Are strippers addicted to stripping?

avatar for ujay
I expected to see the usual six dancers in my local strip club during the daytime. Lo and behold, when I entered, there were "new" girls in the daytime! Many of these "new" girls had previously worked in the club 1 - 3 years ago. Many of them said at the time that they were giving up stripping - to go to school (nursing school being popular), to get married, to have a child, to get a regular job, etc. Now they are all back to stripping. Even the old strippers who never left angrily said "all of these bitches always come back". So, are stripper unprepared to live in the real world? The slightest obstacle, they are back to showing their vaginas and getting their tatties sucked, and fucked. What is your impression?


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avatar for ujay
11 years ago
Have they fallen victims to their own allure and mystique?
avatar for Lone_Sheep
11 years ago
Yes, they are addicted to see SNAGs and PLs such as yours truly. It's because they genuinely enjoy SNAGs such me compared to their not so nice deadbeat, druggie boyfriends. And because they don't really care about us. Only about the money.

See what I just did there? Contradicted myself. I was trying to please everyone on the board by saying something they would like hoping nobody would notice the contradiction. Because I can't stand up to disagreement. Conflict is not something us SNAGs like, although we may start a bit passive-aggressively from time to time if we are really pissed off. This why I call myself "Lone_Sheep".

Peace and love to all.

It’s summer time – maybe they have more time on their hands especially if they are going to school?
It might have something to do with maximum income for minimum work. I pointed out to a stripper that the average hourly wage for Walmart full time employees was $13.85 and that she could make $500 a week working there. She said, "fuck, I make that every night".
Coincidentally though – when I’m extra bored and decide to peruse SW; I at times come across comments from ex-dancers that say they miss it – I even think there are regular SW contributors whom are not actively dancing but still post on there.

As sucky as being a retail clerk can be; I can thus see the allure of dancing where a chick can:

+ often work the # of hours/days she wants
+ can hang out; talk to dancers/friends or custies; listen to music; and have drinks bought for them; and not have to do shit if they don’t want to
+ whereas a regular job like a retail clerk has a low and fixed pay; dancing can be quite lucrative (not guaranteed of course) and not fixed especially if the chick looks good and is willing to hustle
yes the cash money everyday is probably somewhat addictive.
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
11 years ago
I can definitely say yes to that one. My favorite club has many, many girls who go away for years at a time, then come back out of the blue, although whether they were stripping somewhere else, I can't say. I knew a girl from my #2 club who was there in the late 1990's, missed the entire 2000's, then came back in 2012. OTOH, she said she had been continuously dancing when I saw her again, but either way, she sure does dance.

On a different point, the world of the strip club is an insular world and what you need to be a good stripper isn't especially useful outside the strip club world. Perhaps some discover this and come back to the familiar. I know my old favorite at my favorite club has. She was retired 4 times and came back 3 times, and I suspect she will be back in the future. The only sure way to know they won't come back is if they turn up in the obituary page. Anyway, I don't know if it's an addiction, or just a job which doesn't translate to other jobs.
As others have said it's easy money for doing very little.
^ yeah – for all their complaining – I often hear dancers say “it’s easy money”
I knew one who had been in the same club for 14 years. She said that she got a rush from stripping naked in front of a bunch of guys.
avatar for ujay
11 years ago
From the comments above, it would appear that strippers are truly addicted to stripping. Perhaps, they are no different from the alcoholics or drugs addicts, only that they get paid. Why would someone want to maintain a longterm relationship with such a person or get to marry one. They will simply run back to the strip club at the slightest of life's challenges. They are damaged goods.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
ujay: "Why would someone want to maintain a longterm relationship with such a person or get to marry one. "

Well most of them move on at some point and become normal people a year or two later. Some remain "lifers" but that is very small %.
In all reality; they are just trying to get paid – who doesn’t need/like $$$ - most of us do except maybe farmerart and LMN :)

The strippers probably think it’s us PLs whom are addicted LOL

Well, I don't think that it is technically accurate to say that they are addicted to "stripping." To the money? Yes. To the scheduling freedom? No doubt. But if they could get both from some other job then I suspect that they would do that before stripping.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
^^^ incorrect. As usual.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Maybe gawker will comment. I think he knows the real answer.
gawker commented already
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Oh, yes. I see. Guess he's keeping it to himself. :-)
avatar for alabegonz
11 years ago
The ones who come back have a lifestyle that can only be supported by a stripper lifestyle.

That is where they are addicted, the lifestyle of fun and carefree ways of being able to party and getting paid for it.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
Perhaps they are just trying to advance and have failed, but just keep trying to becoming a top notch escort/whore. :)
avatar for LHNI
11 years ago
They might get a rush from stripping when they first start, but many get tired of hearing every pick up line and lie out there and then just put up with it for the money and hours and world of music, alcohol, drugs, and personal beauty upkeep
avatar for ujay
11 years ago
I met a new stripper at my club today. During our first three encounters, she refused to perform extras. Today, there were hardly any customers in the club. Competition was fierce! She approached me and immediately offered a BBBJ. She said she needed the money to pay for auto repairs. She gave me a spirited BBBJ, but refused to kiss or have sex, because that is reserved for her boyfriend. I was surprised when she told me that her boyfriend has agreed to BBBJ, but no sex in the club. These girls surely maintain interesting relationships. Any comments?
Dougster - I'm as confused as the next guy regarding dancer's motivations, relationships, and addictions. I'm currently up to my neck in shit regarding two dancers who I've been seeing OTC for years. One is in rehab with the mother of the other and I've become the prime topic of discussion.
The large majority of dancers who I've gotten to know real well have what most psychologists would call addictive personalities. They also have many other common characteristics mentioned above, but it's wrong to generalize because so many others have very different motivations.
It's like saying all used car salesmen are liars. Or all teachers are liberal fuckwads who only want to work 180 days per year. Or all TUSCL subscribers are PL's. Oh?
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
I think strippers need the money or want the money from stripping. I doubt they would show up for the job if no money was involved.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
They still might... If you paid them in drugs.
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