Why the Hell Not?
I met a 24 year old EMT at work tonite. He was really feeling me and asked me out. I usually lie about my age but I just thought fuck it, don't begin something new based on a lie. I warned him he was going to be shocked by my age; he said he wouldn't be. Well of course the fuck he was. His friend didn't believe I was 40. That was good for my ego. So were going out Sunday. Wish me luck guys; I hope I don't end up burned and partially dismembered in his bathtub;) sorry, couldn't help myself. Have any of you dated older women? This question does not apply to you John Smith lol
As a former whore and a HUGE skeptic of peoples motives.....be careful. A guy will say anything you want to hear to get in your pants. Don't fall for anything he says and def do not go past second base anytime soon. I could give you a whole list of reasons to be wary but I'll just say be a fun girl but be a good girl as well if you really are looking for something more. If not, next week during a lot of their EMT downtime he could very well be sitting in the rig telling the others, "remember that stripper i met last week? yeah, i fucked her good". Suddenly he's always pulling a shift or not returning your calls.
When I was younger I nearly always dated older girls/women, but never those as much older than me than your EMT and you are. Always had a blast too. I lived with a girl for over five years who was nearly 11 years older than me and we always had great sex.
As long as you are having fun, go for it. Just be sure and get yours while you are teaching him about the facts of life.
Test number one that he's a good guy is if he'll keep mum about you agreeing to go out with him the first time you talked to him in the club. Very bad for business if word gets around and customers have that expectation. Guys will ask you out instead of asking for a dance and get pissed like what's wrong with me.
To the OP: If you just want a fuck, go for it. If you are looking for a lasting relationship, you should probably take a pass. Youth is fleeting. Do you want to waste six months or longer on a relationship that probably has no future. Chances are the only thing this young stud will want after the ego boost of fucking a hot stripper, is to fuck a different hot stripper.
Are you being sarcastic? Most the "well seasoned" strippers I know are in dysfunctional relationships with losers.
Just find it funny to read all the dating advice given to a lady that I suspect doesn't need it.
oh and if he is from the silicon valley then you should give it a pass. better to be safe than to possibly find yourself duct taped in a motor home
When I was only a few years old, I apparently went away with a number of neighborhood girls who were older than me and got a bunch of them in trouble. I could not remember any of this or not very well. I never realized they got in trouble either until recently when I heard second hand that some girls remember me from when I was only a few years old. Now that's scary. Their memory that is. I did not have a sexual thought in my head at 4 or 5. I just wanted to play with the neighbor's kids while I was over at their house looking for something to do. hmmm, I wonder if I had fun?
"Get 'em young before they develop any bad habits ;)"
I think it's opposite with women. The young ones are FAR flakier than the older ones and have a million bad habits, even if they're not dancers. Older women are more confident and from confidence comes intelligent decisions. But don't men improve with age too? I now cringe at how I acted when I was in my 20's and some stupid choices I made...but I suppose that's not the point of older women/younger men!! It's all about good looks and lots of energy. That's also why I tolerate the 20 somethings come to think of it...
Don't get too hung up on your age – either a man likes you or he doesn't – it's not as if you are a senior citizen.
w.r.t the advice given – I'd just say a SC is usually not the best place to find “love” - at 24 he may just want bragging rights that he banged a stripper – but this is def not the only possibility; just a possible one.
Good luck – you have nothing to lose – life is for living.
Or so I was told by my uncle Bobby at his 62nd birthday party, just before he left to chase after a woman that looked about 20! ;)
One girl the other night acted not interested in drinking saying it was giving her headaches, that was perfectly fine with me.
As far as drinking, It seems a lot of the strippers we see want a little buzz to make the night go by and I guess it makes it easier to fawn all over some fat old fucker (present company excluded) twice your age. If I was a male stripper and i had to get all cozy with a 250lb 50yo ugly granny every night trying to get $20 I'd have to be bombed out of my mind. Best thing I can suggest is what I do with mrs sea. She can have a drink or 2 but then she has to have a water and a good 30-60 minute break in between rounds so she does't get sloshed. Have a guy buy you a water instead of a drink. You can easily ACT like you've had a lot to drink. Just tell them if you don't get some water in your system you might have to go in the DR and pass out for a bit so they'd surely happily buy you a water instead to keep you with them and conscious.
Of course, if it were me, I'd be bragging about how I was cradle robbing.
On the booze note, try to consciously shift to non-alcoholic drinks! I'm not sure if JohnSmith69 is joking, but I always say that substituting one vice for another is non-brilliant! Just remember that sex is way better than booze! I'm sure the same is true for pot!