
Accounting for the Costs of Strip Clubbing / Hobbying

Friday, June 5, 2015 4:12 PM
I keep a spreadsheet of strip club / hobbying costs for a particular year.

Costs are recapped by girl, club, date, activity. Direct costs are associated with sex sessions. Indirect (Exploration Costs are associated with tips, dances, etc. You can get as detailed as you like. Each session has commentary and performance data relative to what I think is important. It is highly recommended this be kept password protected. You can track how many girls you did that year and how many sessions per each one, cost, etc. Excel is an amazing analytical tool and all kinda things can be graphed. This can be a horrifying thing seeing how it all adds up. An entry might record a session with Ann, a 32 year old stripper. It will indicate that you had sex (A) and she got you off with intercourse (B) or a hand job was necessary C). It might mention she modeled monokini and there were photos taken. The amount is given too. I know one guy who recorded how long it took them to get him off with stop watch during one year. If the financial result total bothers you or makes you wonder learn how to say no. Lean times could be ahead in the futue and you don't to wake one morning regretting the spending on this. I urge you stick to a budget and if necessary to stick to it take a time out, tell them your out of town, etc.

I wonder if you keep records of costs like I do and does it ever stress you out when you look at totals. Some guys do 1-2 sessions a month, others 4-5, some more. Which one are you. If you are starting to feel addicted, horrified at prior years totals, knock it down to 1-2 sessions a month and spend the remainder on some investment. IMO a standard cost for sessions (sex session at home or notel) with a stripper or CV (catalog value) is 150-200. Anything above that unless some cheerleader one time thing your getting screwed.

Do your numbers make you uneasy?
Are you spending like tomorrow is going to be another good day?
Have you had a warning or wake up call about it? This could be supernatural - dream, micro wave beeping for no reason, etc. It could be a friend you have seen fall into financial ruin bc of hobbying, addiction. A stripper once told me "I have seen them come in here with their pension check to spend here at the club." Or someone could comment about your strip club junkie frined "he is an old fool and will drag you down with him." Do you heed these warnings or shrug them off?
Are you caving into ATF demands which are draining your money especially over a period of time? Does she have emotional hold on you?
Are you so well off this is not an issue for you? Your investments more than finance it.
Do you feel death is near and spending not a concern?
Do you wake up at 430 am with worry about how long your job or career will go?
Do you simply live for now and tomorrow is of no worry?

this is for guys who are serious payers - some use the word players but sound of money leaving my pocket probably means played not player


  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    I shudder to think how much I've spent in this hobby.
  • Player11
    9 years ago
    I agree its better sometimes not to really know. It could be terrible thing eating away at you one day. I know one guy constantly stressed out about it "if only I spent 60% of that I would have x dollars."
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    I spent money like it was going out of style and loved every minute of it. However, I wish I had half of what I spent, so I could do it all over again.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Makes me glad I'm not at this point... yet?

    Player, you cited 150-200. How much time is that typically for?
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Too much. But then again I spend too much on cigarettes, video games, porn and comic books too.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I use the “feel it method” of SCing. For me SCing is similar to sex – I wanna do it when the mood strikes me – I don't plan when I'm going to be horny thus I don't plan when I go SCing.

    I've never budgeted for anything in my life but I'm a saver (vs a risk taker) by nature (since I was a little kid and w/o anyone telling me to do so).

    I've never coveted material things not b/c I “wanna be a humble person” - it's just my nature/wiring – I've always been genuinely content having what I need vs trying to get all there is to get.

    I developed a “taste” for SCs at age 30 (currently 45) and that is my major expense as I am single w/ no kids and have low living expenses.

    Over time and especially the last 2 years I def have spent more than I am comfortable with/and-should but have had a great time doing it for the most part.

    I agree that budgeting is good and so is letting the #s tell the truth; but that just takes the fun out of living and SCing in particular.

    Often I think “saving for a rainy day” is a should/must – but then again if something is going to happen is going to happen and it may not happen (i.e. not SCing is not going to stop w/e had may happen) – so might as well enjoy myself b/c tomorrow is not promised (health; death; etc) - not saying my views are the correct ones – just my current views which are subject to change.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    I keep an Excel spreadsheet of my strip club visits. It has such info as the date, day of week, club name, stripper names. My costs are broken down by money spent on "dances" (the largest cost), drinks (the second largest cost), cover charge, valet fee, etc.

    So I know exactly how much I spend. The amount doesn't make me uneasy because I can afford it. I spend about half my discretionary funds on strippers. Looking at 2014, I see that my stripper-related expenses were more than my gross income 30 years ago.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Clubbing is expensive but it's nothing compared to keeping a 1972 Lotus on the road.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Personal service costs $$$ thus personal on-demand pussy can get a bit expensive
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    I track all of my spending (car, utilities, etc) in excruciating detail. There was a period of time when I paid special attention to this hobby and how much it was adding up to be. During my ATF period I gave up tracking what I spent with which girl since almost all of it was with one girl. When my ATF thing ended, I rekindled some other non-stripper hobbies (and my stripper spending dropped considerably). I realized that it didn't matter if my disposable spending was 80% stripper + 20% other or 20% stripper + 80% other as long as my net disposable spending remained under my predetermined threshold.

    My biggest problem is that I manage to forget to enter one or two expenses each month so my spread sheet doesn't match my bank statement... then I wind up pissing away a shit load of time trying to figure out what I f-ed up.

    What I spend on the hobby is SIGNIFICANTLY less that what getting married would end up costing me.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I think I would be unintentionally saving a fortune now if my car would stop racking up expenses. $1000 plus in the last 3 months. My strip club expenses keep dropping. In less than 3 years if I don't move my house will be paid off. I tend to be a saver instead of a spender. I don't need any spread sheets to know I'm saving more than ever. It's a lot less fun.
    My nightmares do sometimes involve work and then I want to quit and move. So far, they have just been bad dreams.
  • eyeamlong
    9 years ago
    @player11..........I'm in that category....Your investments more than finance it (yes)
    The possibility of being sucked and fucked by a girl 41,42,43 years younger than me..
    I refuse to put a price tag, on prime pussy like that..
    I'm dropping about 2k a month on strippers
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I'd probably get a pay increase if I moved since the company I work for hasn't been keeping my pay up to date with my skills and background. I figure I could also grow my retirement savings at least 5 to 10% faster per year rather than having it stay stuck in a 401k plan with restricted investments. I haven't proven it yet though.
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Player,you non Jewish CPA paying ignorant idiot.The IRS ruled that the noise level in stripclubs was non conducive to conducting business.So why would you keep tabs?
  • impala
    9 years ago
    Some people know how to take the fun out of going to the strip club.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I spend a fortune on strippers, well mostly just one stripper. I could make a good estimate of what I spend but I don't. Cause it doesn't matter. She's as near to perfect as a sexual partner could ever be, and I'm addicted. So I'll keep spending it til I'm dead, I'm impotent, or she's married.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    gawker has the right attitude. Find the perfect stripper and spend it like there's no tomorrow.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Nah, Gawker is super altruistic. Taking care of a stripper who is a drug addict for 15 years is unthinkable to me.
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    That's all Gawker can get.Google Gawker.Thats a face only a mother could love.
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Haha, made you look.
  • Player11
    9 years ago
    There was a question on the length of a session where I am meeting a girl for $150-$200. Here in Houston one can rent a room at a nice notel for $25 for 2 hr. The session amount is a flat fee as I do not tolerate clock watching. A girl who is really good can take care of things in 30 minutes or so. Others may need an hour. A girl who is going to watch the clock or add expense in middle of session, take cell phone calls simply does not make the roster as that kind of stuff pisses me off, a paying gentleman customer. That will be the first and last time I see her. Stripper and Sugar Baby gals I have done have varying skills sets when it comes to good GFE and giving a good Fuck. This is why ITC where your on their turf is a real crap shoot and you can get ripped. At motel OTC you have control of things. As one gets experienced in the hobby, a roster of girls is developed and pop will come down. I would not suggest trying to rotate two girls (on regular basis) and one is ideal. If rotating two girls on regular basis usually one may be average on GFE but really good fuck. The other may be real good GFE, does as you tell her but may be an 82 fuck vs an 87 fuck on scale of 100. Both of these girls are at the same price $150. The young stripper who is at $200 may be a 50 fuck (only gets you off with sex 50% of time) and not better than average GFE. This woman had a short vagina - so would angle it if on top - not a good fuck. While mish ok w her if she fuked u on couch facing would hurt bc of her short vagina. She is consequently dropped from the roster. Different girls have different performance. The ones who can be trained give it to me how I want it plus model and do photos plus what I say make the team.
  • Player11
    9 years ago
    Many strippers will go naked to bed like with attitude get it over with. Sort of like your some chump itc in vip. I am straight on with them before the session what I expect in GFE. Sugar dating women will sit on couch and situation is relaxed then you get to strip them. I like strip them down to bra and panties then lay on bed with them feeling them up n stuff. Then that comes off and its time to fuck. Girl on top can be a very enjoyable experience and the gals who like to fuk excel at this. There are two variations where she is leaning forward thrusting or sitting up rocking going up and down (super view of her tits, dick goes way up in her, its like it vibrates...when close to cum like its real tight..... I rotated two that you guessed it one did it one way the other the other way. This is why you need notel with bed. Take charge and let them know what you like and how you want it. Most will try comply as they want the money and want be my whore on regular basis. Unfortunately this where costs can get out of control bc really good poon tang. But hey life is short.....
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    If one worries or is concerned about the cost, why go? it is all discretionary!
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    LDK, good question. Lots of ways. But mostly I get lots of income via checks and I cash many of them rather than deposit them. It sure will be nice when I don't have to hide her.
  • minnow
    9 years ago
    Imoh, p11 is either extremely bored or masochistic to post all of this. In the later case, he's hoping his spouse finds all of this so he can be taken to the cleaners in alimony payments, and won't have to worry about spending too much money on strippers again.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Well, I suppose it could be considered responsible to keep track of it all in order to prevent one from spending the mortgage money on strippers.

    I tend to keep very close track of all the *required* expenses, and pay very little attention to the exact magnitude of the rest.
  • azdd
    9 years ago
    I keep track on an Excel sheet as well. It helps me keep track of dancer names, totals, and how long it's been since I saw a particular favorite. The totals are sometimes sobering, but I can afford it, and it's always a nice trip down mammary lane to review the historical record. If you do this, give it an obscure meaningless file name and password protect it!
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    "Taking care of a stripper who is a drug addict for 15 years is unthinkable to me." - I agree with that!
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    "how do you guys hide these spreadsheets from your wives?"

    Don't make that mistake in the first place.
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    ^ LOL
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    The only spreadsheet I made tracked who was going to be there on particular days and how much I would be likely to spend per hour based on my tipping pattern including how much I tip each dancer and how often they will be up based on likelihood of doing doubles, avg song length, etc. It also took into account lap dances and food and drinks. This allowed me to budget my trip quickly. As far as accumulated expenses - well, if you have to ask, you can't afford it.
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    yeah, i haven't done a spreadsheet either. nothing wrong with doing that, it's just not my thing
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    "how do you guys hide these spreadsheets from your wives?"

    Name the file ANYTHING except "DS Expense"
  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    I'm not a psychologist, however minnow may be right.
    This spread sheet business takes all the fun and adventure out of it for me. The only spread sheet I want to see is the one with her laying naked on it and legs spread saying " Fuck Me Baby Fuck Me !"
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "how do you guys hide these spreadsheets from your wives?"

    Name the file ANYTHING except "DS Expense"

    Brilliant points!
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