Intervening with management

avatar for Lone_Wolf
Reluctant to get to specific here, but one of my favs has gotten into some trouble at the club and is being disciplined (not fired) by management. I'm a regular at the club and do happen to spend what I consider decent cash buying drinks, tipping etc.

I'm tempted to ask management for leniency but I've never spoken to management and have a real bad feeling any attempted plea from me would ill received.

Have any of ever tried to intervene with management? What were the results?


last comment
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
An old favorite from years ago got herself fired. The manager knew I spent a decent amount on her so I infervened on her behalf. He was friendly and took the time to state the reasons for her firing. He told me he could not (would not) hire her back. But she was back to work within 2 weeks.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
11 years ago
Like Motor's experience, I know a dancer who got fired from a club she really liked, and wanted to go back. She told me, it's pretty common for a dancer to wait three months, then ask for their job back. She went to another club for a couple of months, then she was able get her job back at her former club.

I wouldn't have considered discussing it with management. But, I had no incentive to do so. She was at another club which was just as lenient, so it didn't matter to me.
avatar for VeryBigDawg
11 years ago
"But she was back to work within 2 weeks." Damn, had same experience. One of the cute girls was fired from Follies. Saw her at another shitty club, and she gave me her sob story on getting fired. Then 2 weeks later was at Follies, and she was dancing again as if nothing happened!

Moral of the story? If you are stripper and forget to give the manager his weekly BJ you will get fired.
avatar for SuperDude
11 years ago
If you knew that she was fired for being a ROB, but nice to you, would you intervene? Dancers know what they are doing and the risks of breaking the rules. They don't need to be rescued.
avatar for rockie
11 years ago
I tend to stay out of the management/dancer dynamic. If she's important to you, establish a means that she will communicate with you through if she moves on.

avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
I usually prefer to not talk to management. I did before though and it did seem that people treated me a little bit different when they kept seeing the manager shake my hand. It was like everyone wanted to be friendly. There's nothing wrong with that but I like to remain invisible as long as possible. I guess if I visited Follies and talked to Shadowcat, people might think there was a club meeting between the bouncer and manager, lol.
avatar for DandyDan
11 years ago
My theory is if they get fired, that's their own damn fault. They know what they're getting into, so they ought to know what they're doing.
avatar for Ermita_Nights
11 years ago
Maybe this should be a separate thread but I'm curious what could get a dancer fired.
avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
Ermita - Usually for prostitution or drug trafficking but I do know of one case where she got fired because she and her bouncer boy friend broke up and the bouncer had family ties with the owner.
avatar for jackslash
11 years ago
Other things that can get a dancer fired: being continually late, not showing up for work, stealing, excessive drunkenness, fighting with other dancers.
avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
I have had one favorite fired and one suspended for a couple of weeks. The one who was fired was found drugged up and passed out on a set of stairs near the dressing room, which was simply the last straw in a long line of issues. Not only did I not try to intervene, but I was glad to see her gone as I wanted nothing more to do with a girl with those types of problems.

The favorite who was suspended for 2 weeks was involved in a multi-girl fight on the main floor of the club. As good a spender as I was at the time in this club, I doubt that any intervention on my part was going to change anything. The owner was pissed and was trying to make a point, so he suspended the whole group of them and all of their pleadings were falling on deaf ears. So instead I offered her extra earning opportunities OTC - which she gladly accepted. ;)
avatar for Otto22
11 years ago
Being "Fired" from a SC is not the same as being fired in the rest of the world. I know a dancer who was not only "Fired" by her club, they had her arrested because of the fit she threw when they tried to fire her. She was charged with assault and disorderly conduct. She spent the night in jail, went to a different club for a while and, last week I saw that she was back dancing at the club that had "Fired" her.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Otto22 has it right on. SC firing is worlds apart from being laid off by Lockheed Martin.
avatar for DandyDan
11 years ago
I don't wholly agree with the idea of getting fired from a strip club being different than getting fired by a normal company. At my favorite club, they have a bunch of pictures (presumably their driver's licenses) of dancers who are never to be allowed to dance there again, at least according to the dancer who used to be the owner's girlfriend. OTOH, one of my favorites there said she got fired by them twice, but was allowed back each time.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
11 years ago
I appreciate everyone's input. I think I will stay out of this one.

Perhaps this should be added to the "You know you've clubbing to much.." list.
avatar for curiositycat
11 years ago
I would stay out of it..It is not worth getting involved. As much as you like a dancer, it probably took a lot before the club got fed up enough to fire them. I hear enough about flakiness/lateness/drama I'm surprised there is any dancers left working lol
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
“… At my favorite club, they have a bunch of pictures (presumably their driver's licenses) of dancers who are never to be allowed to dance there again …”

Perhaps it depends on the nature of the offense – if the dancer was for example stealing $$$ from the club somehow; then yeah; I don’t think she would be hired back after that.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
As I often post; SCs are bizarro world; everything is upside-down/opposite to the real world.

Dancers being fired or suspended and then being allowed back in the club seems to be pretty common.

I recall the last time I was ROBed (had my guard down) I said fuck it and spoke to the manager (I was in a black dive where “management” is often poor even by SC standards).

Turns out the said ROB had just been allowed back in the club after having been suspended for 3 months. After my convo w/ the manager; I saw the ROB heading back to the dressing room and didn’t see her for the rest of the night.
avatar for Prim0
11 years ago
I try to stay under the radar...If the eye is on you, you may have less privacy for your dances.
avatar for TxVegas
11 years ago
I agree ^^^
avatar for rockie
11 years ago
Employee theft is among the offenses treated seriously in a strip club. Many other offenses are treated like a temporary layoff, with at least 10 lifelines - unlike in most jobs.
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