
Three golf balls

layin low but staying high
A PL's wife was very suspicious when one day she found a small wooden box hidden in his sock drawer. It contained three golf balls and $2,000 in cash.

She confronted him, and he was so unprepared for her discovery that he simply blurted out the truth. "I'm sorry dear, but I go to strip clubs and every time I get a blowjob from a stripper, I put a golf ball in this box."

She was incredibly pissed off, and started screaming about divorcing him. With much reflection, however, she eventually realized that she had put on a bunch of weight over the years and hadn't been giving him much sex for a very long time. So they talked. She eventually came to the conclusion that three instances of infidelity in a 30 year marriage wasn't really that bad, so she could forgive him.

"But dear," she said, "I've just got one more question: where did the $2000 come from? "

"Oh that's easy," he said. "Every time I got a dozen golf balls the box was full so I sold them."


  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
    Wow. I bet that there were two more balls in the box about two seconds later :)
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    Lol js69
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    I don't recall the joke exactly, but it was in a similar vein something like the below:

    The husband finds a large jar full of quarters under the bed. When questioning the wife, she admitted she prostituted herself during the day while he worked. When asked, "Who paid in quarters?" The answer was each one.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
  • likes2look
    10 years ago
    One day a husband discovered his wife had a cash stash. When he asked about it she admitted that every time they had sex she put a dollar in the envelope. Over the years it had added up to a tidy sum.

    The husband thinks about this for a minute and then says. "Damn, if I had known that I would have given you all my business"

  • gatorfan
    10 years ago
    How much were the golf balls worth?
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    "How much were the golf balls worth?"

    A Slazenger 7 was worth £5000
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