becoming a stripper

avatar for lasabiastarr
I'm getting in the best shape of my life to become a stripper at an upscale well known club..and i just want some suggestions from men and how do i know if i can truly do i make the most money..I'm 22 jamaican american female, attractive..big boobs..any advice would be great:)


last comment
avatar for 3LeggedMan
11 years ago
My advice is to be prepared for men wanting extras. You may or may not want to do them. Just don't be shocked by the request. If you choose not to, then make your rules clear and be prepared to call a bouncer if need be. If you are willing to provide special services get advice from other dancers on how to avoid detection. Good luck!
avatar for lasabiastarr
11 years ago
Thanks 3 legged man..i would never do extras but its great to be prepared for things like that
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Lasa: "how do i make the most money.."

Lie, thieve, and whore.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
11 years ago
I once had a set of dances from a Jamaican dancer in a suburban Chicago club. Her idea of lap dancing was bouncing up and down in my lap with significant force. This was painful, not sensual. A good lapdance to me has rubbing and grinding, not violent colliding. I only mention this in case her belief was grounded in some sort of regional bias.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago

1. Stay clean. Hygiene rules the roost.

2. Stay clean. Drug use and abuse takes it's toll on the body-skin, teeth, inner organs, etc.

3. Stay in shape. If you're Jamaican then I assume that you can slow wine, grind, and shake that ass.

4. Work for a club that suits you. Since you say that you won't do extras, don't work at an extras club.

5. Learn a sales pitch, brand yourself, do something to stand out from the other dancers. Make the men want you over and over again.

6. And never, ever, ever, ever be a ROB.
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
Well I can't add anything to SlickSpic's list. He nailed it.
avatar for lasabiastarr
11 years ago
Well guys thanks and i know how to dance
avatar for lasabiastarr
11 years ago
And I'm not ghetto..i grew up in middle class..
avatar for 3LeggedMan
11 years ago
I'm curious - what part of the country do you plan to dance in? I hope it's near me - I like Jamaican girls.
avatar for lasabiastarr
11 years ago
Northen Nj
avatar for rockstar666
11 years ago
You "know how to dance"? If you mean you've given lap dances before and had good reactions then you're set, but since you're asking about working in a SC I think you have NO IDEA how to do a good lap dance.

You should probably ask some of the veterans to give you a lap dance, seriously. I NEVER get dances from new girls because they always suck. It takes between a few days to never for them to learn.

My 3 regular girls all have completely different techniques and each works for them and me both, so you'll develop your own style as well, but be aware you DO need to learn some moves and skills so get as many pointers as you can.

Good luck! It's a tough business...
avatar for lasabiastarr
11 years ago
Thanks rockstar666 and your rite..i can club dance but i never stripped so i have to learn as much as possible
avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
Get ready to suck on 87 year olds viagra hard docks for
$100 a pop
avatar for crsm27
11 years ago
Slick hit the nail on the head.....and staying Clean is #1.

Even when you get done with a stage show and you are sweating and a guy says to come over right after the stage set. Walk up to him and say I need to go freshen up and I will be right there. DO IT. Nothing is worse than a smelly dancer. Because that perfume smell is also so incredible... ;-)

Also he mentioned finding your niche.... See what other girls do well and also do poorly in that particular club. Then steal some of the positive things they do and tweek it to fit your personality and style. Also if you can do something other girls can' make your ass pop or boobs dance. Some guys go nuts for that stuff. Also being confident in what you want... portraying that goes a long way. Men will want to be looking at you and see what your deal is and will want a dance or 20...hehe.

Good luck and wish you were in my neck of the woods because I would love to see ya dance.
avatar for lasabiastarr
11 years ago
Crsm27 thanks a lot and staying fresh clean and classy is key..and to never stop learning new tricks:)
avatar for lasabiastarr
11 years ago
Confidence too
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Do your best to cultivate regulars. Steal a page out of Sonny from A Bronx Tale's play book-Give the men just enough so they need you and keep coming back.
avatar for lasabiastarr
11 years ago
Ok slickspic thanks..what type of outfits draw guys in??
avatar for gawker
11 years ago
You've got to learn to assess men as well. Most ( not all) young guys may be hot, but they usually are not the spenders that older guys are. If you cultivate several older well heeled gentlemen they can be your meal ticket. My ATF had 3 of us regulars going for quite awhile and she was taking home an average of $2000 a week for a couple of years.
Keep in mind that young beautiful women are a fantasy for us old dogs. It's your job to enhance that fantasy. Compliment them whenever possible. Tolerate the negatives as much as you can. Be friendly, but not overbearing. Don't hesitate to approach a customer to ask if he'd like a dance and handle rejection with a smile. Have fun. It is easy for us to tell who's enjoying themselves and who's not. You'll be nervous as hell when you audition but it'll pass. Get along with the other dancers and avoid saying anything about the others. Even if you say something positive someone else will misconstrue it. The drama which takes place in the dressing room will exceed anything you've seen since Middle School.
One phenomena which is increasing is when couples want a dance. Prepare yourself for what your reaction will be if asked to dance for a woman. One of my faves offers no extras. She has been stripping for more than 10 years and tells me that even when things are slow she'll still take home $500 or more per shift. How? Hard work. She seldom sits in the dressing room. She has several regulars who take her to VIP ( one night I asked her for a 1 hour VIP & she said I was #3 in line - she had 2 other regulars lined up). She gives a great lap dance and is always interested in what I've got to say. I tell her that she is interesting and interested.
Save some of your earnings. The dancer that I just mentioned is a college grad, a single mom, and has a sizable Roth IRA and a 401k. If you don't know what they are look them up.
Now, I get to Passaic, Nj frequently. Near you?
avatar for crsm27
11 years ago
Outfits.... Well it depends what are your best pun intended. But is your best features your ass, tits, hips, legs, back, etc. Because outfits can make or draw your attention to certain body parts.

So we would need to know your body type.

Also some guys like different things....booty shorts vs thongs.... fish nets vs sheer stockings..... bikini tops vs bra.

I like an outfit that looks good for her body type.... classy with a little bit of slut mixed in....LOL So what I am getting at if your best feature is your ass....don't wear something that takes away from it. If your best feature is your tits....don't wear something that will compress them.... If you have nice long legs don't wear something that makes them look short... if you have a sexy toned muscular back....don't wear something that covers it up. I hope this helps.
avatar for lasabiastarr
11 years ago
Wow crsm27 you've been so very helpful..i am very close to passaic sure i will be working in lodi nj body..big breasts..medium butt..not in the midde..i have long legs..I'm losing more weight and toning up as we speak..facially...exotic..almond eyes..button nose..medium full lips..brown complexion..ethiopian Jamaican american..
avatar for crsm27
11 years ago
Gawker is also 100% correct.

Onething some dancers lack is communication skills. Now the main objective of men going to a strip club is seeing naked women...duh. But what keeps guys coming back to a particular club or a dancer (if no extras are given) is personality. It is a relationship. Many dancers can't hold a conversation or keep a conversation going. This goes a long ways.

If you read the reviews here look at many of them....they say dancers do the you want a dance and leave. those are the ones they don't remember or get dances from. You will read a lot of guys will get dances from a dancer who sits with them, carries on a conversation with them, THEN asks for a dance after a few mins of talking.

So remember try to get to know the person a what is your name, where are you from, what brings you out tonight, oh I see you are drinking scotch what is your favorite single malt...etc.

I am in sales and one thing I tell people is I know a very little about a lot of subjects. I say you need to do this too. So no matter what someone says they do for a living you can ask questions about it or can discuss it. No matter where someone has traveled you can ask questions about it. No matter what someone is drinking or eating you can ask questions or are familiar with it. I hope you get the point. That way you can talk with the client, show an interest in the client or what the client likes, then you make your sale.
avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
Snort cocian off of a knife and suck my dick
avatar for lasabiastarr
11 years ago
Crsm27 great point made..personality is huge..communication skills are big..I'm a people person..I'm interested in people..i speak well and love to talk and get to know others..thanks for the tips..i hope i do well..I'm not desperate or damaged i just want to make money and learn from others on this journey..i just want to do great in this industry..i want to have fun while making money to eventually save to start a business:)
avatar for crsm27
11 years ago
I wish you the best in your journey. If I am ever out in NJ hopefully I will get a nice dance from you.
avatar for lasabiastarr
11 years ago
Ok thanks:)
avatar for SuperDude
11 years ago
Being "up on things" helps communication skills. Guys don't like dumb dancers that cannot carry a conversation. Some of the sexist dancers I've met were regular readers of The Wall Street Journal or The Economist and could talk, generally, about something other than hair, makeup and rotten managers. Keep your personal problems out of the conversations. The married guys get enough whining at home.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Have a back-up career plan.

Perhaps Olympic sprinter?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
A dancer is as much, if not more, of a salesperson; as she is a stripper. As many salespeople; be ready to get a lot of NOs w.r.t. dance requests – that is just part of the biz – just b/c a guy says no does not mean there is something wrong w/ *you*- we can’t spend on every girl that asks us for dances.

For some women; it’s hard for them to “think like a man” and know what men want (and vise-versa of course) - observe what the successful dancers do and see if that works for you.

Body language is very important. A warm feminine smile and eye contact can go a long way w/ most of us PLs.

*Me* personally – I’m not impressed with dance moves – she can dance like Paula Abdul and/or Janet Jackson and that will not make me want to get a dance from her – sensuality and sexuality is what makes me drool.

SCs are bizarro world – everything is upside down or in reverse. In the real world; if a guy is staring at a woman; the woman’s reaction often times is to turn away and feel uncomfortable w/ that. In SC bizarro world ; a guy staring at you means he wants you and may be willing to depart w/ his $$$. I’ve been @ SCs where I ‘ve been making eye contact w/ dancers that are not getting any dances but yet they see me looking at them and don’t approach me (and I go home w/ the $$$ I was intending on spending).

I’m a white Hispanic guy but I love black women and 90% of my dances I get from black women – i.e. you as a black princess – if you see a whitey staring at you it’s likely b/c he may have a proclivity for the chocolate – and that may be an angle that can be very beneficial for you.

This website is made up mostly of male customers – you can get some good feedback from our POV. To get feedback from dancers in the biz; you may want to visit which is a website for dancers.
(You may also want to do some internet research and perhaps view some vids on how to do good lap dances – may have those resources).

Best of luck – and as others have said – I would also like to get dances from you (if you ever come down to Miami).

avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
11 years ago
I'm glad all of you left one unaddressed subject for me to recommend. Slick mentioned it's important to cultivate regulars. The first step in this process is for you to wisely choose a work schedule that you know you can stick too. That way you can tell all of your customers when you work, and they know they can depend on you working at those days and times.

Please keep us apprised of where you work and your progress!
avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
I thank this skank is a juicebox puppet
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
Of course we (including lasa I hope) all know that dancing is not all glamour and easy $$$.

Life often isn’t fare and neither are SCs.

Some SCs are very particular w.r.t. which dancers they hire – especially the more upscale the SC.

Some SCs only hire a specific type of girl – some like to only/mostly hire small girls; some may be very strict and if you don’t look a certain way, they may not even consider the dancer; etc.

Most upscale SCs tend to be mostly white in terms of clientele and dancers and often times one sees very limited dancers of color. For many mostly white upscale SCs, the dancer may need to be at least a 7 (out of10) to even be considered – and a black dancer may sometimes need to be a 12 (out of 10) <- sarcasm intended – i.e. just b/c a dancer has her sights set on a particular SC does not mean all she has to do is show up and be willing.

And if the dancer is a black dancer; even being a 12 (out of 10) may not get her in. Many upscale white SCs seem to def have a quota w.r.t. black dancers – it is not uncommon to find maybe 4 black dancers out of 40 in a white upscale club; and sometimes less; and sometimes none.

Being attracted to black dancers me self, this is a complaint I hear often from black dancers (i.e. not being given a chance in certain clubs).

Lasa mentioned she was Ethiopian/Jamaican – perhaps she looks more exotic than the conventional AA woman and thus her exotic look would give her a leg up.

I have heard black dancers on complaining w.r.t. this very issue – and a AA dancer recently started a TUSCL thread on this topic:…

avatar for lasabiastarr
11 years ago
Omg thank you so much i had no idea it washarder for a black dancer in an upscale club..i guess i can just give it s try hopefully a good one picks me..thanks i needed to hear that
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
I would say if you go for an audition; especially to an upscale white club; go glammed up and looking like a million bucks (as if you were competing in the Ms. U.S.A. pageant).

Being a dude I have not auditioned to be a female dancer @ an upscale white club :) – but I would think the above statement would help.
avatar for canny
11 years ago
In order to earn money stripping, you need to hustle and stay on the floor, not in the dressing room. Learn how to tell which customers are likely to spend money and which ones aren't. Don't be shy, approach men for dances. As several other people have said, strippers are self employed business owners which means they're responsible for sales and delivering a service. Learn to accept rejection and move on, it's not personal. You're going to have a lot more men tell you no than tell you yes. The clumsy, "wanna dance" approach doesn't work with a lot of customers, especially regulars who are likely to spend more money over time than customers who only go to clubs once in a while. But, you still need to sell dances. Learn when you've wasted too much time on a customer who isn't going to spend any money on you. Pick how you want to earn your money and work at a club where you'll earn money that way. Do you want to earn all of your money dancing on stage? Do you want to earn all of your money doing lap dances? Or a combination? Pick the club that suits you the best.

One last piece of advice. Since you said you don't want to do extras have a plan on how you're going to move on from stripping. Otherwise as you get older and it gets harder to earn money without doing extras you're likely to slip into doing extras. Especially if you get addicted to drugs and you can't afford to go home without earning any money that night.
avatar for lasabiastarr
11 years ago
So canny i really have to observe and stay on the floor and be able to handle rejection with a smile..thanks a lot great advice and btw i want to start a life coaching business with the money i make stripping if i do well in the industry..
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
Regulars are a good way to have steady income.

But don’t be innocent about it – some dudes can look all innocent and harmless and turn out to be stalkers – i.e. I’m not trying to say you need to watch your back constantly; just be cognizant about it (just like you would not 100% trust some dude you met @ a dance club or bar).

After some time of dealing w/ a custie; (month or 2); you may get a better gauge on him – but it is still probably wise to keep your dancer persona and your personal life separate while in the club.

You may not want to share personal data/details about yourself w/ most, if any, custies. If you want to cultivate relationships (in the club) with regulars; don’t given them your real ph # - either get a burn ph or a Google # (
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
I read the posts from dancers on every now and then (b/c I don’t have much of a life :)).

They (dancers on SW) of course often complain about us PLs (like us PLs complain about them). But it appears one of the biggest issues dancers often have is OTHER DANCERS.

Most dancers seem to get along and most are there to mind their business and make their $$$ - but others tend to be cutthroat. I wouldn’t say go in there expecting the worse; but unless you know any better; don’t go in there all giddy and wide-eyed. Many dancers will do what it takes to make that sale (as many a salesperson) and may try to sabotage you – and if you are prettier than average; they may hate on you.

So def watch your step.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
If you ask for a dance and the guy immediately says Maybe Later, that is a polite way of saying no thanks most of the time. You could come back and ask again especially if he doesn't say exactly those words. I've encountered very stubborn dancers who didn't know if a guy says no thanks or maybe later, leave his table. He wants some time alone or wants to watch other dancers. The worse thing you can do is stay at his table and argue with him. Everyone has different tastes and some guys prefer certain types of girls. I think that is why some clubs have some girls I do not believe should be dancing. Some guys actually like really fat girls. I remember arriving early at one club with only a few customers showing up at the early hour. Apparently a new dancer thought she had to get a dance from me. I said no thanks, maybe later,again and again. Instead she sat and argued with me for 15 minutes until I got upset and walked off and sat at the stage. She went and sat in a corner at the bar the rest of the night looking totally rejected. Never saw her again.

Some dancers can get mean, steal money, and do other things in some clubs. Sometimes customers steal parts of dancers outfits if the outfits go off stage or towards the customers. One dancer told me this. I do not know if it really is an issue unless it was a $500 outfit like one dancer claimed and part of it was missing. I imagine most outfits are cheaper. Not sure. Maybe in an upscale club, less customers steal stuff.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
My comment about dancers getting mean was a reference to how some dancers treat other dancers. In one club, the prettiest girl who was making the most money found her locker full of fish one night. Sometimes dancers like to claim certain customers and they get territorial if you get to their customer first. There is a lot of stuff that goes on that people who just randomly visit never see.
avatar for lasabiastarr
11 years ago
Thanks sharkhunter..i have to make sure to get a sturdy combination lock for my locker and understand if no means no..thanks for the advice
avatar for lopaw
11 years ago

If you ever find yourself in LA I'd be happy to show you what us female customers really like ;)

But in all seriousness if you ever need any advice on dealing with women customers please feel free to PM me. I'd be happy to help.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
Other ramblings.

Some dancers like to scope out a club before going in for an audition in order to get a feel for the place (observe the dancers and custies). But many clubs frown upon, or may not allow, a lone chick walking into a SC (take a girlfriend or dude friend).

You can also read the reviews on here of the particular club(s) you may be interested in, in order to get some basic feel for the place.
avatar for nemesisk7
11 years ago
you have to give blow jobs PERIOD
avatar for georgebailey
11 years ago
You've heard enough from us. Get a dancers perspective. Find another dancer, someone who can mentor and get you started, and then emulate what works. I think we can help a little, but not so much. I had a nice experience a few weeks ago and what I liked best was she was pretty, articulate and friendly. She adapted to my needs and I bet she could adapt to someone else's too.
avatar for Otto22
11 years ago
There is a big difference between stage dancing and lap dancing. I got a few lappers this week from a newbie who obsessed about learning new pole tricks and stage moves but had no clue how to give a satisfying lap dance. (I'm not talking extras, just a good grind.) For the first dance and a half she basically just "mooned" me. I gave her some mentoring and perhaps she will soon learn the LD ropes.
avatar for duomaxwell
11 years ago
Be nice to the other dancers and don't get stripper head.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
You seem like somebody I would get a dance from. My current #1 fav is Black and she earns around $1500 a month just from me. Just ask every guy who doesn't scare or disgust you if he wants a dance. Don't worry about how many say no. No dancer is going to be everybody's cup of tea. There are maybe 10% of custies who are obsessed with busty women, regardless of race. In a busy club, you can make a grand or more a night, even if you're getting many more no's than yes'es. Unfortunately, some places have zero busy clubs, so you may have to move if you want to make really good money. Also be aware that some clubs get very busy with freeloaders, but they are still slow for the dancers, because there are few real customers who want personal dances. Hip-hop clubs are the best for making money on stage, you just twerk and guys throw single after single at your butt. The one hip-hop club I've been in a lot, the popular dancers I would guess made $500 - 600 a week from stage dancing (but sold very few lap dances). Maybe they make more in big cities like Atlanta.

You do have to be ready for some nastiness. Custies who work with their hands may have a scratchy, uncomfortable touch. Some guys may spank you or squeeze you hard, even your boobs. Some customers will want to suck your nipples. Some will try to get their fingers on/under your g-string. You will have to be confrontational sometimes. I never knew a dancer who hadn't walked out in the middle of a dance on some customers.
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