Where are you more likely to be shot ?
Breathe, breathe in the air
I keep reading SC's 2am posts.
In the U.S. where are you more likely to be shot, outside a strip club, in a school/college...or some other place?
In the U.S. where are you more likely to be shot, outside a strip club, in a school/college...or some other place?
School shootings are statistically rare.
With an average of 300 shootings every day, it should be no surprise that a few of them occur in or near schools. According to FBI crime statistics, most homicides, including most multi-victim homicides, occur in homes, not schools. There are more mass shootings in restaurants than in schools, but no one has called for waitpersons to carry guns. Children are almost 100 times more likely to be murdered outside of school than at school, which makes massive expenditures for school building security seem like a misallocation of tax dollars.
But as Michael Moore goes into in his film, Bowling for Columbine, lots of people just love their guns. They love holding them and caressing them and the gun makes them feel so safe.
Of course my own view is that much of this fear and love of guns originated in the need to put down slave revolts. For example Nat Turner's in Virginia in 1831, and then the one John Brown attempted to start at Harper's Ferry in 1859.
People were afraid of a revolt of the type which created the nation of Haiti, corresponding with the French Revolution. There the ratio of black slaves to white owners was 10 to 1.
Well there were places in both Mississippi and in South Carolina where the ratio was that high. So the ideology of slavery was the most deeply entrenched there, as would later be the doctrine of White Supremacy. South Carolina and then Mississippi were also the first states to attempt succession in order to perpetuate slavery.
People feel that they need a gun in order to be safe, or that that makes them safe, because they believe that there are people running around who are so disenfranchised that they have absolutely nothing to lose. The origins of this are racial.
2589 shooting victims in 2014. Highest concentration on the southside and westside
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying its right to shoot a kid for giving another kid a swirly and calling him names, I'm not even saying that statistics aren't useful in the debate. I am however saying, that we need to use common sense as well as proper analysis of those statistics for them to be useful. Correlation does not equal causation. Correlation: 100% of people who breathe die. Causation: 100% of people who don't breathe die.
whether or not that is where the clubs are that you frequent is another matter
In my case, the foot.
I got one right!!!
I said if you douse your privates with listermint immediately after sexual contact with a suspect stripper you will prevent any infectious disease... I don't think listermint will cure a gunshot wound. May disinfect it, but that's about it! lol
Well, I still recommend getting yourself to a hospital but that listermint stuff is pretty brilliant! Maybe it can cure a gunshot!
FACT: In areas that have changed to allow firearms for personal protection violent crime has precipitously fallen. Home invasions, armed robbery, strong arm robbery, muggings, murders, and RAPE all drop when the people arm armed. Criminals do not know who is armed and being lazy cowards chose other places to victimize.
We the People of the United States left the oppression and jealous cowards of Europe & elsewhere to be able to work and defend ourselves and it has stuck in the throat of the rest of the elitist ruling class around the world ever since. It really pisses them off that they have tried many times to subjugate US and have yet to be successful. They now feel they are very close with the current treasonous administration is pushing to abrogate the Constitution. He was taught at Haaahvard (the worthless stink hole that has been riding on past reputation for 50 years) that the Constitution is outdated and should be abandoned. When you do research as to why the Constitution was written as restrictive as it was it is because the constructors knew and warned of (in letters and notes) all government is inherently evil and incestuous therefore must have written ironclad limits otherwise it becomes toxic to everything and everyone but itself.
"You didn't build that" ??????????????? mentality is pervasive in the septic tank called DC.The government in fact creates NOTHING, it only consumes.
If you can name one thing that the government has created our produced without taking from someone else to pay for it I will give you a written apology!
Government is the ultimate legalized pyramid scheme where many at the bottom are forced to pay in at gunpoint so a few can live like kings at the top! The only thing standing between the government taking it all and US becoming slaves to the elite self proclaimed ruling class is the 2nd amendment. No government official deserves respect unless they earn it. They are Employees and should give every voter respect not demand respect at gunpoint like they politicians do now.
You seriously expect us to trust a government that allows border agents to be murdered for political gains or an ambassador to be murdered and calls it a spontaneous peaceful protest.
Or an ex first lady that orders one of her former lovers killed in national park so her husband can control the investigation or a dumb-ass Potus that calls ISIS the JV while they cut off the heads of hundreds/thousands of Christians and others who refuse to convert to their barbaric bloody paganism while buying millions of rounds of ammunition and thousands of automatic weapons for his private homeland security army preparing to go to war against the American citizenry.? Or a president that involves US into another Vietnam war with a mid-eastern tyrant that at least was not bothering US. Our involving US in Vietnam to feed the military industrial complex by falsifying an attack by a Sampan on a US destroyer LOL (Gulf Of Tonkin)
I could go on about the lies the gov't tells to keep us in line but there is not enough band width.
Suffice it to say England is no safer the we are and have allowed themselves in their cowardice to be stripped naked of all rights in the name of security. But what happens when the government is the one that is the one threatening your security and you have given all your power to protect your self to them because they "told" you it was for your protection.
All Governments are inherently evil and if government is the answer it MUST be a stupid question
And yes of course the gun is a phallic symbol for many. They like fondling it and it makes them feel potent.
Now sure, if it were to come to guerilla war, like the one John Brown led in Kansas Territory after pro-Slavery people from Missouri sacked the Free town of Lawrence and killed six, then I would be there armed and taking part.
But otherwise, fondling the gun is a display of impotence. It is kind of like punching pillows in your psycho-therapists office, a display of impotence.
"My parents abused me, but am I going to do anything about it? No of course not. I'm going to punch pillows."
There was this actor Todd Bridges who claimed that he "shot" his abusive father, by shooting at targets on the pistol range. As I see it, no different from punching pillows in the therapists office, a display of impotence.
Guys like to play with guns because they are not able to engage with the basic economic and power injustices which our society runs on.