
Did I do the right thing?

layin low but staying high
Girl has been dancing 4 months. Says she's never done OTC except a guy took her to dinner once. No sex. I'm inclined to believe her.

We discuss it over 3 club visits and she eventually expresses interest for me to be her first OTC. She agrees to dinner and sounds agreeable to doing what I want sexually in my hotel room.

We text to set up the details. We had tentatively agreed upon $300 but she talks the little head into $400.

Then she texts that she's nervous and wants to discuss some more details. I come to her club to talk last night (the date was tonight). She says she doesn't kiss. I reluctantly say ok. She says no blow job cause she's afraid of stds. I give her a lesson on std risks and my pure nature, but she still says no bj. I say no date. Eventually after showing me her tits (she has great tits) we agree on $250 for an OTC date with no blow job but covered full service, hand job, and/or titty fucking.

This afternoon I text with her re details and times. I make dinner reservation at the restaurant she told me she liked, and she writes back and says can we skip dinner. The little head says ok. He really wants to fuck those tits.

Then I text her the hotel details and suggest a time. She says ok but she says that starting time "is when my hour starts." The big head finally takes over, and this really pisses me off. Yes I said it would only be an hour in the hotel but she seems so damn focused on the time limit. It sounds like she wants the hour to start as soon as she steps foot into he parking lot. No kissing, no bj, no dinner, and a strict time limit. She's got more than her club does. I just get the distinct impression that this is going to suck (in the negative sense of sucking).

So I cancel. She tries to explain that she "just wants to keep it simple." But I interpret that as her doing as little as possible and still getting my money. So I stick to the cancellation. She hasn't responded again so I assume she's pissed.

Did I do the right thing? The little head is having second thoughts cause only one thing matters to him. If he doesn't cum on those tits then his night has been ruined. But the big head reminds me how awesome a DS date is, and says this girl will be a huge disappointment in comparison. The big head also says this girl just isn't ready and I don't want to be the one to train her how to do OTC.

Which head is right?


  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I wouldn't have taken it as far as you did.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    You did the right thing. That bitch would be no fun.
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    The big head is spot on imo. She keeps changing the terms and trying to get it over with ASAP. Who's to say she doesn't try to change terms once your there and then you're out the cost of the hotel and the little head is still unhappy.
    I think you made the right choice. You should get what you want as it is your money.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    ^ What jack said.

    I hope this "no BJ" thing isn't trending. I had one offer me OTC with CFS but no BJ just a few nights ago. She claimed that it was something she reserved for her SO. At that point I backed out of the negotiation quickly. Like yours, this one didn't sound like much fun.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Shadowcat, I know you would have ended it at either $400 or no bj. But remember that most of us don't have all those follies girls to rely upon. I really wish I could figure out what it is that follies puts in the girls' drinks to make them all such cheap sluts.
  • VeryBigDawg
    9 years ago
    ^ Shadow is right.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    If I was in your situation, I would have canceled it after she said she doesn't kiss.
  • MrBater2010
    9 years ago
    Sometimes you have to show the little head some tough love.. LOL
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    Absolutely did the right thing.

    She was putting too many contingencies on the OTC.
    She either:
    A: Didn't want to do it/didn't feel comfortable
    B: was going to try to up sell you and/or be a ROB.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I’ll be the decanting voice on the PL court.

    I can understand her OTC depredation – we need to recall when *we* were newbies as custies and how green we were – it’s hard enough for most dancers just to do the dance thing in a club (i.e. get naked in front of strange men and grind on them) – w.r.t. OTC there is the added fear of you possibly being LE and setting her up (not that this is reasonable but could/will go thru the mind of a newbie) or you possibly being a horny weed-smoking “suck my dick or I’ll kill you” homicidal maniac (not totally off base for a female to have some fear about meeting a dude she does not know very well).

    Strippers are like a box of chocolates …

    If you find her fine/hot enough then it may be worth the roll of the dice and the “training” and she may end up being a good investment (kinda when a pro team drafts a rookie) – if you can pass on her looks-wise (you can take it or leave it) then it’s better to find a more sure thing.

    Just my 2 cents.
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    I agree you did the right thing here.

    It also sounds like you may yet bed her OTC since she just likely freaked out about her first OTC attempt?

    I am working on a nice young black dancer who has always seemed against OTC sex. Then she seemed OK but hesitant, then she made an offer to me and agreed to $200 for an hour. She then appeared to hesitate again, then she backed out (well in advance) due to "a schedule change" on her end, which may or may not have been related to her kid? And while I am always willing to admit I'm wrong in reading the signs, I have the distinct feeling she has also never met a customer OTC for sex.

    But I'm still working on her from afar with little to no pressure, and $0 cash from me. I will see her on my next trip to her city, maybe in the club, maybe OTC? But I'm willing and able to play the long game with this one. If it happens, great, if not we had fun ITC.

    Keep working on her and those tits. Sounds like it will happen if you play it right. Maybe rub her clit and leave her wanting more!
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    Funny about the no kissing. I know a couple of girls that provide BBBJCIM but no kissing. I asked one once, Why? Her response: " It's too intimate"
    More intimate than sucking my dick?..
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    @JS: I'm reasonably sure you knew the answer to your question before you posted here. :)

    Don't give up on her, though. Let her know the offer is still on the table, the *lower* offer, and don't mock or pressure her.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I'm guessing g she has a SO, which is why she's setting so many rules. Unless this girl has given you ITC performances to suggest elsewise, you probably would have gotten a robotic performance from her.

    Sometimes a robotic fuck is okay. But I know you like DATY and to at least enjoy the fantasy the prostitute isn't just watching the clock and thinking about money the whole time.

    I can't fault you for cancelling, nor would I have faulted you for going ahead with it.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    So we kind of ended it via text on a somewhat amicable basis. I suggested that we have no hard feelings, and told her I'd see her ITC in the next couple of weeks. And she said ok.

    I think Papi is right that this girl still has limited potential, especially given those tits. Yes she had the attitude of a ROB. But the reason I let it go as far as I did is because I really don't think she's done this before, she is very nervous, and she had no clue how this type of an arrangement would work. So I think she really was just figuring it out as we went, and not being a purposeful ROB, even though she fucked it up.

    I do think I made the right decision for tonight. I like how Bater put it -- showing the little head tough love. I'm not going to pursue her anymore. But if she is apologetic ITC, takes the initiative to try again, and seems willing to learn, I might possibly give her one more shot. But there are lots of candidates for my #2 girl, so she will have to step up her game to have a chance.

    Looks like it's me and you again tonight Rosie.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Janes actually she needed the OTC money for a custody fight with her x. So no SO I don't think. But lots of desperation for money in a very slow summer season.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Often times it takes a few ITC visits for a lady to get comfortable enough w/ a PL and for her to know he is willing to spend fairly for services
  • azdd
    9 years ago
    Yeah I've heard the no kissing thing, and only covered BJ. I've also had plenty of dancers hint at OTC, and flirt about it when I bring it up, but always have an excuse for not coming through. I kinda take all the SS with a grain of salt anymore, and figure if something actually materializes, then it's a bonus. I do have a couple that are on the hook, but time will tell.

    You did the right thing JS.
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Yeah Smith,her walking into the room is like when I call my lawyers,I can hear them start the stopwatch.It's all billable hours.Quite frankly I think you coat the computer keys as you post.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Damn damn Damn. Now I'm high, horny, and I so wish I'd fucked her. Damn it. Always do whatever gets you the most pussy, that's the rule. Guess which head came up with that one.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    What does coat the computer keys mean?
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    I'm guessing he means that you are creaming the keys - just my perverted guess ;-)
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I thought it meant spilling gravy on the keyboard, like SJG does.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Way too many rules. She's much to inexperienced for OTC. Her rules remind me of some escort rules. Can't do this, time limit. In my experiences I have never had ruled like that for otc, I'm guessing you haven't had it much either so why start now.

    Just don't give in down the road. She had her chance and you can find someone else to spend your money on.
  • motownkid
    9 years ago
    I'm with Papi - think you fucked it up - sounds like she is hesitant but willing. You get her there she calms down and you probably have a real winner. After all, if it doesn't work out - dump your load and on to the next conquest. Sounds like she could have been your regular thing exclusively - for a while anyway - until she figures out how much bread she can make ....by then you will be tired of her and working on someone else.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Yeah Mo I should a fucked her. But the L head texted the one with pierced nipples and she's gonna meet me tomorrow for some afternoon delight. So it's all good. I love strippers. She gives a great blow job.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    John, for what it's worth, I think you did the right thing cancelling. If she's doing up her rules on an Etch-a-Sketch and expecting you to keep up, it just isn't worth it.

    Regarding some strippers and hookers not wanting to kiss: Well, we have an idea where their mouths have been sometimes and don't want to kiss them after that. They probably have some similar thoughts about our mouths.
  • SuperDude
    9 years ago
    You're lucky that you did the right thing before the upsale.
  • metaldude
    9 years ago
    I also think you did the right thing cancelling. But in this case I think you defining everything ahead of time might have been what scared her off. I'm not suggesting you change your tactics. The way you do it will greatly reduce your risk of not getting what you want but you have to realize that it will also keep you from getting the girls that don't want to think ahead of time about what they are actually doing.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    JS: You absolutely did the right thing! Who ever heard of a sex worker afraid of having sex? She may be worth $400 (or $250) once she has some experience, but right now she's fairly worthless.
  • pensionking
    9 years ago
    Clearly you were right to cancel, JS. This was going nowhere fast. Extras with anyone even slightly less than eager to participate always seems to result in disappointment. I only want to party with the ones that are eager and seem horny, bordering on nympho. Otherwise, best case, you get a rushed, mechanical service leaving you disappointed, if not pissed at yourself.

    Great call!
  • TheFword
    9 years ago
    I'm going to chime in on the you did the right thing side of this discussion. While 2nd guessing, the positive what ifs can out weigh the negatives. While in reality it is usually the other way around.
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    Yea, you definitely did the right thing. She was setting you up for a rushed, mechanical session which probably wouldn't have been worth it. Perhaps she'll think about it and come back with a better offer. That stated, sometimes those rushed mechanical sessions are worth it just for the pleasure of remembering how you fucked her while watching her on stage. But, the setup she was creating would ruin all the fun.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... I think you defining everything ahead of time might have been what scared her off ...”

    Damn if you do; damn if you don't – look what happened to this PL @ Scores in Tampa, FL:

    “... I went to Scores while in town for work and the work was done, I got in right after it opened, around 4pm. I was the only customer for a long time and it was me and the bartender for a bit. Around 4:30 the first stripper rolled in and she was a solid 7: blonde, nice cans, good body, but with some baby fat. She was probably 21 years old (as they let her drink). We started hanging out and I got some dances ($20 per song). Lots of good contact. I suggested we hang out outside the club and she asked how much was i offering.....I offered her $400 and promised dinner and then we :hang out". She took the offer. She arrived at my hotel, we went out to dinner....and then she left, saying i only paid her for her time, nothing more.

    Needless to say, I am a fucking idiot ...”

  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Maybe John just needs to spend more time ITC with this dancer, teach her the ways of a real sex worker, just try to get her on the same page he's on...eventually. Once she is, then maybe she'll be more receptive and less flaky to OTC.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    It's a judgment call how much to discuss beforehand. But as the story shared by Papi proves, you at least need to specify that there will be "sex." The flexibility comes in whether or not you define sex with specifics or not. This girl was so new that I specified everything, and it's a good thing I did. But that guy would have still been ok if he had not paid in advance.

    Geek, you may well be right about this one. I'm still going to hang out with her itc, spending a little but not a lot, and see how things progress. She has lots of OTC competition at this particular club, and she knows that I'm discussing the same services with her competition. But she's cuter than most, so I don't want to chase her away yet.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    You should apologize and give her rent money.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Clubber, is that along the same lines as getting shot in the face by a hunting buddy and then you apologize to him?
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    The story Papi related mostly points out why you don't give a sex worker $400 before you fuck her.
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    @Clubber: lol!. Funny shit.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago

    Funny you mention that. When I was 18, I WAS shot by a hunting buddy, but at the opposite end of me. However, I didn't apologize to him.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago

    Just gotta say, "OUCH!" And it sounds like you aren't a hunting buddy of Dickless Cheney.
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