How to respond to "Why are you sitting here all by yourself?"

avatar for shadowcat
My favorite response. " I farted and the stink has not cleared out yet".

any others?


I just got here & not in any hurry
"I just got here & not in any hurry"

Less funny than the fart comment but also less likely to scare a stripper away for good!

Brilliant solution = use the bang69 comment for hot strippers when you just want to scope out the place and the shadowcat fart comment for ugly ones!
avatar for .juicebox69
9 years ago
Im a faggot and i wish to be alone, unless of course you can tell me the bouncers name
Shadowcat --> LMAO

Juice --> Brilliant. Good answer
If she's hot, "I was waiting for you, darlin'."
If she's hot, "I'm waiting for my ideal sexual companion to come by and relieve me of all of this money."

If she's not, "I'm waiting on another dancer. She's in the dressing room."

"I'm here to grease the manager and high five the bouncer." (Or is that the other way around?).
I'm waiting for Ricky d - he's going to show me a tutorial of the system tonight
avatar for rl27
9 years ago
I usually say "just scoping out the place to see who I want to get dances from." Usually most go on to the next table after that. A few will ask "well how about me?" I'll reply "not right now." If she's hot enough I'll reply with, "don't know haven't seen you undressed yet." A few took the hint and flashed me her tits and "asked well how do you look these," or did something similar. Usually this is a good hint on how her dances will be.

I once decided to see what a dancer would do if I told her exactly why I was sitting "here all alone away from the stage." I replied, "I am from out of town and this is the best location to scope out all three stages, watch who is heading to the private dance area as well as who is leaving the dressing room. I am looking to find two or so dancers who look the best undressed and who consistently stays in the back for at least three songs. Then ask the first one available for dances, and if she's as good as she seems we'll be back there for at least six songs. If she is really good then it won't be that long, if you know what I mean, in which case she'll get a really big tip. Otherwise I'll ask the next one available,"

This completely floored her and she just sat there for a few seconds stunned, until she finally replied, "well I guess you know what you are doing," and got up and left.
If I like her: Well, now that you're here, I'm not alone."

If I don't like her, "Hop much for a BBBJ?"
I'm over here because there is a faggot over there wearing a stupid t-shirt.
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
I usually keepnit sime and say i just got there. Sometimes they hang around and talk a while. If they seem cool i will get ine and see how good they are. Sometimes it's one and done, sometimes you score.

I like that, i haven't seen you naked yet response
I am not sitting here alone. Those are not the boobs I'm looking for. You can go about your business, move along. I find it amusing when they look all confused and repeat what I say. Many are too young to know wtf I'm talking about.
avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
The problem with telling her that your waiting on someone else (and you really aren't) is that sometimes they'll ask who. And if you say that she's in the DR the unwanted dancer may offer to go get her. Awkward.
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
^^^^ Had that one happen to me
avatar for .juicebox69
9 years ago
I'm waiting for Ricky d - he's going to show me a tutorial of the system tonight

Shylnn if the no the gig your getting laid dawg !

Chankin Fangers 4 Lyfe
If she asks who you're waiting for, just say, "She's the one who does extras. I forget her name but I'll recognize her. Can you bring her over to me?"
avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
Lol great answer, rockstar666. But what do you say if she asks for a description of her?
avatar for .juicebox69
9 years ago
That was a good one rockstar
avatar for .juicebox69
9 years ago
Tell her your alone cuz u b a retard...chicks dig retards
If I think I won't get a dance fro here I tell her I'm waiting for my wife to come out of the restroom. They usually get the message that it's telling them I am not interested in their company
"Nobody wants to sit with the guy who just wants a blowjob."
I have multiple-personalities to keep me company
If she's ugly - “I'm waiting for tumblingdice” - that will get her running in another direction
I'm a super cool-guy; I like talking to myself
I'm jacking off under the table.
I'm taking this question straight here. If I'm approached by a dancer at a strip club, I always want to introduce myself to her, name, why I am in town, why I am at the strip club.

If she looks like she wants to sit down, I'll invite her.

avatar for crsm27
9 years ago
Dolfan...... Only the "geeky" ones will get that reference......and if she does... .I will show her my Lightsaber. :)
If it is at a club where I am known, and the girl seems to know me, then maybe a funny answer is called for.

"Well I'm just waiting to see who I'm going to take to the VIP room." And then try to get her onto my lap for a GFE audition.

Or maybe, "I'm just waiting to see who's going to be my motor home date for today."

@Dolfan LOVE IT!
I'm a pimp, and none of these bitches want to give me their money.
b/c there's only white chicks here

avatar for just_the_nuts
9 years ago
Papi and ranukam lol yep da b me
because I had sex with the female manager.
I'm actually gay - just wanted to get some fashion tips from y'all
shadowcat still has the best response
@dolfan must be because the Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded ;)
avatar for just_the_nuts
9 years ago

Eeeeeeeeeeettttttttttt ! RONG !
"Waiting to see who wants to be fucked in my motorhome." ( this is how it is going to be, not how it is right now )


Muddy Waters…
avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
SJG's creepy factor is thru the freaking roof.
Hey, the motorhome will beat out VIP rooms!

I'm just not sure how many strip club managements will let me get away with that, cutting them out of the cash.

But I am absolutely certain that once I've done one or two of the women, I won't be sitting alone anymore. They'll be jumping in front of each other to get a turn!

avatar for rogertex
9 years ago
GMD - "Nobody wants to sit with the guy who just wants a blowjob."

LOL. Automatically separates dancers with game from the lame.
avatar for Clubber
9 years ago
Never got that question. One look and they know why!

Papi, like a sopping wet biker?
"I'm jacking off under the table"

"I have multiple-personalities to keep me company"

Double brilliant!

If Papi_Chulo really wants to get rid of the girl he can make crazy eyes like some of those photos of Rasputin! ;)
Usually, it's either "Well, I just got here" (which is typically the truth) or "I'm just relaxing for now, just taking in the sites (or the show)."
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