
Counting dances - how do you do it?

Maybe I'm just out of practice, but I can't seem to concentrate with a Mila-lookalike hottie on my lap.

The other night for our last series of dances I told my CF to stop after 5, so I wouldn't have to keep track. Great series of dances ensued with lots of mutual contact and some playful pillow talk. We finally got to the end of a song and she suddenly looked at me and said "how many was that?" I reminded her I wasn't counting. She laughed and said oh, right, then stood up to check the stage and see who was dancing. She said she thought we did 5, but she would do one more just to be sure. I wasn't complaining. Anyway, next time I'm thinking about just buying a block of time.

So how do you do it?


  • Subraman
    11 years ago
    I just count them. There are two clubs I go to where the VIPs have timers in them. I kinda hate that, but the one redeeming quality is that there's no guessing on when time is up. Green light starts blinking, we're almost done. Red light comes on, time is up. Still, with lap dances, either I count or I'm at her mercy. In most cases, my experience matches yours -- if we're unsure how many songs we did, she'll often go one more to be sure.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Set Block of time with predefined action for a set price.
  • BagBoyJames
    11 years ago
    Just buy one
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    ^^^^ Another brilliant idea. :)
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    Alucard is right. I've almost stopped doing individual dancers entirely. I buy blocks of time, not dances. But I realize not all clubs/dancers may cooperate

    *one perk of having an ATF
  • Dolfan
    11 years ago
    If the dancer doesn't provide an updated count every time the song changes, I never go past 3 dances. I recently broke that rule, and had a situation with a new dancer where I counted 5 and she counted 10. I won't be breaking that rule again any time soon.

    Realistically, with any dancer I have a history with its never really an issue. It usually goes pretty similar to your story, at one song change one of us asks how many it was and we both venture a guess. If there's a discrepancy we sort it out without much drama - sometimes we take my high count and she calls it a tip or she'll give me one more to be sure, if she's higher than me I might count it as my tip and she considers it not getting one. Sometimes we'll find other solutions, we'll take my low number & I buy the next round of drinks or vice versa, do a partial song, make it out outside, etc. Its never more than a one song discrepancy, 25 to isn't much to either of us in the grand scheme of things.

    Also, at a lot of clubs, the bouncers count so they can charge the dancers, so we just ask them. For example, you can ask the eye in the sky at Scarlett's or check the sheet at Cheetah.
  • Dolfan
    11 years ago
    Aren't blocks of time expensive for trying out new dancers? Around here the cheapest I've ever seen a timed dance is $125 for 15 minutes, most are up over $200 for 30 mins. I'd rather risk $25/$50 on a low likelihood miscounting incident than waste $125 getting 15 minutes of shitty dancing.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    So how do you do it?

    1 2 3 4 5...etc. And then I sing A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z... now I know my abc's...
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    That's right motorhead. You have to negotiate the deal Dolfan.
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    I count song by song. The most dances I've ever done in a row is 5, so it's hard to have a discrepancy in the song count between the dancer and I.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    ^^^^ If you start in the middle of a song, do you get it "Free" or does your dancer count it as a WHOLE song to be paid full price for??!!
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    I use Fibonacci.
  • BagBoyJames
    11 years ago
    Count per times you jizz
  • BagBoyJames
    11 years ago
    LDK claims to cum in his pants for only one song
  • BagBoyJames
    11 years ago
    Alucard thank you

  • BagBoyJames
    11 years ago
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    ^^^^ WAITING.
  • Hard4Dancers
    11 years ago
    I go by the song. This way I can Abort after a song or two if the dance is bad, she has odors, etc. I also note the Time we go behind the curtains just in case.

    If I want more I'll specify "no rush" and there is no song count for 30 minutes of whatever.
  • BagBoyJames
    11 years ago
    Alucard bro I like you and you like me...I know this how ? We have already clubbing together and we had a blast...so chill and stop with the threats...we kool my white nigga
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Lol bag boy
  • BagBoyJames
    11 years ago
    Its true I got so many accounts ...it happen

    So please alutard stop sending sexual threats to my message box...not kool
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    Alucard, I'm gonna assume you're asking me. Yeah most of the time if they start in the middle of the song they just make that one free. To the few dancers that have counted that as a full song, that's the only dance I get from them.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Good for you ranukam. That's the way to do it.
  • sofaking87
    11 years ago
    I'm like the others, I tell her it's one song, and if its awesome ill buy a second, but rarely more then that, unless it's extras time. I had a babe who thought that the one song was two, she was drunk, and stoned, lesson learned! Thankfully she didn't make an issue of it.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    At the end of each song I ask "that's ___ so far right?".
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    I’m not an extras or VIP/CR custy but I am a LD-getting machine LOL.

    As I’ve often posted; I like variety and getting many LDs from many different dancers in a club visit.

    As some have noted; in clubs w/ a separate LD area; often times there is a LD counter; this is especially true in clubs where the dancers have to pay the club per dance (e.g. $5 out of a $25 LD) – so in these clubs; if you and/or the dancer is “confused” w.r.t. the # of dances; one can always clarify it with the LD counter (unless in the rare occasion the LD counter is a douche working w/ the dancer to ROB custies) – so in this setup where there is a LD counter; one has something to fall back on and the dancers are also less apt to try and over-count a PL.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    I use the "1...2...many" system
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    I’m not an extras or VIP/CR custy but I am a LD-getting machine LOL.

    As I’ve often posted; I like variety and getting many LDs from many different dancers in a club visit.

    As some have noted; in clubs w/ a separate LD area; often times there is a LD counter; this is especially true in clubs where the dancers have to pay the club per dance (e.g. $5 out of a $25 LD) – so in these clubs; if you and/or the dancer is “confused” w.r.t. the # of dances; one can always clarify it with the LD counter (unless in the rare occasion the LD counter is a douche working w/ the dancer to ROB custies) – so in this setup where there is a LD counter; one has something to fall back on and the dancers are also less apt to try and over-count a PL.

    Being in my early 40s; I am not too familiar w/ most hip-hop songs being played in clubs today. Often times it’s very hard to tell when one song ends and another one begins Some hip-hop songs have more than one rapper making it sound as if it was a new/different song; etc.

    Being that I mostly go to black dives down here in Miami where dances are $5 and $10; many dancers try to over-count in order to try to make $$$. I don’t mind spending $$$ and tipping when dances are so cheap; but I hate someone trying to ROB me.

    So what I often do; especially in the black dives; is I ask the dancer at the beginning to let me know whenever she is going to start a new song and that is pretty much the best way I can keep track of the songs.

    Also, some clubs sometimes; or often times; cut songs – sometimes they may play a song for a minute and then cut to another one – this shit notoriously happens in many black clubs – so in essence; the dancer may not be over-counting but you are getting yipped via cut-songs.

    I would much more prefer some type of timer system as some have described where a dance is based on a time limit (e.g. 3 or 4 minutes) and not dependent on the particular song. Or at least have some type of way/sytem where a custy can easily identify when a new song is starting.

    In a black dive I visit from time to time; they recently instituted a system where the DJ would play a specific sound effect after each song - in this particular case; the sound effect was the sound of glass shattering.

    And in some clubs; the DJ will always come on and make a comment after each song, i.e. either announcing the next dancer or w/e; and it can be a consistent way of identifying breaks b/w songs.

  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    Only had a real discrepancy once, in TX, so I don't consider it a problem. I visit most always the same clubs and know how to count the songs, so no problems.
  • luvthepus
    11 years ago
    I put the money I plan on giving her on little table by couch under our drinks then after I fill her mouth with cum she gets dressed I pull up my pants and we go drink some more beers till the bar closes.We never talk about song count or price she always seems happy, some days if I have a good week it is a little more some days when I have a bad week a little less.Probably less money than you guys would believe.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    "Counting dances - how do you do it?"

    I use my fingers :)

  • curiositycat
    11 years ago
    I pay up front, so there is no questions of how many I want. Got into the habit of that because of the clubs where I started in required it. Have usually been treated to a couple freebies despite setting number up front. Ladies can be generous at times or get carried away.
  • Fldiver96
    11 years ago
    Been fortunate that most of the girls have NOT been the ROB's. When we head back, the majority say let's start at the next song. Until then it's easy conversation and great warm up touching. If one happens to start dancing in the middle of the song, I'll politely ask if we could wait for the next one and it's no problem. I can only think of one time where there was an issue and that was also the last time with that dancer. I find this an easy way and it works from club to club.
  • ATACdawg
    11 years ago
    At the club that I frequent my ATF never charges for any song that she starts in the middle. The last time I was in I got a bock of five and we were up to four by my count. I asked if she had four and she told me that she wasn't counting. It was nearly the end of her shift at that point. Half an hour later, half an hour past the end of her shift she smiled at me and said, "That's all you get today, I have to get home."

    Just one of the reasons she's my ATF.
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