What are the best strip clubs in your state?

avatar for MrDeuce
Inspired by this awful list of "the best strip club in every state":


I pose the question to TUSCLers from all over the country: What, in your expert opinion, are the best strip clubs in your state (or a state that you're personally familiar with)? I'll leave it to you to define "best" according to dollar value, dancer quality, availability of extras, etc.


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avatar for MrDeuce
10 years ago
I'll kick the discussion off by repeating my own lists for Indiana and Illinois that I posted in response to ime's discussion:

IN: Dancers, Club Rio, and Brad's Brass Flamingo in Indianapolis; Hip Hugger in Kokomo; and Industrial Strip in Hammond
IL: Club 390 and Atlantis (among others) in the south suburbs of Chicago; Hollywood Show Club in the east suburbs of St Louis.

My criterion is: best blend of excellent dollar value and high-quality dancers.
avatar for tobala
10 years ago
Alabama: Wild Cherry Cabaret
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
Oregon: Dollar Value=Exotica, Overall (my favorite)= Club Rouge
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
Whichever one I'm at. But only for so long as I'm there. :)
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
In Florida, there isn't a best. Many can be the best at one particular time, but they may not be the best the very next day.
avatar for VeryBigDawg
10 years ago
Atlanta: Follies. Especially when my tuscl brethren are not there, as they like the same strippers. I want them to myself.
avatar for seaboardrr
10 years ago
Huntsville, AL - The Pony
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
Michigan: Penthouse and Flight Club
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
I'm to new to NY to comment but am having fun finding out.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
LidoRoom looking good so far, though... j/k
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
Follies in Atlanta is my favorite club anywhere but I can understand why Cheetah gets high marks. They get all the convention and business customers because of their location and dancer quality.

Fantasia in Huntsville AL was the best until there until it got shut down.

I'll go with Platinum Plus in Columbia for SC
avatar for tobala
10 years ago
@Shadowcat- you're 100% correct about Fantasia. Good times!
avatar for rickdugan
10 years ago
I question a number of these, but it is hard to take this article too seriously. After all, he is using Trip Advisor and Yelp as his sources of information. Heck, comments to the article even pointed out that a couple of the clubs he listed are no longer open.
avatar for shailynn
10 years ago
Western Pennsylvania:

Cheerleaders, Pittsburgh - best atmosphere
Filly Coral, Smithon (outside of Pittsburgh) - best value

Cleveland, Ohio:
Christies Cabaret - best in Cleveland

I am not local to Detroit but might as well...
Flight Club - best overall
Penthouse Club and Colesium - best atmosphere
Silver Criket - best value with still having some dignity
avatar for alcrutch
10 years ago
Maryland - Fuegos but I've never been to Baltimore to check out their strip clubs
avatar for slickwilliam
10 years ago
NY-sucks for extras, but Flashdancers (NYC) has a nice selection
CT- Electric Blue (it's like LIttle TJ)
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
These are my votes for some of the states that I know very well

So. Calif -- tie between 4Play and Bare Elegance

Arizona -- Hi Liter (Phoenix)

So Fla -- tie between Tootsies (Miami) and Mons Venus (Tampa).

Texas -- Baby Dolls

Georgia -- Follies (of course)

So Car -- Plat Plus Geeenville (better than Columbia in my view)

No Car -- no clearly best club, too many equally mediocre clubs

avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
One more

Kentucky -- plat plus Lexington

avatar for bman77
10 years ago
Maryland- Players Club and Showcase Theater if you like white girls.
avatar for mjx01
10 years ago
ID: agree with Stateline (not really a difficult choice consider every other 'club' in the state of ID is a bikini bar)

southwestern/south-central PA: Filly Coral Smithton. (no offense to shailynn, but the smoke and valet keep Cheerleaders-Pitt off my list.)
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
Best club needs to be further defined in my opinion.
I haven't been to every club in South Carolina but I'll take a shot.
for South Carolina
best looking dancers and high number of great looking dancers
The Masters followed closely by Thee Dollhouse. Maybe a tie
For overall value and fun
Platinum plus Greenville and Lust
For an expensive but fun time
platinum plus Columbia. actually all the platinum clubs are starting to get just about as expensive as the beach clubs. Some dancers must think South Carolina is like New York now.
For the best nude club
Derrier's. Most bare pussy I've seen on stage in any club in South Carolina.
I really liked Platinum West when it was all nude but haven't visited since it went topless only.
The Platinum clubs can be hit or miss. Same with Lust and Lust is a lot smaller and things can be slow especially early in the evening. Actually I like that a little.
Club That I seem to be spending most in at the moment. Lust.
I think I almost fell asleep at PP but it was late.
I would be spending more at PP but not if the dancers want $20 to $25 per song. forget that.
avatar for Holdem2
10 years ago
Mr. Deuce. I would totally agree with Hollywood in Washington Park. Not many extras there but cheap beautiful girls (bed dances $25) keep this club highly rated.

I'm totally interested in 390. The only reason I haven't gone yet are their mixed reviews.
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
I live in Nevada but the clubs here suck. I club in COI, so my vote for best club in SoCal is SR-COI.
avatar for Estafador
10 years ago
@slickwilliams you must live skinny broads with NO body because none of Flash Dancers are even cute. They all look like rats from all parts of Eastern Europe.

I'll leave the NY's Best to Rickyboy because personally, if it isn't a basic brothel (yeah I'm including the Legit PLD joints too), then all of NY is trash.
avatar for Prim0
10 years ago
They are all so bad in Columbus Ohio that I'm surprised one was chose from there. I would think that something in Dayton, Toledo or Cleveland would be the best.

Personally....the higher end are all about the same and the lower end...well....those just aren't my type.
avatar for chukko
10 years ago
The Harem in Dayton, OH. Best for mileage and quality per dollar.
avatar for ujay
10 years ago

Penthouse club - expensive, but great mileage to ge had.
Cheerleaders - rowdy and sports atmosphere. cheap beer, lots of drinking. Mileage to be had.
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