
No need for an intervention

layin low but staying high

Short readers digest version. The reason the DS dumped me is because she had a boyfriend. For some odd reason he objected to having his young love regularly fuck an old guy for money. So that's why she could not see me OTC any more, because of his objections. This is also why she stood me up. They broke up, she made the date with me, and then he came back into the picture and she felt like she couldn't "cheat" on him.

I believe her. My job involves ascertaining the truth and disclosing lies, and I'm good at it. I also know a lot about her life, and everything she said fits what already know to be true.

Now the bf is supposedly gone for good, although I recognize that could change any day. She has apologized profusely, admitted that she handled things with me badly, and is trying very hard to make it up to me. I'm not one to hold a grudge so I forgive her.

So while I'm going to take it slow, I agreed to give her another chance. I know it might not work out for a whole host of reasons. I also know that it might be a lot more of the most incredible sex I can possibly imagine. I'm going to pursue the best while being alert to any signs of the worst.

If anyone wants to stage an intervention, head to San Jose. I'm really good.


  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago

    And this JS69 was the guy making fun of me and Purple Dress Donna. He is 1000x more romantically involved than I ever was. I was just enjoying great no holds barred GFE, and available anytime I wanted it for a total cost of $160.

    JS69 has let this DS determine the course of his life.

    Ah, you go for it JS69, see where it goes. We only live once. :)

  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Way to flip the script, JohnSmith...

  • gawker
    9 years ago
    Any chance said BF gave her a present you can't bring home in a bag?
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    SJG, you win the cheap sex worker award. $160 is barely enough to take mine out to a nice dinner. But I wonder. Does $160 include the car wash, or is that considered an extra?

    Gawker, you would know more about that than I would.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I never washed her car, but only because she never asked me too. Today, being no longer married, I would volunteer and come to her home and wash it.

    I was just getting off on the fact that at least sometimes, if you pay some $, you can get a real nice GFE experience. Donna was always full throttle with me. Not the norm at all in AMPs.

    The reason I told of this here on TUSCL was to show that the selection process is everything. Donna saw me as being there just on account of her, as I'd seen her before I entered the building, and because I turned down 4 other girls, younger ones, they tried to supply me with.

    So with me it wasn't just because she was on the menu. So she pulled out all the stops for me.

    If you want this, then you have to find some way of breaking out of the selection box they try to force you into. This applies in strip clubs just as much as in AMPs.

    Good Luck with your DS

  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    Didn't even know you were "dating". Where's the backstory?
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    I didn't even know it was a competition to see who here has spent the most idiotic amount of money on a stripper? I don't think I can win that award in all good conscious, but kudos but being the white version of a make it rain player...player. How much is dinner for her may I ask?
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Glad to hear she came back - also glad to hear she gave you a decent story, I trust your judgement on her telling the truth. You're fucking nuts, but seem to be somewhat in control the majority of the time (I can relate).

    I have a few questions as I can't remember the whole story.

    1. Didn't she stop stripping around the same time she stopped seeing you?

    2. If she did stop stripping, do you know if her boyfriend was the cause of that too?

    3. Is she stripping now?

    4. If the answer to number 3 is NO, what is she doing for money now other than your contribution?

    5. Are you paying her the same previous rate or a higher rate now?
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    1-3. She stopped for a while but it was totally unrelated to the bf. The details don't matter here. She is back to stripping at a reduced schedule.

    5. Same.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Esta, I was being a tad facetious with my gravy drinking friend. With a nice bottle of wine dinner probably averages $100. Sure I've spent more but the really big bucks don't go for food. If you want more details just flip through my discussions over the last couple of weeks.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Cool JS - reason I asked those questions was if everything was back to the same as before the "boyfriend" and "other issues" then hopefully she is genuinely glad to be back to seeing you and for more reasons that just the money.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Get that sex worker to be more honest and professional with you.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Being an old guy with money, you can have her for a while. But another young guy will come along sooner or later, and she'll prefer him to you.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Yeah Jack I know you're right. But that young stud only had her for two months. I had her for a year. And now apparently I have her again. Money is a very powerful draw. She ran straight to me when she ended it with him.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Who brags about paying hookers for sex? As if its some accomplishment.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    If we don't talk about paying hookers/strippers for sex, what need would there be for TUSCL?
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    ^^^^^ listen to the fat kid that has Down syndrome make silly jokes
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Good luck with her again, John.

    Forget the intervention. Maybe we should start looking into some serious radical aversion therapy techniques -- just in case.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Glad to see it's working out for you. For now, at least.

    I still advise you to work on the attachment issue that you have. That *will* reach back and bite you in the ass someday. Unless you're a sociopath, or psychopath, you won't be able to help developing some feeling of affection for a woman with whom you have regular, good, sex, especially if you're going raw. It's just the way men are built. Personally, I think you already have, and are slightly, if not greatly, in denial about it, like I was for a while. But you're a big boy now, so my opinion shouldn't matter to you.

    I do suggest you figure out how you're going to deal with the feelings when it happens, though. :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    In my simple mind; as long as she gives you what you want when you are with her; that is all a PL should expect.

    IMO it should be inconsequential whether she has a BF or not if she still takes care of you; young hot chicks will often have a fair amount of suitors and unlike most-men most-women don't seem to be able to settle for sex alone and like/want-to-be in relationships – truth he told I would not doubt if she's still w/ the old BF or gets back w/ him in short-order – she “may have been in-love” until reality hit the fan and she could not longer afford the things she could b/f and the BF could not provide them.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    @Papi_C I have money, tall dark and handsome, am young and want an actual relationship, but I'm still single. What am I doing wrong that the old fart is doing right? Besides being rich beyond my wildest dreams?
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Esta, don't know how old you are, but women like maturity and most men don't start to really mature until around age 50. Maturity, experience, and money can be a powerful combination.
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