
Real vs. stage names

Monday, January 12, 2015 5:08 PM
Is it just me, or are strippers much more likely than they were ten years ago to give you their real names in addition to, or even instead of, their stage names? Increasingly often, it seems, I will tip a dancer at the stage and she'll say something like "My name is Tina but I dance here as Sensation" or whatever. I attribute this to an ever decreasing sense of privacy -- young people today just don't value privacy as much as my generation did at that age.


  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    Keep in mind that they might be giving you a fake "real" name too. Some of these strippers use a shitload of different names.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    If she told you her real first and last name, then I would agree with you on the privacy thing, but I don't think it's a big deal if she just tells you her real first name.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I think it is clearly more common today. True, it could be fake but why bother giving two fake names. Every time I've confirmed a real name given to me early in a dancer relationship it has turned out to be real.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    My name is Talking Tina and you had better be nice to me [view link]
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    ^^^Lol I saw that during the holidays
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    I'm not sure because I didn't club ten years ago. But there have been only 2 dancers who have given me their real names, and it was only the first name
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    It gets confusing at times when a dancer gives you both of her names. If you are talking to another dancer at the same club, does she know who you are talking about if you use the other's real name, etc.
  • IronFox22
    9 years ago
    Something I've always been curious about--do the dancers themselves know each others' real names or not?
  • jerikson40
    9 years ago
    IronFox22....I think some probably do, and some probably don't. I'm guessing that strippers who are friends tell each other, and go to each others homes and shit. And those who hate each other don't. But probably they know each others' real first names, since chicks talk behind each others' backs. And probably in clubs where there are a lot of visiting or transient dancers, like Vegas, nobody knows shit about each other. I'm often surprised about how dancers don't even know each others' stage names. I'll ask "Is Chardonnay dancing today?", and they'll say "Who?". Even chicks who have been there for a long time seem oblivious to shit like that. Bottom line: who the fuck knows? They're strippers.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    9 years ago
    @ IronFox: Here in Seattle, anyway, a lot of dancers have Facebook accounts under their real names, and I've noticed many other dancers listed as their friends. (Some dancers also have work-related Facebook pages, under their stage names.)
  • IronFox22
    9 years ago
    I've noticed that. I've noticed that the Facebook pages of dancers and their friends are nearly always open to the public too--so that any stranger can look at their pictures. Many of them have families. Either they don't realize their accounts are public or they simply don't care. I think it's probably the latter.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    MrDeuce, I think a lot of young people don't understand privacy nowadays -- or security, for that matter. I don't want to think about the number of times a young person's given us pizza guys the code for their security buildings. GoVikiings, same thing here. Only three or four dancers over the past 25, 30 years have let me know their first names. I did find out the last name of one dancer accidentally though; by a weird coincidence, we were both taking some of the same classes and the teacher posted our names online.
  • DandyDan
    9 years ago
    I've come to the conclusion that if you buy dances or whatever from a dancer, she will eventually tell you her real name. Some actually use their real name. I've met very few who shared their last name, although with Facebook, I've come to discover some that way. BTW, every dancer who gave me their real name had been proven to be speaking the truth on that subject.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    I've had a few dancers ask me if I know the real name of a certain dancer. Lol
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    There is a lot less stigma connected to dancing these days.
  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    I see this all the time especially as being a dancer becomes more and more acceptable as a profession in our society among the younger generation. Many girls are using their real name to dance under. One girl I know. Ashlee; dances under Ashley. BFD !!! It's still your name but she figures today there are so many girls with that name no one will know. Another girl I know dances at several clubs. She's Eve at one club she's Jenna at another club. When I call her in the phone she don't know who the fuck she is !
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Last night I had 4 dancers tell me their real and stage names within 5 minutes of meeting them. Why bother with a stage name? I do good to remember one name much less 2.
  • joewebber
    9 years ago
    depends on the club. i had a girl at The Cheetah tell me her "real name" when i tipped her. it turns out it was her real fake name. it's designed to make the customer feel privileged to know her real name.
  • Dolfan
    9 years ago
    Like others have said, I'm fairly confident its a stripper technique, similar to the jackass posting his treatise on not buying dances. The hope being to give the impression of a more genuine connection, thus lubricating the flow of cash from your pocket to hers. Like any other technique, some girls execute better than others. I've been given three names for several dancers, the stage, the fake, and the given. That aside, I think the original premise also holds some merit. There is much less concern for privacy and/or less stigma associated with dancing. There's also a significant amount of ignorance about the public nature of facebook. A lot of people, strippers included, don't really understand what's public and what's not.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    I think they *are* more likely to give real names now than even five years ago. Just last night, a girl I'd never met before gave me her real name, phone number and FaceBook page, along with an offer to meet outside anytime I wanted, while she was still licking the last of my cum off my dick.
  • Flyer78
    9 years ago
    I'm new to the strip club scene, but in my very limited experience there seems to be a good chance that a stripper will give out her real name. Just yesterday, I was looking at the official FaceBook page for the Deja Vu in Colorado Springs, and I accidentally stumbled over a girl's page that I had just gotten a dance from. I've also seen FaceBook pages of a couple other girls who state right in their profile that they work at Deja Vu.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Often it is AA dancers who have the most developed verbal skills. At the Sunnyvale Brass Rail one told me her name was "****", then she said, oh you mean my stage name, "****". So particularly after that, I never ask them about real names. If they want to tell me they will. Otherwise it's just going to be more fake names. Even AMP girls today are using lots of working names. Most of them don't want to be linked to reviews. SJG
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    I'm willing to bet the stripper I've been fucking in Detroit for the past year doesn't know my name at all. She always refers to me as "baby" or "sweetie." I wonder what name she has me under in her phone?
  • jerikson40
    9 years ago
    shailynn sez: "I wonder what name she has me under in her phone?" I'm guessing "Loser #17"
  • HungryGiraffe
    9 years ago
    Haven't been in the hobby long enough to see a trend. But have found a correlation between OTC and learning a stripper's real name. In between MSOGs with a fav, I mentioned we don't even know each other's real last names. We shared and continued our fun. Learned another fav's real first and last name during first OTC as well. Guess that's not unusual. Haven't seen the same sharing of real name with ITC sex partners.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Dolfan, I wonder if those dancers give that fake name as their way of remembering OTC prospects. Shailynn, a dancer I know does the same thing with me; she always calls me "Babe." Nuts, just how tough is it to remember "John"? Course, I wonder if they believe me when I tell them that's my name.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    shailynn, She might have you as 2$$, .05$, or maybe mega$$$. :)
  • magicrat
    9 years ago
    " I wonder what name she has me under in her phone? " I thought we were all listed under "money". Who was it on here that looked at a stripper's phone and his number was listed under money?
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    @magicrat, that was me, but it was her boyfriend calling me from her phone and asking why my number was listed under "money". In retrospect, an amusing incident. I am *certain* my number wasn't the only one so listed. :)
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    I was in the club last week at a slow time when I got a text from a stripper there who I had just talked with a few minutes earlier. She: heyy Me: hey bitch She: wyd Me: still sittin here A minute later, she comes back laughing. I said, "You had no idea who you were texting, did you?" (Not that she doesn't know my name. She does.) She told me she has a bunch of numbers grouped under "club" or something, and she can just mass text them with one click. At first she didn't know whether somebody was calling her "bitch" in anger, then she realized it was just me.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I told a dancer once that I couldn't get a dance from her because her name was the same as my grand daughters. So she says "just call me what ever you want" and I said "OK. How about bitch" and she says "that'll work". So just call them whatever you like.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Hmm. I wonder if you could call her "Free of Charge," "Pro Bono," or maybe "On the House."
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    Her name was Magill, and she call herself Lil, but everyone knew her as Nancy.
  • rl27
    9 years ago
    I have known about twelve dancers over the years who I was 100% sure of her name. One of the better dancers I recall was also one of the first dancer's whose name I knew. She danced under the her real first name which was Tiffany. Tiffany's girlfriend also danced at the club, and used Tiffany's middle name as her stage name.
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    I consider it all SS. Last "real name" conversation I had went something like this: Her: I've never told you my real name have I? My real name is.... Me (cutting her off): Hold on. One name is enough Exotica. I have enough trouble remembering one fake name much less two.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I know one dancer that never goes on stage and she refuses to give me any kind of name for the reasons that many of you think they are worthless.
  • jvTroop
    9 years ago
    Keep in mind that they might be giving you a fake "real" name too. Some of these strippers use a shitload of different names. I agree with this. I believe its a mark of a good con trick. It gives a false since of closness. End result you spend more money
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