I'm not on here everyday, but something made me sign in and this subject is it. If possible I think these establishments should stay. At the say time more AMPs should not be added.
As an example, many of them fall between the cracks of not being a strip club or a massage parlor. There is no place for them like TUSCL and their reviews and information would be lost forever. These establishments are sometimes rarely reviewed, but do offer an alternative for the SC PL who instead of giving up $300 in search of extras may want to spend $160-200 for the real deal. I think places like this should stay on TUSCL.
Also being here keeps them somewhat under the radar. There are sites for reviews on AMP, but in some areas as soon as they get a large following the get shut down. It's like LE regularly search those sites while the few that may hide here are ignored. Again I'm not saying more should be add, but keeping the few that are present does have a value.
Beside, can I ask, do they really take up that much space on TUSCL?
It looks like for now I am the lone dissenter, but please consider keeping these places on TUSCL.
lappinme2 has a point. i know this is a strip club site but they really arent hurting anybody. i just think they should be excluded from the top 100 lists.
If I were running the show, I would remove the male only clubs. I would leave the few that are both male and female strippers at the same location.
As for the MPs and swingers clubs, I wouldn't miss them, but don't object to them either. The fact that MPs and swingers clubs do not fit the status quo is a legitimate reason to remove them. On the other hand, I generally think more info is better. If I hear of a place, I'd rater be able to easily find out it isn't a typical SC then there be a vacuum of info.
You could keep them separate and listed as other with massage parlor or whatever category. I rarely ever see information on them but if I was wondering about a club down the road, I would rather see gay bar or whatever rather than wonder if it was a strip club that no one reviewed yet.
Here's an idea for a parallel web site. Reviews for regular spors bars, massage parlors, etc. It could be club review for all other night clubs. I often wondered where all the sports bars in a city were at, what type of music was played, what type of bar it was, ie. pick up bar, oldies bar with light music, country music only, black only bar, hell's angels biker bar where someone gets beat up every night, etc, etc.
I guess if you consider going there, you could include truck stops if there are girls there offering services. I heard stories when I lived somewhere else.
If it will free up space and make site run faster, by all means. I wouldn't mind a token list only (no reviews) of male stripclubs if only to avoid accidentally wandering in one of them.
Making separate categories might be nice if possible. But as a general rule of thumb, discarding content in unhelpful. Risk of staring a cycle of less content, causing members to leave, causing further loss of content, causing more members to leave etc.
Maybe Duo wouldn't have gotten bored with us if we had more strip clubs with male dancers.
I would prefer that the spas and AMPs stay but in their own section. They do serve an important function. In an area where the strip club mileage is limited, they do provide some guidance and a sure alternative for the frustrated SC patron. I know that there are some other sites devoted to spas and massage parlors but some of the sites are not organized by establishment and some of the sites require a user fee to obtain any information. TUSCL provides a nice alternative to those other sites.
Unless it is killing your bandwidth I don't see the problem. I only read strip club reviews but others may want something else. Can't we all just get along? Personally I was glad to see the Founder was still with us.
Are the two clubs in Tijuana which head the Top 10 list really strip clubs? As a European, I am particularly conscious of the fact that in some countries there are few, if any, American-style strip clubs. If tucsl is to be useful outside North America, a tight definition of an American-style strip clubs would mean the removal of lots of entries. Almost nowhere in Prague fits the 'strip club' definition. And, like others, I would definitely want FKK clubs in Germany to stay; I have seen naked girls in the open in FKK clubs but I have never yet seen a girl actually strip in an FKK club except in a private room.
I strongly agree with posts about keeping bikini clubs and lingerie shops (that have the ability to provide private dances or back room services). Similarly, would keep the TJ "clubs" where love connections occur. In each of these cases, there is definitely stripping going on!!
Would vote with the masses regarding MPs and swinger clubs, though generally I would say, what is the harm in keeping? Would have no issue eliminating Male only clubs as not my cup o tea.
I'd vote to ditch the male strip clubs and swing clubs, but I don't see the massage parlors and lingere shows as hurting anybody, as long as they are identified as such (which they are). Many dudes that strip club also use those.
No opinion either way, but will it be the "ultimate" list if there's no male strip clubs? Probably not a lot of views, but what's the difference? There *might* be some girls who come here to look at those.
I remember a time when the state and city lists of clubs included the type of club (nude/topless/etc) which I think made it easier to tell differ types of places apart. Maybe this is a better upgrade than deletion.
Hmm – seems like Founder has been a quite the busy-bee – was just looking at the club’s pages and the format has changed (the page for each individual club) – hope this means the prop/flag system will work better now
I noticed the reviews page has changed today. If I was going to change something, I would make the stars just a little bit bigger to make the rating slightly easier to see.
Ok I looked. back. For individual clubs, the reviews are grouped in ten latest reviews i like that. I was referring to the just wee bit crowded space where individuals have their own rating posted. Just clarifying. I could live with it though.
If the choice was tweaking that or bringing back profile pics, I would go or pics.
I, for one, do try to update the club info. I don't usually do it at clubs I visit once. To difficult to get the intricacies of a club in a single visit, but then certain aspects could be obtained, I guess.
I have to agree with Lappinme2. I think it best to keep the AMPs, Male Strip Clubs, and also then all the Adult Entertainment, Lingerie Modeling and Hostess Dancing Clubs. Just make different sections for them. Best to let TUSCL get as big as possible, serving as many as possible. Just keep it all sorted out.
Remember someone was commenting on how a Canadian Massage Parlor was out rating the TJ Hong Kong Bar. And then now Portland's Aphrodite's Hot Lingerie Party out rates everything except the Hong Kong Bar and Adelitas. So clearly these things have a following. Just need to keep it all sorted out.
Lappinme2 is right on about the affordability and certainty of delivery of AMPs versus SCs, and all the more so in a place like the Bay Area.
Founder, would it be possible to change it so that Articles can bump just like Discussions do now? Right now Articles are getting short shrifted and I am sure that this is why more people are not writing them or commenting on them.
last commentBut I would first run it by tumblingdice w.r.t. removing the male clubs.
As an example, many of them fall between the cracks of not being a strip club or a massage parlor. There is no place for them like TUSCL and their reviews and information would be lost forever. These establishments are sometimes rarely reviewed, but do offer an alternative for the SC PL who instead of giving up $300 in search of extras may want to spend $160-200 for the real deal. I think places like this should stay on TUSCL.
Also being here keeps them somewhat under the radar. There are sites for reviews on AMP, but in some areas as soon as they get a large following the get shut down. It's like LE regularly search those sites while the few that may hide here are ignored. Again I'm not saying more should be add, but keeping the few that are present does have a value.
Beside, can I ask, do they really take up that much space on TUSCL?
It looks like for now I am the lone dissenter, but please consider keeping these places on TUSCL.
As for the MPs and swingers clubs, I wouldn't miss them, but don't object to them either. The fact that MPs and swingers clubs do not fit the status quo is a legitimate reason to remove them. On the other hand, I generally think more info is better. If I hear of a place, I'd rater be able to easily find out it isn't a typical SC then there be a vacuum of info.
I would KEEP the FKKs. They sound awesome.
Here's an idea for a parallel web site. Reviews for regular spors bars, massage parlors, etc. It could be club review for all other night clubs. I often wondered where all the sports bars in a city were at, what type of music was played, what type of bar it was, ie. pick up bar, oldies bar with light music, country music only, black only bar, hell's angels biker bar where someone gets beat up every night, etc, etc.
I'll trade you their removal for the restoration of our pictures. Oh and the gifs that move. I miss my club action. :)
Maybe Duo wouldn't have gotten bored with us if we had more strip clubs with male dancers.
I can't imagine it's really a priority though.
Would vote with the masses regarding MPs and swinger clubs, though generally I would say, what is the harm in keeping? Would have no issue eliminating Male only clubs as not my cup o tea.
For clubs abroad I wouldn't change anything.
"I know a bikini club where out front they wear bikinis but in the back rooms they are more than just nude."
Do they skin themselves? :)
Getting members to update club info is like trying to herd cats.
@clubber: I agree that info isn't updated. But I would not expect the overall type (node/topless/etc) to change on a regular basis.
If the choice was tweaking that or bringing back profile pics, I would go or pics.
I, for one, do try to update the club info. I don't usually do it at clubs I visit once. To difficult to get the intricacies of a club in a single visit, but then certain aspects could be obtained, I guess.
@founder: I'd like to see the # of reviews and ignore button return to the main discussions list.
Remember someone was commenting on how a Canadian Massage Parlor was out rating the TJ Hong Kong Bar. And then now Portland's Aphrodite's Hot Lingerie Party out rates everything except the Hong Kong Bar and Adelitas. So clearly these things have a following. Just need to keep it all sorted out.
Lappinme2 is right on about the affordability and certainty of delivery of AMPs versus SCs, and all the more so in a place like the Bay Area.
Founder, would it be possible to change it so that Articles can bump just like Discussions do now? Right now Articles are getting short shrifted and I am sure that this is why more people are not writing them or commenting on them.