Strip club lighting
Have any of you guys been enthralled by a dancer/stripper/whatever you want to call us and been disappointed when meeting her outside the club? I ask because I don't look a day under 35 and I have this young cute custie who thinks I'm a gorgeous 25 year old. I'm not saying I'm ugly, but I just don't see how he thinks I look so much younger than I am. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this one JS;)
Yes, but only to a very limited extent. For example, on the first date with my ATF OTC, I noticed quite a few imperfections when exploring her body that had not been apparent in the low lighting of the club. But still, she was a gorgeous 31 year old (yes Diva I do also enjoy "older women"), and who the hell am I to complain (or even notice) just because she has a few small physical flaws. So it was not, and never has been, a big deal when I see everything in the full light of day and it's not quite up to what I remember from the club. If a dancer turns me on ITC she will do the same OTC.
While the club lighting does sometimes hide some imperfections, it cannot hide a woman's fundamental appearance. If this guy thinks you're 25, and you're really 35 or whatever, it's not because of lighting. It's because the guy is really into you and you turn him on. Even if you get OTC and it becomes obvious that you're not 25, my guess is it won't matter much to him. You're still the one who turned him on massively ITC, and you'll still do so OTC as well.
I think you should not be insecure, be glad the strip club gods have sent you this cute young customer, and go show him a good time while making a bunch of money too.
You know - us distinguished TUSCLers are experts on "women matters".
My guess is what your custie says, even at 40 this year, you look 25.
Being carded the other day to buy beer, apparently I look a whole lot younger than my age even in brighter light. Strip clubs have dim light and can hide a lot of imperfections. I would probably never even tip several dancers on stage if I saw them in brighter light.
Yes, I think just about every stripper I've had relations with liked better inside the club than out. Wonder if they thought the same thing about me? Lol
I think you are giving too much attention to looks. Looks are only for first impression. You are beyond that now. You probably have other skills that will offset a couple points in looks. To me it's more important in how a girl makes me feel than how she looks. I'm not saying she can be ugly and I don't care I'm saying as long as she can make me feel fulfilled as a man it doesn't matter to me if I originally thought she was a 10 and now she's only looking like a 6 or 7 in daylight. As long as she makes me feel good and satisfied sexually that is more important.
No money from me. She was making more than me. :)
She just wanted a guy with her, and honestly, I was more her father at times.
Not everywhere is smokeless. :)
, @wipe, @cjoe
IMO it is not the case that every man only finds women 25 and under attractive – if he was into you in the club enough to want to meet you OTC then most likely he is not in the “they gotta be under 25 to be sexy” camp; even if he is a young guy himself.
In my professional opinion; when you meet up with him just show a lot of cleavage and he probably won't notice much else – we men are simple creatures :)
I've had this happen more than a few times.
I'd have to say though, the amount of alcohol (mostly when drinking Jagerbombs) had more to do with it than the lighting in the club....
Both of them attract men like a bowl of sugar water attracts flies. They exude sex from every pore without any apparent effort. Pheromones?
Maybe. Bedroom eyes? Absolutely.
Both talk freely. Both appreciate nice guys and abhor creeps. I knew before meeting them that they would be a blast in the lap dance area and they were. Both of them genuinely enjoy our sessions.
One is a grandma, and the other is a grandma in waiting - her daughter is expecting.
They are both gems, with beautiful faces and brains perched atop the bodies of twenty year olds.
I like the fact that they are both in their 40s! I like their mature sexuality. I like that they are not girls 1/3 my age and younger than my daughters.
Anyway, Diva, it strikes me that you are probably like these women. Enjoy it, embrace it and be glad you have it!
I knew as escort in her 30s who I thought way underestimated her beauty. I use to tip her over $100 because I though she had her rate way too low. I think she filled out after she had kids and preferred her younger petite self. She really didn't look old, but maybe she thought she did just because she looked different from when she was younger. What specifically makes you say you look like your 35?