
Does conservative-liberal dimension predict strip club tolerance?

Too much of a good thing is never enough
I'm confused. For years I assumed that more liberal states or cities would have more liberal strip club policies (including tolerance for extras). But there are too many exceptions for that broad generality to be true. For example, San Francisco is one of the most liberal cities in the U.S. but, with the possible exception of Mitchell Brothers O'Farrell Theater, the strip club industry seems to be fairly conservative. In contrast, Houston, a city with conservative political tendencies, continues to have pretty lenient strip club policies.

What do you think? Is the conservative-liberal dimension no longer predictive of strip club policies? Is there a better predictor of a lenient strip club atmosphere, such as commitment to personal rights (I'm no longer sure if this is a left or right wing issue) or economic stress (e.g., some cities with serious economic challenges seem to tolerate strip club fun more than others). Maybe there is simply no predictor and the only valid predictor is club by club reviews on TUSCL?


  • SuperDude
    11 years ago
    Both liberals and conservatives have a morality police mentality when it comes to strip clubs. Liberals believe the SCs exploit and degrade women and should be closed. Conservatives see SCs as a threat to family values and property values. They come to the same conclusion--close them or keep them under close regulation--by different paths.
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    There is no way to predict anything in the strip club realm based on what local politics is and I don't think it ever was the case. I think it mostly depends on what economic opportunities exist in a given place. That's why they've mostly been relegated to poor areas or industrial parks, for the most part.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Superdude with great observations.
  • canny
    11 years ago
    And both conservative and liberal politicians are hypocrites. They're hiring prostitutes while trying to shut down strip clubs. Why are they hiring prostitutes? Because they're afraid of being recognized going into a strip club.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    I like canny's take on this.

    I think that neither conservatives nor liberal areas are going to necessarily be good areas, as SuperDude asserts. If you think of it, what are the benefits to being pro strip club for a politician?

    None. Few people will vote for you specifically because of the pro stripper agenda but you know many will vote against you. So the politicians that either don't say anything of those that are anti are going to win the day.

    The only hope is that most politicians won't care enough once elected to do anything about the clubs.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    One thing about San Francisco. At the present, may clubs are weak but there was a time when most clubs across America were air-dance only while San Francisco was a wild place. Times change.

  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    SuperDude is right. Conservatives and liberals unite in their hatred of strip clubs.
  • skibum609
    11 years ago
    Providence is very liberal, but for many years was openly run by the mafia so strip clubs are great there, but not as good as 2 years ago. I find conservative areas are better for clubs. Red State (now blue) Florida had blatant amp ads, in the Hollywood and Miami sports sections as far back as the 60's.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    California is as liberal as can be and we have more than enough AMP's, LMP's, the COI, and everything in between.

    We had the porn industry but politicians fucked that up.
  • Electronman
    11 years ago
    A politician who runs on a pro-strip club platform? Zipman is right-- it won't get you elected but it might get my vote. I can only imagine the political ads from a pro=strip club politician--- "candidate X, defending your right to go naked in public and have sex with strangers!"

    I guess the closest politically palatable platform might be pro-civil rights position-- maybe code for letting people do what they want to do within legal limits set by the Constitution.
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    Superdude echoed my thoughts exactly.

    Liberals talk the talk of freedom of expression, so they should embrace nude dancing, but liberals are too busy trying to protect us from ourselves to walk the walk. SC's exploit women after all, and should be shut down or at least taxed and legislated to the point that they cannot operate.

    Conservatives want no government interference, and talk the talk of freedom from government controls. Yet conservatives are also too hypocritical to walk the walk. They want government to enforce Christian religious dogma that is anti-porn, anti-woman and absolutely anti-sex except between married heterosexuals.

    This is why I'm a bad liberal and an even worse conservative.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Superdude nailed it.
  • knightwish
    11 years ago
    I'd say they are almost completely uncorrelated. Sex businesses are businesses that are willing, to move into economically depressed areas and they can thrive in those areas. The average politician is anti-sex related businesses. On the other hand the average politician is in favor of landlords collection rents and not letting their businesses dry up. No one wants 60% vacancy neighborhoods because everything dies.

    The best strip clubs are going to be in areas with too much commercial real estate. It isn't a red state vs. blue state thing.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    Good strip club cities are those with some corruption. Corrupt politicians and police take bribes to overlook what's going on in the clubs.
  • gawker
    11 years ago
    Politically, Libertarians are the most likely to not oppose strip clubs. Keep government out of our lives is their mantra and they generally are supportive of just letting people do what they want to do, so long as it doesn't infringe upon another's rights.
  • TxVegas
    11 years ago
    I don't think the correlation is direct, but there are examples of conservative values and terrible strip clubs. Virginia is terrible for contact. NC has very few good clubs, but south Carolina (very socially conservative) has some good two way contact clubs. The issue is generally based on local politics, which can vary by who is in office and what enforcement measures are deemed necessary.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    Hard to say if there is any correlation whether it’s liberal/conservative; or anything else.

    I live in Miami – Miami is neither super-liberal nor super-conservative – I would venture to say it may be slightly right of center – Miami has a lot of SCs which are pretty liberal (not in the political sense LOL).

    I thought perhaps the Miami SC scene may be due to the fact it is a tourist destination – but South Beach (Miami Beach) is more touristy and they are trying to close their only SC (Club Madonna)

    Orlando, FL is also very touristy yet SCs suck (easy to understand since Orlando’s tourism is strongly family based).

    San Francisco is probably a pretty touristy & liberal place – yet SCs seem to be pretty strongly regulated there.

    I think it comes down to $$$ (as many things do).

    Certain areas may need/like the tax revenue SCs bring – in other areas; big business may have more of a say and big business will be the ones that pressure the politicians to get rid of the SCs – e.g. Arlington, TX – Arlington, TX is not a very big city yet at one point it had about 14 SCs – after Cowboys owner Jerry Jones opened his new billion dollar stadium in Arlington; most clubs subsequently closed in a matter of a year or two – currently there is only 1 club left in Arlington which totally sucks (i.e. the club totally sucks).
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    Other examples are Houston and Dallas – both these area are conservative *and* also have strong economies (meaning perhaps they are not as desperate for the SC tax dollar) – yet both areas have lots of SCs which at least offer high mileage LDs.
  • canny
    11 years ago
    I know someone who has done business in Miami. According to him, Miami is the most corrupt city he's ever done business in. The bribes that he had to pay to get anything done were staggering. There were times when he told a local official who was asking for a bribe that he'd already paid off the county official who had authority over the local official so he wasn't paying the local guy too.

    That's why the Miami strip clubs are so good. They pay off the cops, the officials, the elected politicians, etc...
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    ^ Sad but true – Miami politics is dominated by the Latinos (mainly Cubans) and although corruption occurs everywhere in the world; it is rampant in Latin America and in the Latino culture
  • mjx01
    11 years ago
    strippers are all about the $... why wouldn't SC tolerance / mileage also be about the $? IMO the comments above regarding the local wheels being greased by some $ are spot on.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    Even states with strict laws re SCs don't seem to generally put a big priority on enforcing them. It seems to be a municipal issue how wild the SCs are. Voter turnout in municipal elections tends to be very low, single digits in a lot of places. Makes for a lot of randomness, since relatively few votes or little money can have a big impact.

    There's what people say, and how they act. People in the South talk about the sanctity of marriage, except on Saturday night after a few beers. People in the North say it's better just to shack up, but it's all hypothetical cause they're 40-year-old virgins. People in the North talk about racial equality, but they've never sat and had a meal with a single Black person. Meanwhile, the Southern guy with the Confederate battle flag bumper sticker has more Black friends than white. I know there's lot of individual exceptions, but that's the general pattern I've seen.
  • SuperDude
    11 years ago
    My guess as to political philosophies, posted earlier, does not mean I believe that liberals or conservatives have been successful in imposing their views. As Cindi Lauper once sang, "Money Changes Everything."
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    To answer your question, "Does conservative-liberal dimension predict strip club tolerance?", no, it does not.
  • Tiredtraveler
    11 years ago
    Most politicians are two faced pervs who talk out of one side of their faces telling you it is evil to go to a club but chase after 18 year old interns coercing them into sex or using an escort service.
    ALL Politicians do what ever they think will get or buy votes
    When you look up 'Hypocrite' in the dictionary it says "reference example = Politician"
  • Clubber
    11 years ago

    Agreed, but the question was not referenced to just politicians, and they make up a very small percentage of the population.
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