
Dancers living in motels

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I am running across this a lot more lately. Truth be told, it is kinda' depressing, especially when I hear that there are kids involved. Imagine what Thanksgiving and Christmas must be like when you are experiencing them from a motel room.


  • chandler
    10 years ago
    There's depressing, and then there's miserable bordering on Monty Python farce. The story going round my regular club last year was that a hot new girl was living in another stripper's closet. Her closet, people.
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    I've known dancers to live in hotels for short periods when they are breaking up with boyfriends/husbands.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    Oh yes. I had an OTC a couple years back at her place, and it was a very disgustingly dirty hotel room which she'd obviously been in a while. I didn't ask her what the deal was, but she was lactating so I suspect she had a child and her b/f bolted. In spite of all that, the sex was excellent!
  • shailynn
    10 years ago
    This is not uncommon.

    Two examples come to mind that I know of.

    1. A stripper lived in a rural area and would come to the "city" Thursday to Sunday, work at the club and love out of a hotel.

    2. I knew a stripper that would drag her kids with her to Vegas all summer and live out of a hotel, which I would assume was some dump far from the strip. Her kids were old enough where they could be on their own during the day, I think she told them she was a cocktail waitress at a club.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    I've had several dancers living in hotels. Mostly when they were new to town, or were in town temporarily. At least that is what they claimed.
  • londonguy
    10 years ago
    I was under the impression most lived in a motel in the circumstances shailynn states, that is when a girl travels to a city/town far from home just for the purposes of 'dancing'.
  • Mate27
    10 years ago
    This thread alone is proof why my righteous ass would not do an OTC or extras session. I do not want to pollute my mind by being associated with that crap. Give me a hj over the pants or grind your ass crack on me in the club, but there isn't much reward for getting your dick wet with a psycho unstable meth head. Jerk off if u must keep the mental fantasy going, but hey I understand guys have an Adrenaline fix that also needs attention. Going to a dingy hotel room will fix your boredom real quick.

    Look at me and my righteous ass thinking I know what's going on.... Have fun everyone, and happy holidays!
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    @londonguy: There's all categories of dancers. At some clubs they are all local girls so they have an apartment or a b/f with one. At higher end or extras clubs there are transient dancers who are usually the next step up in looks and ability. They escort on the side and use dancing as advertising so they are a sure thing for OTC. It's just a matter of price. They might spend a month or more in a city and will have a room that more often than not turns squalid as time passes.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Where I am, there are lots of people who would be very happy to have a motel to live in when the weather gets cold, as usually they have nothing. This is the underside of Silicon Valley and it continues to grow.

    As far as dancers living in motels, I would then suspect that they are pretty much the same as street hookers. Enjoy.

  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    As others have mentioned; the first thing that comes to mind w.r.t dancers and hotels is w.r.t. traveling dancers – which makes sense.

    But often times is just a side-effect of their dysfunctional lives – many working poor whom either don’t have the money nor know how to handle $$$; find themselves in this situation of living in hotels/motels.

    Many a dancer is often broke and does not know how to handle $$$ so they are often getting behind on bills/rent and often getting evicted and thus they end up in short-term type housing like motels since often they can’t scrape up the $$$ to rent a place (1st/last month rent; deposit; utilities; etc) – and many rental places are more careful about whom they rent to and often ask for things like proof of income and other things that are not part of many a dancer’s M.O.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I believe that if a dancer lives in a motel, then she probably works there too. So if she didn't have the SC, then she would be out on the sidewalk soliciting.

  • shailynn
    10 years ago

    Fair enough lol! You are right many meth heads out there but many are not. In my 1st example the girl I was talking to was clearly a drug user.

    The girl I knew in Vegas didn't even drink let alone do drugs. I'm guessing she was staying in the best place she could afford which was some motel near the airport.
    I can't say she was much better than a meth head because on her free time I'm sure she was hanging around high limit rooms in casinos trying to find her next husband. Yep, this girl wasn't into hooking, she was into finding a man to take care of her! Lol
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Girl I met at T's on Old Oakland Road in San Jose was staying at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Santa Clara. She had run away from her husband in Florida. She was a firey hot latina and great fun to be around.

    She had her own 1-800 #.

    There are all sorts out there. Generally I would feel that those living in motels and hotels are pretty hard core.

  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    I've had a couple of dancers tell me they were living in motels, it is definitely sad.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    There is an Extended Stay America right down street from the Columbia SC Platinum Plus. I always stay there because it is close to the club but over the years there have been several fringe benefits from some of the strippers were staying there. Some were from out of town and some where between apartments But I didn't even have to go to the club for take out. It was already at my door. Most of the time it was with dancers that recognized me from the club. Some time they would start out asking for a loan and I quickly turned that into P4P. The only question was who's room?
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago

    I love it!

  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Asking for the loan is probably their way of soliciting without soliciting.



    Deep Purple, Copenhagen 1972
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago

    At this SC, can the dancers come and go as they please? So could they leave during their shift to go to the Extended Stay with you?

    Do you think my motor home plan would work there?

  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    SJG. No. Once they leave they cannot come back that day. Most clubs work that way to keep hookers out.
  • jestrite50
    10 years ago
    I have also seen this a couple three times. I have taken girls home from the club only to find out they live in a motel room. I try to talk economics with them and explain that renting a house or an apt is more economical. I will pay their first months rent and get them started and then they are on their own. (Unless they are one of my special girls then I may carry their rent longer, but they have to get a 2nd job other than the club that is a steady income and get back on track soon)
  • Duke69
    10 years ago
    Any time my van is n the shop i stay in a hotel...i find them very nice...but its not like the niceness of home n my van
  • PredragDr
    10 years ago
    It's better than living in a car. I knew a dancer who spent a sporadic amount of time living in her car.
    On second thought, I think I'd rather sleep in my car than some of the cheap motels out there. Holiday Inn or maybe an occasional Hampton is the lowest level hotel I would be willing to stay in.
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    I hide in the clotheset at a hotel. I get free rent all day everyday
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    The sad fact when they have to pay rent to stay in a motel. All that money just goes to pay the room rent.

    I really admire the struggle she created for herself, though.
  • shailynn
    10 years ago
    "I really admire the struggle she created for herself, though."

    I laughed so hard at that I woke up my bunk mate here at the YMCA!!!

    All seriousness though it is quite amazing how these girls manage to get themselves in a predicament. Some really do have hard times from no family help or an abusive husband/boyfriend that has left them penny-less. But I remember one stripper I knew cleared $4000 in two nights work in Vegas and two weeks later she was riding a bus from her home state to Vegas with $10 in her purse. I guess that $2,500 a month rent and eating only "organic" food will catch up with your bank account.
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    I know in the podunk town my favorite club is in, about half the regular dancers there live in the cheap motel up the street. I stayed in it once for a night and the owner, who was some Indian guy, wanted to know which dancer I was with. I told him I wasn't with anyone, but I did have an OTC encounter afterward with one of my faves from back then. I think it turned out she was my "neighbor".

    Of course, nothing compares to the cheap motel I stayed in at Topeka once when I went to Sasnak. I had an OTC with one of the girls there, a real fat one, and she just walked back to her room completely nude after it was over. Then again, I suppose no one was really watching, or caring, at that point.

    In the end, you can say it's sad, but I think most of the time it happens, it's because the dancers are out-of-towners.
  • chandler
    10 years ago
    Shadowcat: "Once they leave they cannot come back that day. Most clubs work that way to keep hookers out."

    Shouldn't that be "to keep the hookers in"?
  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
    So, Dandy, where exactly did this OTC keep her room key?
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago

    Keep the hookers out? Or keep their own dancers from becoming hookers? How can anyone say there is something wrong about a guy and a girl going off to a motel room? How is anyone going to try and enforce any law against this?

    I understand the situation. With Atlanta having so many SC's, are there ones which are just as close to a motel, and where some of the dancers are also living?

    I have never personally been to an SC which is so close to a motel that people are coming and going, or where dancers are known to be living there.

    I think one thing this shows is that some dancers do come to work in stints, again on this 28 day lunar cycle, and they do it away from their normal home.

    This Platinum Plus chain sounds pretty wild. I've gotten the impression that probably in Las Vegas with the Platinum Plus and with Girls of Glitter Gulch, there are probably lots of dancers ready to run off with you to your hotel room. But again, can they come and go as they please? The hipsters who write the reviews on Yelp don't like those places much, but that is because they evaluate dancers by looks only. They see them as hard like plastic.

    So the issue then is can the dances come and go as they please. And also, in Vegas are these places open around the clock. This is important so that the girl can spend time sleeping with you, without giving up the opportunity to make more money off of other people later on. She has to sleep sometime somewhere, so if you and she are getting along, then why not with you?

    Also, I want it to be close enough that I can just take her by the hand and escort her to my room, without the need for motor vehicle transport, and without she having to change her clothes or take her stripper shoes off. I want to be able to have her just as I found her. So it is known that in the TJ Hong Kong Bar and I think in the Tropical, they have these robes for $1 for just this purpose.

    Looks like Extended Stay is at:
    530 Woods Lake Rd and at
    3715 Pelham Rd in Greenville SC

    Looks like it is the first one, also cited as being near Bob Jone's University. Anyway, over 1/2 mile from Platinum Plus.

    I can't see how an SC can be blamed if its dancers are coming and going as they please. These are grown up girls. The SC cannot be expected to chaperone them.

    referenced on Hong Kong Bar quality thread as motel access is the key to extended sessions, as well as to getting around laws!


    Santana ft Steven Tyler
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago

    Are you saying u use your van? Do you mean that when you go to SC's u use it as your VIP Room on Wheels?

    Really, no shit, do you do dancers in your van? See that is what I want to be doing. Either in the parking lot, out on the street, or some other place close by.

    Now I am jealous as hell. Really, can you just walk her out of the SC, in her stripper shoes and full stripper regalia? And then when you and she are finished, can she just go back inside and resume her job and be making more money off of other people?


    Santana, Stormy
  • impala
    10 years ago
    Better than living out of her car
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago

    You wrote, "...there isn't much reward for getting your dick wet with a psycho unstable meth head."

    Like you, I don't want to deal with drug addicts or psychos. But I do want to engage in real sex, not dry humping, and not even 'extras'. I want GFE-FS. And when it can be in multiple rounds and with napping, eating, and bathing during the in between times, then that is even better. It is not just a quantitative issue, it is a qualitative issue. If you are fucking a girl you really are getting under her skin, big time. Each extra time, she opens up more.

    I think, replying to you and also to @Londonguy @Shailynn, and @Jestrite50, the issue is, is the girl living in a motel because she has no other place and because she lives a destructive life? Or is she living there just because it is convenient and practical as she comes to the SC to work, both ITC and OTC, and it is not where she normally lives.

    I suspect that in TJ, the daytime street hookers, especially those in the school uniforms, are local residents. They make their money during a finite time window, then they go home and spend the evenings with their kids.

    Of the night time street hookers it is written that many of them will be happy to do Toda La Noche with you, and for a reasonable price, like say 2x the Un Ratito price, if you get to them at the end of their shift. This would likely be around 4am. See, she knows that she cannot keep going, that biz is dying down, and that she needs to sleep somewhere. So if she likes you and you are offering money plus a room, then she loses nothing in sleeping with you.

    Now I don't actually intend to do it this way myself. It is the wrong end of her shift, it is the wrong time to be approaching street hookers, and I wouldn't want Toda La Noche with someone I just met anyway.

    But on the other hand, if I had sessioned with her before, then I could just invite her to do it the next night, and to call me when she is ready. That way she loses even less of time and money.

    I suspect that these daytime TJ street hookers live locally. Of the night time ones, not sure.

    But it would not surprise me a bit if very few of the Hong Kong Bar dancers live in TJ. I suspect that they work in binge mode, ignoring the solar clock and the Sabbath and the days of the week. Instead they run on the 28 day lunar calendar. The Abrahamic faiths were invented to exterminate this type of women centered religion.

    And again my own interest is in seeing the quality level get to as high as it is in the TJ Hong Kong Bar. Motel access is a necessary component of this, as sometimes people will want to stay shacked up with their girl for extended intervals.


    Santana ~ No One To Depend On
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago

    Would you be interested in identifying this club where they all live in a motel, just for my own prurient curiosity? PM me if you don't want to post it.

    That Sasnak place sounds like lots of fun. And I love that image of the fat dancer walking back to her room with nothing on. If she'd of been with me, I'd of kept her in her stripper shoes for the duration.

    I look at this Sasnak, and there looks to be a motel about 1 mile away. Closer would be better, if you want to escort her directly from the club. The club looks really funky.


    Matchbox 20, These Hard Times
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    @SJG, I know you want to have fun here, but right now you're being obtuse on purpose. Of course girls can't come and go as they please. They are supposed to make money for the club, or don't show up at all.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Not always so mikeya02. Most of the time the clubs do prohibit them from returning until the next day, once they have left. The reason for this is to prevent Escorting in motels, exactly what we are talking about.

    But there are some clubs which don't even have schedules or shifts. They just have a roster. They want as many dancers to show up as possible. And they hire as many as possible, so it is real competitive. So it is pretty much just between you and the girl, as to what happens.

    So the girls know how busy each time of each day in the week is. But they also know that the other girls know this too, and so the number of other girls there at a given time will vary.

    The clubs which have definite schedules and limit the number of dancers to a sensible number, are trying to keep themselves out of trouble by limiting what the girls do. They are in effect telling the girls, "Follow the rules and you will make money."

    These more extreme clubs don't try to enforce much, because they know the girls won't listen. So they just look the other way, as they sign up as many girls as they can.

    So if girls are running off to motels, it doesn't matter because they have got a surplus on board. Things just take care of themselves.

    I believe there is one place in Texas which can have over 100 girls per shift. But in my experience it tends to be Mexican clubs which do it without any schedule.

    I did more AMP window shopping Thanksgiving and the day after, and I did one FS session each of those days. I also have got some additional RA's giddied up in anticipation of my returning. I hope to be writing more about all of this soon.


    Steve Marriott
    The Fixer
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    I met this stripper who was staying at the local KOA. My OTC was in a dome tent. I got dome while pitching a tent in a tent. It was A OK.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Maybe that will be me saying at a KOA camp ground, and visiting SC's. Either that or my dream of the motorhome in the parking lot.

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