On Tipping

avatar for JamesSD
Since it came up in the Xtra negotiation thread:

What do you guys tip for LDs? Like if the service is good and you plan to get more from her in the future?

I usually have been tipping around 20%, my usual tip for bartenders, waiters, barber, etc. Is that reasonable? Obviously the tip rate is different with extras, so I'm more talking about lappers.


last comment
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
The dancer gets $25 for a lap dance, and that's more than enough. Why should I tip?
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
I tip 20% for happy endings in VIP. Nothing for straight lap dances.
avatar for chandler
10 years ago
I occasionally give an extra $10 or $20 if we've done stuff that doesn't count as dances, or just for the hell of it. But I'm not at all consistent about it. I usually just show my appreciation by getting more dances.
avatar for crsm27
10 years ago
I don't tip extra for just a lap dance. In my area most clubs are strictly hands off. If the dancer allows some roaming or tit sucking. I will tip an extra $5 or $10. Also lets say that i get a really good grind and the dancer is hot and i am trying to get her to allow more on next visit or go around that night. I will again tip $5 to $10 extra and say.... the tip can be bigger depending.... Then I leave it as an open ended question so she will come back and we can discuss or she offers things up.
avatar for Dolfan
10 years ago
It depends on a lot of factors, but a $5 tip on a $25 dance is generally in line. Usually if I just get one dance, its cause it sucked and she doesn't get a tip. I often tip to see the reaction, girls who don't say thank you usually never get tipped again and often don't sell any more dances. Girls who respond positively will at least sell more dances next time I'm in.

I tend to tip less in lower end clubs. For example, there's a couple black clubs I go to where dances are $5/$10 - It's not uncommon for me to do 7 for 40 or 5 for 60 & the girls are generally thrilled. Obviously, I'm getting good dances or I'd stop long before 7/5 dances. At the same time, at the higher end clubs I've given girls $80 for 2x exceptional $25 dances and had them roll their eyes at me like I shorted them.

My advice, tip what you're comfortable with. There is no "standard" as the conditions vary too much. The girls are generally gonna do what makes them the most money. Sometimes, that's selling you dances for the base rate. Sometimes, that's finding a chump like me who'll tip over 50%. For what it's worth, I've rarely if ever heard a dancer bitch about a customer who buy dances but doesn't tip for them. They might dote on the big tippers a bit, but incrementally its not a substantial improvement.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
This has been helpful. I'm fine throwing an extra $5 on top of $20 when the grind is good and she lets my hands roam. Good to know that unlike bars and restaurants, tipping isn't assumed.
avatar for londonguy
10 years ago
I pay the usual rate. I only tip when there's a lot of extras going on. I've tipped up to $10 per dance if it's been especially good.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
I always tip a dancer who makes me cum through whatever means cause I think such conduct should be encouraged. I also usually tip any dancer that I regularly get sex from even if for whatever reason no sex is then being provided. Otherwise, I almost never tip. If she is good her reward is that I get and pay for several dances.

It is rare that a dancer aaks for a tip or complains about not getting one. The only place I go semi regularly where dancers expect a tip is Dejavu in COI. I don't mind giving extra tips there because their prices are ridiculously cheap.
avatar for gawker
10 years ago
I'm very inconsistent. My favorite club charges $20 per dance. I recently had 4 dances from a newbie and gave her $100 bill. When I next saw her we went to VIP and she provided a very good HJ with a few licks and kisses on my dick but wouldn't go for a BBBJ which she had me pleading for. She, wisely said, "maybe next time" with a smile that put Mona Lisa to shame. She was young, beautiful, entertaining, and allowed a little stroking of the pussy. Just enough to make me come back for more after a generous $100 tip.
With many others, who may be equally beautiful, but too forward in making sure I understand they won't consider extras in any way, shape or form, I pay for the dance, but don't tip. Tipping is for exceptional service.
avatar for impala
10 years ago
In the comedian Drew Carey's book 'Dirty Jokes & Beer, Stories of the Unrefined', he say to never pay more that $20 to a dancer for a lapdance. Good advice
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
In South Florida; almost all clubs are $25/dance (except the black clubs) – when I visit the $25/dance clubs; I normally get 2 or 3 dances from a dancer – sometimes I’ll give her $60 for 2 dances if I feel she has put in some good effort – and I’ll almost always pay $80 for 3 dances b/c if I get 3 dances is b/c I liked them.

In the $5 black clubs; I often tip an extra $10 on top and I get anywhere b/w 3 and 6 dances from a particular dancer so she can make a little something.
avatar for Subraman
10 years ago
As a general rule, I do not tip. The price is already fucking crazy. If I liked the dance, I'll get more, or take her VIP (although not always right then and there, maybe later on). I don't frequent places where the girls ask for tips, but when it does happen, I always tell them no -- I NEVER tip someone who asks (although I tell them nicely, like "sorry, I don't tip, but show my appreciation by getting more dances later").

Occasionally, a girl gives such an extraordinary performance that I break my own rule and tip. Does not happen very often
avatar for 4got2wipe
10 years ago
Wow! Only 20%! I usually go more like 50%! As long as the dance is brilliant!
avatar for 4got2wipe
10 years ago
And brilliant dance = 4got got himself a LDK!
avatar for 4got2wipe
10 years ago
Make that a "brilliant LDK!"
avatar for grand1511
10 years ago
When they ask for a tip, they get skunked by me. Otherwise, just on those occasions for exceptionally great service.
avatar for footballguy
10 years ago
I always tip, on the rare occasions that I've gotten dances that I don't enjoy I still tip $5. I figure that way they won't tell other dancers that I am cheap.

The lap dances I get are $20/ea, fully nude and full two way contact. I Almost always get at least two but often times get 3 or 4. If I get 4 dances I usually tip $20 but if I really enjoyed the dance or if the dancer encourages me to squeeze/suck her tits that I tip a little more. All the dancers let me squeeze their tits, but it's always a bigger turn on when they initiate it by putting my hands on their tits.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
"I usually just show my appreciation by getting more dances".

That's exactly how I am.
avatar for shailynn
10 years ago
I always tip everyone working in the club, girl taking cover charges, bouncer if he seats me, valet, bartender and waitress on each drink.

As for dancers if I get just lap dances I usually don't tip. If the lap dances involve extras I always tip. Sometimes I will negotiate a VIP session and if the girl does a really good job, chemistry is involved and if the girl stays at my tables afterwards I have tipped up to $100. Usually it's $20 or $40.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
I usually get 3 - 4 dances if I like the first one. No tip, but we but we are both happier than if I got one dance and tipped 20%. Win-win.
avatar for MrDeuce
10 years ago
For a series of lap dances ending with a lapgasm I usually tip $10 or so. Even if there's no happy ending, I will often tip $5 or $10 if I'm otherwise pleased and want her to ask me next time. For BBBJ in VIP I typically tip $30-50, but one time I gave $80 extra to a particularly skilled fellatrix.
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
If she gets 'er done, she'll typically get a tip equivalent of the cost of one nude dance for that club.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
At one club where the going rate is 2 for $30 I don't usually tip anything. At another club where I often get 2 for $25, I sometimes tip a $5 if the dance was decent and I want her asking me again or if I used to pay her 2 for $30 at the other club, doesn't seem right to pay her less just because she's working at a different club. I used to never tip anything anywhere unless I decided to get rid of a dancer peacefully after she kept asking. After I tipped someone I always told her no thanks whenever she asked for dances again. Of course as many dancers as I forget, that probably is only effective for a few weeks up to a few months. Most dancers remember me better than I remember them. I do remember several though. I prefer to tip them at the stage.
avatar for seaboardrr
10 years ago
Well, we're $40/dance since it's both of us. If we just do 1 and it's a regular dance with some touching we don't tip. If we get a LOT of what we're looking for we'll tip an extra $10 per dance which works out to 25%. So, $50 for 1 dance. $100 for 2 dances, etc.... When we get 4 in a row from our ATF we get what we're wanting so we give her $200 which is still the 25% tip. $160 for the dances and $40 tip. Dances already cost a lot we think so that's a good tip. Go somewhere else to work and see if you get $180 for 12 minutes of work (house fee is $5 per dance). I think our ATF gives the clipboard guy and extra $5 per dance to look the other way though. At least, that's what she's told us.
avatar for bvino
10 years ago
$5 to the bartender on my first drink order. $5 to any girl who is really dancing. An extra $10 for any two VIP dances and $20 if it is a complete experience. Once you are known for tipping the process becomes easier.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
What about tipping the shitter guy...I mean the bathroom troll
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
I never tip the bathroom troll unless I'm using one of his products. No tip for turning on the water and squirting soap in my hands, then handing me a 0.1 cent paper towel. Since I mostly day club I rarely meet him anyways.

Even when I used to go to higher end dance clubs in my 20s I never tipped bathroom trolls.
avatar for sshrfrsky
10 years ago
At my home club, Im pretty sure the girls keep 100% of the LD. So I dont feel bad about not usually tipping. And I almost always get more then one dance unless it really sucks. If really good then maybe $5-10 on top of several dances.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
I usually tip the bathroom attendant a dollar almost every visit. I don't think a dollar is that much and I rarely end up tipping him very much compared to others. I tip waitresses a dollar per beer a lot and I don't think it takes much effort to walk across a club to bring a beer. Standing in a bathroom, That's a shitty job. The more everyone tips for not doing much, the more everyone expects and prices go up. I try not to increase prices for everyone.
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
I only encountered a (male) bathroom attendant once, while trying to buy a stick of gum. He made me go into the men's room to get it, and I gave him $1 to let me out. Nasty.
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