Last visit to Follies,was almost unbearably smokey. During a quick visual survey, I saw three customers smoking and 8 dancers. All else being equal, how many of you would prefer a smoke free club? (Loved Baby Dolls in Dallas for the clean air and beautiful girls!)
last commentDefinitely Smoke free for me. But, I am not a smoker. I was just at Follies on Wednesday and it was so smokey my eyes were burning by the time I left. Well, I guess they could have been burning due to the amount of staring I was doing, but I think mostly it was the smoke. When I got back to the hotel even my socks smelled like smoke.
Smoke free. But, I really don't have much of a choice.
This is a pet peeve for me. I HATE cig smoke. In the area I live in, there are only 7 clubs to pick from and all of them allow smoking except two.
I usually go to the smoke free clubs for that reason.
I'm with you GV. I take care of myself and my clothes and can't stand the effect that cigarette smoke has on them.
I quit smoking over a year ago and I guess that since I was a previous smoker it doesn't bother me one way or the other. As a frequent visitor to Follies I am more bothered by the smell of pot.
Only smoke free where I club in Cali. Much preferred over the smokestacks here in LV.
Since I DON'T smoke, my answer is pretty obvious. :) :)
Smoke free. But smoke doesn't really bother me unless someone is smoking right next to me.
Smoke free except for weed.
Smoke Free!
Smoke Free Please, I don't want my clothes smelling like smoke when I leave.
I really enjoy a good cigar when visiting a club and now only The Harem in Dayton allows smoking in the dancing room. During the winter months, it's basically the only place I can go to smoke indoors. The place is very well ventilated and I only smoke good cigars (over $10 a stick). Most people tell me they don't mind the smell of a good cigar.
Other than my occasional cigar, I don't smoke and am not generally sensitive to cigarette smoke in a room.
Smoke free. That's one of the biggest reasons I don't spend more time in the downscale Detroit clubs. The upscale clubs and the Toledo clubs are smoke free, so that's where I usually go.
I prefer smoke free, but it doesn't really bother me. It seems most strippers who smoke also chain smoke and that is a bit of a turnoff.
I am a smoker and prefer smoke free. I am glad to step outside when I need to poison myself.
Non smoker and thus much prefer smoke free.
Baby Dolls in Dallas used to allow smoking until the mid to late 2000s when a city ordinance was passed prohibiting smoking in public places.
I enjoyed my clubbing a lot more at BDs when it became smoke free. On busy weekend nights prior to the ban; it felt as if one needed a gas mask in order to breathe in there.
Smoke free. Non smoker now. Previous pipe and cigar smoker. Like pipe and some cigar smell. A faint cig smell isn't bad but most clubs that allow smoking have a pervasive strong smell of smoke. AND I hate cig breath on a dancer!
I have never lit up a cig in my life and have two lousy lungs after a long term marriage to a smoker. In my view, a drunk can't do as much damage to you and your clothes as a smoker unless she pukes on you or gets behind the wheel of a car.
Smoke free.
Smoke free is my preference and as other Angelenos have stated it is the law here. But what sucks is walking into the ladies room and walking into a wall of stripper cigarette smoke. They smoke like chimneys in there despite it being illegal to do so. That shit gets in my hair and clothes and I smell like an ashtray for the rest of the damned night.
Smoke free
I prefer smoke free but all clubs I visit have people smoking like nothing ever changed. My choice is to never visit a strip club or endure the smoke. Fortunately I tend not to notice too much until I get home and notice the stench.
Cigar smoke stinks. A stripper told me. I agree. The smoke in the clubs is not as bad as it was one place I worked at before it was banned. I was relieved. My health was going downhill fast due to all the second hand smoke cloud I had to work in.
ny seems to be smoke-fee so im lucky
Smoke free. Most of the clubs in my area are smoke free due to ordinance of no smoking in public bars/ resturaunts. One qualifys as a cigar bar so smoking is allowed
Seems like the non-smokers won this thread