Dancers and smoking

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
I've never been a smoker and never liked cigarettes nor people smoking around me.
In most clubs; smoking; especially among dancers; is very common.
I think it's a nasty habit and one that I strongly dislike – so dancers that smoke are often a fairly big turn-off to me though not necessarily a deal breaker – I even dislike when I see a dancer walking around with a pack of cigarettes constantly in her hand – to me it's a bad look and makes me think how freaking addicted she is to those things.
How about you:
1) Are you a smoker or have been?
2) w.r.t. dancers that smoke – do you like it; dislike it; indifferent, etc ?
[I mean smoking in the sense of cigarettes not pot or anything else]
I dislike dancers smoking when they are around me. Most dancers I know smoke cigarettes and blunts.
2. Both my ATF smokes but she never seems to smell of it. I'm not sure how she manages. Her apartment is another story reeks!
In general, a girl who smells badly of smoke will not be attractive to me, but if I gave up every steipper who smoked, I'd never get my dick sucked.
I don't smoke. Never have. Tried it in high school but didn't like it.
I don't mind my dancers smoking.
It seems like almost all of them do in some shape or form, either tobacco or weed.
If you cut out the girls who smoke, it really, really, cuts down on your potential pool of dancers.
Therefore, I've come to accept it. And it really doesn't bother me anymore.
1- I've never smoked a cig (or anything else) in my life.
2- I hate when dancers smoke. Hate being around it.
Last Saturday a dancer started French kissing me in VIP and let's just say I found out she's a smoker lol it was still great time tho
All you non-smokers are smart, but clearly not "bad boys" who dancers are attracted to. Look at John Smith69 - clean as the driven snow until he fell under the spell of his dream stripper - then weed today. - he'll be snorting lines soon; then, who knows; maybe Newport 100's in the box.
My favorite dancers know about my condition and avoid smoking around me but I tell them the smell does not bother me and apparently the 2nd hand smoke of the clubs has not made my condition worse. The smokers, which is most of them, do freshen up their breath before going to VIP with me.
What does bother me is cigars. I have had dancers tell me that they will come back later because some guy sitting close to me is stinking up the place.
I guess this means that the little head doesn't mind smoking. Probably because he has no lungs.
Mchigan has a smoking ban though some of the Detroit clubs seem to ignore it. I prefer going to the smoke free clubs.
I'm surprised at the number of guys on here that feel the same as me. Before the smoking ban it seemed the majority of strip club cudtomers smoked. Maybe the smokers just aren't commenting.
Even if she had, the intensity of the smoke stench would have gagged me. Too bad, because she really was a doll. :-(
Now I do vaguely remember the smell of the smoke during a Rush/Blue Oyster Cult rock concert. That smell wasn't all that bad. I don't know. Something in the second hand smoke could have affected me. I didn't get hungry so maybe it didn't really affect me very much.
So the cig smoking in the black clubs I tend to visit is normally not too bad – some black dancers sometimes smoke those black-and-milds that some black people seem to prefer; but even then is not too/as common.
Weed smoking though can sometimes be an issue in some of the black clubs I visit – and that shit is as bad or worse – most black dives I visit don't allow it but some do and I f'ing hate that pot cloud all around me.
IME whitegirls seem to be the heaviest smokers – when I lived in Dallas and would visit the old Baby Dolls location; there seemed to be one huge white cloud in the club – the old location was an older smaller building with lower ceilings and often times it was unbearable – when Baby Dolls moved to the new location it was in a new industrial type building with very high ceilings and it was not as bad – then subsequently there was a smoking ban passed in Dallas not allowing smoking inside including bars and clubs – huge huge difference in my visits and enjoyment.
It appears to me that perhaps certain clubs may not allow dancers to smoke even if there isn't a local ordinance against it – I don't even recall ever seeing any Tootsies dancers w/ a cell ph in their hands nor using one while on the floor.
I think the same goes for Scarlett's but I don't visit that club often enough to know for sure.
I don't like smoke in general, but weed smoke doesn't bother me nearly as much as cig smoke
Smoking is a problem in our entire society, but it is more prevalent among strippers and in certain other social arenas.
In California dancer smoking is reducing, as is the general smoking rate, mostly due to the clean indoor air laws. We are the second lowest, after Utah and followed by Idaho.
But as far as what drives it, I think it is just the herd instinct. Children are socialized into having to accept it to be ostracized and rejected.
Tougher retail sales laws and laws protecting children when in cars are also making a big difference.
I have smoked some weed, but I don't do it habitually. I'm actually more tolerable of the smell of weed than cigarettes.
Lots of these girls have alcohol and drug problems as well. Anyone who can't live in their own skin, but needs mood alterants, has a problem.
A lot of these dancers really are broken people. They are coming about of abusive families.
Thus a dancer who I happen to see smoke outside the club or in smoking patio wouldn't be an automatic disqualifier. However, all things being nearly equal between 2 dancers, I'd probably pick the non-smoker over the smoker. Some other tidbits to chew on:
1) I've noticed "vaping" catching on, especially in non-smoking clubs that tolerate/wink at vaping. I actually dislike vaping odors just as much as cigarette smoke. Maybe the tobacco/nicotine sans tar elements only serve to highlight the basic element that I dislike in the first place. I don't hardly mind cigar smoking odors (aromas??). Go figure.
2) In the past, one of my pet peeves would be for a dancer to plop by me (an obvious non-smoker) and ask "do you mind if I smoke." I put up with it for a while until one day I responded with "yes I do mind, come see me when you're finished with your cigarette break." She didn't follow up with me.........
Fortunately in California now there is a law against smoking when a child is in an automobile.