11 Statistics about strippers

avatar for sharkhunter
I was looking for something else but found this interesting.

most would recommend stripping to friends
one in five has dated a customer


last comment
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
Still didn't find what I was looking for but found 17 popular myths about strippers.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
ok found what I was looking for.
There are about 400,000 strippers working in the US.
I was thinking there wouldn't be that many if most hated their job.
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
Strippers give 110%.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
#2 seems self delusional. The relatively easy money is the prime motivator.

Based on the number of C section scars I see, #3 seems low.

I figure stripper job satisfaction is around teacher or cop level.
avatar for shailynn
10 years ago
strippers recommending other non-strippers to get into the business.

that's funny. I was having this fling with a stripper and took her to Vegas. My friends were with me who were also some female friends one of which is incredibly hot. My stripper tried to convince this girl the entire weekend to quit her job and take up stripping. Stripper had no clue this girl had her masters and had a very good job, but a lot of strippers can't understand math like that..and she was one of them
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
I've been hitting strip clubs since the early '80s and I think I might've seen three C-section scars in that time.
avatar for bvino
10 years ago
Survey data without survey protocol is just someone's uniformed opinion .Your sample is just as valid as this one.
avatar for 4got2wipe
10 years ago
"86.3 percent think stripping is a legitimate line of work... eight percent think it's prostitution. But that's not to say it's a different eight percent. It's not out of bounds to think prostitution is a legitimate line of work. It's at least as legitimate as being a life coach or personal shopper or storage unit flipper."

Brilliant! I say stripper and hooker are both way more legit than life coach! ;)
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
I was surprised only 1 in 10 are married, but most have a live in B/F (or G/F) so a better stat would be asking what % are single; i.e. available to date.
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago
As with all statistical data, there has to be a great deal of regional variation.

"13.5 percent have kids"

May be true for Las Vegas, New York, LA, and Florida where young single women travel or move there -- but in the dreary Midwest towns like Flint, Saginaw, or Kalamazoo, Michigan or Kokomo, Indiana, the percentage with kids has to be approaching 90 percent or more. They are single moms with no job skills that dance as a means to an end.
avatar for shailynn
10 years ago
I guess strippers can hate their jobs...it happens in other industries. Think of the millions that work at Walmart, I'm willing to guess the majority of them hate their job but have no other choice.

That's interesting about kids, and I think motorheads theory is spot on. of the last 8 strippers I hung out with in detroit, 5 had kids. The 3 that didn't ages ranged from 19 to 30. When I used to club in Toronto a lot, I seldom met one with a kid. I'm trying to jog my memory and I'm thinking only 2 of the last 10 I had interactions with in Toronto.

I'm thinking like Motorhead and I imagine a hot stripper with big fake boobs in ft lauderdale trying to get some whale to marry her... she wouldn't have any kids as this is her life plan... Flip to a city like cleveland where a young decent looking girl has a child(ren) and no baby daddy, getting into stripping as one of the limited options she has for income.
avatar for HonestT
10 years ago
I have no issues with that list except #3, which says only 13% have children. As a veteran of Ohio and Detroit strip clubs, my research indicates that 13% DO NOT have children.
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
I have to agree that the stats on children is now where near correct. If it wasn't for MILFs there would be a hell of a lot less dancers.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
1 out of 3 strippers putting themselves through college seems pretty high to me. 1 out of 5 strippers have dated a customer seems about right.

In that statisticbrain link, it says the average yearly earnings for a stripper is $125,000. That is complete bullshit. Maybe the 10's are making $125,000, but I would say the average yearly earnings for a stripper would probably be around $50,000.
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
There is little reliable data about strippers, and so statistics are pretty meaningless.

Motorhead speaks the truth about stripper moms.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
My guess is the annual earnings figures are extrapolated from nightly or weekly numbers. After stage fees and tip outs, an okay night is probably around 300 for most girls, market variable. A girl working 5 nights a week could easily gross 8,000 per month, around 100k a year...

But let's face it, most dancers don't do 5 day, 45 hour work weeks. Especially girls who don't "need" the money. So yeah, I bet 50 to 60k a year is more reasonable, more for extras girls.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
The 1 in 3 college seems reasonable as long as you count it as "enrolled in any post secondary education". Half the girls taking community college courses will never finish degrees. But technically she is stripping her way through college.
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
@shailynn: "My stripper tried to convince this girl the entire weekend to quit her job and take up stripping. Stripper had no clue this girl had her masters and had a very good job,"

I'm not quite saying that your stripper friend had a clue, but I don't think you assume that she didn't.

One stripper I knew owned, in her own name, and ran design consultant business, which was fairly lucrative in its own right. She *could* have subsisted quite comfortably on that alone. But she laundered the money she made stripping and hooking through it as well. She had a Master's degree in her chosen field.

Another, the one with whom, some may remember, I had an interesting conversation about warp drive physics, was paying for her schooling *and* funding her retirement stripping. She had no student debt at that time, though now that she's doing post graduate work, that may have changed, but according to her FaceBook page, she's still in school, and according to her *other* FaceBook page, she's still dancing. Wish it were still here. :)

Anecdotal? Fuck yeah, but it does illustrate the point that neither having or pursuing an advanced degree and stripping need not be incompatible.
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
@georgemicrodong: Interesting a stripper would launder money through a legit business. I would think the opposite. As an independent contractor, she could claim huge expense deductions if she said she made the consulting money from dancing and dancing was her primary occupation...? Unless she had a home office that is...
avatar for mjx01
10 years ago
rural pa club, after house fees and tip out:
avg ~$700/wk = ~36k/yr is not great money.

"The five-year mark is usually the point-of-no-return of stripping" = very true IMO.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
Ad this was a link within the last that I missed earlier about prostitutes.

I was wondering when it comes to tricks if manual service is the same thing as a hand job.
Apparently Friday nights are the most popular in the Chicago area for performing tricks.
22 countries have legal prostitution.
avatar for mjx01
10 years ago
Re: sharkhunter's last link:
type of trick only adds up to 90.99%. WTF happened to the other 9.01% ?
and if 40% paid and didn't receive service, that 'industry' should go out of business. I mean if I only got food 60% of the time I paid at a restaurant...
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
58.3% of all statistics are made up
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
To mjx01, maybe they had a prostitute adding up the numbers and she left out 9%.
I've seen similar logic in a strip club before. You would think someone would be more careful to check totals before publishing statistics though.
I guess others could be all the freaky stuff some guys want as far as tricks go.
Maybe the guys paying the 40% paid because they got a bj but wanted it all or some crap like that, they did not get what they claimed they wanted but still paid. Maybe it would be like some guy wanting a hot dancer but instead an old fugly shows up at his door and he pays just to get rid of her. You would think he wouldn't use that escort or whatever service again.
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