hey people on tuscl this is old james again and im still hard as ever. I found some real good money saving tips on drinks when you club. buy one bottle of three doller water then get free refills in the bathroom. ive saved five hundred dollars this year all ready with this simple dirty little trick
Gosh, James. Why not dumpster dive for the same brand empty and smuggle it into the club. Done correctly, it will allow you to look well-endowed, making you irresistible to dancers and maybe even lopaw!
If someone is that thirsty all the time, why not bring water in old milk jugs and gulp it down at your car, oh, forgot, no car. Can you carry a gallon jug of water with you? I don't usually get that thirsty in strip clubs.
last commentLiving hard can be an advantage!
Can you carry a gallon jug of water with you? I don't usually get that thirsty in strip clubs.