MY ex-ATF texted me, telling me she's pregnant. No, I'm not the father. The guy, of course, has run out on her, which anyone could have predicted from the type of men she chooses. She can continue dancing for a couple more months, but then her pregnancy will bring that to a halt. How is she going to earn money after that?
Canny and Slick, I've seen that happen before. Except maybe it was three weeks after birth in this case. The dancer made an amazing comeback. I think she was about 22 at the time.
A dancer I know is due to deliver in January. She has quit dancing (Thank goodness!) and is now waitressing at the same club. Don't know how much longer she will be able to continue this. Perhaps a more important issue is how much longer her current BF will hang around.
Either one of two scenarios. One is she will switch to being waitress at the clubs for as long as she can. The second is that she will switch to being an escort (or webcam). There is a subset of guys who will pay for the novelty of doing it with (or seeing naked) a pregnant woman.
I was in a club a while back sitting with a nice blonde dancer when a very pregnant girl came in and went to the back. She then came out and went back with a patron. The dancer I was with said that she came in several days a week to 'dance' for her regulars. Many of which she had been dancing for before the pregnancy and she has gotten several more since she started to really show. This club is a BYO club and has very private rooms with locking doors. I know some guys really like it 'over the hump' so I think she was making the most of not being able to get 'more pregnant'. Depending on the type of club your Regular may make more money than before. I agree with inno123, SC and canny. I see many pregnant former dancer waitresses and bartenders that go back to dancing soon after they deliver to take advantage of enlarged bosom.
last commentYou joined TUSCL almost 6 years ago. Do you really need to ask that? In other words, ditto sc.
By asking guys for $$$$. Or asking someone to pay for an abortion, if she can't get one on her own.
That depends on where she lives.
Oh right, she's a stripper.....