
The evolution of a strip club enthusiast

layin low but staying high
Thursday, November 20, 2014 7:13 AM
(Steve, apologies in advance for the length of this post. Just scroll down to the bottom to read your executive summary.) I find that my experience in strip clubbing has gone through certain well defined stages. As time has passed, I have evolved from one stage into the next slightly more advanced stage. I suspect that others have gone through something like this as well. In the very first stage, I was completely enamored with the fact that attractive young women would take their tops off for my viewing enjoyment. I was excited just to go to a club to see some breasts. In the next stage, I discovered nude clubs. Since I had never pursued my career aspirations as a gynecologist, these clubs met a need that had long been suppressed.. For a while, I was content with any club where there were women who would fully undress for my viewing pleasure. Not long after I discovered nude clubs, I decided that I wanted to get more involved in the action. So I started sitting at the tip rail regularly where I got a better view, I tipped the dancers, and I sometimes interacted with them. Now I was not only watching, but I was becoming a participant in the strip club experience. In the next stage, I started getting dances. They started out as mostly air dances, but with a little bit of experience I started going back to a private lap dance area. Not too long after I started getting lap dances, I discovered how to get really good lap dances. Basically at the time this meant dances with two way contact where I could grab, hold, and eventually suck on anything except the area between their legs. During the time that I was learning about lap dances, I discovered tuscl. Needless to say, I learned a lot. At first, I just read the reviews and those were an immense help in directing me to the right kind of clubs. I rarely ended up at any more shit hole clubs after learning about tuscl. I then monitored the discussions for a while, and once I sifted through all the crap, I sometimes learned from those as well. Eventually, I learned enough that I could actually participate in the discussions. Next, through the ministry of the lap dance king, I discovered the LDK. This of course wasn't hard to learn, although I held off for a while because I thought it would make the dancers mad and create a scene. But I soon found out that it was often no big deal, and sometimes the dancers actually seemed to get sort of a perverse pleasure out of it. For several years, an LDK became my easily attainable goal at most clubs. Around the time that an LDK became my focus, I learned to be particularly discerning about the exact type of woman that most turns me on. For a while, I was content with a wide variety of pretty dancers, but with time and experience I found that there was a certain type that most turned me on. My dream stripper post describes exactly the type of woman that I learned was my ultimate. Finding this exact type of dancer therefore became a regular part of all of my club visits. Next, I learned how to pursue the dancers that I wanted. Instead of passively sitting by waiting for them to come to my table, and being frustrated if they never did, I developed my own techniques for pursuing the girls that were exactly my type. This of course was met with mixed degrees of success, but over time I became much more adept at getting dances with the girls that I most wanted. After a few years of the LDK, it began to get old. I wanted sex with these girls. Assuming that the guys on tuscl were not lying, I knew that sex was available at some clubs. For years I was very hesitant to go after sex in clubs, and I even turned down a few girls who offered extras. But then came the night in Miami when a cute young thing offered me a blowjob, and I said yes. Maybe I'll post that story sometime. Soon thereafter, extras became a regular option whenever I was in the right kind of club. An LDK became much less common although it was still an option in a non-extras environment. Next, after I realized that rushed sex in a cramped VIP room was not all I wanted it to be, I tried OTC. I was very quickly hooked on taking strippers out on dates that ended with sex in my hotel room This is undoubtedly the way to go. Now, while I might settle for an LDK or extras in a club, what I'm really looking for is to set up an OTC relationship. The focus of visiting a club is now often to set up or facilitate dates OTC. Then, a few weeks ago, I discovered my DS. While some of you might say that she's just an ATF, you'd be wrong. She's in a totally different category. I'm now spending twice the amount that I used to spend on clubs every month, and most of it is going to her. We have a date almost every week, and I'm having the greatest sex of my life with the most beautiful young woman that I can possibly imagine. And that's where I now stand in this evolutionary process. My question, particularly for those of you who've been doing this for 15-20 years or longer, is what's next in the evolutionary process. Where am I headed? Where are all of us headed? I can think of several possibilities. First, maybe we reach the pinnacle of strip clubbing, and then we are eventually going to slowly devolve into an dirty old man at the tip rail giving the girls one dollar bills. I suppose this could happen if the little head stopped working, and drugs were no longer of assistance. A second possibility is that we can continue to advance even when we've reached the pinnacle of having a DS. For example, maybe I could get a half-dozen or so dream strippers all over the country to service me as I travel. Maybe the next step in evolution is even beyond a dream stripper. I have explored threesomes, for example, but have not done that yet. Could something like that be the next step in the evolutionary process? Perhaps it's not evolution that's at work at all. Could it be that there are strip club gods who preordain and direct all of our activities, and only they know what comes next. Or could it be, as we approach the age and experience of shadow cat, that we ourselves can become a strip club god? What is next in the evolutionary process? (executive summary for Steve with no dots: John Smith thinks that we might all be slowly evolving into strip club gods. What do you think?)


  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    Nice write up! Thanks for sharing! I've never depended on the SC for sex myself; I've always had a civi g/f on the side because I wanted more than just sex in my relationships and dancers make terrible g/f's in my experience. The only one who I would have taken to the next level doesn't play on the same team, although she dabbles in guys from time to time. So I'm not in the same stage as a lot of guys here who use the clubs primarily as a conduit for sex. I like having a few drinks with beautiful women and getting a good grind from them, although if an OTC opportunity comes up and I have the cash I'm not opposed to taking advantage of it. It's been a while though, so I'm probably not 'graduating' to the next stage. Besides, I fuck my g/f bareback and I'd be worried about STD's from a dancer.
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    Interesting post and a good topic. Now I started in nude clubs since I lived in a state where nudity and alcohol co-existed in clubs. I spent some time in the early days at the tip rail, but really enjoyed the barside and tables more. I also never really did enjoy LDs and, even in my younger years, never dreamed of cumming in my own pants from one. So, in reality, I more or less jumped from all nude stage shows to seeking out ITC extras. Back then in the northeast, there were far fewer clubs where it could be readily found, but those clubs were no state secret. The challenge was finding girls who you wanted to do those things with as a lot of the so-called extras girls in the looser clubs were unattractive. My first ITC BJ from a hot girl happened during a business trip to Miami almost 14 years ago, at which point I came to realize that things were a lot more open in other parts of the country. TUSCL was still in its relative infancy back then, so while it was a decent resource, it was not nearly as helpful as it is today. Not too long after the eye-opening trip to Miami, I started exploring OTC availability with dancers who I knew could not provide those services ITC. OTC with hotter dancers in the northeast was more difficult to score back then as there were fewer clubs and a lot more money in them, but I persisted and was occasionally rewarded - at no small expense mind you. But it was not until about a decade or so back that my income and travel time both increased dramatically, both making it easier for me to shoulder the cost and bringing me to areas where OTC was easier to score for reasonable cash. The rest is history. Again, good topic and thanks for kicking it off.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    My evolution was a little different. in 1961 at age 19 I got initiated in TI Juana(see my article). After that it was all up hill waiting for the U.S clubs to catch up.
  • nelson
    10 years ago
    What is an LDK and DS? Thank you.
  • chandler
    10 years ago
    "What is next in the evolutionary process?" One word: rehab
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    SC. That's one hell of an initiation. I should've known you started out in the big leagues. DS=Dream Stripper. [view link] Ignore the non believers who suggest any other meaning. They are just jealous. I'll let somebody else define LDK. If we could just update the damn glossary we wouldn't keep getting these type of questions.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    The next evolution is becoming a victim of a 2 amer.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Slick, ouch. I usually leave the club before 1 am so I hope you're wrong.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Just being a smart ass. The next evolution is...haven't a clue.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    @JS69 - thanks for the executive summary, but "slowly evolving into strip club gods?" More like strip club dinosaurs, with the economic boom being the comet that wipes us off the face of the earth
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Thank you for that narrative JS69. I can see that meeting your DS had has a big effect on you. How many feel like I do that Articles are badly hampered because they do not get bumped by comments like Discussions do? For me the first issue with SC's was just the question, is it possible to get to the girls, to get under their skin? Are they just ordinary girls, or are they completely out of reach? Well I quickly found out that they are very ordinary, and my own inexperience was surfaced: [view link] Over the years I would learn more how to manipulate the situations in SC's, with stage tipping and all. But the local clubs remain no touching. Of course as I plan to do some traveling, I will be relying on TUSCL. It is perfect for business travelers. For P4P sex though I have partaken of AMPs. Only now being on this TUSCL forum do I see that SC's can also be comparable. I guess it just depends and the location, which is going to be better, AMPs or SC's. In San Francisco and San Jose, it most certainly is AMPs. But as I look at place like say Portland, I can see that it is reversed. SJG Guantanamera - sings young Pete Seeger [view link]
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    Shadow, were you in the military? TJ in 1961 was not very glamorous and neither were the girls.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    mikeya02 - read my article.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I'm still waiting to hear what you thought they were using for contraception in 1961, and if you don't know Shadowcat, what do did you think was going to happen? I remember you wrote that one of your friends partook, and then had to ransom his watch back. Do you partake? Did you find the women to be attractive? Too old? Too grizzled looking? SJG
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    My next stage in SC evolution: Homo patheticus victus.
  • skibum609
    10 years ago
    Boston used to be strip club heaven and sundays were "dirty days" where the cops left everyone alone so watching nude dancers while getting a hand job at the bar was routine in the 1970's.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Nice write-up – would have made an excellent article. Next step – take it international – TJ; FKKs in Germany; Dominican Republic; Colombia; etc.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Papi, I like the way you think. Good ideas. Articles take too long to get published. Not sure I see the point
  • Dolfan
    10 years ago
    My evolution was probably more similar to Rick's. My first SC was all nude and included alcohol, it was a few years before I found out that wasn't the norm, in Vegas of all places. I too skipped by the LDK phase, does not now nor has it ever sounded appealing. I pretty much skipped the air dances too. For quite some time I was content with just a lap dance, and I still do enjoy just sitting back with a glass of whiskey and watching hot naked chicks on stage. I dabbled in ITC/OTC for a bit, but it wasn't my thing. Somewhat recently, I've notice I've become more OTC oriented. It sorta happened without me knowing it, one day I found myself leaving one club and going to another for the express purpose of cultivating an OTC relationship. And I was doing so knowing I had a cheap & easy ITS deal with a girl of comparable quality available at the club I was at. As far as the next step, I don't have mine planned out and I don't think we all take the same path. Papi's options seem plausible, and there's always escorts, massage parlors, sugar babies, gold diggers, and run of the mill sluts.
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    My next phase took me to sugar babies (a cougar needs her kittens), which was fine for awhile but it's something that I don't plan on doing again anytime soon. That lead to escorts, which I still do occasionally. An occasional AMP/LMP was also fun, but I always find myself back in the clubs because I just love the hunt. Escorts and pre-arrangements are all fine and good, but the thrill of the hunt is gone in those scenarios. I guess I really need the unknown and impulsiveness of SC's to be happy.
  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
    How can things evolve beyond DS? You fall head over heels and one day propose marriage and she accepts. Then a few years later you're even older, fatter and balder and she realizes that she has spent the best years of her young life doing it with the Pillsbury Doughboy. She gets depressed, starts to eat, gains weight and hires a lawyer. You're left alone without a nickel out on the streets singing Barry Manilow and Michael Bolton anthems of depression and abandonment. Please, JS, for the love of all that is holy, start hiding money in untraceable offshore accounts before the process goes any farther! I'm sure that both Dugan and Dougster (now, would that be a classy name for a consulting firm or what?) Can offer you advice on this. ;D
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    My evolution is a little different. At the time I was discovering strip clubs and air dances, I was also exploring the worlds of massage parlors and escorts, both down here in the States and up in Canada (okay, it was just Winnipeg, but still...). After a very disappointing and lackluster session with one A-list provider (and a string of similar sessions in some MPs), I thought about giving up the scene entirely. Things started changing when I started hitting the clubs in Indy more often. The ladies there actually let me touch them! And they didn't just let me -- they encouraged me! 2011 was a big turning point for me. I hit one dive club, and after one dancer asked me if I had any boundaries, not only did she have a hand down my pants, soon her face was, too. (She was also the first dancer to give me her phone number.) And later that night, I hit another club. The last -- and only -- lap dance I had from one dancer quickly shifted to making out then to a BJ that I hadn't asked for. Yeah, that pretty much turned my outlook around. As for what's next in your evolution as a monger, John, you could become another James T. Kirk and have a girl in every port. And if you find a good concentration of ladies building in any one area, maybe you could invest in a club of your own or perhaps as a facilitator for the rest of us PLs here on TUSCL. Might be a way to make a few extra bucks and keep your DSs in the lifestyles you're going to spoil them with.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Lopaw, you are right about the thrill of the hunt. The DS has taken me away from that for now, but there's no doubt I will return. Dawg, very funny. But with money falling out of the sky in the current economic boom, I'm not sure that I need to go to those extremes. Geek, thanks for the suggestions. I love Star Trek.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    My evolution was a bit different than yours, JS. I went from never being in a strip club to having sex with dancers in the club. In one night. :) Since then, there have been dry spells, but there's no going back for me.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    MicroD, you should share that story in detail, including all of the sexual particulars. Jabber, I never want to own a strip club. Too many of those guys get shot.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    @JS69: I've posted about it before. I was 17 and drunk as hell, so some of the details are...fuzzy after 30+ years. :)
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    John, if you don't set up your SC in Harvey and you close the place down before 1am, everyone should be safe.
  • Duke69
    10 years ago
    Im still trying to LDK with the system
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    Good write up
  • shaved13
    9 years ago
    Excellent read but, like nelson, I'd like to know what LDK stands for.
  • footballguy
    9 years ago
    An LDK is when a dancer is grinding on you during a lap dance so much that you cum in your pants. It's called an LDK beacuse the technique is named after a regular called LapDanceKing. He has mastered this technique. Some guys wear basketball shorts with no underwear so they have as thin of a layer as possible between them and the dancers pussy. I am able to LDK wearing khakis and boxers. Some dancers want you to LDK and encourage it, some get grossed out by it. As far as the original post, I agree. Granted I've only been clubbing for 6 months but I have evolved very quickly. When I first turned 21 I went to a few clubs periodically with my friends. At this time I was happy just seeing naked girls on stage. They did buy me a lap dance on my birthday but I was so new to a strip club that I didn't get any good mileage. After about 4 or 5 visits I didn't go to any for a long time. Fast forward about ten years later (I know live in a different state) and after seeing some reviews of the strip club in the city I live in, I decided to go. The reviews didn't mention anything about extras but said there was lots of two way contact so that was good enough for me. I originally was only going to go once and get a couple lap dances. Well I got dances from a few different girls and I went to the VIP room with the third girl and got s HJ. So I started coming back regularly. At first I was satisfied with sucking their tits and getting a HJ in VIP. Then I found out I could LDK SO THAY started becoming my focus. After a while my favorite dancer there have me FS iTC and now I see her OTC for FS. I still go back to the club but now I my goal is to either LDK or get A BJ or HJ in VIP. So I went from being just happy to see naked girls and get to squeeze their tits during a lap dance and satisfied with masturbsting whrn I got home to needed to LDK or get extras in 6 months. I got extremely lucky that I found this club (it's not s dive club) and as great as this club is, it's basically going to ruin any other non extras club for me. I don't see how I could ever go to a club that doesn't allow two way contact.
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