
The slutification of America

layin low but staying high
Last night I had sex with a beautiful 23 year old woman. We did this new thing where she gets in reverse cowgirl, leans her pussy down, and I explore her opening with my hands and dick. I never explored a vagina so thoroughly before entering it. It was mesmerizing. Then I fucked her in the mouth until I exploded.

Tonight a gorgeous 28 year old with tremendous natural breasts very reluctantly cancelled our sex date. But she was really sorry, she had a good excuse which I believe, and she made it crystal clear that she wants to fuck me asap. She very very much wants to start our sexual relationship. She is a mature DS.

I texted with a half dozen strippers. The 23 year old is begging to suck my dick again. Soon. She is desperate to pay some bill. I'm trying to fit her in.

Texted with DS II about our two dates upcoming. The initials say it all. She is an incredible beauty.

Tomorrow night I'm going to a club where two young women want to give me a blow job. They know I'm coming and already made the offer. Or I might find a new one. The little head gets to decide.

Free girl wants to fuck me. Another early 20s petite gorgeous young girl. I'm gonna try to see her itc this weekend and maybe become one with her at a nearby hotel. She refuses to accept money for this.

Then a couple of days after that there's a date with a new one. Still early, might not work, but if it does it will be a huge development. The little head is going bat shit about this one. Story to follow.

Then I've got two girls out of town who recently agreed to OTC. Best candidate is early 30s with the most magnificent breasts I can possibly imagine, and the other a petite blond in her early 20s. At least one of these will almost certainly work out, perhaps both. I will fuck their beautiful mouths.

Somehow gotta fit all these women in before thanksgiving. Better order more ED meds. I doubt that I can fit them all in. Line up ladies.

This list will go on and on. And every single one of these women is gorgeous. So beautiful that I would have had little chance with them when I was their age. And now I'm in my early 50s, older than most of these girls' fathers. And I'm performing sex acts with them that I thought that I'd only ever see in porn. It's like I have now walked into that porn and I am now the penis that these gorgeous young sluts are worshipping. They'll do anything to me or with me. Sexually they all act as my perfect girlfriends.

There's nothing special about me. Any guy with some money and the experience can be doing the exact same thing, including guys a lot older than me. Lots of you are.

Yes they do it for money. They are prostitutes. And they are literally everywhere. Any town I, we can rent a woman like this.

I know it's about the money, but it's more than that. Young girls didn't have any more money when I was a young man than they do today, but when I was younger women in the U.S. very rarely did this. But they do today much more often. Why do so many more young women today sell sex services than in past decades? And they are more beautiful, and more slutty, than ever. Why?

I call it the slutification of America. For the past 10-15 years, maybe more, women have been becoming much bigger sluts. They are willing to do lots more things sexually, with many more people, more often, than used to be the case. I was born in the 60s so I've lived through lots of this. I meet strippers sometimes today who would never have been willing to strip in past decades. They come from very conservative backgrounds. It amazes me how much more slutty women are today. Women have sex with women all over the place. It happened in the past but it's so incredibly visible now.

I think most of this is because of porn, and the Internet which disseminated that porn. That has to be it. Guys see this porn, and demand that their girls do the same. Some of them comply. Young girls grow up watching this porn, and thinking that's what women do for guys. Young guys grow up watching this porn and expecting all of that from women. The cycle has now led young women to be sexual freaks compared to past generations. It's not nearly such a big deal for them to give their bodies to a man anymore. So they do it a lot more. And if you pay them money, they will do anything and everything with you. Why not, everyone does it, it's not a big deal anymore.

And we, here at tuscl, are at the forefront of all of these developments. We are at the pinnacle of this wave of slutiness that is overtaking American women. Especially the young women. We get everything that these women have to offer. We get what most men only ever fantasize about. Porn comes alive for most of us. We, more than others, truly understand these wonderful developments.

Any other factors that have led young women to this wonderfully elevated sexual state?


  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    At least in the south KFC has a lot to do with slutting up Americas daughters

    Yes i will take some chicken breast, thighs and a large cup of your finest pussy juices
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    A dried out husk of a man,
    Naked, screw’d to death.
    Found as strippers cry…..
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "At least in the south KFC has a lot to do with slutting up Americas daughters

    Yes i will take some chicken breast, thighs and a large cup of your finest pussy juices"

    I have no idea how KFC can slutify women! Make them overweight? I can see that! But slutify? I just don't know!

    Nonetheless, I'll score this as "brilliant!" because the weirdness made me laugh! Brilliant! ;)
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    In honesty i really do believe that hip hop going so main stream like it did has a lot to do with this
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    Lol thanks forgot
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    What ? Dougster did you just have a stroke ?
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    Although I wasn't alive during this decade, women were probably pretty slutty during the 80s when everything was a big party and people walked around with coke viles around their necks.
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    True^ and also wasn't the 60s all about free fucking everyone ?
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Dougster would say rap music has a lot to do with the slutification of America.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I agree that rap has contributed to it. I'm always amazed when I'm with strippers and they start singing with some rap song about how strippers are hoes and we just need to fuck the bitches. Seeing so much sex, and hearing about it so much, means that "art" becomes reality for many of these women.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Its probably a mix between rap and porn. They both contribute. Its not just rap though. Pop stars are huge sluts too with a few exceptions. But the ds must be the biggest slut of all if she fucked johnsmith69.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    Society in general, which rap music is a part of. Consumerism drives girls to want fancy bags, clothes, and cars - how one obtains that depends on one's morals. Rap is more of a reflection of society.

    But to blame rap for someone becoming a slut is ridiculous. Just because I hear a song about a guy fucking a ho doesn't mean I'm going to decide to go be that ho... Wtf? And way to generalize all rap music as if the point in rap is to make girls slutty. Not all rap is the same. Perhaps you've never heard of Tupac, who didn't just rap about hoes, he rapped about poverty, war, teen pregnancy, discrimination of women, starvation, racism, etc.

    Saying rap is to blame is like saying rock n roll is to blame for girls being sluts in the 60s and 70s... How many classic rock songs are about groupies or were made with the help of a groupie fucking and worshipping them while they were on tour?

    And speaking of sluts, it's funny how Taylor Swift is never mentioned in this category in terms of sluttiness, seeing as how the list of celebs she's fucked is a mile long... And she has the many songs to prove it.

    I guess drugs are not to blame at all. I guess it's not possible that a girl is a prostitute because she grew up poor and got hooked on drugs and is willing to prostitute herself for it. Most of the girls in Detroit who do extras also have drug problems. But I guess we should just blame Lil Wayne because he wants to fuck Every Girl in the world.
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    It's not a "slutification". It's just women finally saying "fuck you" to outdated social mores and getting their groove on, on their terms. Good for them, and good for us.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    Free speech has all but gone away these days, unless your a rapper. Then u can say whatever you want.

    Yeah, AWMD. Let's just blame it on angry white man's disease. That sounds easier.
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    God Bless America. It's a good time to be able to attend strip clubs if you're an American red blooded male!
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    They just want to prove that they have what it takes to give grand father's hard ons and most of them are succeeding. :)
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    JS69 - I recently got a text from an extremely hot 23 year old offering to be my sex slave. "Your every lustful desire will be my command". I'm still dumbfounded. She is not an addict, Nina. She is not destitute. She enjoys sex and loves money. What a lucky man I am.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Nina, I think you interpreted rap as a cause much more broadly than intended. It's just one of a lot of social trends that are making sex work more acceptable than ever before. And yes rap both reflects society and shapes society, it works both ways. I like some rap music and didn't intend to be bashing it.

    I agree that consumerism, poverty and drugs also play a role. However, those things have been around for quite a while. I still think the widespread availability of porn is by far the biggest cause.

    Gawker, good times.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    JS69 doesn't realize he does have something special about himself. It's his wallet.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    "However, those things have been around for quite a while"

    JS69 - I would disagree about consumerism. It's really been on the rise in more modern days, especially this millennium, where there are far more methods of advertisement. It really started probably back in the 1980s but is much worse today. Today you see middle class people (especially young people largely targetted by advertisements) possessing things that would be beyond the means of someone in the middle class half a century ago. More lower middle class people are buying designer items that used to be a sign of wealth among upper class and upper middle class but are now common among middle and even lower middle class. Like how the newest iPhone or Jordans or Gucci bag is not uncommon to see now in the lower middle class and middle class. It's because of consumerism, which wasn't a problem until widespread methods of advertisements were available.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Nina, you understand strippers better than I do. So if you say that young womens' desire for the latest stuff is one of the reasons for the proliferation of sexual services then I accept that. But I still think there has to be a lot more to explain why young women are willing to sell their bodies to get this stuff. In past generations women just tried to marry a rich guy. Now they are prostituting themselves to those rich guys. I don't think that can be mainly just because of good advertising.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    @Nina- Amen!

    @meat72- you sound like a angry white man. Lol.
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    Rap made me and other just like me in my generation to admire pimps, hustlers, shot callers, players, dope dealers, cooks and gang bangers as the pinnacle of being a Man

  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    Rap never speaks on being faithful or monogamous relationship with ladies it speaks of domination of females with force or manipulation. Its about ownership of property. Its about the man's power

    Not talking about water down pop music im talking real street muzik

    Like others im always suprised y some girls ( not many just manly ho"s and users) love rap music

    Im a white man that grew up on underground rap to kinda some main stream rap and love the ideas of the glory of the man

  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    But yes nina rap is so mainstream and dont forget Global that you can pull your chair up to the buffet of lyrics to find what fits your mood

    Example: rap about dope dealing, pimping, working a real 9 to 5, killing ppl, gang banging, making love, even positive rap, Christianity rap, rap about shit that dont even make since, down to self improvement rap and look at my new Jordan rap

    Love Two packs
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    And it made us in the since of any form of brainwashing

    I mean you listen to something and i mean anything your feeding your mind and just like with real food you put in junk you look like shit and if you put in healthy stuff you look healthy. The same goes with music or movies and behavior...believe it or not it can be a form of brain washing and conditioning of the mind
  • 72_os
    9 years ago

    Perfect example of indoctrination of a generation
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    And i love this shit
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    Just like the idea of pornography has had its positive and negative impacts of what both expectations of sex is
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Any one party in the 80's? Girls were sluts all over the place
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    I blame hook-up culture.
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    ^ D95 I agree technology has made hook ups and affairs easy with just a click of the mouse
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I'm in my late 30s and actually saw a big difference in sex attitudes between women my age and women just 5 years younger. Basically, when I was in college you still had to go looking for porn, and had to pay for it. By the time I graduated there was way more free porn online. A girl who turned 15 or 16 in 2002 had way more access to porn than a girl who turned 16 just a few years before her.

    That's almost exactly when public hair removal went mainstream. Anal and threesomes went from completely taboo to topics a girl could admit she was willing to try.

    I feel a certain jealousy for guys born in the mid 80s and after. I only have a few naked pictures of women I fucked in college and my 20s. These days girls send nudes before meeting a guy in person.

    I do feel like guys my age really felt the digital sexual revolution as it was happening.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    @Randy Anukam, thank you for helping me prove my point. See how easy that was? Lol

    It's so easy to dismiss the white man. Praise Jesus!
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    About time that women are getting some and not giving a fuck what others think about it.
  • Daybreaker
    9 years ago
    @JS69 I think prostitution to rich men is the new replacement for marrying rich men. It's more acceptable for women to do whatever now without getting married. Why marry a rich guy and be stuck with that long term when you can just hook up short term for the same kind of money and then move on? I personally know girls who think this way.
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    It's so easy to dismiss the white man. Praise Jesus!

    Lol i support this ^^^
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Daybreaker, I think you are absolutely right. Darting rich men works out much better for both parties. Things are definitely moving in this direction.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    I have to agree with sclvr5005: A lot of social mores are falling to the wayside. Remember back in the '70s, even while the sexual revolution was going on, men and women living together -- even platonically -- was still fairly taboo and risqué. (Yeah, remember "Three's Company"?) Today, men and women live together, platonically or not, and it isn't the scandal that it used to be.

    And the media sure is feeding into this, not just porn but mainstream materials, too. It isn't just art imitating life anymore -- it's life imitating art and back again. We're all just becoming more and more acclimated -- more desensitized -- to the new and different mores more quickly; it's almost like something brand new comes along and, not ten minutes later, it's all old hat.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Calling a woman a slut attacks her right to say "yes".

    Claiming you've been "friend zoned" attacks her right to say "no".

    Calling her a bitch attacks her right to call you out on your hypocrisy.
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