avatar for LHNI


joined Jun 2014last seen Jul 2014

Comments made by LHNI

discussion comment
11 years ago
avatar for ujay
Are strippers addicted to stripping?
They might get a rush from stripping when they first start, but many get tired of hearing every pick up line and lie out there and then just put up with it for the money and hours and world of music, alcohol, drugs, and personal beauty upkeep
discussion comment
11 years ago
avatar for sharkhunter
Dancers getting wet during lap dances, common, rare, or unusual for dancers to m
They do get wet, but that doesn't always mean they are aroused. Some girls use it to try and get tips, but I've found some that get embarrassed. One girl told me she puts a plug in for her shift so she doesn't have to change her panties all night.