If you won the Lottery, what's the first thing you would do?

avatar for mikeya02
Me? There's a few girls I would call and say, "silly bitch, you should of been nicer to me. see ya"


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avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
First? New car. Second call my mom and make sure she's set for retirement, and pay off any debts she has.

Third? Two chicks at the same time.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
Hire an excellent tax guy
avatar for slickwilliam
10 years ago
I would be amazed since I never play it.
avatar for gawker
10 years ago
I'd love to be able to go to my favorite club with 100 $100 bills and just stage tip with them. Just a way to say thanks for all the pleasure they've brought to me.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
Do a national SC tour – I would call it “The Papi Tour”
avatar for Nelly632
10 years ago
It probably would depend on how much the lottery winnings are but after the usual responsible things I would likely go to my go to SC and just be a baller for the night...
avatar for TheProphetJuice
10 years ago
The LORD mane hath tol me to spend al my money on hores an KFC nuggats
avatar for TheProphetJuice
10 years ago
Giveth all thy mooney to hores and thou wilst be blesset four al thy life
avatar for azdd
10 years ago
i would put the ticket in a safe deposit box, then go hire a tax and estate attorney, high end financial planner, and start putting everything in place to shelter as much from taxation as possible. I would wait as long as possible to cash it in (if I could stand it), and if law allowed I would at least try to keep my winning anonymous from the public.

Oh yeah, there would be a string of epic club visits, and probably some high end escorts. Going to buy my ticket now!
avatar for whodey
10 years ago
I think its all been covered. Azdd summed it up pretty well and just add JamesSD's plans for mom and gawkers tip strategy and we're good.
avatar for IHearVoices
10 years ago
I'd either call my parents or quit my job, depending on the time I found out.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
I would go shit at McD.
avatar for Mate27
10 years ago
Shut my phone off, go for a long walk and try to recall all the people that have helped me out in my life that I would love to give back by helping them. Strippers would be at the bottom of that list, however I would definitely organize a group of my closest mongering friends and go on a strip club tour. We would have a Rickyboy Dugan type competition to see who could run his system the best. The one who does it the best while staying within a budget of $800 for the evening will get a cash prize. I would also want to incorporate the Rickyboy to join us as an extra competitive edge for me and my buddies to look up to. After each escapade we will need to meet and go over our notes to see how we can improve our skills for the next outing. "OTC or bust" will be our motto!!
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
1) Pay off my bills.
2) Try to get my folks into an assisted-living complex, complete with a trust only they could draw from.
3) Disappear.
4) Travel, including, like Papi, a nationwide strip-club tour.
avatar for DandyDan
10 years ago
First, I'd quit my job. Second, I'd have to get a nice luxury car, then I'd do a strip club tour as well.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Text my DS and tell her she's rich.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Buy publication rights to The System and then make 10 times any lottery winnings. Also buy some decent suits. Not the crap RickyBoy wears.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
10 years ago
Most likely completely immerse my self in good booze and fine pussy. Probably party myself to death within two years.
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
I'd host an epic TUSCL party.
avatar for ATACdawg
10 years ago
@JS: In you situation, the first thing you should do is tell your wife it's over, file divorce papers, be generous with the settlement to ensure fast action and minimal feeding of lawyers, and get it all done in less than one year. Then, and only then, quietly cash the ticket and tell your DS she's rich!
avatar for tobala
10 years ago
Find JS69's DS and hire her for myself: )
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
dawg, thank you. Your modifications to my plan are a big improvement.

tobala, good thought but it won't work. Each DS matches perfectly with only one PL. They are non-transferable.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
I'd try to remain an unknown winner since everyone who thinks they ever knew me would suddenly want a loan or be friends. Strippers who knew me would start wondering why I only had big bills.
avatar for goonster
10 years ago
I would try to keep it anonymous, and try to shelter it for as long as possible like AZdd.

After that, since my parents have long since passed, and I'm largely debt free, I'd treat the money as a very large infusion of capital that I would use to substantially boost my existing recurring residual income by expanding my businesses.

From there, I'm sure there would be some really high end escorts and I'd pretty much from that point on be a total baller when i go to the strip club.

You'd be amazed how much management is willing to look the other way when you roll in with enough cash to grease everybody there (don't ask how I know this)
avatar for chessmaster
10 years ago
Buy a Lamborghini, a ferarri, and an aston. Then open my own strip club.
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
I'd take care of my and my wife's futures, and my kid's education. Give some gifts to friends and family. Go back to school. Figure out a way to take care of my ATF. Deal with a few people I've grown to dislike. In completely legal, if somewhat despicable, ways.
avatar for farmerart
10 years ago
Selling my first company a few years ago was my personal equivalent to winning a mega lottery. At first I did many of the things that you guys have mentioned - big boy toys, high end travel, fine dining, charitable donations, expensive booze, strip clubs.......etc. None of it was very productive and I soon became painfully bored with my life. I have lots of hobbies and I truly enjoyed my strip club escapades (which were extreme for 2+ years) but it all amounted to nothing in the end.

As soon as the non-compete clause in the sale of my company had expired I got back in business in a big way. Happiness and fulfillment soon returned to my life.
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