18, 28, 38, 48

avatar for motorhead
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life

Best age for your DS?


last comment
avatar for Clackport
9 yrs ago

Tough one. 28 is usually a little past her prime, and 18 is a little too young. I think I'll have to go with 28.

avatar for jestie214
9 yrs ago

Fuckin' fuck you, motorhead!

The next number in the sequence is obviously 58. And Dugly says I have no logical skills but I fuckin' solved that one!

Fuckin' fuck everything!

avatar for JohnSmith69
9 yrs ago

Everybody probably knows the age I choose. But it really does depend heavily upon the girl. Mine is extremely mature for her age, and we share lots of mutual interests despite our age difference. If she were more typical of a dancer her age, however, my ideal probably would be a few years older.

Last point, age is only a small part of what makes a dancer a DS. At her essence a DS is the perfect dancer for you. So this includes looks, personality, interests, slutiness, SS susceptibility, services rendered, drug use, etc. Age is but a small component of the mix.

avatar for mikeya02
9 yrs ago

A 48 y/o stripper? Is there a club called The Golden Girls?

avatar for just_the_nuts
9 yrs ago

8 ?

avatar for shailynn
9 yrs ago

Wow, I would go with 38 or 28.

My ATF (retired) is turning 40 this year and I met her when she was 35. The stripper I want to make my DS is an astounding 43 years old. Both older than me, guess I like those older babes

avatar for GoVikings
9 yrs ago

Adrian Peterson

avatar for rockstar666
9 yrs ago


avatar for Clackport
9 yrs ago

@GoVikings-??? Don't tell us you're switching sides??

avatar for Dougster
9 yrs ago

What's a DS?

avatar for JamesSD
9 yrs ago

I tend to click best with 24ish strippers

avatar for Clackport
9 yrs ago

^^^Yeah 24 25ish is my favorite ages for strippers. I just picked 28 because that was the best option out of the choices he gave us.

avatar for Clackport
9 yrs ago

Oh I see, thanks Rechthaberei for the catch.

avatar for eyeamlong
9 yrs ago


avatar for Estafador
9 yrs ago

48 for me. Older women are sexy as hell and being that they survived the game so long they're more inclined to take care of me since we all know old strippers are cougars lol

avatar for shadowcat
9 yrs ago

Definitely 18. That way if it lasts 10 years, she'll still only be 28.

avatar for mjx01
9 yrs ago

I guess I'm bending the rules... but I vote 21. Old enough to have a some experience, no worries about providing alcohol to an under 21, not too old to be depressed over her having no future.

avatar for ATACdawg
9 yrs ago

No 48 yo's yet, but my two favs are 45 and somewhere between 40 and 43 (haven't yet established the actual age). Neither looks a day over 30. Both are fun to talk to, both share a lot of life experiences. So, I'll say anywhere from 38 to 48.

28... perfect age and right around their prime. 18 is too young. 38 would be the cutoff for me.

avatar for Clubber
9 yrs ago

Age is unimportant.

avatar for GoVikings
9 yrs ago

Exactly gewings

You took the words right out of my mouth

avatar for rh48hr
9 yrs ago

If they are sexy and hot 28, 38 or 48 would be ok with me. No 18's for me. Just too young in my book. But if you make me pick a number with all things being equal (hotness, sexiness) I would probably take 38 because they are more experienced. But I ain't throwing 28 out of bed.

avatar for crazyjoe
9 yrs ago

I agree with 28.

avatar for HungryGiraffe
9 yrs ago

23 to 28 works best for me.

avatar for jestrite50
9 yrs ago

I will go with 28. I have a 25 now that keeps me happy !

avatar for DandyDan
9 yrs ago

I generally prefer 28, out of the choices listed. 18 is just too young. If they are 38 or 48, it all depends. Some still look good, but some also seem to linger on well past their expiration date. It's all about their attitude at that point. No one is 48 and a 10, or even a 9.

avatar for JamesSD
9 yrs ago

I'll also go with 28 if those are my four choices. 18 year old strippers don't deliver, usually.

avatar for warhawks
9 yrs ago

There aren't many 40+ year old strippers.

38 is really pushing it.

I'd have to go with 28 also for a "Dream Stripper."

avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 yrs ago

28 – old enough to have some sense in their heads (usually) and young enough to still look good.

And I'll take an attractive 38 y/o over an attractive 18 y/o.

avatar for rickdugan
9 yrs ago

I don't mean to copy Papi, but 28 is my answer too and for similar reasons. Old enough to be relaxed, fun and relatively mature, but young enough to still be hot.

avatar for georgmicrodong
9 yrs ago

Gosh, it's too bad that beautiful, worthwhile women don't come in a variety of ages.

avatar for Corvus
9 yrs ago

How about one of each!

Although I would think very few 18 year olds have what it takes, other than the physical attributes. As for a 48 year old, I have a girl friend who is 47, a former stripper, and she looks great. More than hot enough to still be dancing nude. And she is among the best lovers I've ever had. Great looking and experienced too.

But if you could only chose one and you knew it could last for years, the 28 year old option is best in my view. She would come in with some experience, hopefully some stability, and potential for years of fun.

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