On Tipping
Since it came up in the Xtra negotiation thread:
What do you guys tip for LDs? Like if the service is good and you plan to get more from her in the future?
I usually have been tipping around 20%, my usual tip for bartenders, waiters, barber, etc. Is that reasonable? Obviously the tip rate is different with extras, so I'm more talking about lappers.
What do you guys tip for LDs? Like if the service is good and you plan to get more from her in the future?
I usually have been tipping around 20%, my usual tip for bartenders, waiters, barber, etc. Is that reasonable? Obviously the tip rate is different with extras, so I'm more talking about lappers.
I tend to tip less in lower end clubs. For example, there's a couple black clubs I go to where dances are $5/$10 - It's not uncommon for me to do 7 for 40 or 5 for 60 & the girls are generally thrilled. Obviously, I'm getting good dances or I'd stop long before 7/5 dances. At the same time, at the higher end clubs I've given girls $80 for 2x exceptional $25 dances and had them roll their eyes at me like I shorted them.
My advice, tip what you're comfortable with. There is no "standard" as the conditions vary too much. The girls are generally gonna do what makes them the most money. Sometimes, that's selling you dances for the base rate. Sometimes, that's finding a chump like me who'll tip over 50%. For what it's worth, I've rarely if ever heard a dancer bitch about a customer who buy dances but doesn't tip for them. They might dote on the big tippers a bit, but incrementally its not a substantial improvement.
It is rare that a dancer aaks for a tip or complains about not getting one. The only place I go semi regularly where dancers expect a tip is Dejavu in COI. I don't mind giving extra tips there because their prices are ridiculously cheap.
With many others, who may be equally beautiful, but too forward in making sure I understand they won't consider extras in any way, shape or form, I pay for the dance, but don't tip. Tipping is for exceptional service.
In the $5 black clubs; I often tip an extra $10 on top and I get anywhere b/w 3 and 6 dances from a particular dancer so she can make a little something.
Occasionally, a girl gives such an extraordinary performance that I break my own rule and tip. Does not happen very often
The lap dances I get are $20/ea, fully nude and full two way contact. I Almost always get at least two but often times get 3 or 4. If I get 4 dances I usually tip $20 but if I really enjoyed the dance or if the dancer encourages me to squeeze/suck her tits that I tip a little more. All the dancers let me squeeze their tits, but it's always a bigger turn on when they initiate it by putting my hands on their tits.
That's exactly how I am.
As for dancers if I get just lap dances I usually don't tip. If the lap dances involve extras I always tip. Sometimes I will negotiate a VIP session and if the girl does a really good job, chemistry is involved and if the girl stays at my tables afterwards I have tipped up to $100. Usually it's $20 or $40.
Even when I used to go to higher end dance clubs in my 20s I never tipped bathroom trolls.