the horrors of reality. I can only guess you were born in a middle-upper class home even if you did hang around with lower class citizens.

But perhaps this experience will shy you away from men 20 years your senior? Because crazy shit like this will happen in night clubs too.
@anongirl: Glad to hear you're OK. Could have been much worse.

As for the silver fox comment, how do you feel about silver grizzly bears?
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
If your family can not find out, I would drop it as much as that may disgust you.
As soon as charges are filed, the name and address of the accuser and charges become very public information. Now if you talk to your parents to let them know what happened and they say to press charges, go for it. It's a tough situation especially knowing this creep might do it again to another girl. However there are known issues with date rape drugs and there are a lot of creepy people out there. There are a lot of good people too.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
You could even get mentioned in the tv news pressing charges. Reporters look for stories like this. I suspect your parents would hear about it, Assuming they will hear about it, you can decide. I suspect your parents in the end will come out on your side but I do not know you or your parents and it's your life. If I was a parent, I would hope my kid tells me first and after giving her a slightly hard time about it, support her if she wanted to press charges. However I am not psychic that I know of and do not know you or your parents.
I've got to say, anongirl, somebody was truly watching over you! While passing out and dry heaving all over the floor may not have been pleasant, it did save you from a lot worse. Your friend still being there was also a blessing.

You have a lot of serious thinking to do about going after that asshole.

First, was a blood test done to verify that you had been rufied? If not, the slope will be very steep.

Second, even if you were rufied, and I don't doubt for a second that you were, can you prove beyond all reasonable doubt that he did it? You said that you were 99% sure. That leaves 1% of doubt for a slick defense attorney to seize upon.

Third, Your parents will inevitably find out. My gut feeling is that after initial unpleasantness related to the use of a fake ID to get into a wet T-shirt contest they will let it go, especially since you almost suffered something really bad. If you decide to go after the guy, tell them first!

On an unrelated subject, have you checked into your ability to work without a green card. A few years ago, a person could work on a student visa. I don't know if that vis still the case. A call to the US consulate in Toronto should get you a quick answer if you haven't already gotten one.

BTW, congrats on you win!
avatar for Bavarian
9 years ago
Glad you're OK anongirl.
You're not going to be everybody's cup of tea on this board. Click the icon that looks like a microphone under the user name of the people you want to ignore. There's a lot of good helpful people here but there are also people that just want to stir up drama. Don't know why.
Please contact the police and file a report. Also contact the club and see if they can find evidence of the guy spiking your drink. You will be saving other ladies from being raped by this guy. What if the drug was so strong it could have killed you? You NEED to get this guy on the police's radar.
avatar for anongirl98
9 years ago
Esta - you know what, my experience point was in fact super invalid. There are most definitely younger very experienced guys. i really don't want to talk about my family life on here but I'd explain over pm--anyways, I wasn't born and raised middle to upper class.

Gmd- grizzlies are one of my favourite types of animals :-)

Shark- I'm not afraid I'll get in trouble by my parents or anything like that. I don't think I've ever even gotten "grounded" when I was younger. I just know that it would not be beneficial for them to have any part in this because of past events involving 1/2. As I said -- I don't want to bring up family stuff publicly so I can't explain much.

Atac - yes there was a blood test done, positive for a substantial amount of "GHB" the doctor told my friend that in lucky I puked as much as I did. No I can't prove that it was him, only that I only had a few drinks and he bought all of them. I'm not sure about the green card thing, but I'm a dual citizen and I have a SIN card already. I have a few months to with on small details.

Bavarian - I don't want to block anybody because I know sometimes nice people say mean things. But I definately will if it's continuous! Thank you :-)

Sinclair - I'm probably going to first talk to a nurse at my school, I have to gather all my options. I wish I could just pretend it didn't happen because it's really kind of scary but I don't want him to hurt anybody else
Glad you are ok – but are you sure you were drugged – did any hospital tests confirm this – many a people can have very-bad reactions to alcohol for various reasons.

Some posters have commented to be careful in strip-cubs and unattended drinks – has anyone ever known of a dancer being drugged by a custy in a strip-club – I kinda doubt that would happen – what can the custy do – it's not as if he can throw her over his shoulder and walk-out with the dancer.
About 2 years ago, a stripper was drugged by a customer at a strip club I go to. The staff sent her to the hospital, so no one got her outside the club; I don't remember if there was ever official hospital confirmation that she'd been drugged, but the customer was evidently known to be a bit shady (though obviously no one would have guessed he'd drug a stripper)
avatar for anongirl98
9 years ago
Papi - I was tested right away and results came back positive for some kind of drug called GHB (?)(there's a longer name but I can definately not spell it), he gave me an info sheet on it but prior to I've never heard of it. i had a bad reaction to it because I'm on pain medication (small day surgery) and I'm not even really suppose to drink while on it let alone consume another type of drug. I'm not a heavy drinker because it's just not my thing--but I can handle a few mixed drinks and never get too bad.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
Just an FYI, I read about a fingernail polish that can detect date rape drugs. I do not know how well it works. I googled it and found this.

Glad you're ok anongirl.
One time my ATF was drugged by a customer in the club.
Papi I had heard of a group of guys going around spiking peoples drinks and robbing them when they started getting all sloppy. Most people don't pass out from the drugs they use they just get really messed up and easy to manipulate. I know of one dancer who worked at a club in Pompano who got drugged and she ended up in the hospital, she told me about a few others that it happened to at the same club.
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
Glad that you are alright after something like that,anongirl98.
I hope that creepy old fuck gets what's coming to him.
I still don't get what they get by drugging dancers is a strip-club – I mean w/ the security/bouncers being there – what can they do to the dancers?
@anongirl98 that would be good. In any case, watch your drink, watch your purse, protect your ears from swindlers and buy your drinks from the liquor store and make sure it's vacuum sealed first ^_^
avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
^^never realized that ears where on swindlers lists.
98, I am a lawyer. PM me if you would like legal advice regarding your situation. You have a few options.
avatar for anongirl98
9 years ago
Sharkhunter- interesting. I wonder why it's not more popular.

Lopaw- thank you! I do too, it's scary how someone can come across as so "normal" with intentions of hurting you..

Esta- good advice :-)

Js69- thank you! I might just take you up on that..
"grizzlies are one of my favourite types of animals"

Oh my. Oh my, my.
swindlers like to talk smoothly and your feelings can get caught up in decision making when it shouldn't.
avatar for Phoenix133
9 years ago
Glad your ok in the future if you get a drink and didn't see it made in front of you and given directly to you like that, grab it, chat for a second thank him excuse yourself to go to the bathroom or to go mingle with someone. Dump the drink or abandon it somewhere if there is more then one bar give it to the other bartender and politely ask them to dispose of it. Wait a while then go back, and get a real drink that you get directly. ( you can even get him to buy you another by saying your first one was really good you were so thirsty you downed it fast, ((which for me usually is the case anyway)))
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