I have always been under the impression that dancers did not want to be seen leaving the club with customers. So I was surprised the other day when I was setting up an OTC gig with one. I asked how are we going to work this? I know that you don't want to be seen leaving the club with a customer and she replied "I don't give a shit". That makes it easy for me. If she is a no show, I am right where I want to be.
last commentMost clubs that I know about fire dancers for leaving with customers.
I think it depends on the club's policies and the dancer's situation. If a dancer has a SO she may not want to be seen leaving with a customer.
I used to pick my ex-ATF up at the club. The valet would not charge me when I said I was there to pick up Christie. I suppose I was being treated like a boyfriend.
Are you talking about walking out the door with a stripper or leaving the parking lot with a stripper in your car? The first would be entirely stupid on their part. The second, OTOH, depends entirely on how well they monitor their building as well as their policies. The first time I did OTC, I just told the dancer which car was mine and where it was parked, and she just walked straight to it and got in. I realize that may have been stupid in retrospect, but this was a place where they never had anyone monitor their parking lot.
Only time I left with a dancer was with my ATF. I was there when she arrived in the late afternoon. She told me she was quitting and would be right out. After a few minutes she returned and tearfully asked me to take her somewhere we could talk and get something to eat. We walked out together, but we drove our own vehicles.
I have left many clubs with dancers
I've never left the club with a dancer but if I did we'd take separate cars. As canny said, most places the dancers get fired unless it's a known b/f or husband because it looks too much like what it is: prostitution. And the parking lot is well monitored.
Dancers may be uncomfortable about being seen leaving their clubs with customers, because of all the dressing room gossip that goes on in strip clubs. Club owners don't want customers and dancers leaving the club together for two reasons: It smacks of prostitution and the club feels that the dancer is "taking business away from the store."
I know of an instance where a dancer stupidly left a club with a customer in his car. All they did was go to lunch and returned immediately to the club. But, a manager saw it happening and got in his car and followed them to the nearby restaurant, waited for them to return to his car, and then back to the club. He wanted to document the action. The dancer was immediately fired.
When I've left clubs with dancers, we go in separate cars and stagger the time by ten minutes.
I usually meet up with the stripper half a block away from the club, and then she hops in my car and off we go.
More than once I've dropped a dancer off at the front door and then after she got off work that night picked her up a block or two away. I always thought it was funny that I could drop them off but not pick them up.
Depends completely on the club and the girl.
Many clubs will give girls grief for it and some will fire them. And even if the club doesn't care, some girls don't want what they do known. I've gone through a lot of Mission Impossible type meetup procedures so that girls who needed rides could still avoid being spotted by their clubs.
Conversely though, I've walked out of a few clubs with girls and it was clear that the girls were not worried about it. Shit, in one of my favorite clubs, it is so common that the manager collects a $20 "early departure fee" which you can be sure never makes it into the register.
Finally, in between these two extremes, there are places where it is understood to happen, but in which reasonable discretion is expected. She leaves 3 minutes before I do, or vice versa, yet we meet in the parking lot. Anyone who is paying attention can figure out what is happening, but nobody objects so long as it is not in their face.
Agree also that it depends on the club and the girl. Of the two clubs I go to, one club will fire the girls practically on the spot if they see us leave together, at the other, girls who have been there long enough walk right out with guys all the time. There are far more clubs like the first than the second -- IME most clubs have strict rules against it
I usually try and agree to meet at a neutral place just so that we don't get spotted leaving together.
At the club I frequent I hang with my ATF all evening then when it is time for the club to close I frequently drop a different totally hot one of at the place where she stays.Everyone in the club knows i give her a ride and know one seems to care she has some drug issues that keep me from taking her up on her offers plus one stripper drama per club is my limit. I will admit it is hard to think with big head when a gorgeous blond built just the way I like is telling me she wants me to F the shit out her right now. May have been 1 of the dumbest things I ever did, my ATF really treats me good so I figure if things change I will look the other one up for a fun time. She is a very sweet girl awesome body just has some issues.
I've dropped a number of dancers off at work, but the only time I've ever left the club with one was after she'd already quit. That's happened twice that I remember.
Most strippers I've talked to about their BFs fall into three categories:
So if you wait for her in ur car and are wearing a prison outfit, will work for food sign, or look like you just repaired a roof you s/b fine. :)
I have done this with several strippers. One wanted to meet me in parking behind lot after she left out back door. Another wanted me pick her up at front door. It was awkward with other strippers looking on. I think bc I was in a red brand new mustang she wanted them to see....Another wanted just meet me in parking lot bc of club rules about leaving with a customer. Why, its not exactly a convent....
If you look Biker John in his originals then you sb good walking her out the door or if you look like Injun Joe from Huckleberry Fin no problem. I can't tell you how many strippers I have done he is currently in jail, he is unemployed, or like my current fav a window hanger.
I've left with quite a few, tho it rarely raises suspicions or looks questionable. Perhaps you gents should don a wig and wear a dress next time you attempt to escort a stripper off of the premises :-D
"or like my current fav a window hanger."
I have some of his relatives in my closet. :\
I've not done it personally. But smart club managers would realize they need to encourage rather than discourage the fantasy of getting something more than a dance.
@Sclvr-Neutral territory? Like Switzerland?
Not a lot of OTC experience, but I've left with them and met them down the street a ways. The one I met down the street told me she didn't want another customer to see her leaving with me as she wouldn't do OTC with him...or so she said.
My CF will not walk out the door with me but has no trouble walking to my car in the parking lot. As long as we don't walk out of the club together she's ok with it. Although on our last meeting I pulled up to the door and she walked right out and got in.
The one thing that continues to baffle me is her unwillingness to walk through the hotel lobby with me. Guess maybe there is something to that myth of many strippers being shy?
I've walked out with, then got in separate cars to meet elsewhere. It varies by club management and usually more cautious places are ones that have been busted before for some reason or another.
I walked out of the club with a stripper at the end of the night. And with her to her car, as I had taken a cab there.
I was a little surprised as it was a very nice club that I would have expected to discourage that behavior.
I was a little paranoid about what if the parking lot was under LE surveillance. All it would take for any cover story to fall apart is splitting us up and questioning us separately. Then what if she had an established rap sheet, party favors on her, etc.
At Follies around shift change, there are usually several cars parked around the rear entrance with guys waiting to give strippers a ride. Sometimes, there's even a staff member who comes around and asks you which girl you're waiting for and then directs her to you when she comes out. They don't seem to care whether you're her SO, her pimp or just her john.
Never walked out with a stripper. On the several times we had an engagement I will typically walk out first and get in my car. The girl is close behind and gets in her car. If I can't get a visual, we text.
With all the "dates" I can recall we drove separately to an agreed to place.