How many "10" s do you see in the strip club?

Last night I saw the first legit 10 in a strip club I've seen in a while(seen plenty of 8s and 9s though). (Mind you I've never been to spearmint rhino, baby dolls, tootsies, Mons Venus, follies, detroit, etc.) It got me thinking and posed this question. How common are true legit 10s in strip clubs? When was the last time you saw one? Were there others? Another thing I noticed they are usually kept busy(with good reason) I waited 30-45 minutes on this broad last night. Also, this doesn't have to be about who rates the best on a 1-10 scale or has the lowest standards nor about how many 10s are in the clubs today vs the past.
last commentNot very common. 10's can usually find another way to make money. You don't see them at Follies. You may see them at Cheetah in Atlanta. It is known for eye candy.
Rare. The last legit 10 I saw was working in a NY club. I saw a few 9s during my Dallas adventure, but no 10s.
In my book, a 10 is a girl who is so beautiful, sexy and elegant that it is nearly impossible to stop looking at her. Her attractiveness radiates off of her in the way she looks, moves and even interacts with other people.
There are probably a fair number of 9s out there that could be 10s if they had more elegance and poise, but both of those traits are in very short supply in many areas in which I club. Even legit 9s are hard to keep in more backwater areas because they eventually learn that they can make more money in better areas. I suppose if I might have come across a 10 in Dallas if I had visited the Lodge or one of the other high end clubs, but I am a simpler guy. ;)
I only remember two in 20 years that I thought were actual 10s, which I define as being so beautiful that I would not change a single thing about them if I were trying to construct my perfect woman. The first is the DS. The second was a blond at 4Play in LA long ago. I got a long VIP with her but was too new at clubbing to know how to get anything OTC from her.
I've seen lots of 9s, some 9.5s, and a few 9.6, 9.7s, etc., but these are the only two 10s.
I have yet to see a 10 in my book.
yeah, like everyone else has already said, not often at all.
i remember one who i met (half black/ half fillipino) at one of my local clubs here in virginia. got dances with her a couple times but then all of a sudden she was gone.
this was years ago when i first started i didn't think to get her number or anything
ah well
LD, only if a guy has really low standards. I can see people quibbling over whether a girl is a 9 or a 10. I might even see people arguing over whether she is an 8 or higher (for example, I hate fake tits, which always drops a girl at least one notch in my categories). But she has to be pretty common in most books to be ranked as a 7 by almost anybody.
Very rare. I'm a pretty tough grader but encountered a 9 at Follies yesterday. She was here from Miami. Rick and John have put forward good litmus tests. The girl at Follies yesterday had every guy on the DJ side of the club turning around in their chairs to watch her dance for me. Forced me to take her to an early and expensive VIP!
It's rare and they are mostly seen at clubs where there is less contact. the hotter girls have to do less to make money.
I wouldn't hazard giving a beauty number ranking to any dancer.
All that I can say is this:
The most beautiful dancer that I have ever seen in a club during my time in the hobby was dancing in a club in Red Deer, Alberta in 2010. Her beauty reduced me to a state of babbling idiocy. I sat dumbfounded in the club for several hours begging her for lap dances after each of her stage sets. Even with all the stage tips that I was throwing her way the beauty would not give me the time of day.
Rare and getting to the point of extinction. Much more common in the 80's and early 90's
^^^ old person
@ sc, is follies more popular than cheetah? I thought since rappers talk about it so much there would be a few.
@rickyboy, you hate fake tits even if there well done? Im indifferent to them but I have seen some nice fake fits.
@ js69 that's how this girl looked. Just perfect with no flaws(from what I saw). And what's the difference between 9.7 and 10?
@Rh48hr yeah true legit 10s are hard to find.
@govikings, yeah they do seem to disappear sometimes even in the same visit, no matter how hard you look or try to find her. This one is probably going to disappear too as she told me she's only there for the rest of the month and then off to Europe where she visits once a year.
@ldk, no if they are that far apart, one has bad taste or like rickyboy said low standards.
@ ukfan, yeah this girls dance was relatively tame(yet still exciting!) Compared to the other two I tried who were at least 8s in their own right. @ Farmerart, yeah that's the part that sucks is the competition for said dancer. BUT, they are usually worth it if you can get them.
10's are rare in the real word, so almost non-existent in the strip club scene.
I've seen a handful in Vegas clubs and at a few other high end places.
Chessmaster - Cheetah has always had a reputation for having the nest looking strippers in Atlanta. Follies has a reputation for being the highest mileage club in Atlanta and a lot of other places.
10s are thrown around loosely. There's SC 10s, real life 10s, and true 10s.
SC 10s are by far and away the hottest stripper at the club. RL 10s are the hottest girls/women seen in your life, dancer or not. And true 10s are most likely celebrities and super models who you'll never meet.
I've seen a few I'd call SC 10s, maybe 2 RL 10s, but when compared to the true 10s of a Jessica Alba etc they'd be at least a half notch below at 9.5.
Very rare to see 10s...
At the risk of Dougster posting "old guy" below this post (which I thought was hilarious), back in the late '90s and early '00s, when the first internet boom was in full swing in silicon valley and there was insane $$ to be made in the strip clubs, it was NOT rare to see girls >9.6 in the hottest clubs here. You'd meet insanely hot girls, not just with typical stripper options (that is, it's do this, or bag groceries) but once in a while (certainly more often than today), girls with legit jobs in other industries, raiding the strip clubs to make an extra $2k/shift here and there
I don't know of any 10's currently working at any clubs in my area, I do know of a couple 9's. The last time I saw a 10 in a strip club was 2 years ago.
Although it's very subjective, a true 10 that everybody could agree upon is very rare. A true 10 ususlly has better options then stripping.
"what's the difference between 9.7 and 10?"
With a 9.7, there are one or more tiny flaws that I would change if I could. With a 10, even after studying her body closely, I wouldn't change anything even if I could. Basically a 10 is perfection from the standpoint of physical looks which is why it is, or at least should be, very rare.
^^^^ This.
I don't think I've ever seen a girl in a club that's a 10 to me.
They are usually married to some old guy with millions of dollars.
I've only seen 3 strippers who were 10's. I saw the last one in the Penthouse Club in Detroit a couple years ago. I haven't seen her since then.
As others have said, one man's 10 is not another guy's 10. (For the sake of argument, I would not rate Mila Kunis for example)
But on my scale - blonde, tanned, white girls - there were indeed 10's at the Mons Venus in the 90's.
With all that Tampa has to offer, the town drew girls from the entire county. I'm sure the same holds for Miami, Phoenix, Dallas, SoCal etc as well.
Twice, and both in the 1990's.
The first was at 2001 Odyssey around 1993. She was a tall thin Nordic looking blonde with the most perfect natural breasts I ever saw. She said she was also a lingerie model, and I would believe her. Gave a very good, if somewhat mechanical lap dance.
The second was in Atlanta During the 1996 Olympics at a club called Mardi Gras. A tall fit tan brunette with fake but well done tits, and a Mediterranean look to her. She was one of the many dancers who visited from out of state hoping to make money, which from what I heard from the dancers backfired a bit. I got a dance from her and it was lame, but she seemed to do well from just stage tips.
I have seen a lot of dancers who came close, and would be very high 9.7's or about, but those two were perfection.
I saw two in Mons Venus a number of years back. At Rhino in LV I have seen many.
It's all in the eye of the beholder though
They are rare like everyone said. I have seen maybe 3 over the last ten years not including a couple more in vegas clubs.
About 1.5 yrs ago I saw a dancer chick whom said she was originally from Trinidad – IDK if she was a “10”' but as close as I recall in a SC – looking at her the first thought that came to my mind was “what is a chick like that doing here” - I asked for a dance ($25/dance) and she kinda laughed in my face, sorta, and said she only did VIP (and I would imagine she charges a pretty penny for her VIP companionship).
Probably the only sure 10 I have seen was a couple of years ago when I went to Tampa. I had looked at the top 10 on here and wanted to try out Mons Venus. I walked in on a Thursday night and the blonde on stage (I believe her name was Christy) was a 10 in my book. I took her back and got 3 fully nude dances from her.
Very few of the strippers that I meet qualify as above an 8. most of them after a few encounters, exhibit real personality defects that take them down from an 8, to a 6 or 7 because in order for a woman to truly be a 10 she has to be not only good looking, but even if she is gorgeous but she acts bat shit crazy or is unreliable I will drop her if I feel that I cant trust her.
Like a legendary pokemon, one in a blue. No seriously, only one per blue moon.
"like a legendary pokemon" true dat.
It's been years for me. However My 9's are likely some guys 10's in the strip club.
I have run across plenty of 8's & 9's in the clubs but I haven't seen a 10 (at least my version of one) in quite a while.
I've seen lots of tens at strip clubs.
Course, they're always leaving my wallet and wandering off with the dancers.
I've seen one, but she wasn't at a club. She was at a party that some guys had at a club they rented out in Orlando (of all places). Blond hair down to her shoulder, with one of the most perfect bodies I've ever seen. D range up top, nice thickness on the bottom. Smile to die for. Never got a dance with her because the guy she was with had her from the time I saw her until the end of the night (about 2.5 hours). I couldn't even be mad.
lol PhantomGeek :)
Pg, good joke buddy @ihearvoices, so she was a stripper though?
How many did they have and how big was this party? I'm guessing pretty big if they rented out a club?
Like farmerart, I'm reluctant to get down in the weeds too much to assign a grade to the nearest decimal point. Nor jot down a list of "99 things that can prevent a dancer from being a 10."
That said, I saw at least a pretty darn near 10 at a recent club visit to Dancers-Indy. One thing a 10 must do is turn my head from across the room in "civilian clothing." I first noticed her from across the far side of the club, wearing an evening gown. Her stage served to reinforce my initial impression, as it did for nearly every swinging dick in the club as they flocked to her stage like metal chips drawn to a magnet. Although I arbitrarily gave her a 9.5 in my review (10 about as rare as a rainbow colored unicorn, ya know), she did stand out as the most gorgeous dancer I'd seen in a while.
I'll mention something nobody else has yet: TATS! My view on this is my willingness to award a 10 to a dancer that sprouts anything more than a discrete butterfly tat is about on the same level as my willingness to buy a Ferrari festooned with bumper stickers. I recall a visit ~ 8 years ago at Bourbon Street Circus- Phoenix, where I could have sworn I saw a couple of 10's dancing a double for a table nearby me. (No, I hadn't consumed much alcohol, I barely got into my 1st drink.) One of the pair was perfect, short/medium hair, 5'7ish, petite/athletic build, nice pert natural breasts that rickdugan could love.). Then she turned a bit, and I noticed a sleeve tat. I'd still buy dances/VIP's from her, but sleeve tat shot down a 10 grade for me. @jayhawk- Her name is spelled Christie, and yes I "managed" to get some dances with her. She was the last 10 (or near 10) I saw prior to recent Indy trip. @rickdugan- One of the 10's that I can still recall over 10 years later was at the Lodge. However, she had enhanced boobs, so that would be DQ for you.
I've never seen a 10 in a club (my rating would be an MS-70) and I'm not sure I've ever seen one in my life in person. Some have come close to me assigning that score... One favorite dancer I had from 15 years ago was as close to a 10 as I ever saw. She was my regular for a couple years until she moved away. If I've ever seen a 10, she would be it. She looked like Britany Spears when she was 20 but even prettier, and with a better body.
I don't think I've seen a 10. One 9.5, a handful of 9s that were just my type
A 10 would need natural C cup or bigger boobs on a fit body and a great face. Never seen the two together.
rockstar- Can you honestly tell the difference between a MS64 and MS65 with the naked eye ? The price difference between the 2 can buy a lot of VIP's depending upon which pieces you're talking about.
How about you posting some pics from G4 to MS70 strippers for us to utilize when rating dancer attractiveness. Also curious what your minimum standards would be. Would a EF40 be OK, but a VF30 no go ? Or are you a MS60 and above only kind of guy ?
@chessmaster - yeah, she was a stripper. There were maybe 20 girls: it was an after-party for a strip party during "classic weekend" in 2012. I was horribly dsappointed during the regular party, but decided to try the after-party since I wasn't ready to go to sleep yet. It was on the corner of Colonial and Kirkman. Started at 3, went until 6. Place was two floors, pretty nice size. There were some good-looking girls, but she took the cake.