
Founder: please ban this guy

layin low but staying high
Here is a recent sexual episode of a tuscler. I think Founder ban him. I assume everyone else agrees. If so, I'll reveal his identity.

ATF ends relationship with regular PL. In response, PL goes to her house, and gets her roommate to let him in. He goes to ATF's bedroom. He says " I thought I should come and remind you how great it was knowing me.” She thinks Holy crap. She stares at him open mouthed, and his fingers move from her ear to her chin. In the blink of an eye she's on the bed pinned beneath him, her arms stretched out and held above her head, his free hand clutching her face, and his mouth finds hers.

“No,” she protests, trying to kick him off. He stops. “If you struggle, I’ll tie your feet too. If you make a noise, I will gag you."

He pushes both of her knees up the bed so that her behind is in the air, and he slaps her hard. Before she can react, he plunges inside her. She cries out – from the slap and from his sudden assault.


  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    What the hell? How did you hear this? Is this for real, a joke, or some kind of scenario?
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    Is this the asshole that keeps posting rape fantasy's on here? Yes ban him the shit is just ignorant!
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    Not brilliant! Are you 100% sure the allegation of rape is true?
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Not just ban the fuck, but find a way to turn him over to the cops.

    If not the cops, then us. I'm sure any number of us will great him warmly with baseball bats.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    When you're the Sheriff of San Jose, you get away with a lot of shit
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    Why are we posting about a ban ant calling the cops.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    The story is from Fifty Shares of Grey, the mommy porn that has MILF panties wet worldwide. I wrote it from the stripper/PL perspective so we could identify with it, but the sexual encounter is as the book describes it. This is what Christian does to be reconciled to Anastasia after she breaks up with him. And it works.

    This stuff is as mainstream as it can possibly be. The book has sold over 100 million copies. Women all over the world are horny over this story of sexual exploitation and domination. And it turns out that Anastasia loved this, cumming repeatedly like a DS.

    And on tuscl, a site dedicated to getting the most possible sexual satisfaction from strippers, a site populated by self proclaimed sexual perverts, a site that much of the world (and probably most women) wound view as immoral and perverse, many of us are ready not only to judge San Jose Guy, but to demand that he be removed, just because he suggested a practice of sexual dominance that was far far tamer than what is in mainstream literature.

    I think this bothered me because a defining characteristic of tuscl is being non-judgmental about members' sexual practices. Simply put, we don't judge other members (and certainly don't demand that they be banned) for sexual practices that we view as immoral. We can give each other shit, but it should stop short of making moral judgments. Who the fuck are any of us to judge one another given how most of society judges us?

    Sure, there are extremes where a judgment is theoretically required. If somebody recommends sex with 12 year olds, for example, we will condemn them. But anything short of that sort of unquestionably immoral, unethical, and illegal behavior, including admissions of getting turned on by looking at underage girls, is fine and normal at tuscl. That is as it should be

    No matter what anybody thinks of SJG, and I'm far from a fan, he should not have been morally condemned for his post about penetrating a woman while she was asleep. And talk of banning him is contrary to what I understand the tuscl discussion board to be about which is the free and open discussion of getting maximum sexual satisfaction from women, particularly from strippers.

  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    That's deep man.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Motörhead, get high. Then it'll all make sense.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    John, fantasies are one thing and reality is another. Hannibal Lecter is mainstream for example, torturing and killing innocent people
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    Sorry, but sexual violence against women is way to big a deal to be non-judgemental about. How bought we be non-judgemental on the kiddy porn guys too.

    Mikeya is right, a fantasy us one thing and reality another. I have fantasies of killing knuckle heads all the time, but I'm sure that see the blood and guts in reality would make me sick. Some girls have rape fantasies, but a lot more sure as shit wouldn't want to be assaulted. Sorry. And you missed the point of the book, they had a pre-established relationship of S&M, so in a sence he was just continuing the role play, and "play" being the key word not real assault. But guess your high as missed that
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Nobody ever said love was perfect.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I'm sure there are certain lines that should not be crossed; mainly when it's not consensual – but it seems as in America men are supposed to walk around w/ their dicks tucked b/w their legs and are often bashed, and sometimes even arrested, for just wanting to satisfy their natural sexual desires.

    Sometimes it seems that everyone is protected either by race, gender, or sexual orientation – but the avg straight horny guy seems to not have any rights and often has to go around sexually frustrated or trying to satisfy his needs somewhat in the dark.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    Not sure why the avg straight horny guy can't rise to the occasion, hit the gym, educate himself, learn a parlor trick or two, impress the ladies so he can get all the consensual ass he wants...

    Every American is for competition until they're losing the game.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    But hey, pussy is supposed to be easy I guess
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Oh we're still talking about sjg. I thought this was somebody else.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    "And you missed the point of the book, they had a pre-established relationship of S&M, so in a sence he was just continuing the role play, and "play" being the key word not real assault. But guess your high as missed that."

    I read the book even though I thought it was crap because it was so popular that I wanted to see why so many women liked it. And no I didn't miss the point of the consensual nature of their relationship. That's why my example used a situation where she had called the relationship off when he raped her.

    I'm sure some women view this as fantasy that they would never actually want in real life. But my distinct impression from reading about women's reactions to the book is that some women like this shit. Some guys do to. Not my thing but, like I said, it's not my place to judge. That's nobody's place.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    It's all about the looks – if it's a really good looking guy then it's unbridled passion – if it's an ugly dude then it's rape or harassment.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    My ATF has rape fantasies, but it's always with her # 10 hunk of a guy. In reality she likes a lover who is aggressive, controlling and who takes charge. But with customers it's a different story altogether. She calls the shots, feels an obligation to thoroughly please, but always on her terms, she is a master at the art of pleasure but I know she'd never put up with a customer being too aggressive. It all depends on 100 variables.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    50 shades is about an abusive relationship.

    The chick in the movie version did have good tits.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    50 shades of grey is fiction, SJGs description is allegedly real - there's the difference.

    I'm not judging either way I'm just pointing that out...
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    ^ Exactly. It's a book. It's fiction. It's a fantasy. Nothing more. It's the same thing that sucks lonely people into romance novels -- they want the safe, vicarious thrill, "safe" being the operative word and you probably couldn't be more safe sitting at home just reading a book.

    My bet is that you put the vast majority of those same readers in that same situation and they'd freeze up, they'd run, or they'd just piss their pants. But unfortunately, there is that very small minority that might take inspiration from those works and try to act them out in real life, with or without a consenting partner, much like SJG has done.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Q: What do you say when a drunk stripper wakes up and asks if you're raping her?
    A: Say, "No, I've already finished."
  • Tiredtraveler
    9 years ago
    I have actually never met a woman who wants to be raped. I have met a few who want to be dominated. I find both a turn off. I like a sex partner not a sex doll.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Dominated or take charge, I see it as the same thing. A number of women fantasize about someone they are very attracted to taking charge in a sexual fantasy I believe. Thinking you are that guy is where trouble could start. The guys the women fantasize about likely have girls lining up trying to hook up.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    I'm against banning on principle, but in this case I only regret that it's too late. Anything that would prevent '50 Shades of Grey' and similarly cheesy banal sex fantasies from getting attention in the culture or on this board is fine with me.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Who the hell are we talking about??
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    ^ San Jose guy still.
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