
Late night clubbing. Why?

Atlanta suburb
I mostly go clubbing during the day shift. The exception is when I am out of town and have to decide between the hotel TV or a strip club.

What I don't understand is how and why most clubs fill up late at night. Especially Fri & Sat nights. Some of these clubs even stay open until the sun comes up. Can they serve alcohol all night? I know they can in Vegas but what about other areas?

Are these guys that tried to get laid all night with civies and struck out? And are now grasping at straws? Now when I was in my 20's we did have house parties that lasted all night. But we had girls there and weren't paying ridiculous prices to park and drink.

Of course we all know what can happen at 2AM.


  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Well, some people are not retirees and so they need to work during the day.

    At many of the local clubs they have younger hotter girls on at night, as they don't have kids or significant others and so they don't care about keeping normal hours.

    Even though our local clubs are strictly run, there are sometimes girls who go way over the limits in trying to set up 2am OTC's. Whereas the day shift girls probably have standing obligations when they get off work.

    But I'm with you, I've always preferred day shifts and keeping normal hours myself. At 2am cops are everywhere looking for drunks. Even though I don't drink, I've still had to tangle with them.

  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    Pretty much most people work the standard 9-5 Monday-Friday jobs, so Friday and Saturday night are the best times that they can go to the club. I know Deja Vu 2 Bar & Lounge stays open until 10:00 A.M. the following morning but it is BYOB after 4:00 A.M. In regards to clubs staying open that late, most people migrate to the after hour strip joints after the regular clubs close around 3:00 A.M. because they're not ready to go home yet.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I've never been to an "after hours club", but Sights in Newark New Jersey and one of the two black clubs in Memphis are after hours. They sound great. I think also since the girls will have already made the usual money that they probably are just looking for OTC or just going all out for FS-ITC. They would be at the extra club to have fun.

    But again, I would prefer to keep regular hours and stay off the roads at night.

  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... I mostly go clubbing during the day shift. The exception is when I am out of town and have to decide between the hotel TV or a strip club … What I don't understand is how and why most clubs fill up late at night. Especially Fri & Sat nights ...”

    Yeah – pretty much Fr and Sat nights are the typical/traditional nights to party since most folks don't have to get up early the next day. I guess similar to the reason you stated – why stay at home just watching TV and/or by yourself – we humans are supposed to be social animals and partying late at night allows us to be amongst other people often including hot chicks to look at (bar, disco; etc).

    “... Some of these clubs even stay open until the sun comes up. Can they serve alcohol all night ...”

    I grew up in Miami where to the best of my knowledge there is no cutoff time for alcohol and clubs are often open till 5 a.m. - growing up in Miami I thought this was the norm.

    “... Are these guys that tried to get laid all night with civies and struck out? And are now grasping at straws? ...”

    Do you mean the guys that go to the SCs late at night after going to a regular club/bar? More often than not guys are going to strike out and not get laid every time they go clubbing/baring; I assume they hit the SC afterwards just to see some tits and ass since most dudes like to see tits and ass.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    These young bucks who go to strip clubs probably can't get a date or can't pick up chicks or are just lazy and rich. Also everyone works in the day. This only applies to young bucks and night time strip clubbing
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    More to do with most people at work during the day I thought... I go cuz its more dancers usually.
  • IHearVoices
    9 years ago
    Pretty much what everyone else said: in South Florida in particular there don't seem to be alcohol restrictions and the party is always on. Tootsies closes at 6, Scarlett's supposedly closes at 8, and E11 is supposedly 24-7. Silly as it sounds, people go at night because (other) people go at night. Sometimes the SC is "the place to be" in the way that regular clubs normally are.

    For me...if I go to a regular club, it may close at 3 (if I'm not in South Florida). and then I often feel like going somewhere else. Enter the SC. End the night with a few LDs and everything is great.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Many places it is written that at night the black clubs change from being like a strip club to being like a regular night club. They don't do many dances in booths and the girls become kind of secondary as guys just throw money at them without really expecting anything.

    It is kind of like a more extreme version of what happens at the Sunnyvale Brass Rail on busy nights.

    But this after hours club Sights is specifically intended to remedy this. Its for people who appreciate beautiful women.

    Most interesting:

  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Around here the after-hours strip clubs get crowded 11pm-midnight and get PACKED starting at around 1:30-2:00 (when the regular bars start calling last call), and stay packed for hours afterwards. Obviously enough, it's mostly younger folks who have the fucking energy to be out at 3:00am. The few times I've been to the club anywhere near that late, I fucking HATED it. Absolutely wall-to-wall customers, standing-room-only, complete and total seller's market.

    For me, when I do nightshift, not surprisingly I like the 7pm-10pm dead zone (alas, many of the hottest girls don't wander in until 11pm), and even for that zone, I'll pick a slow Monday night over a Saturday night every time, when I have the choice
  • UKfan
    9 years ago
    I'm a young guy and I enjoy going late night on Saturday. I go twice a month on Saturday nights around 11-2. It provides a party atmosphere and I enjoy it. Most clubs do last call around 2:30 but I'm rarely there that late.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    At night, especially on the weekends, there's a lot more groups of younger guys. When you're in your late 20s it's tough to get together as a group except weekend nights.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    I would mostly assume the young guys weren't able to pull pussy in the nightclub, so they're either trying to pull some pussy in the strip club, or they're just fine throwing their money at strippers knowing they won't get any pussy.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    If you want a good shot at OTC with a hot night shift stripper, you have to be able to hang in there. Now I know that some guys try to advance plan with these girls, but we all know how that can go. There is a much higher probability of scoring with the girl if she is already out working anyway.
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    Guys go to a regular bar.

    Guys drink and can't find a girl at the regular bar because it's full of other guys drinking.

    Guys leave regular bar and go to strip club after drinking and getting horny.
    Case closed.
  • motownkid
    9 years ago
    Keep in mind Friday and Saturday nights are the biggest money makers for strippers. The mix between ballers stage tipping and dances at $25 a pop - makes for a good pay day almost always on Friday & Saturday late night. You also have a ton more girls to choose from - the club I go to stays open til 4AM - so 2AM to 4AM kicks ass when regular clubs close. I prefer it - something about the vibe. Yes there are nights when the clubs get to ghetto late at night but all in all - I enjoy the action. Also the girls are usually more liquored up due to the party atmosphere and that usually makes for a good time by the end of the night.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    most people have to work and that counts out monday through Friday regular working hours.
    If Isee a movie at the cinema, I like watching it on a day of vacation when most are at work. What I get surprised by are all the people out and about during regular working hours. are there that many people not working? seems to be a lot of people out and about during afternoons.

    I like sleeping in after staying up late. that leaves Friday night or Saturday night. I'm busy doing other things during the day on my time off. I don't want to risk falling asleep unless I slept in. that leaves Saturday night for me or a rare day of vacation when I have no work at home to do, even rarer.

    I like seeing lots of dancers in the clubs too. that hasn't changed since I was younger. I don't usually visit just to see one dancer.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Some people get bored easily if there's not lots of hot dancers and things going on in a club. late weekend nights are less boring. If I visited clubs when Shadowcat does all the time, I'd go find a smartphone to give me something to do. At least from what I see around local clubs. Even arriving at 9 pm is very slow and early. It's busy enough to entertain me but there's usually only one stage busy at that time at a local club. I don't have to hunt too much for a parking spot so I like arriving early like 9 pm.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    A couple of dancers have told me that late at night on F & S if they haven't earned what they want or need, rules get forgotten. The club is usually very busy, bouncers and managers are trying to keep a lid on the patrons and are too busy to be checking VIP rooms, so just about anything goes if the price is right.
  • DandyDan
    9 years ago
    Then there's those of us like me who work the overnight shift. Friday and Saturday night is literally the only real free time I have for going to strip clubs. I will say at my one local club that stays open til 5 that it does tend to empty out at 3. At least it reverts back to its pre-10pm form.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    Shadow, the reason should be obvious! All the young whippersnappers know they don't stand a chance as long as you're there. So they wait until it's past your bedtime to come to the club!
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    dawg - OK. Now I understand. :)
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    @ranukam not every young guy waste thier timejust ththrowing money at strippers. And not all black people try and make rain.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    @Subraman, after hours "around here"?

    In the Bay Area? In San Francisco? Where?

    PM me if it's not listed and you don't want to post it.


    Dance Little Sister
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    SJG: in San Francisco... You can check hours conveniently here: https://www.tuscl.net/clubs.php?m=c&id=1… For example, look at weekend closing times for New Century Theater or Hustler Club
  • Dolfan
    9 years ago
    For what its worth, Scarletts is open until 8am, serves alcohol the whole time, and is often busy as fuck at 6am Sat/Sun Mornings.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Usually "After Hours Club" means a place which does not even open until other clubs close. Or at least, dancers from other clubs are coming over there after their main club has closed. So then having made their money, the second club is just for fun, for setting up OTC's.

    I'm not aware of this going on in San Francisco, and of course it could not be in a place which serves alcohol.

    Usually an after hours club, like this Sights in Newark NJ, is not promoted so much. At that place you have to show ID and become a member. So this exempts it from lots of laws, though not PC-647b. But in practice it is very hard for LE to justify going in there, and there would be no limits on what can go on in the front room or on stage.

    Subraman, I had not known that you were so much into front room physical friendliness with the dancers. But you say you like the alcohol clubs better, going there and then setting up OTC.

    So I would presume this is not Gold Club or Hungry I, but instead is Penthouse, Hustler Club, or Condor Club.

    Because those places serve alcohol, they are actually subject to a whole extra layer of rules, and I know that these are intended to stop front room friendliness, among other things.

    Oh well, I guess no one cares. But I do understand why the girls at those clubs might be more reasonable about OTC, because there is less they can do ITC. In the no alcohol clubs the girls can just make it happen on site, and of course they can then do more guys and make lots more money.

    A lot of the local club girls live for OTC, for the money and the adventure. But the percentage is probably not the 30% that Rick Dugan wrote about. Many of the girls are there for the softer core environment. So it is only some who want OTC. Sunnyvale Hip Hugger is long gone now, building torn down and since replaced. On the contest night, Brass Rail gets lots of hookers, coming in under the cover of the contest.

  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    I work till 5 everyday sometimes later. By the time I get to my hotel; have dinner; shower and shave it's always almost 9 PM. I do my clubbing in the evening before midnight. I only stay late if it's really good and I'm having lots of fun. Then I stay till they throw me out. Last night I was getting dances as the owner was turning out the lights and locking up. Fun Night !
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