
A PL's Thankful List

layin low but staying high

A PL's Thankful List

Here are some of the things I'm thankful for this year. Please feel free to add your own to the list. I posted a similar list last year, and it's nice to experience such consistent blessings from year to year.

1. For my great kids, who are far better than I deserve.

2. Cialis. The wonder drug. This and very young strippers make me feel and perform like I'm 19 again.

3. The good health to strip club for another year.

4. For my new DS who takes care of my most important and intimate needs. It is such an amazing miracle that I met another young woman worthy of this title. I am so thankful for her.

5. The many many other strippers who've made my evenings OTC this year. To list the particularly memorable ones.

a. The DS. I had her for most of this year, and now my most awesome multi orgasmic sexual freak is back. The little head is leaping for joy.
b. Video girl. Best blow jobs of my life. She worships my penis with her little mouth. I'm addicted.

c. Free girl. A beautiful 22 year old who wants to fuck me. And refuses money. I'll never understand it.

d. Redhead with worshipful tits. Need a better/shorter name for her. She's the DS in 9 years. Can't imagine a hotter 28 year old.

e. Amazing sluts 1 and 2. You're higher mileage than I usually like but you met my needs at the time. And did it cheap. Thanks.

f. Blow job queen. Three straight nights of oral pleasure and worship. She sucks like a vacuum.

g. Dozens of strippers who I particularly enjoyed this year in their clubs. I wish I could date you all, but my time and stamina are limited.

6. For thick cut, hickory smoked, bacon, cooked crispy and delicious. Food of the strip club gods.

7. For living in a mostly free country where strip clubs are legal. Sure, we don't have clubs like Tijuana, but nobody would wanna live in a shit hole of a city like Tijuana.

8. For a job that funds my strip club habits through economic boom and bust.

9. For my dog, the most loyal, faithful, and respectful female I know.

10. For my iPad, the ultimate porn compilation and consumption device.
11. For wonderfully slutty beautiful young women everywhere who rent their bodies to us. We pause to give thanks for you all. We lust you, each and every one.

12. For the addition of DS and LDK to the glossary. Founder is da man.

13. For tuscl. People who understand and share my life with strippers, give good advice, kept me from taking Molly, and are fun to hang with at strip clubs.

14. For a divorce settlement agreement that only partially rapes me and leaves me with enough money to keep doing the things with gorgeous young women that I love best. I just wish my ex-wife could see me now.

Now if I can just get a pair of twins my life will be complete.

Happy Thanksgiving to PLs everywhere.


  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    I would move the job to #2 spot. That's quite a harem of strippers you have there. Must take a lot of coin to keep them all happy.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    For no longer having to work, and for still having enough income to fuck strippers once or twice (or even thrice) a week.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    that I've fucked a lot of new strippers in Detroit this past year, and my dick hasn't fallen off.
  • impala
    9 years ago
    For not catching anything again this year
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Family is my number one, especially a wife who's OK with me fucking around.

    The ATF is an almost indistinguishable second for reasons that should be pathetically obvious.

    A job that gives me plenty of disposable income ranks right up there as well.

    The MILF has to be on the list as well, for pretty much the same reason your free girl is. :) Um not looking a gift horse in the mouth here, though. Why a hot, sexy woman willingly has sex with a fat, ugly pervert who's half again her age is not a gift I'll turn down.

    TUSL is a godsend. A group of people who don't judge my lifestyle? Priceless.

    John, I know where you can find a set of identical twin sisters who will see you. They won't do each other, but all reports are that they work quite well together despite that.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    GMD please PM me re twins.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I'm thankful that I'm still able to keep up with most of you young whipper snappers. :)
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    @JS69: Done.
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    A hot wife who fulfills any and every desire we can think of
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    As an OTC hound, here's my list:

    1. I am thankful for broken homes because, without them, there would be far fewer strippers;

    2. I am grateful for irresponsible reproduction, which has the dual benefit of providing today's single mom strippers (often eager to earn) while also cultivating the strippers of the future;

    3. I am grateful for an overzealous criminal justice system, without which we would have far fewer girls with criminal records and limited straight options.

    4. I am grateful for the Great Recession, which decreased strip club earnings enough to push even some of the hottest girls to seek alternative earning opportunities.

    5. I am grateful for alcohol, which has loosened the inhibitions of many former stripper "friends";

    6. I am grateful for deadbeat SOs and baby daddies, who cause strippers to seek other earnings avenues by giving strippers more mouths to feed;

    7. I am grateful for strip clubs in economically depressed areas - see Item 4 above;

    8. I am grateful for deadbeat customers, who make me look like a better prize than I am;

    9. I am grateful for rent day, kids' birthdays, holidays and any other days or events which require extra spending money, since more that a few of these days have turned "NO" into "YES" for me.

    I could go on, but that kicks it off for me.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    I'm just thankful that I am still alive and healthy.
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