
Horrible OTC Adventure

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Saturday, August 17, 2013 2:39 PM
[Warning - this is long. Also, never let it be said that I only post about the good experiences - lol] It was supposed to be simple. I pick her up at her motel, we go out for a few drinks and then spend a little time at my crash pad for a bit of one on one time. Simple, right? Wrong. To set this up, she really fooled me into believing that she had her act together. Dancing at the club was supposedly a part-time job while she also waitressed. She certainly looked put together, girl next door beautiful, elegant, in her mid-20s and supposedly with a young child at home to support. She also sounded put together and rebuffed previous attempts to meet up OTC until a recent meeting, which went off fine. With one good meeting under our belts and all other pieces in place, I agreed to meet her on a night that she was not working. The first tip off should have been the place at which I was slated to pick her up, which was a dumpy local motel. But, for a variety of reasons, I gave her the benefit of the doubt and did so. Then, however, instead of heading directly to the drink spot, she asked me to first drive to downtown so that she could give her sister a little money. Ok, so she arranges a meet in a central location and my night just got longer, but I was game to be helpful. I was even willing to hand over a small piece of the payment for the night in advance in order to help, though at this point I was obviously wary. The meeting seemed to go ok, but what happened after blew my mind. Next thing I know, she asked me to take her to a convenience store across the street and then disappears into the bathroom for 40 minutes. After a while I tried to call her, but no answer. The only reason I did not take off is because I was her ride home. Now it is 11:40, almost 1 1/2 hours after the initial pickup, and she finally emerges with some excuse about her cell phone dying, but I was now suspicious about just what was going on. At that point, I told her that we should call it a night and try again some other time, but she of course convinced me to stay out with her and we drove to a local bar for a few pops. During the beginning of the bar visit, all was going well, with some flirting and the like going, but then, when we are preparing to leave the bar at about 12:45, she disappears again into the bathroom for another 40+ minutes! WTF?! I finally yelled into the bathroom and she emerged soon after. It was pushing 1:30 and the night is clearly shot as I cannot be out all night. I told her that I wanted to call it a night. When we got back into the car, she was clearly fucked up - far more so than a few shots at the bar would explain. At one point she was so passed out that she crumpled forward into the foot well of the passenger seat - I stopped the car, checked her for a pulse and seriously contemplated taking her to the hospital. Not long after, she roused and started balling about not having a home, missing her kid (first I learned that she did not have custody), needing a friend, and how broke she was because she took the night off for this date and the club is her only income (I guess she is not waitressing after all). Since she claimed not to have a home to go to, I offered to put her in the room that I rented anyway for this event, which she declined, crying, "But then what will I do tomorrow, what will I do tomorrow." over and over. Instead, she wanted me to bring her to someplace else where she thought that she could crash. It took her three tries, and a lot of driving, for her to remember where she was going to crash for the night, during which more crying ensued. She was a serious fucking mess at that point. Finally, when we were close to the final location, she asked me to pull over at a convenience store so that she could use the bathroom. Again?! Yup, another 20+ minutes disappearance. By then it was almost 3:30 in the morning and my next day was fucked. When I finally pulled into this apartment complex, she couldn't seem to remember the apartment number, nor was someone out there waiting for her. I didn't care. I just wanted her out of my damned car by that point. I felt nothing but cold anger at how this played out. I gave her a $20 so that she wouldn't be out there completely broke, since I'm sure that she handed over the original $50 that I fronted to her for the earlier night meetup (though I am now wondering what she actually spent it on), and then I took off. When I was driving off, she was screaming the name of someone from outside the building, no doubt hoping that her host would wake up and bring her in. For all I know, nobody was going to be getting her and she would be stranded out there, messed up on something and will little money in her pocket, for the remainder of the night. Truth be told, I didn't give a fuck at that point. It was 3:30 in the morning and I was screwed in every way except the one that was supposed to happen. My White Knight days are long behind me and, given how she behaved, she got little sympathy from me. Two uncomplicated hours of her time would have set her up for at least a few days. Instead, she pulled all of that shit, wasting my entire night and then some, and put me in a very bad position for the next day in the process. Unreal.


  • nj_pete
    11 years ago
    I guess the TUSCL board is about as close to an "Angies List" for strippers, but seems you got one that should be given a "bad review". Better luck next time.
  • toysales
    11 years ago
    I've had a couple of OTC's not go very well but damn that was horrible.
  • SuperDude
    11 years ago
    Drug addict.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    Shit happens Interesting story. I suppose we shouldn't be shocked given the nature of some strippers, but we don't think it's gonna happen to us.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    The System fails epically again! Love how she had little RickyBoy acting like her bitch all night. Watching her purse while she disappeared into the ladies ro
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    om multiple times. Another example of RickyBoy really being the one in the driver's seat.
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    Strippers aren't exactly the most reliable people.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    Rick, Rick, Rick. I'm disappointed in you, son. If "meeting her sister" didn't scream "drug buy" (irrespective of how it turned out), then forty minutes in the bathroom should have damn well popped your eardrums with "snorting/smoking/shooting up!" Your radar is in serious need of maintenance, my friend.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    I'm pretty sure she was doing drugs in the bathroom. I've had that experience. My last OTC went badly too. NOT always successes!
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    20 minutes into the first trip to the bathroom you should have been gone.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    You're much less likely to have such serious hassles from an escort who has non-sketchy reviews on TER or BigDoggie. I would guess it's also less likely if you stick to P4P dancers who will start talking an OTC meetup as soon as they've seen enough to know you're probably not an ax murderer. If a dancer's not decided if she's P4P or not, and you talk her into it, that probably means she's spacey, not that you're extra-studly.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    Horrible experiences are more fun to read about than good ones.
  • Player11
    11 years ago
    And I thought my experience (when I was a newbie) with Stevie (stripper ROB) was bad. When I pick up a stripper and she enters my car the next stop is the notel where I am taking her to fuck her at the OTC price agreed. In one instance one had her toddler child with her and the babysitter was the stop before the motel She also told me "if my bf sees us in traffic we will just tell him your Uncle Dave." A friend of mine told me of one he picked up who wanted him to take her to Walmart for some shopping and then the motel. When he told her he was worried about his viagra wearing off she laughed and says "not to worry it lasts 12 hours honey." The motel where you picked up your gal is probably where she lives with her bf or pimp.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Thanks for sharing. Now I feel better about a couple of experiences that I have had. :)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    RickyBoy was so giddy like a schoolgirl going into this and then he read the situation so badly over and over again and was totally the girl's little bitch - "oh if I just wait for her one more time and I gonna get laid and it will feel so good... Damn it! I wish she'd hurry!" Does the guy really have any prior OTC experience or has everything he claimed before been completely made up?
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    It sounds like hooking up with looser bitches. I had this happen with civilian hoes but not yet with pros.
  • StunnaBitch
    11 years ago
    druggie for sure. have you heard back from her?
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    I'll admit that I probably should have seen the signs sooner, but in all candor I don't have a lot of experience in situations like this. Most of my p4p is straight from clubs to my hotel and the few off night encounters I've agreed to with strippers in the past went very well. I also haven't dialed up a girl from an escort ad in many years. Net-net I'm accustomed to dealing with known quantities in managed situations. I will also add that I met this girl in the club several times before this, as well as once in a nice OTC visit, and she gave no signs of having these types of issues. Frankly it took me some time to wrap my head around what was happening.
  • LordxBetty
    11 years ago
    What A Loser Rick!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your System is a Success Once More!!!!!!!!!! Just keep flinging cash at her you loser maybe she'll clean up!!!!!!!!! MEHEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    OK, here's my bad story. Made a date to see an escort. I made my oft-repeated mistake of making a date with a girl whose pictures were not nude, with thong, or with a thong and a bra/bikini top. She did not have the several-inch difference between waist and hip measurements that my reptile brain needs to say "woo-mun...guuuud...me horny". In addition, the guy before me had been a no show, so she drank a whole bottle of wine to pass the time. So she was speaking quit freely about her life story, and about how she could kick anyone's ass apparently including the that of the current UFC champion. Either in spite of because of her drunkeness, she acted actually arosed even though I am a fairly hideous old geezer. So that, combined with the fact that this way several years and medications ago, prompted Mr. Happy to stand at attention, and thus we were able conclude our business. Being somewhat soft in both the heart and the head, I was afraid to leave her alone after she had consumed so much alcohol. She insisted she was fine, but I left her my home phone and told her I would come back and get her if she decided to go to the hospital later. Later that night she sexted me. But my home phone did not do SMS. Apparently she had some sort of fancy high-end cell plan, because I got a voice message with a computer-generated voice reading off the perverted contents of her text message.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    My story. I am not much into extras and ITC is not really my thing. I don’t like being/feeling rushed; don’t like the often mechanical aspect of it; etc. But I have done a few, although not too many, OTCs. I actually had an OTC about two weeks ago. I was in a black dive and was hitting it up with this older black MILF with big firm natural Ds. We were all over each other and her pussy was super-wet (I stuck my finger up there and confirmed). Black dancer had been drinking most of the night but seemed perfectly coherent. She tells me she wants to go to a motel room with me. Being a gentleman I could not say no to a wet chick that wanted to fuck. Black dancer leaves her car in the SC and drives with me to a motel about 15 mins away by car. By the time we had left the club and reached the motel, she had sobered up a bit and her “true colors” started coming out – the bitch was a psycho; I think she genuinely had a chemical imbalance that she seemed to only be able to keep under control when drunk. The OTC was a disaster and me and black dancer psycho got into it in the motel room (didn’t even get to fuck). I wanted to get away from this freaking psycho and just started to put by clothes on while she was screaming and swearing at me. We leave the room and I go to the Motel’s office to turn in the key. Psycho dancer actually runs into another girl on the motel’s courtyard that she knew (probably another dancer). Psycho dancer starts talking to her friend while I made my way to the motel’s office. I then leave the motel office and head straight to my car. I see psycho dancer heading my way and I say fuck it – I left and left the psycho there in the motel. Believe me – I am not the type to screw someone over and don’t recall ever doing anything to screw someone over (not my style at all). But this bitch was so rude; fouled mouthed; and plain crazy; that I felt she deserved it after taking my $$$ and treating me like total shit.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    @RickyBoy: you always act like you are the master of understanding the stripper mindset, but this thread shows you are actually nothing but a complete idiot in this regard.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    Can you blame the girl for doing drugs? Hell she was probably trying to OD instead of fucking that loser RickyBoy.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    ^^^ LOL! TRUE!
  • juiicebox69
    11 years ago
    Lol !
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    BitchBoy posted: "Can you blame the girl for doing drugs? Hell she was probably trying to OD instead of fucking that loser RickyBoy." LOL. Could be, I really can't say. :) I own up to the bad as well as the good, 'cause that's how I role. ;)
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Love this thread. RickyBoy the self-fancied "real man" who really knows how to show strippers who is boss spends the night driving a stripper from drug dealer to drug dealer and even holding her purse (figuratively speaking definitely and probably literally too) while she shoots up in the washroom.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Oh, yes, and doesn't get any in the end.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    The worst part is she didn't share her drugs with you!
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    I bad experience like that is enough to change a man.
  • Mate27
    3 years ago
    Hilarious account of one man’s addiction to this hobby!
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    When I read the OP I didn't notice this was a 7+ y/o thread; my how times flies (it was hard for me to believe the incident that I posted happened 7 years ago) - I didn't notice is was an old thread till I started seeing posts by TUSCLers that don't post anymore (and it was kinda cool to remember those old TUSCLers). w.r.t. the OP; hindsight is 20/20 but either thru experience, or this thread; safe to assume a dancer living in a motel is often a red-flag; as well when a dancer asks to you to make a detour to go someplace else - not universal but one's antenna should go up when these things occur.
  • MackTruck
    3 years ago
  • bang69
    3 years ago
    This why I don't do etc.
  • Longball300
    3 years ago
    Concur with Papi; some of those active members that have gone away. ITC may be rushed and not always perfect but, less risky in many ways.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    It's not a truly respectable ancient thread revival until you dig stuff up from 10+ years ago.
  • rickthelion
    3 years ago
    Just remember rick my friend and brother. These goofy apes realize that you - as a rick - are among the smartest and most stylish creatures on the planet. Of course they want to revive you old threads, for you were as wise then as you are now. Let the hairless apes of TUSCL take in your rick brilliance — your rickilliance, if you will — and feel good that you have brought a small ray of sunshine into their otherwise gray lives.
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