
Great Moments in PL History

Detroit strip clubs
Thursday, October 30, 2014 9:11 AM
I had a great moment in PL history this morning. A stripper called me because her boyfriend need gas to go to work and neither of them had any money. She asked me to meet the boyfriend at a certain gas station at 11AM. She indicated she would repay me with interest (so to speak). I got the to gas station a couple minutes before 11. No boyfriend. I waited 10 minutes and then called the stripper. It went to voice mail. I waited another 5 minutes, called the stripper again, and got voice mail again. I left a message saying he could get his own damn gas. I've been stood up by strippers lots of times, but this is the first time I was stood up by a stripper's boyfriend.


  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Jack, You trying to become the King of PL's? :)
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    Be careful Jack, maybe the b/f wanted you to show, so he could check you out. Maybe not
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    I'm too much of an asshole to accommodate a stripper request for assistance. I've been duped a couple of times over these many years, but willingly dropping cash off for a stripper PL is...I don't even know how to properly characterize it. What's next, sucking the guy's dick for her? I'm sure she could spin it in a cutesy way, letting you know, in that oh so special girly voice, that she wants to stay fresh so that you can have her all to yourself. ;)
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    stripper BF that is.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    mikey, Check him out or take him out!
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Jack – you should know better by now - you give a stripper a hand and she’ll take the whole arm, and then some. Being nice and accommodating to strippers often just leads to more drama.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    An escort/fuck buddy got mad at me for "holding out" She started crying and had me drive her to a friends. Turned out it was a mansion. She asked me to escort her to the door. I then noticed cameras at the door and everywhere else. They were moving. I was being watched by God knows who. I said fuck this and left her.
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    Jackslash, that's minor league PL. My ATF called me and asked me to drive 30 miles where her BF was in residential rehab (court ordered) and bring him 3 packs of cigarettes and $10.00. He never even thanked me after I left them at the desk. Another time, she got stranded at work when her BF took her car and went home (60 miles away). After seeing her OTC she had me call him to come pick her up. He said he didn't have gas money for the round trip so I paid him $20 to come get her.
  • Diva1975
    10 years ago
    That was just plain rude on her part. I'm sorry you had that experience. I think we dancers tend to take the kind men for granted while getting walked all over by pieces of shit. Live and learn.
  • SuperDude
    10 years ago
    Former ATF always had an emergency that required me to "loan" her money. She claimed to have been raped and left pregnant, but told me that the police refused to take her report because she was a stripper. Possible, yes. Likely, no. Needed money for a medical emergency. I "loaned" her $500.00 and told her that we were finished. She cried. That was over eight months ago. Last week she calls and asks me for $350.00 to pay her boyfriend's child support or he would go to jail. I hung up.
  • jaxman5150
    10 years ago
    Just tell her you meet the boyfriend and filled his tank. Now she has to empty your.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    10 years ago
    Two related personal experiences come to mind: 1. I had the occasion once to meet a dancer, 25 miles from home, to give her a tank of gas. She did show up. She called me first saying she was running out of gas and had no money, and was maybe 50 miles from home. I told her to find a gas station. Then call me to tell me where it was. I met her there and gave her a tank of gas. All I got for it us a "thank you, very much." 2. You got stood up by a dancer's boyfriend. I've been stood up by a dancer's mother. PM for the details. It's not a long story, but probably not of interest to the general audience.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    RickyBoy: "I'm too much of an asshole to accommodate a stripper request for assistance." Sure you are RickBoy. Like that one night you drove the druggie stripper from dealer to dealer and held her purse while she was in the washroom shooting up for half an hour? Is that a example of what a tough guy you are? Probably the biggest pushover in history.
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    ^I knew that was coming, lol. That was one of the duped moments I mentioned above. She spun it as a quick stop on the way to our pre-planned OTC destination and I fell for it, plain and simple. But that is a far cry from knowingly driving out to an OTC girl's BF and handing over cash. I don't "loan" money, or knowingly take girls for drug pickups, or [insert other stupid thing here]. Ever. Another girl tried this just the other night, asking if I would bring her to some shitty motel in a crappy part of town to pick up Percoset before our OTC encounter. I said no, just as I have in every other variation of this. This girl is rather hot, begged me for 10 straight minutes and I have OTC history with her, yet I wouldn't do it. She then asked me to loan her some cash against that night's OTC and I said no again. The second you start going down these roads, it never ends. I pay well (by local market standards) for my OTC gigs but I flat out refuse to get caught up in some girl's side problems. The second a girl starts trying this shit on me, I start seeking out her replacement. I am there for my entertainment, not to be some girl's creditor or drug mule.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Damn, you guys make my strippers seem like choir girls. Either I don't get out enough, or I'm just lucky, cause I really don't have any of those stories to tell, at least not yet.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    The strippers that know me keep getting other jobs and getting out of stripping. Well not all but plenty. I remember a stripper who was in my car once told me about another stripper and said it was up to me if I wanted to donate $100 or Her friends drug dealer was going to beat the crap out of her. I think I said that's too bad.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    That was just plain rude of them, Jack, and it sounded like a way to get you out of your place so they could ransack it. I hope they don't know where you live.
  • BigPoppa99
    10 years ago
    ???? Rickdugan, you are very wise...
  • farmerart
    10 years ago
    Tell me that you really didn't do this, jack. Pleeeeeeeeeease, jack.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    I've done a fair number of things for strippers, ranging from just silly to downright stupid, but I don't think I've ever done anything for a stripper's *boyfriend*. :)
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
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