Do you remember the name of the first girl you had sex with?

avatar for mikeya02
I just remembered...Ann. In her room at her parents house. I also remember I wished it had been her best friend,


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avatar for luvthepus
11 years ago
My older sister of course I remember her
avatar for ATACdawg
11 years ago
Yes, my wife, the only one ever. Never mind her name!
avatar for georgmicrodong
11 years ago
avatar for SippyCup69
11 years ago
Yes i do...but i will not tell names since my own privacy has been breached but i do remebering being 12 and fucking this hot red headed 14 year old red head with the furrest bush of red pussy hair ive ever soon...dick still ggets tore up over yes i rember the school slut nicely
avatar for SippyCup69
11 years ago
Fuck you jackie
avatar for san_jose_guy
11 years ago
Yes. She was about 3 years older than I and she had already graduated from the college and was employed as a staff person. Being a few years older and being from a different social environment made things go easier than it ever would have with the college girls.

She was also on The Pill, and so this made it easier.

This was also the first time I found out how once you have done it with a girl, your relationship with her changes. I got to see how much she wanted frequent contact. I was not prepared for this, as I was devoting most all of my time to intensive academics. I was not prepared to set up frequent contact with someone off campus.

Besides the time we first met and our "dates" at her home, I was not accustomed to being that physically expressive with her, and she noticed this. I did not understand how to ask her for what I wanted, which was for her to dress sexy for me.

See, I was already a natural to end up spending lots of time in strip clubs.

But eventually my relationship with this older girl had to end because I was not ready to make spending time with her a big part of my life. So I did go back to the extremely frustrating and often demeaning social realm of the college girls.

I had thought about all of this recently after listening to some of the videos made by Elliot Rodger who tried to shoot up the sorority house at UC Santa Barbara. I identify with the frustration which he felt. He went off the deep end and so he did not live long enough to find his home in other social environments.


Deep Purple, live…
avatar for Tiredtraveler
11 years ago
Nope, don't want to. It was a forgettable experience for both of us.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Jackie's mom.
avatar for hotwheels
11 years ago
avatar for hotwheels
11 years ago
She was an absolute perfect goddess. My condom broke so she told her mom. I think her mom was OK with it.
avatar for ime
11 years ago
Paging Dr. Dougster. Can you please provide a diagnosis on SJG guy, I mean other than his being a total virgin.
avatar for pineconepartyliquor
11 years ago
Laura. In a tent, on a farm in rural Vermont, while I was on acid.
avatar for Duke69
11 years ago
C"om on you guys !!!!!
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
Yeah I remember. I remember just as good as the guy in the movie for The Army of the Dead when he was supposed to speak certain words.
avatar for lopaw
11 years ago
Yeah her name was baby...or honey...or sweetie.
Nah I don't remember.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
txtittyfan's daughter was my first.

I'll take at look SJG's posts this weekend. Been tl;dr for me until now.
avatar for grand1511
11 years ago
Madonna or Cher; I can never keep them straight.
avatar for Corvus
11 years ago
You bet, and she remembers mine too.
avatar for newmark
11 years ago
I am doing well if I even know the name of the last one.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
avatar for Dain
11 years ago
avatar for DandyDan
11 years ago
I do remember the lovely Claire from college. She was the ex-girlfriend of one of my so-called college friends. She was a lovely redhead. One night, I was helping her study for her math exam and eventually, we were studying more than math. This ended up putting a wedge into my friendship with my so-called friend. I think I learned never to bang any ex-girlfriend of your friends.

Many years later, there was a stripper at what is now my #2 club named Chloe who I always wanted to call Claire because she was Claire's dead ringer. Same hair, same hair style, she even had the same pubic hair style, and they talked alike. Chloe was my favorite dancer at that club during a period I consider a dead period there, but I always wanted to call her Claire.
avatar for skibum609
11 years ago
I recall #1 Brenda and #3 Patricia but only because they were my first threesome. 1973 was a good year except for the oil embargo.
avatar for JohnSmith69
11 years ago
High school girlfriend. I really wanted her sister but she was still fun. Funny story about her recently that I'll post when I have time.

BTW that may be SJG's shortest post ever. I expected a treatise on the psychological influence of a guys first love. Kind of spooky though that he studies the videos of a mass murderer.
avatar for rockstar666
11 years ago
My first was Emily. I came in the condom as I was putting it in, but recovered soon after. I didn't have a second condom though so I had to pull out.
avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
Yes I remember but what was surprising was that I wasn't even on the foot ball team.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
I wondered if a nurse had sex with me while I was passed out after having wisdom teeth pulled out. Impossible to know. I was just wondering why they said they let me sleep extra long. Worse case is that I have a kid I never knew about. She could be a dancer too. That would be weird.
avatar for SuperDude
11 years ago
Yes, and she sure made me feel inept.
avatar for sclvr5005
11 years ago
avatar for AnonymousJim
10 years ago
Jessica. She had just moved out of my hometown and I went to visit her in her new hometown in another state. Things clicked and went well for a while until we started trying to make it more interesting. It went downhill quickly after that.

Proof that practice makes perfect, and I consider that first time my first chance to practice, which means it was as far from perfect as I'll ever get.
avatar for SlickSpic
10 years ago
It was a special moment, a cherished moment. We both were young, naive, and in the throes of puppy love. What we felt for one another could never be replaced.

We didn't lose our virginity, we became a union. What we had, that was true love. What we had, was an unconditional love, the type of love only two, innocent kids could know.

I'll remember her forever. I'll remember our times that we shared, forever. Our relationship will always stay with me, forever. What we had, was eternal.

Now if I could only remember that tramps name...
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