Reliable Strippers

mayberrywellNorth Carolina
Deaf blind weathermen are more reliable than any stripper! They know they have a sought after commodity and they use that leverage. Anyone ever found a consistently reliable stripper?
Deaf blind weathermen are more reliable than any stripper! They know they have a sought after commodity and they use that leverage. Anyone ever found a consistently reliable stripper?
last commentFound a few and mostly they are older gals that have a few regulars that force them to be schedules.
In my humble opinion, the main problem with most of these strippers is that they are White.
What I mean is they were people who grew up believing in the American Dream. They are not immigrants who came here expecting to struggle.
But somehow these white girls got betrayed. So instead of leading ordinary lives, they are sex workers. They tend to live destructive lives. Whites are the worst, followed by Blacks as these two groups have been here the longest.
Doing much better are Latinas and Asians. They did not grow up being fed lies and being used by their parents. So they are less likely to lead destructive lives. Rather they are shrewd people earning a living in what ways are available.
I will also point out that Asian Massage girls, as far as I've ever been able to see, are 100% reliable. Their tendency towards substance addictions is lower than it is for the general population. They make their money and they spend it carefully.
So if they tell you they will be somewhere at a certain time to do something with you, then that is what is going to happen. They don't have destructive boyfriends, they don't drive under the influence, they don't do any of the sorts of things which hard living people do. But they do deliver phenomenal P4P sex at a reasonable price.
@san_jose_guy: Around here, at least half the dancers are from overseas; mostly Eastern Europe. They are immigrants who must be struggling having to work in a strip club; most are probably illegal so their risk is even greater. Who's working in the clubs you go to? How about the AMPs? They're all illegal immigrants too.
"Anyone ever found a consistently reliable stripper?"
I've had several. Characteristics:
They show up for their shifts (and OTC's with me) or call ahead to report they won't be in (seldom occurrence).
Don't cause drama in the club, or dressing room.
Get along with their co-workers and customers.
Have had their same phone numbers for several years.
Coincidentally, have no tattoos or piercings, don't smoke, minimal alcohol consumption.
In general, they're well-behaved, reliable people.
I've also known many of the opposite character. I don't stay as their customer for very long, if they start to flake out.
"reliable stripper" is an oxymoron.
What you say about those working in AMPs is true for many in San Francisco. At least, they are just here on short term visas. Those places have trans-Pacific supply lines, at least for Koreans and some Chinese. But in South Bay they are usually Viets, and they are here legally.
In the Santa Clara County SC's, most of the dancers are just local kicker girls, shit heads.
In San Francisco SC's, I think more are from all over the country. They are not as redneck.
Where are you that the dancers are from Eastern Europe? If so, then these immigrant white girls should be as reliable and decent living as any other immigrant group.
Just outside Chicago. LOTS of Polish, Lithuanian, etc. dancers. I am under the impression they are not here legally and of course are still flakes, like all the citizen dancers. I think it has nothing to do with immigration, but rather that girls who get into this line of work also just tend to be flakes. Same in music actually! Too many musicians are like strippers: can't be punctual, handle money badly, substance abuse issues, break appointments all the time. I don't know any immigrant musicians...
Sure, there are a lot of reliable strippers out there. They're the boring ones.
My impression is that strippers, the shit head types, are far more flakey than musicians. More likely to have substance habits and more likely to have violent boyfriends and just in general to live crazy. It is because they were used by their parents, used in order for the parents to try and keep up appearances. The parents do this, but then where are they? They blame the child, and these adult children haven't learned how to organize and fight back.
Very different with people who emigrate, legally or not, from pre-industrialized countries like Latin America and Asia. I would think that these Eastern Europeans would not be like the American born shit heads. This is what I would at least be expecting.
I've had several who share all of club goers helpful list of attributes. Most dancers don't qualify, but there are a decent number of dancers who are reliable. For example, my DS, although only 19, is extremely reliable. I've now had several dates with her ( all awesome by the way) and she fits all the reliability criteria perfectly. I couldn't ask for anything better.
I don't think this has anything to do with race or immigration status. For example, I find that eastern European girls tend to be the most unreliable and the biggest ROBs, but the concept of stripper shit knows no boundaries.
I don't think it is directly due to race or immigration status. But I do think it relates to the situation one grew up in. Specifically those who were born here and are now doing sex work because they were used, are going to be the most screwy, and this then is most likely to be whites and blacks.
Maybe Eastern Europe is a really crazy place and so maybe you do get these ROB types. Curious.
Usually when people come here from other countries, they are willing to do stigmatized jobs because they know they are at a disadvantage. So they just do it and they do it well.
But when someone is only at a disadvantage because their parents have used them, and the disowned them, that is a different story. That is unredressed wrongness. That is a case of people who have not learned how to organize and fight back. So instead they just harm themselves.
This is my view of it. I have to step back on the issue of Eastern Europeans as I have very little experience with them.
A few, but then I'm not tried to acquire many.
I've, not I'm.
There's an easy way to tell if a stripper is reliable. She will be riding a unicorn.
My ATF is reliable. We text through Facebook messenger and she always is at work when she says she will be. I recently had to change what day and time that I normally go on. When I asked her if she worked during the new timeframe I would be coming in she said she was actually gonna start working some double shifts so she would make sure she did her double on Saturdays so she would be there when I came in.
So the first Saturday she texted me to let me know her sitter was running late and she wasn't there yet. I was just getting ready to leave so I asked her how much longer till she was there. She said half an hour and she actually was there and on the floor in forty minutes. Not bad at all.
Reliably unreliable.
Never heard of one
I've met some, but none of them are the type who will ever do any extras or OTC for you. There's one girl at my #2 club I consider the prototype for the reliable stripper. This is the girl who used to be a college volleyball player. Then again, she also mentioned she got booted from both of the teams she had been on, but I don't think she ever really took responsibility for her mistakes. I think she thought she could coast through life without needing to prove herself. But when it turned out she wasn't a good enough volleyball player, she didn't have much else left she wanted to be, so she ended up a stripper. But even then, she thought she was good enough, because she used to work at my favorite club, but she didn't do extras. Only too many other girls were doing extras, and she was getting passed up a lot, so she went to my #2 club. But there are plenty of girls there who, while they are not as physically attractive as she is, do more business. The trouble with reliable strippers is they are predictable, and they are predictably non-extras oriented. The thing about my favorite club is they have exactly one I consider reliable, and that happens to be the owner's wife. There are times I can't stand even my favorites there, but they do come back, and they are often quite handsy when they come back.
The way to tell if a stripper is lying is "if she is lying her lips are moving"
Sorry but lately I've had a rash of dancers call in me to "send money fast" and I've caught them lying about the reason they need the money.
Sorry just needed to vent. Evidently drugs are now called food and groceries and I just didn't understand that.
My CF is reliably unreliable.
That's why I never set any dates or call her to tell we need to do this and that.
What I did to simply have peace with her is to just let her live her life.
If she wants me, she then has to text me. If I'm busy and occupied with other things then I won't text her back in the next minute. I will most probably text her back the next day.
That's how it is now. I don't set anything up, I live my life and if she wants me around I'll show up.
I'm not a reliable customer. Yet dancers don't seem to give a fuck.